"Bleed the Rich": DUmmies applaud Obama's tax plan

Chairman Obamao went to the Rose Garden the other day to announce his tax plan to pay for his jobs bill that is already paid for. He wants to . . . wait for it . . . raise taxes on the rich! What a surprise! Of course, the cost of those taxes would then be passed along to the rest of us in the form of higher prices, jobs lost, etc. The real problem is the spending, things like . . . his jobs bill.
But we're coming up on election season, and so the Panderer-in-Chief has to appeal to his base. And the best way to do that is to pull out Old Reliable, the Class Warfare Card, the Democrats' mainstay for nigh onto 80 years now. "Bleed the rich!" "Drain them dry!" That's what Democrats love to hear. So that's what Barry is giving them. Of course, his tax-hike proposal has zero chance of making it through the Republlican House. He knows that. This is just a campaign ploy to rouse up the troops and blame the Rethugs.
And it works, at least on most of the DUmmies. They are applauding Obama's tax-the-rich proposal. As we've seen over the years, the DUmmies' visceral hatred of the rich is rivaled only by their hatred of Christianity. "Bleed the rich!"--that's the refrain we'll hear in this THREAD, "President Obama's Tax & Deficit Reduction Plan," and this THREAD, "Obama: This Is Not Class Warfare; It’s Math."
But before we get to the DUmmie comments, let's first sing this musical tribute to Obama's tax plan:
Tune: "Feed the Birds"
Making his way to the Garden of Rose,
Embattled Obama now comes.
And he goes to the mike with a plan to propose:
"Come, raise the tax on those bums.
"Come, bleed the filthy rich, drain them till dry,
And you'll be glad at their fate.
Their money is handy,
Our debt is so high--
All it takes is uppin' their rate.
"Bleed the rich, uppin' their tax,
Uppin', uppin', uppin' their tax."
"Bleed the rich," that's what he means,
While Underground, their cheers fill the screens.
All around their computers, the DUmp Democratic
Look on as he makes his pitch.
Although you can't see it, you know they're orgasmic
Each time Barry goes at the rich.
As his words are falling like dew,
Listen, listen, he's calling DU:
"Bleed the rich, uppin' their tax,
Uppin', uppin', uppin' their tax."
So now it's on to Obama and the DUmmies, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, is in the lower tax [barackets}:
President Obama's Tax & Deficit Reduction Plan
[President Obama's Tax & Spend Plan]
Remarks by the President on Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction
[Remarx by the President on Taxing the Rich to Pay for a Bill That's Already Paid for]
Rose Garden
[The-Debt-Just-Rose Garden]
A week ago today, I sent Congress the American Jobs Act. It’s a plan that will lead to new jobs for teachers, for construction workers. . . .
[Translation: It's a payback to the unions.]
Congress should pass this bill knowing that every proposal is fully paid for. . . . And today, I’m releasing a plan that details how to pay for the jobs bill. . . .
["It's already paid for, and so now we need to raise taxes to pay for it." Huuh??]
If we don’t act, the growing debt will eventually crowd out everything else, preventing us from investing in things like education, or sustaining programs like Medicare.
["Invest in" = Spend, spend, spend! on things the federal government has NO constitutional business being involved in, things like education and healthcare.]
for us to solve this problem, everybody, including the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, have to pay their fair share. . . . it’s only right that we ask everyone to pay their fair share.
[The wealthy already pay WAY WAY MORE than their "fair share." "Fair" would mean that ALL citizens pay the same RATE. And then the rich would still pay much more in taxes than the rest of us.]
new revenues. . . . additional revenues. . . .
["Revenues" = euphemism for the "T" word.]
a plan that asks the most fortunate among us to pay their fair share. . . . this plan asks the wealthiest Americans. . . .
[Mr. Obama, I don't think your tax plan "asks" citizens to pay more in taxes. "Oh, Charlie, I'd like to ask you to pay more in taxes. Would you do that please?" What if I answered, "No, you're already stealing way too much out of my paycheck to pay for your socialist wealth-redistribution schemes. So if you're 'asking,' I'm answering, 'No, I don't think so.'" How would that fly, Mr. President? No, you wouldn't "ask" me anything. You would come to my door with guns and drag me off to prison if I didn't want to pay. So stop with this "asking" BS!]
Nobody wants to punish success in America.
[Except Democrats.]
This is not class warfare. It’s math. (Laughter.)
[Why was there laughter? Because everybody KNOWS it IS class warfare. . . . And now on to the DUmmies . . .]
Excellent ! Just F-ing EXCELLENT ! Take it viral. Take it NATIONAL.
Obama: This Is Not Class Warfare; It’s Math
[It's class warfare.]
Obama is doing what he needs to do to get elected. . . . That isn't passable and everyone knows it. . . . It's a joke.
[You are not far from a Kewpie Doll, grasshopper. But I'm not ready to give it away THAT fast. There may be a stronger entry later on.]
I finally agree with the administration again. . . . This is the kind of bill the entire progressive caucus has been chomping at the bit for for two years!
[Raising taxes on the rich is long overDUe!]
for once I agree with Obama. Raise taxes on the rich.
Many DUers have been steadily, and carefully, documenting the relentless subversion of our party's fundamental ideology during Obama's administration--inevitably enduring much hateful and sarcastic vitriol from fellow DUers--particularly from the increasingly pitiable Obama sycophants. . . . Across the globe, the vast hoi polloi is witness to the sordid underbelly of our species' monstrous hedonism, made manifest in the coffers of the uber wealthy (a tiny, exclusive group comprised of greedy wankers of various political stripes). We KNOW that our politicians--almost to a ONE--are sock puppets for the uber wealthy. We RECOGNIZE that those representatives who truly represent US (Bernie Sanders, Sheila Jackson Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Al Franken, to name a few of the VERY few...) fight a sisyphean battle just to be granted a few minutes of media coverage--often to be pundited into the oblivion of ridicule.
["Pitiable Obama sycophants," "sordid underbelly," "greedy wankers," "sisyphean battle"--you may be a raving socialist, DUmmie chervilant, but you do win the Colorful Phraseology of the Day Award. Now be sure to share your prize money equally with the less fortunate DUmmies.]
Really? Cause all I see is a bunch of burnout rage-addicted jerks who need a machine to rage against, without which their lives have no meaning.
[DUmmie Arkana dismisses chervilant's post by, ironically, describing DUmmieland in a NUtshell: "a bunch of burnout rage-addicted jerks who need a machine to rage against, without which their lives have no meaning." DUmmie chervilant responds . . .]
Since our nation has led the hundred-meter-dash toward the uber hedonistic disaster capitalism du jour, We the People MUST work together to arrive at a global strategy for global recovery. Obama's lackluster performance as POTUS is not surprising to me. I doubt there's a 'leader' on this planet who could stop the speeding bullet of corporate megalomania. Still, I am among those who have noticed that some of Obama's decisions warrant the increasingly vociferous adjurations from progressive democrats that he NOT be a sock puppet for the uber wealthy.
[DUmmie chervilant now is becoming increasingly annoying with his uber DU jour adjurations.]
it seems odd to me to get angry about a proposal to tax the rich. . . .
[Yes, don't lose sight of that! Tax the rich! Tax the rich! Tax the. . . .]
Of course, I am sure that nothing short of apocasocialism now!! is gonna stave off the almost inevitable global catastrophe that you are predicting, but I still don't see the point about raging about a positive step.
[Apocasocialism Now: "I love the smell of nailing the monied. Smells like . . . revenue."]
Re-instating taxes on the wealthy is a no-brainer.
[Therefore it appeals to the DUmmies, who have no brain.]
The blatant part is the timing. It is election time let's throw some crumbs on the peasants. It is just an election gimmick, but it must be passed.
[Peasant under pass.]
Where the hell has he been for 3 years?
[Golf is not a quick sport.]
I gave the reelection campaign $5 today. He got me fired up.
[And that was the purpose. You are the sucker he's been waiting for!]
Finally, the first hints of some fight!
[Obama will FIGHT for a tax plan that has no chance of passing!]
I knew Obama was under there somewhere . . . Starting to like this guy again.
[His body was taken over by a replicant for a while.]
We need the Republican obstructionism. The Republicans must be scape goats. . . . The label, the Party for the Rich, needs to hang firmly around every Republican neck. . . . I can't think of a good slogan...one must be found. . . . We need slogans, short and snappy and to the point... I'm not very good with slogans...help think of some good slogans!
[How about . . .
The rich have more money than we do. Let's take it from them.
No, that's too long and complicated. Let's just go with . . .
Short, snappy, to the point.]
Today, he did good.
[The Day When Everything Finally Changed.]
I like it alot.
[It's got a good beat, and it's easy to dance to.]
I hate these god d*mn republicans. Everytime I see them talking on tv fills my heart with murderous rage. F*** them, f*** them all to hell.
[That's the spirit!]
Woah Nellie! Dude, take it easy. . . . Try and be positive with your arguments.
[OK, I'm POSITIVE I hate republicans!]
Keep kicking their butts, President O!!!
[Take these son-of-a-b*tches out!]
Pres Obama, it is class warfare. . . . Let's get it out in the open.
Make no mistake. It is class warfare.
[It's the struggle of the oppressed masses against their capitalist overlords! I mean, come on!]
This Is The Man I Voted For in 2008. And this is the man I will vote proudly for in 2012. . . .
[Another sucker! It's working!]
It was a "Campaign Speech." His polls are down...and it's nothing more than about the campaign.
[Alright, DUmmie KoKo, you guys have worn me down. I'm flipping all the cards and giving YOU the Kewpie Doll! Congratulations!]
Go Obama! We need tax revenue. . . .
I sent ten bucks to Obama today, and twenty to the DCCC - Game On
[Obama is just $10 away from being able to tax the rich! C'mon, people! Let's make it happen!]
"those representatives who truly represent US (Bernie Sanders, Sheila Jackson Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Al Franken, to name a few of the VERY few...)"-DUmmie
If this DUmme only knew how much this reveals about him.
These DUmmies who want to make sure the rich pay their "fair share" need to tell us how much they paid in taxes last year.
My guess is they paid nothing, therefore, they didn't pay their fair share and need to STFU!
If this DUmme only knew how much this reveals about him.
It does....
....and they don't.
a plan that asks the most fortunate among us to pay their fair share...fortunate? does he mean that business owners, doctors, engineers and such didn't have to put any work? does he think that they just woke up one morning and there it all was waiting on them? he really needs to pull his head out of his ass and take a good hard look at reality.
"We need Republican obstructionism. The Republcans must be scape goats...The label The Party for the Rich, needs to hang firmly around every Republican neck."
An concise summary of Obama's stategy.
"Since our nation has led the hundred-meter-dash to the uber hedonistic disaster capitalism du jour...stop the speeding bullet of corporate megalomania...the increasingly vocifierous adjurations from progressive democrats..."
In this jumbled word salad a DUmmie is blaming capitalism for the reckless spending, reckless expansion and terrible mis-management of government.
"These DUmmies who want to make sure the rich pay their "fair share" need to tell us how much they paid in taxes last year. My guess is they paid nothing, therefore, they didn't pay their fair share and need to STFU!" troglanon
You want to know how much we paid in taxes? OK.
Of the states receiving more in federal aid than they pay in federal taxes..."76% are Red States that voted for George Bush in 2000. Indeed, 17 of the 20 (85%) states receiving the most federal spending per dollar of federal taxes paid are Red States."
Figuratively speaking, we're paying your rent, jackass. Why?
Divorce rate - "Surprise! Blue states, led by Massachusetts, have a lower divorce rate than do red states."
Infant Mortality - "Blue states have substantially less infant mortality"
Murder Rate - "Blue States have fewer murders"
Poverty Level - "The states with the least poverty are blue, and the states with the most poverty are red"
Auto Fatalities - "Blue states are much safer places to drive - the difference is stunning."
I could go on and on about teen pregnancies, domestic violence, the number of uninsured, etc.
Look at it this way - Your sister, Bobbie Lee, goes out on a date with the star high school quarterback, Bobby Lee. They go out for dinner at Arbys, head to the 7-11 for a couple bottles of Mad Dog, park out in the swamp, get drunk and screw their eyeballs out. Bobbie Lee passes out and falls out of the car. Bobby Lee, sensing an opportunity, starts the car and floors it right down the hill into a big-assed swamp tree, killing him instantly (his DNA was later found in the stomach contents of a rogue gator). Nine months later, after marrying, divorcing, and brutally murdering the mayor's son with a chain saw, Bobbie Lee's baby dies because the she was busy avoiding arrest and felt compelled to give birth in a porta-potty. She later needed the help of a good public defender.
And us kind-hearted blue staters paid most the bill.
That put in perspective for you, dingleberry?
So what was it you were saying about shutting the fuck up?
"for us to solve this problem, everybody, including the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, have to pay their fair share"
Translation: put more tax on the corporations so I can pay even more for the goods and services they provide.
DUmbass. Any tax the government imposes on a corporation is passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. If you were truly concerned about the welfare of the poor and middle class, you would advocate for the reduction of taxes on corporations, which would lower the prices of their goods and services.
And as for the DUmmies demanding the rich pay their "fair share", what do you define as fair share? By that definition, have you DUmmies paid your fair share? Of those few DUmmies who actually have a job, between refunds and earned income tax credits, have you actually paid a dime in taxes? No? Then you haven't paid your fair share and should STFU!
Hey Troglafuck, you dipshit, can't you EVER come on here and make SOME sense you stupid fucking fuckwad????
FOAD Troglafuck, you dumbass.
"FOAD Troglafuck, you dumbass." The ULTIMATE Man
Fold Our Army Duds?
Figure Out A Donkey?
Focus On Adenoidal Distress?
For the life of me, The ULTIMATE Man...
*shyly twirls hair*
I simply can't figure out what in the heck you're trying to tell me! It's like you're moving at a million miles per hour and I, troglaman, am plodding along like...a little donkey
I'll just keep guessing until I get lucky...maybe get a little hint or something.
"I simply can't figure out what in the heck you're trying to tell me! It's like you're moving at a million miles per hour and I, troglaman, am plodding along like...a little donkey" - Troglaman
You finally got something right pea-brain.
"You finally got something right pea-brain." troglanon
Never heard that before...ever.
The problem is that you agree with me when I criticize myself...when I defile myself. When I, troglaman, expose my vulnerability, my faults and weaknesses (like my inner homo bitch that got me INTO this fix because the little shit LOVES The ULTIMATE Man)
...and you all leap like diseased jackals to a maggot infested carcass of a man...a man much like you and me.
How bout this...
I will never trust any one of you bitches again. EVER.
I hope you can all can live with that.
Been hitting the Everclear harder lately, haven't you Guttersnipe? It won't save you in the end...
"I will never trust any one of you bitches again. EVER."-Troglaman
This suggests that you trusted any one of us before. Somehow I find that hard to believe.
"Been hitting the Everclear harder lately, haven't you Guttersnipe? It won't save you in the end..." Mr Stinkwagon
I'm mainlining the shit, Mr. Stinkwagon.
I didn't see any of you take issue with the Red State/Blue State stuff. What it means is that you morons are a bigger drain, due to being generally more fucked up, on the tax base. You require more government services than you can pay for. AND, consequently, we blue state liberals, who are adding more tax dollars than we're receiving, are the ones making up the difference.
That's a fact. But according to you dumbshits, it's somehow the other way around. The DUmmies are the drain. The DUmmies are the lazy jackasses sitting around mainlining ever clear and demanding government compensation.
It's the other way around.
In fact, we're carrying your water. I'm paying for your day care, your car wrecks, your court costs, your food stamps and all the rest of your entitlements. You're not. You just think you are.
If it were up to me, I'd put a check box on your tax form that would allow you to opt out of any government assistance (federal, state, local) what so ever and you would never pay another dime in taxes.
However...public schools - nope. County roads - nope. Emergency services - nope. Public utilities - nope. Police protection - nope. Environmental protection - nope. Medicare - nope. L&I - nope. Social Security - nope. VA benefits - nope. Interstates - nope. Natural disaster aid - nope. National Guard - nope. Coast Guard - nope.
But (and here's the plus side) you could designate reasonably large districts where you could deregulate everything. Everything. The Market Shall Rule. A permanent haven of deregulation. Jungle rules and a nuclear waste dump rolled into one. A Randian paradise. Sounds fun.
I'd make that deal in a heart beat. I'd give you what you want (because you'd wipe yourselves out within the decade).
More worthless diatribes and bullshit from Troglafuck. Still can't come on here and say something coherent can you Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad. All you do is come here act like a jackass and spew fucking groupthink talk points like the mindless fucking parrot you are Troglafuck, you brain dead fuckwad.
FOAD Troglafuck you stupid jackass.
The above is further evidence that The UltImate Man is just another of troglaman's multiple personalities. Be that as it may, we could all cite references either supporting or refuting Trog's talking points and it wouldn't matter. He said long ago that he doesn't visit them.
So I suggest we all just roll our eyes at the two day attempt he's made to apply for victimhood. He deserves no more.
On the other hand, someone could include a link to a "dramatic gopher" website And tell him it would prove him wrong and he couldn't deny it. Everybody wins.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me believe public goods are entitlements. Because me believe that it am fact and I are brilliant.
Me state wild crap as fact. I are brilliant, me say so. Since me am brilliant any me say is fact because me say it.
Me slam head up ass and create brilliance. Since me am brilliant me no care what "fact" you say since I are Troglaman and me am brilliant so you am stupid compared to I.
Me hate reality. Me love groupthink. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"The above is further evidence that The UltImate Man is just another of troglaman's multiple personalities." troglanon
You have to admit it was clever, don't you?
What do YOU think about it, The Ultimate Man? Oh I forgot...you're me. Then let me, as The UltImate Man, respond:
You fuckhead. Bet you suck better than you fuck, Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad.
How's was that? Didn't I sound just like you...or me?
Well there you go. Troglaman is...THE ULTIMATE MAN. I knew it was only a matter of time before you all figured it out.
"In fact I'm paying for your day care, your car wrecks, your court costs, your food stamps and the rest of your entitlements."
Hmmm...I don't use day care, I haven't had car wreck in nearly 30years, I haven't been to court, ever, and I don't use food stamps. So how about my mortgage you selfish prick, why aren't you paying that?
"Hmmm...I don't use day care, I haven't had car wreck in nearly 30years, I haven't been to court, ever, and I don't use food stamps. So how about my mortgage you selfish prick, why aren't you paying that?" elrond
Selfish prick? What the fuck are you talking about? If this was an act of satire...fail.
I wasn't talking people who DON'T use food stamps (like you, brave patriot), I was talking about people who do. Would you like me to go over where they live? Again?
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