"Now he going to 'fight' for jobs?"

In the wake of the deficit deal, skeptical DUmmies are now totally convinced that Obama will sell them out at every turn. Of course, these same DUmmies will mostly vote for Obama in 2012 mainly because they will be on a witch-hunt against whomever the Republican nominee is. You can see the CURRENT anger over Obama in this THREAD, "Now he going to 'fight' for jobs?" So let us watch the DUmmies slam Barack por AHORA in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, thinking if Marco is drafted we see a landslide next year, is in the [barackets]:
Now he going to "fight" for jobs?
[Now he going to "fight" for the one job that allows him to continue flying aboard Air Force One.]
Maybe he'll shine up them picket shoes that stayed sitting in the closet.
[That would cut into his arugula time.]
he's going to fight for the 'right' for me to have my third parttime minimum wage job to support my pension. Apparently at my age two isn't enough. I suppose I could pencil in sleeping on the weekends or on the drive between work sites. :) Watch out for a copper colored Honda element that is driving itself.
[Guess what, DUmmie? You're STILL going to vote for Obama next year. SUCKER! And enjoy your copper colored Honda motel.]
Anytime Obama plans to *fight* for something you may be certain its demise is imminent.
[Good. That means his job status will be demised next year.]
For someone as obviously intelligent as Obama, he is F*CKING CLUELESS.
[We don't know how intelligent Obama is since apparently he was never required to take tests in school nor even attend classes.]
It should have been top priority since he took office. Waiting until now is "f*cking brilliant".
[Apparently his jobs stimulus didn't stimulate much. Shovel ready jobs that only shoveled BS.]
He has been keeping promises and fighting for average people since day one.
[Is that you, Moooch-Hell?]
I don't blame Obama, I blame the GOP who refuse to pass jobs bills.
[And the "stimulus" bill? Just a trillion dollar bump in the road?]
He made a critical error with the corporate healthcare plan that was passed. Straight out of the gate he should have focused on WPA, CCC, etc style works programs to get the economy rolling and then tackle health insurance reform WITHOUT backing down from a public option.
[Because we all know tax money grows copiously on trees.]
He blew it. Just blew it. Now he has the pigs on him, all the alienated dems that he and his have dissed for two years and STILL an ocean of unemployment. Amateurs.
[And yet we all know you will be looking for BO on the ballot next year.]
I come from the old America where dem presidents kicked ass to make things happen. he didn't. he owns the destruction.
[Remember to mark BO on your Diebold machine next year before we switch it over to Marco.]
Please list something that Obama has fought for and won.
[Arugula snacks aboard Air Force One.]
My question is... where has he been? MIA at least in my book.
[You won't be MIA next year when it comes time to vote for him. SUCKER!]
fight? Where? When? Excuse me. I have to go to my parttime job lifting fifty pound boxes of bolts before I go to my other parttime job scrubbing storage bins at u-haul.
[Would you like a parttime job licking arugula bowls clean?]
He needs to stop saying shit and start doing it. Because frankly I don't believe a god damned thing he says anymore.
[Mark this DUmmie down as a DEFINITE Obama voter in 2012. SUCKER!]
The current unemployment rate sits at almost 10%, this has not changed once in Obama's presidency.
[Another sure Obama voter for 2012.]
He won't "fight" for anything. We know that.
[You'll be fighting to cast your vote for Obama next year. We know that.]
They just don't know his brilliant strategy.
[According to WILLIAM RIVERS PITT, Obama is a pan-dimensional chess genius.]
18-Dimensional chess blah blah blah. I can't effing believe our President and his negotiation tactics are now a running joke on the Daily Show and across this nation (not just among liberals or left-leaning people). My fundie neighbors were cackling this past weekend over how having Obama wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.
[Actually they think he was worse than they thought but keep believing your delusions.]
"He needs to stop saying shit and start doing it. Because fankly I don't believe a god damned thing he says anymore."
Comes the dawn. Hey DUmmies, we were way ahead of you losers in coming to the realization that Obama was the ultimate bullshit artist. It happened in the summer of 2008 while you basement dwelling adolescents were all Tiger Beat over the One.
I strongly suggest your readers grab a cup of coffee and maybe a sandwich ... and go read that whole thread in its entirety.
It is pricelessly schedenfreudilicious.
Hope! Change!
"The current unemployment rate sits at almost 10%, this has not changed once in Obama's presidency."
Actually my little DUmmie, the UE rate was under 8% when the Obamessiah took office. The "Stimulus Plan" was supposed to keep it from going over 8%...How'd that Hopeychangey work out??
Liberals will never get that you can't tax & spend your way to prosperity.
I find the whole post hilarious!
I guess the biggest difference is he is now going to FIGHT for jobs. If you go to google news tabs and type in "Obama focus on jobs" and then click 2010 and 2009 you will see that time and again he has told us he is focusing on jobs or going to focus (laser-like he once said) on jobs. Since they are being so snide to him there, it is amazing even none of them mentioned this.
Is Ralph Nader free?
"Watch out for a copper colored Honda element that is driving itself."-DUmmie
"Hey everyone pay attention to me! I'm proving my liberal bona fides by talking about my hybrid car!(that I may and may not actually own)"-DUmmie
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The Troglaman Clones/Moonbats will be lining up like the good little groupthink self-delusional lemmings they are and vote a straight-party line ticket for the "Democrat" Party after they renominate The Obamassiah. I'm surprised they don't chant "FUCK ME BLIND ! FUCK ME BLIND!" as they cast their votes....what a bunch of tools....
A comment was deleted. Ooo. Couldn't have been Troggy or Kay In Maine. Hmmm. Prolly a plant.
Anyway, primary Obama! Who do you got that's further Left than him ? Not Hillary. Not even Kucinich or Alan Grayson. That's right, you'll have to primary O with Bill Ayers and every douchebag Hahvahd prof in order to find someone who tickles your balls.
Until then just keep drinking that bong water staring at mommys' beige basement walls & feast on your Dominos paper pizzas. Don't mind the maggots, uh huh.
Pienso que no sois derecho. Soy seguro. Discutiremos. Escriban en PM, hablaremos.
"I think that you are not right. I am safe. We will discuss. They write in PM, we will speak."
No idea what our spanish contibutor means...
Troglafuck got his wish...S&P downgraded our credit rating.
Stupid fucking fuckwad.
Note: Deleted comment was just some overlong advertising spam.
Oh, one of those.
"I am the fascinated to be sure of your subject matter and I will have hoping to reading more of you the same."
Yeah those are actually funny for a 'once over'.
This comment has been removed by the author.
KKKayinsane is screaming the S&P is a racist, reich wing terrorist group that downgraded our rating only because her President is brown!
the America-haters reared their ugly heads! The S&P on behalf of the tea party hate group has downgraded America’s credit rating before even doing the same for Italy, Spain, or France. See? They hate America!!!! This American company has downgraded America’s debt rating for the first time in our nation’s history, but they don’t want us to believe that this move has nothing to do with the skin color of our current president!!!!
How much more can our nation take with these right wing fringers in charge???? SPIT!
"A comment was deleted. Ooo. Couldn't have been Troggy or Kay In Maine. Hmmm. Prolly a plant." Corona
Wasn't me. Much to my amazement PJ has never deleted one of my comments as far as I know. And why would I say that if it weren't true? I respect PJ a lot for that. I think he wants me to hang myself. That makes anything totally outrageous I say non-deletable. Get it? He's not on my side except for the commendable fact that he doesn't censor me...probably because he thinks I'm an idiot and wants me to prove it again and again.
My guess is one of you loons started throwing shit around that could get somebody in trouble.
We'll never know but I'd put my money on the loon.
"KKKayinsane is screaming the S&P is a racist, reich wing terrorist group that downgraded our rating only because her President is brown!" Redneck
So the fuck what.
"Hey DUmmies, we were way ahead of you losers in coming to the realization that Obama was the ultimate bullshit artist. It happened in the summer of 2008..." elrond
And what was this Blindingly Brilliant realization, elrond? The summer of '08...roughly 3 months before the election. Obviously some defining event had taken place during this time-frame in which Obama became...The Ultimate Bullshit Artist (TUBA).
(In the spirit of disclosure, I, troglaman, was referred to as 'troglatuba' for a significant period of my life. Just wanted to put it out there in an Oprah kind of way)
So what was this transcendent event, elrond? Ironically, it was roughly during this same period that the Bush administration was throwing a trillion dollars to the banks to avoid world-wide financial disaster. Wham! Just like that. Took less than a week or so. Turns out...almost everyone agrees it had to happen - right and left. The economy was near collapse. Disaster was averted...for a while.
Why'd that happen? WHY. DID. THAT. HAPPEN...oh fuck it. Like you give a shit.
So reveal the TUBA event, elrond. It was obviously huge compared to what else was going on.
Yes, it's another Troglapuss Triple Post™!!!!!
troglaman said...
"KKKayinsane is screaming the S&P is a racist, reich wing terrorist group that downgraded our rating only because her President is brown!" Redneck
So the fuck what.
12:55 AM
Glass houses, people who live in them, stones, you know the drill.
Trog, you just outed yourself as a parody troll. Why did you have to crush my dreams that you were a garden variety, reality-challenged moonbat living in your own private Disneyland? It's no fun to ridicule a parody troll. ;_;
The power slammin' Troggy sez,
"...he thinks I'm a idiot and wants me to prove it again and again."
...and so you have. We're all proud of you.
"Glass houses, people who live in them, stones, you know the drill." DAT GUY
Well of course I know the drill, silly. See glass house plus people...then throw rocks until you hear the sirens. I'm down. But where's the quadriplegic? Someone threw in a quadriplegic the last time we talked about this and it was a like a BLINDINGLY BRILLIANT WHITE LIGHT went off in my head like a flashbulb.
DAT GUY disappoints me. It'd be better with a fucking quadriplegic and everyone knows it.
"Troglafuck got his wish...S&P downgraded our credit rating. Stupid fucking fuckwad." troglanon
No. Wait one darn minute here, you varmint. Last week, you jackasses were arguing FOR all-out default. All kinds of absurd arguments were made that somehow defaulting was a good thing. Raising the deficit. Robbing jobs. Damaging the economy. Fine with you. Why aren't you doing victory dance? And I'M the fuckwad all of a sudden? I, troglaman, wanted this? Fuck you. You're obviously not listening. Go away.
You fuckers are flat-out insane.
(don't mean to steal your thunder, kj, but that was two troglaposts)
OK, I found it. Jarhead said "Go for it, twinky. Just don't blame me when you end up a quadriplegic."
Now how great is that? This is exactly the kind of thing you need to add to your glass-house scenario, troglanon - tragic heroism despite being faced with ultimate destruction.
Work on it and get back to me.
(that's THREE troglaposts, kj. Wow!)
"Last week, you jackasses were arguing FOR all-out default. All kinds of absurd arguments were made that somehow defaulting was a good thing. " - Troglaman, power-slamming his head up his ass.
Lying will merit you nothing, Guttersnipe.
What was being pursued was a sane approach to stop this insane spending spree of your personal god, The Obamassiah, Guttersnipe. You were demanding that more debt be piled on otherwise we faced disaster and a credit downgrade. You and your ilk got your wish, Guttersnipe, and we still got the credit downgrade and as a bonus, the stock market is doing a big time crash and burn. You should be insanely happy as you got what you wanted while the rest of us in the real world get screwed even harder.
The only insane person on this blog is YOU, Guttersnipe. Take your own advice and go away....FAR away.
"Last week, you jackasses were arguing FOR all-out default..."the mighty trog
"Lying will merit you nothing, Guttersnipe." Mr. Stinkwagon
What? You yourself said something like "under no circumstances should we raise the debt level". You said that, you stupid shit. And yet you call ME, troglaman, the liar?
You wanted to default. That's not a lie. The fact that you say it is makes YOU the liar...and a big fucking pussy because you suddenly realized it was a bad idea. You figure you can make it troaglaman's fault and everything will be OK.
That might've worked in 3rd grade.
Can any of you articulate why S&P down-graded our rating? Of course not! Doesn't matter. You can't decide if it's a victory or a failure. The fact that you're blaming the consequences on anyone but yourselves doubtlessly means you realize you fucked up. It's a typical response. Has been for a long, long time.
"You wanted to default. That's not a lie. " - Troglaman The Guttersnipe, power-slamming his head up his ass and lying like a rug
Yes that is a lie, Guttersnipe, because we would not have had a default had we not raised the debt limit unless it was order by your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner. We should not have raised the debt limit. YOU and your ilk demanded it be raised and got what you want and then have the unmitigated gall to be shocked and amazed when continuing to jack up the debt gets our credit rating downgraded which (for those unlike you, Guttersnipe, who have a clue and don't live in a private universe) was the only logical choice when you have a government that refuses to deal with a huge debt and keeps driving that debt up.
"You figure you can make it troaglaman's fault and everything will be OK.
That might've worked in 3rd grade. " - Troglaman The Guttersnipe, continuing to power-slam his head repeatedly up his ass.
You are the only one who could know that as you are the only one who behaves like a 3rd grade bully and acts like they didn't get educated beyond the 3rd grade, Guttersnipe.
"Can any of you articulate why S&P down-graded our rating?" - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
They did it because they did what you and your ilk demanded - refused to deal with the national debt and instead moved to increase it. You should be happy the rating was downgraded, Guttersnipe, after all it was exactly what you wanted to happen. If it wasn't, you would have demanded they not raise the debt ceiling and deal with the issue. But no, you refuse to acknowlege reality and power-slam your head up your ass and demand answers you don't want to hear, Guttersnipe.
"The fact that you're blaming the consequences on anyone but yourselves doubtlessly means you realize you fucked up. It's a typical response. Has been for a long, long time." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe, power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass while howling like a mad dog
Engaging in projection and power-slamming your head up your ass is a piss-poor way to go through life, Guttersnipe, and perhaps you will figure that out, but after all this time I've concluded you're intellectually and morally incapable of such an act.
"You wanted to default. That's not a lie. " the mighty trog
"Yes that is a lie, Guttersnipe, because we would not have had a default had we not raised the debt limit" Mr. Stinkwagon
Pretzel logic alert...
You're flat out wrong. You couldn't support this statement if your life depended on it.
If we had not raised the ceiling, we WOULD have defaulted. It's as simple as that. And that's what you wanted to do. Last week you didn't care if we defaulted, blowhole. That's a fact even though it would have raised the deficit, hurt jobs even more, and damaged the economy. You wanted to do it. Your transparently flimsy rationalizations are what they are.
Oh...and the "morally incapable" thing? Go fuck your mother.
Fueled by hate and scared shitless by reality, TROGLAMAN - The Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site and a vicious, dishonest, hate-mongering Anti-American guttersnipe - repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass in a blind rage at reality and emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement:
"If we had not raised the ceiling, we WOULD have defaulted. It's as simple as that. And that's what you wanted to do. Last week you didn't care if we defaulted, blowhole. That's a fact even though it would have raised the deficit, hurt jobs even more, and damaged the economy. You wanted to do it. Your transparently flimsy rationalizations are what they are."
Thanks for proving you're either a total idiot or a morally depraved psychotic liar. In your case, it's probably both. We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised unless your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner, made a deliberate move to default on purpose. You can power-slam your head up your ass all you want you lying twit, but you can't change reality, Guttersnipe. We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised unless your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner, made a deliberate move to default on purpose. You can't escape that fact, Guttersnipe. All you can answer it with is more lies and that ain't cutting it. We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised unless your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner, made a deliberate move to default on purpose, Guttersnipe. You and your ilk got what you wanted...an increase in the debt this nation has and a downgrade of our soveriegn credit rating. Congratulations, Guttersnipe, you and your ilk managed to screw the entire country blind yet again while denying you did so. You should be celebrating - so what aren't you happy the national economy is being crushed? You're getting what you want for now, Guttersnipe...what the hell is your problem?
"I've concluded you're intellectually and morally incapable...." - Jerome Goolsby accurately analyzing the shallow and pathetically weak abilities of Troglaman The Guttersnipe
"Oh...and the "morally incapable" thing? Go fuck your mother." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe proving that analysis was correct
"We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised" Mr. Stinkwagon
You're wrong. The RepubliDUm Congress could've defaulted. They didn't. Why not?
S&P said today that the reason they downgraded was because you stupid jackasses think defaulting is a good idea. They don't trust you to not fuck things up.
That's what they said.
Another affirmation that you stupid motherfuckers are out to destroy us all.
troglaman (a hate-mongering Anti-American guttersnipe) said...
"We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised" Jerome (who compared to me, the mighty Troglaman, looks like Albert Einstein)
You're wrong. The RepubliDUm Congress could've defaulted. They didn't. Why not?
It helps if you say something coherent, Guttersnipe. And I'm not wrong, you're a liar. We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised unless your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner, made a deliberate move to default on purpose.
"S&P said today that the reason they downgraded was because you stupid jackasses think defaulting is a good idea. They don't trust you to not fuck things up." - Troglaman The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe as he power-slammed his head repeatedly up his ass while issueing one psychotic lie after another.
You're a liar. This is what Standard and Poor's said you lying guttersnipe:
In Standard and Poor’s downgrade message...two reasons for the downgrade:
1.Sudden increase in debt. As the chart shows the ratio of debt to GDP – the number S&P cited as their guiding indicator – has recently rocketed up. It hasn’t been this high since the early fifties when we were still paying off the World War II debt. S&P listed other nations whose debt to GDP ratio they found acceptable. The lowest of those was at 34%, just one point lower than the U.S. average from 2001 through 2008.
2.Quoting from the S&P message, “…the political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America’s governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable…The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy.”
“Standard & Poor’s takes no position on the mix of spending and revenue measures that Congress and the Administration might conclude is appropriate for putting the U.S.’s finances on a sustainable footing.”
You're a lying fool, Guttersnipe. You and your ilk are the ones trying to destroy this country with your relentless attack on the private sector. You will be stopped on Election Day 2012 once and for all.
Arguing with a fuckwad like Troglafuck is a waste of fucking time. Just sayin'....
"We would not have defaulted if the debt ceiling had not been raised unless your personal god, The Obamassiah or his minion, Treasury Secretary Tax-Cheat Geithner, made a deliberate move to default on purpose." Mr. Stinkwagon.
Whatever. How do you argue this (I, troglaman, ask myself and my many inners)?
Know what? I'm tired and I'm hungry. Want me to buy you something to eat, Mr. Stinkwagon?
Why yes! Thank you. I'd like a couple deep fried corn-dog tire irons and...a load of that special mayo slug-bait dippin sauce and...what the hell, how bout some of that famous grease-monkey pie!
This is what it's like, folks. This is what I deal with day after day after day. But I, the mighty trog, will bear this burden. Why? Because when I fall, I shall get up.
When I am thrown from my mighty mount, I shall laugh jauntily and return to my saddle.
When your words slice through me like laser-beams through a pig carcass, I shall rid myself of my charred and bleeding flesh with this kick-ass new bathing device I just got (I'm talkin to you, the ULTIMATE man).
If any of you want the website, let me know.
Looks like Troggy is off his meds, he's making even less sense than usual.
More likely he's had a couple of liters too much of Everclear.
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