To every lurking Tea Bagger, Freeper and Cave Dweller...YOU ARE STUPID

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is my MAX CADY LAUGH at the anger the DUmmies are feeling over how the deficit debates are going. Poor widdle DUmmies! How angry they are that revenues (tax increases are OFF the table). Particularly FUnnie is the author of this THREAD, "To every lurking Tea Bagger, Freeper and Cave Dweller...YOU ARE STUPID," DUmmie Atman, who challenged the LFTs to break their cover and purposely get tombstoned by answering his insanity. So let us now watch the DUmmies go berserk with frustration in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, about to enjoy a plethora of MAX CADY LAUGHS, is in the [barackets]:
To every lurking Tea Bagger, Freeper and Cave Dweller...YOU ARE STUPID.
[The profundity of DUmmie Atman's arguments is simply overwhelming.]
If you miss your credit card payment, your rate goes up to 29-32%. The "default rate." The situation you've put the nation into right now is exactly the same, except we're talking BILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars, and new debt put upon the backs of our children and grandchildren. Are you f*cking MAD? How can anyone, in any way, shape or form, see this as HELPING our economy? It leads me to only one conclusion; this isn't about the economy, it's about power and your hatred of the black man in office.
[Ah! The old reliable (and worn) race card is played.]
Please, moles, expose yourselves, and tell me how I am wrong.
[Yeah sure, DUmmie Atman. We are going to give up our long held DUmmie secret IDs just to satisfied your insane anger. BTW, I am NOT DUmmie Indiana Green. And don't you dare accuse me of being DUmmie Warren Stupidly. But DUmmie Atman? Who knows?]
TEA PARTY TERRORISTS: They're not trying to help the economy. They're deliberately trying to destroy it and the govt.
[They are terrorizing us by daring to demand that the government spend no more than it takes in.]
[In DUmmieland, demanding fiscal responsibility is SEDITION.]
They are the terminally stupid subspecies of human that will probably contribute to the downfall not just of the U.S., but of the whole human race.
And don't forget the complimentary DU f*ck you! You country ruiners.
You teaparty FREAKS need to be taught a lesson, we need to remove every one of you ASAP
[So much for all those phony "civility" lectures from last January.]
response from the mole-men yet.
[DUmmie Atman still under the delusion that a LFT will purposely expose himself to instant tombstoning.]
Yup, stupid douchebags. Every last one of them.
[Another "sophisticated" line of attack.]
In Jesus all things are possible, for those who believe.. There are more than a few freepers, baggers, and dwellers, who have absolutely no problems with, nor will have any regrets IF the Teathugs drive the nation off the proverbial economic/fiscal cliff, especially IF doing so will hopefully accelerate the inevitably coming day(s) of their being raptured, b/c they and ONLY they piously represent all of what is pure and moral and honest and saintly, and good in the world, all others are obviously the evil spawn of or worship Satan, and are condemned to remain earthbound until the biblical prophesy in the Book of Revelations is fulfilled, and Judgement Day ensues.
[A DUmmie whose mind has been Left Behind.]
They can't wait for the collapse of civilization so they can fly like little birdies to their imaginary reward in the clouds. F*ck the rest of us. We're just fodder for their moronic delusions.
They are also amoral sociopaths.
You ignorant, servile scum!
If tea party traitors destroy our country. They need to be thrown out of America or jailed.
[Your Chekist job application has been...APPROVED!]
These turds are fucking priceless. They want to jail or kill us for cleaning up the mess their tax and spend policies of the last 80 years have caused. LOL!! I can just see it now:
Wife: Honey there's a bunch of smelly moonbats carrying misspelled signs at the door to arrest you for disagreeing with them..
Skully: OK. Try holding them off with a bar of soap and the want ads while I get the 12 guage & Glock .45
Smelly Moonbats: That damn 2nd Amendment!! Why couldn't 5 Justices not know what it meant in Heller vs DC!!! Curse you Founding Fathers!!
ever get the feeling that a s*itload of morons were secretly lobotomized back in Jr High then let loose?
Nice. This thread is an excellent example of Godwin's Law in action. I.e, once you compare your opponent to Nazis...or terrorists in general, you automatically lose the argument. What this means is that "progressives" have pretty much lost every argument they have ever been involved in since it normally devolves into "progressives" labelling their opponents as Nazis and/or poopy heads. Godwin's every time.
"If tea party traitors destroy our country. They need to be thrown out of America or jailed."
Now here's some stellar moonbat thought.
Correct me if I'm wrong but if the TeaParty 'destroys' the country, exactly what are they going to be thrown out of?
There is no America from which the Tea Partiers can be "expelled" (love the Chekist analogy, PJ!). The USA is nothing more than a construct of geographical borders to the commonplace liberal/socialist/Marxist who hate the founders, the Constitution, and virtually everyone and everything else not liberal/socialist/Marxist. They're a personality-cult in search of a personality, and are cracking up because they thought they found that personality in Obama.
Gee, that religion stuff didn't settle well in that dudes' mind did it. Sounds like it's eating him alive.
Wow ... all those insults, accusations, and threats of violence against the people who are trying to SAVE the economy. Funny thing is, I was thinking the exact same things about the liberal parasites who got us into this mess.
This economic illiterate believe the debt ceiling is to cover past expenditures. I suppose this is because Obama himself implied as much with his idiotic Social Security comment to an obviously staged question and Senator Harken likewise, in saying it is necessary to pay for Bush's spending. But it is untrue. It is to cover prospective spending. pat
"If tea party traitors destroy our country. They need to be thrown out of America or jailed."
that's been their plan all along. "re-educate" or eliminate 10% of the population.
"You teaparty FREAKS"-DUmmie
I think everyone is missing the taunt here. It's very subtle. You see the DUmmie here used the term "teaparty" instead of the common liberal vulgarity for us, the object of their scorn. I hold that this person is the LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!1!!!! and is just taunting them as an agent provocatour (sp?) The other little balls of hate on DU just missed it in their perpetual rage-fest.
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath.
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath.
the mentally disabled fascist underneath.
You teaparty FREAKS need to be taught a lesson, we need to remove every one of you ASAP
Go for it, twinky. Just don't blame me when you end up a quadriplegic.
Kind of funny, in the olden days freaks used to be a compliment liberals paid each other. Now we got liberals calling other people freaks and being all authoritarian man, claiming tea partiers should be deported and arrested. That's harsh dude.
Is Kay trying to convince us that some male actually had intercourse with her? I'd need strong proof.
I LOVE how liberals who can't spell or use apostrophes correctly try to straighten out the rest of us. ROFL.
Anon @10:55 PM -
Good catch! It doesn't take a lot of poking to stir them up into a rabid, drooling frenzy, does it? Good work, LFT!
Skully I appreciate that. Thats the funniest damn thing I read all day, THANKS.
"""Try holding them off with a bar of soap and the want ads""""
In my case I'd have to go get my Desert Eagle.
"Wow ... all those insults, accusations, and threats of violence against the people who are trying to SAVE the economy." highlander
Holy shit. You're SAVING the economy. Why have I never understood this brilliant strategy before?
"I hold that this person is the LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!1!!!! and is just taunting them as an agent provocatour (sp?)." troglanon
My God! It's becoming so clear now...the unbelievable complexity. You make it so clear, troglanon. How could I have been so blind?
"Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath." TANSTAAFL
Please stop! Your blinding's too much!
"Go for it, twinky. Just don't blame me when you end up a quadriplegic." jarhead
Though I, troglaman, lie broken, blinded, bloodied and beaten along the path of knowledge, I cannot help (being the mighty warrior that I am) asking this: What caused the crash of '08?
Mr. Stinkwagon, a few threads back, offered this answer - "We could afford it then"...clearly an Einstein. Whew!
Listen. I've already gone to Walmart and bought low cut, black working shoes. A bag of white tube socks. A cowboy hat. Overalls. Wife-beaters. A case of Bud Light. A big-assed rodeo belt buckle. My cousin, MaryJane, lies trundled-up in the guest bedroom awaiting our blissful honeymoon in Alabama. Bonus purchases - A couple rocks and a glass bong.
In other words, I'm ready to come over. Burn my Birkenstocks. I can't withstand this explosion of genius much longer.
But why did the economy crash in '08?
I'm sure I'm destined to painfully wither and die under the unrelenting blast of The Withering Pure White Blinding Brilliance you folks are capable of. Consider it my last request as the mighty yet humble troglaman.
See you on the other side, my friends.
"But why did the economy crash in '08?"
Apparently some popular but obviously incompetent asshole won an important election and it spooked the living Hell out of business owners and investors.
"You're SAVING the economy."
Yep. O!bama is an utter, total, complete failure. Reactionary leftism is an utter, total, complete failure. You are an utter, total, complete failure.
"Please stop! Your blinding's too much!"
I know, I know.
[pats the moron on the head and hands him a nickel]
"What caused the crash of '08?"
The Democrats.
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! PLEASE, I, TROGLAMAN, BEG YOU...SHINE YOUR EVER-KNOWING BRILLIANCE ELSEWHERE! I CANNOT BEAR IT ANY LONGER! I AM BLINDED BY THE LIGHT! PLEASE!" - Troglaman The Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe reacting to reality seconds before slamming his head up his ass
That's what happens when you spend nearly every moment with your head slammed up your ass, Guttersnipe.
I am liberal hear me roar...I am something to ignore!
Nothin left to do but smile,smile,smile
"But why did the economy crash in '08?" the mighty trog
"Apparently some popular but obviously incompetent asshole won an important election and it spooked the living Hell out of business owners and investors." DAT GUY
I have to say, I was nearly drawn into the tornado-like vortex of pure brilliance when I read this. There is no doubt these words were crafted by a man of sheer wingnut genius.
And never mind the fact that the '08 crash happened BEFORE the election. It did. At the time, Obama and McCain were virtually tied and some polls even had McCain ahead.
But who can stand in the way of the titanic tsunami of wisdom displayed on these very air-waves right before our very eyes?
Troglaman perhaps?
It may be too late. I may be too bloodied, blinded, broken, beaten, and bludgeoned to carry on.
But I'll try. I haven't given up yet, you filthy bastards.
"But why did the economy crash in '08?" the mighty trog
"Apparently some popular but obviously incompetent asshole won an important election and it spooked the living Hell out of business owners and investors." DAT GUY
I have to say, I was nearly drawn into the tornado-like vortex of pure brilliance when I read this. There is no doubt these words were crafted by a man of sheer wingnut genius.
And never mind the fact that the '08 crash happened BEFORE the election. It did. At the time, Obama and McCain were virtually tied and some polls even had McCain ahead.
But who can stand in the way of the titanic tsunami of wisdom displayed on these very air-waves right before our very eyes?
Troglaman perhaps?
It may be too late. I may be too bloodied, blinded, broken, beaten, and bludgeoned to carry on.
But I'll try. I haven't given up yet, you filthy bastards.
"Yep. O!bama is an utter, total, complete failure. Reactionary leftism is an utter, total, complete failure. You are an utter, total, complete failure." TANSTAAFL
You own a dairy farm. Admit it.
Sorry about the double post. I've been blinded by the light.
Yes, it's another Trogladouche Quadruple Postâ„¢!!!
"Yes, it's another Trogladouche Quadruple Postâ„¢!!!" KJ
I have no idea how I double posted. I couldn't pull it off even if I tried. In fact, after thinking about it, I think God did it, not me.
Shit. I think my Inner Jesus may be making a break for it.
"I've been blinded by the light."
More likely a six pack did the job.
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