Palinoia strikes deep: DUmmies DUped by Palin-invade-Egypt spoof!

Palinoia strikes deep. Into DU it will freep. . . . Yes, every day of the month the moonbats suffer from PMS (Palin Madness Syndrome). It causes the DUmmies to believe just about anything--anything bad--about Sarah Palin. Thus they will fall for even an obvious piece of satire written about Mama Grizzly, thinking it is true.
That's what happened the other day in DUmmieland. It started when the media guy the DUmmies most look up to, Rachel Mancow, read a portion of an article about Mooselini preparing to invade Egypt--a satirical piece--and Rachel thought it was true! And so the mind-numbed DUmmie robots blindly followed.
And to document this DUping of the DUmmies, today we will look at posts from . . .
This THREAD, "Rachel Maddow: "Did You Know You Secretly Dream Of The Annihilation Of Israel?"
This THREAD, "Rachel I love you for doing this backgrounder on Egypt"
This THREAD, "Ok the revolution is extending to the media"
This THREAD, "Christwire. org... and eschatology"
This THREAD, "My apologies DU"
Now the FUnniest thing of all in this is that the DUmmie who got DUped the worst is none other than nadinbrzezinski. Know-it-all Nadin likes to fancy herself the DUmp's resident authority on international relations, foreign affairs, trend-spotting, and all things geopolitical. She's got a DEGREE in HISTORY, d*mmit, plus that hard-to-spell foreign-sounding name. So when a story like a brewing revolution in Egypt hits the news, why, you can be sure that Know-it-all Nadin will be all over that like white on rice!
So let us now watch the gullible DUmmies, especially Know-it-all Nadin, let their PMS get the better of them, in Red Sea Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering if PJ can get the DUmmies a coupon for $5 off a Bridge to Nowhere I'd like to sell them, is in the [brackets]:
Rachel Maddow: "Did You Know You Secretly Dream Of The Annihilation Of Israel?"
[Rachel Maddow, did you know you're about to be taken in by your Palinoia?]
Also out in that way, way beyond region, the website believes that "The escalating crisis in Egypt could become a defining moment for Sarah Palin...Governor Palin needs to speak out publicly and forcibly for an American-led invasion to protect our interests in North Africa. As the largest recipient of foreign aid next to Israel, the United States has a tremendous investment in keeping Egypt stable and relatively terrorist-free...Upon her direction, other Western nations are sure to join us."
[This "" piece that Rachel quotes, about Palin calling for an invasion of Egypt--this is the satire that Rachel falls for.]
Does Christwire suggest a tax to pay for this invasion? Or will Jesus miraculously provide guns, bombs, loaves, and fishes?
[DUmmie aquart falls for it too!]
Oh dear, Rachel fell for the satire. Christwire is a spoof. . . .
[Shhh! Quiet! Don't let Know-it-all Nadin hear you!]
Of course I fell for it. I never heard of it before. And I trust Rachel.
[In Rachel We Trust.]
Oh crap. I didn't look at the site, I just went by Rachel's show...I should know better, too.
[DUmmie MiaCulpa issues her mea culpa.]
Huh, she fell for christwire?!?! Its not too hard to realise its a hoax when u actually go on the site. Some headlines:
"Why is Pet Turtle Masturbation One of the Internet’s Hottest New Trends"
"Xbox Kinect: Video Game or Terrorist Training Tool"
"New Camera To Scan Asian Faces For Signs Of Communist Ties"
[benburch will tell you that the pet turtle thing is no hoax!]
Rachel definitely dropped the ball there.
[Rachel is not used to handling balls.]
If Sarah leads this army,
We will outshine the sun,
We will outshine the sun,
We will outshine the sun;
If Sarah leads this army,
We will outshine the sun,
And we’ll walk the golden streets on high.
[Onward, Palinistas! To Cairo--and beyond!]
[So some DUmmies initially were DUped but soon came to discover their error. But not so with Know-it-all Nadin. It began like this. When she heard Rachel talking about Egypt, Nadin was quick to jump in and display her superior knowledge and to lecture us all on the significance of the events in Egypt . . .]
Rachel I love you for doing this backgrounder on Egypt
[Yes, Rachel, you and I, nadinbrzezinski, can show these stupid Americans the importance of INTERNATIONAL GEOPOLITICS AND THE COMING WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION!]
for all who are unfamiliar and have cable, turn her show on.
[You unfamiliar, unenlightened, parochial peons!]
It will catch you up
[Not all the way to ME, of course.]
This is a revolution and it is scaring the pants off the elites.
[Nadin tells us what we are seeing, which we wouldn't have known unless she told us.]
Ok the revolution is extending to the media
[Nadin spots a trend!]
How many of you knew of AJ or Democracy Now? How many of the average Murican who watches the RMS and does not watch or read DU do you think are going ... what is AJ, what is Democracy Now?
[But Know-it-all Nadin--SHE knew what AJ was (Al Jazeera) LONG before you stupid Muricans!]
Have you slept lately? Maybe you should take a break.
[One DUmmie is getting tired of Nadin's condescension.]
[OK, so now all things are set up for Know-it-all Nadin to take a tumble. Here we go . . .]
Christwire. org... and eschatology
[Nadin has taken the bait and now is going to lecture us on the seriousness of Palin's planned invasion of Egypt, how it fits with the end-time expectations of the fundies . . .]
No I don't think Rachel will go there but I will.
[Know-it-all Nadin, boldly going where no Mancow has gone before!]
This dilemma does have a silver lining, however. It offers Sarah Palin an incredible opportunity. Stung after the events in Tucson, where leftwing activists tried to blame her for the acts of a mentally disturbed occultist, she could rise to the occasion and show off her credentials on the international stage. President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been slow to discuss what is happening in Egypt. In truth, they are playing a sickening balancing act of recalcitrant diplomacy, ultimately toying with the safety and future of the United States in ways they do not seem to appreciate.
[Nadin quotes from the satirical "" piece, thinking it's for real and that SHE will set DUmmieland straight on the seriousness of all this.]
Ok... why Egypt? Why now? Let's look at this in eschatological terms. St. Sarah is seen as one chosen by God to lead America into the true path of Christianity... and Egypt is the land of Pharaoh where the children of Israel faced tribulations. For those who do nto remember their biblical history... yes that the story of Moses and Exodus.
[Know-it-all Nadin has fallen COMPLETELY in the trap! And her LECTURING us on this makes it all the FUnnier!]
Palin is seen as one to come and liberate the new people of Israel, the repressed Christian Minority, from the new pharaoh...oh and of course this is in preparation for the final battle at the land of Israel as the trumpet sounds.
[Go on, Nadin, dig deeper!]
We really need to keep an eye on this idiocy, since the fascism rising on this country IS RELIGIOUS in nature... and full of symbols of the end of the world and all that.
[And all that! THANK you, Nadin, for swallowing the bait hook, line, and sinker!]
Ain't them a lovely bunch! And I thought we could ignore this for a minute, but we do at our peril.
[The Perils of Palin!]
Did you know Christwire is sarc?
[A fellow DUmmie tries to save Nadin from further embarrassment.]
Yep, they are way out there
[It's no use. Nadin doesn't catch the "sarc" remark, since she's so busy lecturing us.]
I think this one might have buzzed over nadin's head.
[Ya think? Hee! Hee!]
[Finally, the next day . . .]
My apologies DU. Christwire. org is a comedy act...
still what I said about St Sarah and Eschatology I fear, is for real.
[Great! Unbowed by her embarrassing display, Know-it-all Nadin will be ready to make a fool of herself once again!]
[Great! Unbowed by her embarrassing display, Know-it-all Nadin will be ready to make a fool of herself once again!]
C'mon! Don't you know that basement progressives like this obnoxious cretin Nadin are NEVER wrong?
It's in the "Useful Idiot" contract they all signed.
Palin responsible for bad satire and causing progressives to believe the moon is really made of cheese.
Film at 11
"still what I said about St Sarah and Eschatology I fear, is for real."-K.I.A.Nadine
Fake but accurate?
Troglaman The Guttersnipe HAS to have an account on DU...there are way too many Moonbats on there who act and think just like Guttersnipe for him not to fit in there like a hand in a glove.
"As bloggers raced to reveal Maddow's blunder, the MSNBC anchor quickly acknowledged the mistake on her Twitter feed."
When's the last time a Fox pundit acknowledged a mistake?
Or maybe Fox pundits never make mistakes...dare you.
One or the other, don't you think?
"Troglaman The Guttersnipe HAS to have an account on DU..." slammin crammin jammin jerry
Wrong again, jj. But what else is new?
Troggy, Please cite your examples of Fox pundits making a mistake on the same level as taking on a satire as legitimate reportage.
Oh that's right, you can't.
I'm not saying that you are stupid, but ...
Wait. Yes, I am. You are blindly, willfully stupid. The perfect Obama supporter.
Sarah 2012, motherfuckers. Let's go!
Or is it that she couldn't win.
Never mind. Don't even think about that. She CAN win. Hit the streets you lazy slugs.
The point is, the Haters of Sarah are so foaming rabid that they take no time to verify any story about her.
If it's negative or reinforces their limited knowledge of Palin, it's rush to press!
Deliciously funny and yet sad, too.
BDS, PMS all part and parcel of the same overarching disease.
I wonder what the DUmmies will do when they realize this Sunday would be Rayguns 100th birthday?
Bet we see all KINDS of tributes to the Gipper on MSNBC/NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN etc.. LOL
Baahahahahaha :) -tm
Wow, I just realized.
trogalturd is just so......maddow.
Troggie, dear, deflecting to Sarah paline presidental campaign, rather she or not (I really couldn't care less, is not validating the question put to you.
So, we'll go back to our favorite game.
oh this never gets old.
It looks to me that even the DUmmies are growing weary of the condescending Lady NaDa.
She's running a close second to the PittSniffer in arrogance.
Liberals never, ever check their sources of information.
It's a large part of what makes them liberals: an inability to think critically about what they're told to believe.
Any liberal who actually researches what he's told in the media and in academia soon stops being a liberal.
It's axiomatic. There is no such thing as a well-educated liberal. Degreed? Certainly. Well-credentialed. But of course, hard to be one of the elites without some elite diplomas.
But educated - as in open to a wide spectrum of sources of information, and willing to challenge any and all in search of objective truth?
No. There are no liberals like that. They cannot exist, by definition.
Liberals never question their dogma. And then they engage in hilarious Freudian projection by suggestions others behave as they do.
What Rachel Maddow says is truth. Period. If you even question it, you are the enemy.
And if objective truth doesn't fit reality? Well, Nadin said it well himself: "Christwire. org is a comedy act... still what I said about St Sarah and Eschatology I fear, is for real."
False, but accurate. It's the motto of the Left. Facts never matter.
"You are blindly, willfully stupid. The perfect Obama supporter." - An Anonymous individual speaking accurately about Troglaman the Guttersnipe
Exactly right...Guttersnipe is blindly, willfully STUPID. He decided that it's ok to replace knowledge and coherent thought with deliberately power-slamming his head up his ass and spewing hate-fueled mental excrement.
"When's the last time a Fox pundit acknowledged a mistake?"
Jeez, troggy, I don't know. When's the last time a Fox pundit made a mistake this stupid?
Liberals were suckered by this obvious piece of satire because they believe Sarah Palin is a Republican ogre. They need to believe it or all their political fantasies will collapse. Even though it's been exposed as a hoax, many liberals will continue to believe this (and other) charades.
Meanwhile, troglaman tries to divert our attention by raising the spectres of unacknowledged FOX errors and a possible Palin 2012 run.
Oooh, be afraid, be very afraid, it's scary shit from troggy.
Lazarus Long said...
Wow, I just realized.
trogalturd is just so......maddow.
Yes, like Randolph Mancow, he/she/it is of indeterminate gender and easily duped by children and obvious satire.
Because they BELEEEEEEEEVE!!
"Facts never matter." Peanut Butter
You're so so full of shit, peanut. And you have made a number extraordinary claims:
"Liberals never, ever check their sources of information." pb
Never say never, peanut butter. And is there a 'fact' hidden in here somewhere?
"It's a large part of what makes them liberals: an inability to think critically about what they're told to believe." pb
Really! And you can quote something somewhere that makes this a 'fact'. Doubt it.
"It's axiomatic. There is no such thing as a well-educated liberal." pb
Once again, stated as A FACT (when anyone with at least a fraction of their brain still functioning would understand it to be utter bullshit). little peanut (I, troglaman, prefer creamy rather than chunky), you can't prove your first three declarations...but can claim libs aren't fact-based.
One thing you yourself prove, my little creamy legume, is that by your own standards you're a fucking idiot.
PB's statements of fact are proven by your posts on this blog, Guttersnipe. Your hate fueled rants make PB, Lazarus Long and me (along with nearly everyone else who posts here) look like life members of MENSA in comparison to your intellectually shallow and vapid blathering.
So just keep power-slamming your head up your ass and prove by your own standards the only hate-filled clueless jackass around here is YOU - Troglaman The Guttersnipe - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt and the epitome of a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] idiot.
"PB's statements of fact are proven by your posts on this blog" jackin jerry
So let's drill down to this one statement, shall we?
"Liberals never, ever check their sources of information." pb
Taking this as a "statement of fact", jj, makes you as stupid as my little peanut, who values facts but never states even one.
You all do this. Unmercifully. It's maddening. You start with an unprovable premise, take it to unbelievable lengths, and when challenged, say something like "Because he's an Ethiopian socialist anti-christ troggy. Take your head out of your ass, you stupid degenerate."
How do you argue this crap? Really. You can't. Why? Because it's psychotic, that's why.
"Liberals never, ever check their sources of information" is simply, absurdly and irrefutably untrue. As is "There is no such thing as a well-educated liberal."
And yet peanut and jj stridently believe these very statements to be true. Facts.
But they're not facts. What they are is a momentary glimpse into the mind of a madman. Take heed, my friends. Evil lurks.
Geez, troggy's really trying to do all he can to deflect away from the issue at hand, the perfect epitome of a troll.
First, he tries to deflect by changing the subject to Fox News (Never mind the fact that, while they have made mistakes in the past, it's never been to such a ridiculous degree as reporting something from an obvious parody site as if it were a real news story), then to Palin running for president, and now to nitpicking intentionally broad statements that others here have made. Nice evasions, troll.
You have nothing, and you know it.
"Liberals never, ever check their sources of information"
That's true.
"But they're not facts. What they are is a momentary glimpse into the mind of a madman. Take heed, my friends. Evil lurks." - Troglaman The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site
Thanks for letting us know that you are indeed a madman and evil...not that we didn't know that already.
And yes they are facts, which as I accurately stated are proven by every post you make here Guttersnipe.
"(Never mind the fact that, while they (Fox News) have made mistakes in the past, it's never been to such a ridiculous degree as reporting something from an obvious parody site as if it were a real news story)" adam
You're wrong, adam. Dreadfully wrong.
I, troglaman, can make an idiot out of you, once again, or you can cop. What's it going to be?
"And yes they are facts, which as I accurately stated are proven by every post you make here Guttersnipe." jackin jerry
This is a "fact" according to jj - "Liberals never, ever check their sources of information."
jj's full of shit. Absurdly simple.
Over and out.
"I, troglaman, can make an idiot out of you, once again, or you can cop. What's it going to be?"
1. You've never made an idiot out of me. You've slung a few insults, obscene comments, and baseless accusations at me, but you've never made an idiot out of me. In contrast, I have made an idiot out of you on several occasions in the past. Such occasions have you react either by posting more insults and obscenities, nitpicking my post for trivialities while ignoring the concrete facts that prove what an idiot you are, or (Your most frequent tactic) deliberately avoiding it and not posting in the thread in question anymore.
2. As I said, I have no doubt Fox News has made mistakes (What media organization hasn't?), but do you really think they've made mistakes so completely brainless as to be on par with Maddow mistaking a VERY OBVIOUS parody site (The only other parody site I know of that's more obvious in that regard is the Landover Baptist Church) for an honest, reputable media site? You're full of it.
"...but do you really think they've made mistakes so completely brainless as to be on par with Maddow mistaking a VERY OBVIOUS parody site." a very sensitive adam
"...according to a study from The Ohio State University...lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report"
I've got lots more, adam. You're going to lose this argument.
""...according to a study from The Ohio State University...lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report""
Ok, that's it? Pathetic.
1. Even those who don't "Get the joke" of the Colbert Report generally at least are aware of the fact that it's not a real news show.
2. The people who made that study would probably feel that those who simply find the Colbert Report to be not funny (i.e. myself, I've only laughed at the show a few times) simply "Don't understand the subtle, intrinsic humor" of it or some crap like that.
3. It's not just conservatives. Studies show that liberal twentysomethings view shows like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report as their main source of "News."
4. What does this have to do with Fox News making a mistake on par with Maddow presenting an obvious parody site's article as being a legitimate news source? Again you're deflecting from the issue at hand (Maddow's idiocy).
"1. Even those who don't "Get the joke" of the Colbert Report generally at least are aware of the fact that it's not a real news show." adam
So you just throw this out there like God inscribing a stone tablet with a bolt of lightening?
Refute the fact that "...according to a study from The Ohio State University...lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report".
Can you do that?
Doubt it.
"Refute the fact that "...according to a study from The Ohio State University...lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report".
Can you do that?
Doubt it."
I just did, with the 4 points in my previous post (Particularly take note of points #2 and 4).
"Refute the fact that "...according to a study from The Ohio State University...lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report"." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe (aka The Sick Perverted Clone of Williams Rivers Pitt)
Adam did a great job of making you look clueless again, Guttersnipe, but there is also the fact most people don't like humor by morons (and Colbert is - like you Guttersnipe - a world class moron) and I doubt conservatives even watch that jerk's show particularly since, as I've stated, Colbert is a moron and morons are not funny (a fact you've proven many times over, Guttersnipe).
"I just did (prove it), with the 4 points in my previous post..." adam
No you didn't. Here's adam's first point -
"1. Even those who don't "Get the joke" of the Colbert Report generally at least are aware of the fact that it's not a real news show."
Prove it, adam. You can't.
I, troglaman, at least quoted you a study. You, on the other hand, only offer a dumbshit opinion. And unless you can offer something other than a stupid worthless opinion, I win. It's a pretty simple formula.
"Prove it, adam. You can't."
It's simply common sense.
Incidentally, you've alung numerous accusations against myself and others here without even a shred of proof many times before (Not to mention the "Just Google it" defense you frequently rely on), so you have no business talking to me about lack of proof.
Oh, and btw, prog, I notice that you completely ignored my callign to attention the second and fourth points I made. Another time- honored strategy of yours: Deliberately avoiding the comments which thoroughly prove what an imbecile you are.
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