Boston Straggler Rage Victim Bobbolink Falls Ill

Somewhere in a lonely car on a freezing Ft. Collins, CO street sits an ill rage victim of the Boston Straggler aka WILLIAM RIVERS PITT. Yes, our dear Bobbolink aka Bobo the Hobo has fallen sick inside her home which is an old car as you can see in this DUmmie THREAD, "Bobbolink is sick, thoughts and prayers her way please..." Yeah, the DUmmies are sending her a lot of thoughts and prayers her way but NO food or shelter. Notable by his absence is the Boston Straggler who is probably filled with thoughts of extremely violent fantasies at this point. So let us now watch the DUmmies passively watch the sick Bobo the Hobo in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if this all could be just well timed political theater, is in the [brackets]:
Bobbolink is sick, thoughts and prayers her way please...
[But NO food or shelter for this poor victim of the Boston Straggler.]
I received a message from her yesterday that she's been very sick in her car for three days. I replied and emailed and haven't heard back. I am very, very worried! Send her your best via this. Thanks!!
[Please get yourself into a warm place Bobbolink AWAY from the Boston Straggler who could be stalking you.]
Hugs and prayers.
[But NO food. Not even Ramen noodles.]
prayers and vibes being sent. be well!
[Could you include FOOD and SHELTER as well?]
I wish her the best...
[You are obviously NOT the Boston Straggler.]
Thank you, Mary. I wondered where she was the last couple days. Knowing she is ill in her car makes me cry. I lived in a tent for awhile one year and got pneumonia, it was terrible.
[Better not be too specific on which car or she risks being stalked by the Boston Straggler.]
I thank God for my bed every night, and I pray that someone comes across her path to help her.
[As long as that someone is NOT the Boston Straggler.]
I have the first comfortable bed I've ever had and am so grateful to be inside each night.
[You spent the entire previous part of your life sleeping on straw?]
Can one of us put her up for awhile?
[Say hello to Mrs. Sheridan Whiteside.]
She is in Colorado, her profile says. Ft. Collins. Don't know if that is current location.
[Shhh! You don't want to give the Boston Straggler a heads up on where he can stalk her.]
It's been cold in Colorado this winter. . .
[It's that horrible Global Warming that Algore has been yapping about.]
i'm in fort collins there are some horrible sicknesses going around this town. if any one knows where she is, i can check on her. pm me...
[You might want to stand guard by her car in case the Boston Straggler shows up.]
I know this hasn't been very successful in the past - but if you know where she is perhaps a Colorado DUer could check on her ...
i hate that our country tolerates poverty and homelessness.
[Bush's fault!!!]
Anyone else know what kind of car she has
[2011 Cadillac Escalade.]
She's one of the most valuable posters on DU
[She exposed the TRUE nature of the extremely violent Boston Straggler.]
I'm sending positive vibes.
[At this point Bobbo would probably prefer Ramen noodles...preferably sitting in hot water.]
Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya
[Is that the Hindu or Wiccan version of sitting Shiva?]
SOMEBODY IN THE FT COLLINS AREA PLS PM ME. I have an email for a rabbi who has shown some protectiveness toward her. And sorry about the shout. I don't know that area at all; my contact is in Evergreen.
[I hope you don't mean THIS RABBI.]
Her cell is working...I talked to her, she is very sick, and very sick about the cuts and that no one is up in arms about that! Still feisty! so relieved to have talked to her...
[Uh-Oh! I hope the rage victim of the Boston Straggler hasn't been grandstanding for political purposes.]
I'll call her when my minutes go free
[God forbid you actually shell out a few measly cents to call Bobbolink.]
May the Great Spirit protect you in these days of need.
[Heretic! No mention of the goddess Gaia!]
Thanks everybody!! I talked to Bobbie. She's still very sick, not up to getting online...Mad as hell about the cuts!! and about the lack of protests about the cuts...still feisty, and so right to be mad. We have to start actions on the cuts to social programs at the very least!
[Pardon me for casting aspersions upon the veracity of the Boston Straggler rage victim but does this not sound like Bobbo's problem is really just political theater rather than any real illness?]
I hope this will serve as a rallying point for DUers to fight the cuts that hurt the most vulnerable in our society.
[Yup! This is sounding more and more like political theater. Do we now send tickets to fly Bobbo to Madison, WI for yet more grandstanding?]
Bobbie is a tireless (until now) advocate for the impoverished, these cuts just make her job that much harder. We need to hit the streets for the homeless and hungry...
[Bobbo the professional Hobo.]
Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya
[Is that the Hindu or Wiccan version of sitting Shiva?]
O my Lord, the all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.
Not exactly a proper mantra for this situation.
Lots of hugs and "prayers".
Not one Colo. DUmmie has offered to take her in.
Go for it troggy boy.
You could have a basement-mate.
Troggie taking care of people? That would be an interesting concept indeed.
It's amazing to consider that one of the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones was bitching about how this country "tolerates poverty and homelessness". The dumbass who posted that is as divorced from reality as Troglaman. This country since 1964 has spent several TRILLION dollars to supposedly eliminate poverty and homelessness...looks like a great success huh? Wonder what that dumbass would want to see done? My guess is he'd do just what Troglaman would do...power-slam his head up his ass, bitch and moan like a whiny foul-mouth child, and do nothing to actually deal with the problem. People that deliberately ignorant just frost me.
So how the f--k does a homeless person living in their car have access to the internet to post on DU?
"We need to hit the streets for the homeless and hungry..."
Yeah, like they'd really appreciate the competition.
"So how the f--k does a homeless person living in their car have access to the internet to post on DU?"-Anonymous 7:59
My first guess would be the library. However when a DUmmie called her it would imply that she has a cell phone. Which could also imply that she has a phone with internet capability. But it could just be a Go-phone ($20 mo) and the library.
It does beg the question though. Who's paying for the Go-phone if indeed that's the case? If it's a phone with internet connection, then that's at least $50/mo but most likely more. Where's she getting that? $50 a month is a heckuva lot of Top Ramen.
"We need to hit the streets for the homeless and hungry.."
Wouldn't it be more productive to feed and shelter them? I mean seriously, this is what drives me nuts about DUmmies, they see a problem so they take to the streets in protest so they can try to force other people to give their time and money. If you see somebody who is hungry, fed them, don't petition your government to force somebody else to do it.
""""I'm sending positive vibes.""""
What in SamHell does that MEAN?
""""We need to hit the streets for the homeless and hungry..""""
Well don't clog the streets. Some of us have to get to work.
hmmm, "Work" Theres an intersesting concept.
Hey Boobi, nobody cares. GET A JOB. The only people that pretend to care are your bleeding heart DUmmie friends. The rest of 99.999% of the population wants you to stop being a melodramatic social parasite.
Thoughtless DUmmies sending vibes?? Everyone knows that vibes are empty calories high in Trans-Fats. Plus they taste like crap.
"I'm sending positive vibes."
The following day Bobbolink opens a large unmarked package and pulls out what seems to be some sort of xylophone.
"Not exactly a proper mantra for this situation."
No, but it makes the DUmmie look so cool.
"May the Great Spirit protect you in these days of need."
From the shores of Gitchee Gumee and the wigwam of Nakomis direct to you Boblink.
"I'm sending positive vibes."
It's a way of saying "I ain't doing nothin'."
I see that Kayinsane is off her meds, again.
This post is confusing. Who is Bobbolink ? Given the pic and references, I assume it has something to do with Pitt.
The DU thread was started by Maryf, not Pitt.
It's like I walked into a movie half way through. Can anyone tell me what this Dummie Funnies thread is about ?
Bobolink is a hobo whom Pitt evidently feels is a threat to his status as Chief Bloviator. He took her to task over some imperceptible slight last summer, getting himself tombstoned in the process.
A few months down the line, Pitt was given provisional permission to post as "Temporary Sock Puppet". When that went well, Skinner formally rescinded his ban.
Hi Kirk,
Thanks for the info.
I predict one of these two links to be the next DUmmie FUnnies post:
I like the second the best...kpete sounds just like trogladyte.
Ultimately this blog is always about Pitt...and troglaman, I guess.
God, how awful.
Elrond Hubbard said...
Ultimately this blog is always about Pitt...and troglaman, I guess.
God, how awful.
Now you know how I reached the conclusion that Troglaman The Guttersnipe is The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt. They are opposite sides of the same coin; same "thought process", same narcissistic belief that their thoughts and ideas amount to something, same self-delusional belief that they are looked at as far more important than they could ever hope to be. Only difference is Guttersnipe doesn't comprehend English above the level of a child and thinks expletives are indicative of a deep intellect.
"Ultimately this blog is always about Pitt...and troglaman, I guess. God, how awful." elrond
I've been with you about Pitt all along. And the rest of these dumbshits making it about me, troglaman, are fucking crank-head assholes. That's not my fault.
When they respond to me with violent invective while claiming they never, ever stoop to such lows, I have no choice but to point it out. When they respond to something like "Obama hasn't raised your taxes" with shit like "Guttersnipe doesn't comprehend English above the level of a child", then I'm compelled to point out that this has NOTHING TO DO with Obama not raising taxes. I'm weak when it comes to pointing out the obvious.
I've been trying to elevate the conversation on this blog for years and years. I was telling you dimwits this country is spending too much money in Iraq and Afghanistan YEARS before Obama took office. It fell on deaf ears (including yours, elrond). And now it's all about spending too much. Blind hypocrisy.
How about this? You tell me, troglaman, what to do. Tell me how to make this into something other than Pitt and troglaman and I'll be happy to comply. Do it.
"How about this? You tell me, troglaman, what to do. Tell me how to make this into something other than Pitt and troglaman and I'll be happy to comply. Do it." - trogladyte
Okay...go fuck yourself and never post here again.
That should be clear enough for even a dumbass like you.
"I've been trying to elevate the conversation on this blog for years and years."
I take it, then, that spewing out obscene comments on a regular basis, making deeply bigoted and hateful comments about Christians and conservatives as a whole, openly accusing us personally of being violent terrorists, and conveniently ignoring comments that logically shoot down your idiotic posts are your idea of "Elevating the conversation on this blog"?
No, this blog is about Pitt and you. Pitt hogs the headlines and you hog the threads (well, you and the people responding to you).
So I'm taking a vacation. Be back in a few weeks.
Remember to hang by your thumbs.
Safe travels Elron
Fueled by hate and filled with terror from reality continuing to encroach on his fantasy-land universe, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - repeatedly power-slammed his head squarely up his ass to emit more lies and stupidity...
I have to admit that Guttersnipe always seems to find new ways to amaze me with displays of total ignorance and stupidity.
So, let's put on some hip waders and wade through your latest emission of bile:
"I've been trying to elevate the conversation on this blog for years and years." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe, lying through his teeth
Really? That could only be true if the conversations on this blog were consistently below the belly of a snake...and it isn't except when you power-slam your head up your ass and spew mental excrement everywhere. My proof? Right here:
"And the rest of these dumbshits making it about me, troglaman, are fucking crank-head assholes. That's not my fault." - Troglaman the Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe
Yeah, that's some soaring inspirational speech there, Guttersnipe. And by the way, it is your fault.
"When they respond to something like "Obama hasn't raised your taxes" with shit like "Guttersnipe doesn't comprehend English above the level of a child", then I'm compelled to point out that this has NOTHING TO DO with Obama not raising taxes." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe
First off, Guttersnipe, they don't respond to you lying about The Obamassiah with the fact you are incapable of understanding English above the level of a kindergarten student. They tell you you're either a fool or a liar (because in that case you are either a fool or a liar).
"How about this? You tell me, troglaman, what to do. Tell me how to make this into something other than Pitt and troglaman and I'll be happy to comply. Do it." - Troglaman - The Sick Pervered Clone of William Rivers Pitt
Let's could drop dead; you could report for that long overdue vacation as a patient at the closest mental institution near your home; or you could simply vanish from this blog. I doubt you'll comply as you promised to do. But you can't say no one gave you the suggestions you requested.
Have a bad day, Guttersnipe.
"I'm weak"-troglaman
Baby steps, but in the right direction.
"You tell me, troglaman, what to do."-troglaman
This statement imples you'll listen. No one believes that.
"I'll be happy to comply."-troglaman
I hate to be repetitive but... No one believes that.
"I take it, then, that spewing out obscene comments on a regular basis, making deeply bigoted and hateful comments about Christians and conservatives as a whole, openly accusing us personally of being violent terrorists, and conveniently ignoring comments that logically shoot down your idiotic posts are your idea of "Elevating the conversation on this blog"?"
- Adam, speaking about TROGLAMAN, the Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe
I'd say you've pegged it perfectly, Adam. Good job.
"No, this blog is about Pitt and you. Pitt hogs the headlines and you hog the threads (well, you and the people responding to you)." elrond
Taking a vacation are you? Going Galt? Good for you. It is utterly exhausting writing shit on this blog all the time. I let's form a union. PJinc is getting a little too big for his britches and his big corporate ass needs to be spanked. I'm talkin compensated time off, bitches. R and R with pay. A worker's strike, perhaps? Think that might tip the scales?
And thanks for another perfectly nonsensical response, elrond. I agreed with you, by the way. So when you say shit like "No, this blog is about Pitt and you", I don't know how to respond. It's like me, troglaman, saying "That dog just crapped over there. I can smell it." And you, elrond, saying "Wrong, dude. That shit stinks."
Anyway, I believe I ended my last post with a challenge, elrond. And I think this is your answer literally IS your answer.
Message received.
Write (though I've heard it's hard to get a connection in the Outback) about any special yeasty libations you may encounter along your walkabout.
By the way, before you leave, could you calculate the number of 'trog vs dumbass' posts against the number of 'dumbass vs trog' posts and get back to me? Whenever it's convenient is fine.
Fueled by hate and becoming more irrational by the day over unreasoning fear of reality, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - power-slammed his head up his ass like a jackhammer and emitted more piles of worthless mental excrement....
MORE mindless blather from Guttersnipe I see. Time once again to put on the hip waders and see what bile Guttersnipe emitted this time....
"So when you say shit like "No, this blog is about Pitt and you", I don't know how to respond." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
That's because you don't comprehend English above the level of a child, Guttersnipe.
"....could you calculate the number of 'trog vs dumbass' posts against the number of 'dumbass vs trog' posts and get back to me? " - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
The answer to that is's ZERO to ZERO because it's not a case of "trog vs dumbass" or "dumbass vs trog" as that never happens. Instead, it's a case of "people who have a clue vs trog the dumbass", and that number is too high to be worth calculating. However, a reasonable guess would be People Who Have A Clue 1000 - Trog The Dumbass ZERO.
"Taking a vacation, are you?
Yep, visiting the grandelronds in Dixie.
BTW: "trog vs dumbass" posts 449
"dumbass vs trog" posts 1,308.
Prove me wrong.
"Prove me wrong." elrond
That sounds about right to me.
So what you're saying is that the dumbshits are mentioning the mighty trog around three times more than the mighty trog is? Such irony. Believe it or not, I'm not making them do it. The inmates have taken over the asylum.
Grand kids? I'm a fairly new grand-parent myself (she just turned two). God, I never thought I'd make it this far.
So here's to your Galtness. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
Libation reports are mandatory.
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