Trust Fund Kid Slams Ronald Reagan

Someone at the Conservative Cave recently described the writing style of WILLIAM RIVERS PITT as "contrived edge." A perfect description. And why does Pitt have a contrived edge? Because, lacking a REAL life, he has no edge. Just as a farm raised shrimp has no fear of predators or experiences the normal hazardous problems of living in the open sea, Pitt has gone through life without really knowing what the hell is going on in the real world. And this results in the farm raised shrimp slamming our greatest President in over a hundred years, Ronald Reagan.
Note the difference in backgrounds. Ronald Reagan came from a poor family and had to work his way up while the farm raised shrimp had it all handed to him on his legal beagle family's silver platter. What were the accomplishments of Ronald Reagan? Many, including saving many lives as a lifeguard while still a teenager, becoming a major sportscaster in the Midwest, breaking into Hollywood stardom, serving as a union leader, host of a major TV show, serving two successful terms as California governor, a radio commentator, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the man who restored confidence to America, and, oh yeah, and the one who effectively ended the long Cold War with the defeat of the Evil Empire.
And what did the farm raised shrimp accomplish in life? Well, he was a gofer in his family's law firm but that didn't work out, worked briefly as a teacher which resulted in events better not spoken about, and became a best selling New York Times author in his own mind via vanity press books that never rose above 200,000 in Amazon books. Add to that the farm raised shrimp has a long history of posting violent fantasies on the web which this past year led to his temporary expulsion from DUmmieland. Of course, the most notable "accomplishment" of the farm raised shrimp was perpetrating the journalistic fraud that Karl Rove had been indicted on May 12, 2006. When this fraud was quickly exposed, the farm raised shrimp didn't even own up to the obvious and instead insisted that we needed to wait just 24 business hours for him to be proven right. In fact, the farm raised shrimp is notable for being completely unable to face the consequences of his own actions.
So now we have the farm raised shrimp daring to criticize the great Ronald Reagan in this retread THREAD from the past, "Planet Reagan (written upon his death)." So let us now watch the farm raised shrimp with the contrived edge dare to take on a self-made man of magnificence in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, who wished he could have been a fly on the wall when the execs at a certain family law firm cursed out the Temporary Sock Puppet for revealing way too much on a public forum, is in the [brackets]:
Planet Reagan (written upon his death)
[The farm raised shrimp takes on Ronaldus Magnus.]
In this mourning space, however, there must be room made for the truth. Writer Edward Abbey once said, "The sneakiest form of literary subtlety, in a corrupt society, is to speak the plain truth. The critics will not understand you; the public will not believe you; your fellow writers will shake their heads."
[So when will the farm raised shrimp speak the plain truth about his role in perpetrating the May 12, 2006 journalistic fraud? The closest he ever came was his incredibly long self-pitying partial birth non-apology whine in Pied Piper Pitt Performs Endless "Penitence" At DUmmie Canossa.]
The truth is straightforward: Virtually every significant problem facing the American people today can be traced back to the policies and people that came from the Reagan administration. It is a laundry list of ills, woes and disasters that has all of us, once again, staring apocalypse in the eye.
[Oh so it is NOT Bush's Fault?]
How can this be? The television says Ronald Reagan was one of the most beloved Presidents of the 20th century. He won two national elections, the second by a margin so overwhelming that all future landslides will be judged by the high-water mark he achieved against Walter Mondale. How can a man so universally respected have played a hand in the evils which corrupt our days?
[What evils? Like having a family law firm pay omerta money to schoolgirls to shut up about the unspeakable actions of a certain somebody?]
The answer lies in the reality of the corrupt society Abbey spoke of. Our corruption is the absolute triumph of image over reality, of flash over substance, of the pervasive need within most Americans to believe in a happy-face version of the nation they call home, and to spurn the reality of our estate as unpatriotic. Ronald Reagan was, and will always be, the undisputed heavyweight champion of salesmen in this regard.
[And WHO tried to sell us on the May 12, 2006 Karl Rove indictment by assuring us it would happen in 24 business hours?]
Reagan was able, by virtue of his towering talents in this arena, to sell to the American people a flood of poisonous policies. He made Americans feel good about acting against their own best interests. He sold the American people a lemon, and they drive it to this day as if it was a Cadillac. It isn't the lies that kill us, but the myths, and Ronald Reagan was the greatest myth-maker we are ever likely to see.
[So was that May 12, 2006 Karl Rove indictment a lie or a myth?]
Mainstream media journalism today is a shameful joke because of Reagan's deregulation policies. Once upon a time, the Fairness Doctrine ensured that the information we receive - information vital to the ability of the people to govern in the manner intended - came from a wide variety of sources and perspectives. Reagan's policies annihilated the Fairness Doctrine, opening the door for a few mega-corporations to gather journalism unto themselves. Today, Reagan's old bosses at General Electric own three of the most-watched news channels. This company profits from every war we fight, but somehow is trusted to tell the truths of war. Thus, the myths are sold to us.
[The Fairness Doctrine made it impossible for conservative voices to be heard...which is why liberals such as this Trust Fund farm raised shrimp want to see it back to silence those voices.]
The deregulation policies of Ronald Reagan did not just deliver journalism to these massive corporations, but handed virtually every facet of our lives into the hands of this privileged few. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat are all tainted because Reagan battered down every environmental regulation he came across so corporations could improve their bottom line. Our leaders are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the corporations that were made all-powerful by Reagan's deregulation craze. The Savings and Loan scandal of Reagan's time, which cost the American people hundreds of billions of dollars, is but one example of Reagan's decision that the foxes would be fine guards in the henhouse.
[An economics lecture from the farm raised shrimp who never had to work a day in his pampered Trust Fund life...except as a contrived wannabee blue collar Bukowski's bouncer in order to demonstrate his "working class" phony credentials. Gofer job in family law firm doesn't count and we best not speak about the teaching job.]
Ronald Reagan believed in small government, despite the fact that he grew government massively during his time. Social programs which protected the weakest of our citizens were gutted by Reagan's policies, delivering millions into despair. Reagan was able to do this by caricaturing the "welfare queen," who punched out babies by the barnload, who drove the flashy car bought with your tax dollars, who refused to work because she didn't have to. This was a vicious, racist lie, one result of which was the decimation of a generation by crack cocaine. The urban poor were left to rot because Ronald Reagan believed in 'self-sufficiency.'
["Self-Sufficiency." Such an ugly word to the farm raised shrimp entirely dependent on Trust Fund payments.]
Because Ronald Reagan could not be bothered to fund research into 'gay cancer,' the AIDS virus was allowed to carve out a comfortable home in America. The aftershocks from this callous disregard for people whose homosexuality was deemed evil by religious conservatives cannot be overstated. Beyond the graves of those who died from a disease which was allowed to burn unchecked, there are generations of Americans today living with the subconscious idea that sex equals death.
[A flat out LIE by the highly pampered farm raised shrimp. Aids research federal funding under Reagan totaled $5.7 billion. You can see the year by year payments during the Reagan era on a chart HERE.]
The veneer of honor and respect painted across the legacy of Ronald Reagan is itself a myth of biblical proportions. The coverage proffered today of the Reagan legacy seldom mentions impropriety until the Iran/Contra scandal appears on the administration timeline. This sin of omission is vast. By the end of his term in office, some 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, indicted or investigated for misconduct and/or criminal activities.
[The were all convicted on May 12, 2006 and then their convictions magically disappeared.]
Some of the names on this disgraceful roll-call: Oliver North, John Poindexter, Richard Secord, Casper Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, Robert C. McFarlane, Michael Deaver, E. Bob Wallach, James Watt, Alan D. Fiers, Clair George, Duane R. Clarridge, Anne Gorscuh Burford, Rita Lavelle, Richard Allen, Richard Beggs, Guy Flake, Louis Glutfrida, Edwin Gray, Max Hugel, Carlos Campbell, John Fedders, Arthur Hayes, J. Lynn Helms, Marjory Mecklenburg, Robert Nimmo, J. William Petro, Thomas C. Reed, Emanuel Savas, Charles Wick. Many of these names are lost to history, but more than a few of them are still with us today, 'rehabilitated' by the administration of George W. Bush.
[Is "Temporary SockPuppet" among those names?]
Ronald Reagan actively supported the regimes of the worst people ever to walk the earth. Names like Marcos, Duarte, Rios Mont and Duvalier reek of blood and corruption, yet were embraced by the Reagan administration with passionate intensity. The ground of many nations is salted with the bones of those murdered by brutal rulers who called Reagan a friend. Who can forget his support of those in South Africa who believed apartheid was the proper way to run a civilized society?
[And how would the farm raised shrimp rate the totalitarian regime of Castro? The Trust Fund Kid would never say.]
One dictator in particular looms large across our landscape. Saddam Hussein was a creation of Ronald Reagan. The Reagan administration supported the Hussein regime despite his incredible record of atrocity. The Reagan administration gave Hussein intelligence information which helped the Iraqi military use their chemical weapons on the battlefield against Iran to great effect. The deadly bacterial agents sent to Iraq during the Reagan administration are a laundry list of horrors.
[You can read about how Ronald Reagan raised Saddam Hussein as his own son in the farm raised shrimp vanity press NY Times "best seller" book.]
How much of this can be truthfully laid at the feet of Ronald Reagan? It depends on who you ask. Those who worship Reagan see him as the man in charge, the man who defeated Soviet communism, the man whose vision and charisma made Americans feel good about themselves after Vietnam and the malaise of the 1970s. Those who despise Reagan see him as nothing more than a pitch-man for corporate raiders, the man who allowed greed to become a virtue, the man who smiled vapidly while allowing his officials to run the government for him.
[And farm raised shrimp despise self-made men.]
In the final analysis, however, the legacy of Ronald Reagan - whether he had an active hand in its formulation, or was merely along for the ride - is beyond dispute. His famous question, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" is easy to answer. We are not better off than we were four years ago, or eight years ago, or twelve, or twenty. We are a badly damaged state, ruled today by a man who subsists off Reagan's most corrosive final gift to us all: It is the image that matters, and be damned to the truth.
[In the final analysis, farm raised shrimp live in a pampered monetary bubble so they have no idea whether or not people are better off or not. And now to the few DUmmie responses on this Trust Fund Kid thread...]
Reagan, was pretty much feeling the effects of his disease during his presidency, wasn't the men behind him, Bush, Cheney, et al., mostly responsible for this mess?
[Bush's fault!]
the boys in the basement gave him the scripts to read.
[As opposed to Obama who can't be bothered with even that so he doesn't even see his speeches until he reads them off the teleprompter.]
brilliant, but at the same time it depresses me... will we EVER be free of the "Reagan legacy"?
[No...and that makes me very HAPPY.]
Your essay should be the core essay in the heart of every history class... Astonishing in its honesty, and so complete as to take my breath away... I CANNOT recommend this post enough... You have outdone yourself, my dear Will!
[KUDOS to the farm raised fish for writing about a subject he knows nothing about. And my we also make it mandatory for every history class to read his essay about the rise of the Third American Empire and how it got its start at the 1980 Olympic hockey game when the crowd yelled "USA! USA! USA!"]
I hated Ronny Raygun, then, and now. I quit watching television, after he won the election in 1980. I was so angry, I almost kicked in the screen of the t.v. It was then that I became aware of the true depth of the evil of the Corporate Owned Media. I was in despair with my country and the voting public.
[We need to elect another conservative as president just to make you quit watching television again and put you into a permanent state of depression.]
I never tire of your marvelous words..Wil.
[The farm raised shrimp will produce tons of meaningless words when even slightly encouraged by fellow DUmmies. Of course, I am waiting for the farm raised shrimp to FINALLY come up with words of apology for his role in the Karl Rove indictment fraud. Notice how the farm raised shrimp never even comes close to touching upon that subject?]
It's good to see ol Ronnie baby still has the power to get under the skin of our DUmmie friends.
There's never been anyone better!
Of course, the TRUTH never enters into the discourse when Pitt is involved.
Lets just look at ONE of the names on his 'list' from which he attempts to SMEAR ol Ronnie with:
Richard Beggs took his oath of office as head of the agency and entered the new post on July 10, 1981. He served until December 4, 1985, when he took an indefinite leave of absense pending disposition of an indictment from the Justice Department for activities taking place prior to his tenure at NASA. This indictment was later dismissed and the U.S. Attorney General apologized to Mr. Beggs for any embarrassment.
So, lets see.... the indictment was dismissed and the AG apologized.. WOW! Corruption at its best eh? LOL
With his whole idiotic statement relating to AIDS and how he ends by saying it's supposedly Reagan's fault that Americans supposedly live with the subconscious idea that sex equals death (As if without Reagan, STD's would be nonexistent), that would have been a perfect time to say something along the lines of, "Of course the farm raised shrimp would see such a concept as a bad thing, since if it weren't for that concept, he probably wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble over the teaching incident that is best not mentioned."
Other than the actual names of the policies, Pitt's entire thesis and form of argument could just as easily have been written by a Conservative writer, laying all the present ills of society at the feet of FDR, which would be an equally pointless tour-de-blather.
Wonder how the libs are handling the media trying to portray Obama as the next coming of Reagan? Not only is it a laughable comparison, Obama isn't fit to clean up the manure from one of Reagan's horses.
Is there any wonder Americans hope there is another Reagan waiting in the wings to clean up the utter destruction Obama has wrought upon this nation?
If only Reagan would have went on national TV and implored the gay community to abstain from risky sexual behavior. There would be a giant statue of him in San Francisco right now. Why did he HATE???
Apparently the DUmmies missed the memo: the latest meme to hit the lamestream media and the lefty blogosphere is that Reagan was actually a liberal!
No joke.
Pitt must have missed it.
PJ- I think your Buddha Pitt image is missing the word "like" between the second & third lines. (fwiw)
Reading Pitt's blather is tiresome and unproductive, so I won't comment any further.
Have to agree with Elrond Hubbard - although I'm relatively new to Dummie Funnies and am still trying to figure out the twists and turns of Pitt's life (the law firm and teacher incidents better left not mentioned part) he is ultimately a rather boring topic turned into comedy fodder by the clever writing skills of the dummie crew.
"Reading Pitt's blather is tiresome and unproductive, so I won't comment any further." elrond
When self-love goes over the cliff.
Reading Pitt is like wading in a lake of molasses. Dear God, you just want it to end.
Although I'm a regular here, I myself didn't know about the teacher incident until a couple months ago (I was first made aware of it when someone else explained what happened with it by simply saying "Ever hear the old song 'Don't Stand So Close to Me'?").
I think the reason why there is such a focus on Pitt is because he is so massively pompous and elf- righteous, and that egotism often causes him to completely humiliate himself. One well- known example was the "24 business hours" incident. Another more recent example was when he openly bragged about Michael Moore quoting one of his (Pitt's) DU articles in his annual Christmas rant a couple months ago, only to have it be revealed that the section Moore quoted from him was one that he had in fact plagiarized from a Douglas Adams novel.
It's always funny to see windbags like Pitt completely humiliate themselves, so he thus gives the DUmmie Funnies a lot of mileage.
Okay, time to move on. Let's hear the Dummies' reaction to the AOL/HuffPo buyout.
Pitt is unquestionably (and unintentionally) hilarious.
But it is not Pitt himself that so amuses - instead, its the DUmmie reaction to Pitt, either the mindless sycophantic slobbering, or the vicious little barbs from those who've picked behind the curtain and know the truth about Bukowski's finest.
So save Pitt for when his minions are FUnnie. When its just bloviating, I snooze. He, by himself, is a walking cliche, and very boring.
Now where the hell is the next DUFU? The service around here sucks.
Wakey wakey!
Thanks for the Pitt(iful) update. I figured it was either his attitude, which you've described perfectly, or a "don't stand so close to me" incident that shall not be discussed.
With the Michael Moore, Pitt, Christmas incident, it was made all the funnier by Moore himself getting thumped. When the great Moore followed by his ever humble servant and personal knee boy both are shown to be idiots and asses in one fell swoop you know the God's of Comedy (and Karma) was handing out presents.
Thanks for filling me in on some of Pitt's claims to fame, much appreciated.
"Okay, time to move on. Let's hear the Dummies' reaction to the AOL/HuffPo buyout." Corona
Changing the subject?...good for you, Corona.
Maybe you have the guts to explain why you're changing the subject. Come on...what do you have to lose?
OK...about the AOL/Huffington thing...are you all afraid of Arianna? Really? Think something really bad is going to happen?
Those of you who are deeply afraid...buck up you stupid, stupid pussies. This is about money. It always is.
"Pitt has gone through life without really knowing what the hell is going on in the real world." PJinc
Those are the standards by which you're holding Pitt accountable? What about Goldberg, or Kristol? You hold them to the same standards, you dumbfuck? The answer is no, you don't. If this stupid "never held a real job" bullshit were the primary reason you write about Pitt, then you would hold these other two jackasses (Goldberg and Kristol) to the same standards, but you never have and never will.
Here's the deal, when you offer up some privileged, never-worked-a-day-in-his-life BOZO as a liberal twit, then, by your own definition, Goldberg and Kristol qualify. As do many, many others.
Aren't you aware of the fact that there are a number of privileged, never-worked-a-day-in-their-life Republican assholes out there? Or are you playing dumb.
Here's the kicker - PJinc thinks Pitt has more sway than Goldberg and Kristol.
Any of you Einsteins think THAT'S true? Of course you do.
That's a problem...for you. Why? Because it is so obviously stupid, it becomes ridiculous.
I, troglaman, am not the only one you're insulting, PJinc, you wombat.
I are Troglaman. Me am Brilliant.
Me try to show I are not just like Pitt by being bombastic. This work because me am brilliant thus you am stupid.
I are clone of Pitt because me not ever know what the hell is going on in the real world because me am living in permanent fantasy world. But because me scream me not clone of Pitt that is fact because you am stupid because I are brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"Reading Pitt's blather is tiresome and unproductive, so I won't comment any further." elrond
"Ditto" troglaman
You couldn't help yourself, could you troggy? You just love the sound of your own voice.
troglaman, at first I thought your clone might not have formed properly in the test tube. Now, I'm starting to think that he's pretty close to a perfect match. Except maybe he's not as hate-filled as you.
Anyway, however you managed to make him, I congratulate you! Now never do it again.
troglaman said...
"Okay, time to move on. Let's hear the Dummies' reaction to the AOL/HuffPo buyout." Corona
Changing the subject?...good for you, Corona.
Maybe you have the guts to explain why you're changing the subject. Come on...what do you have to lose?
Look, I no longer have the amount of mojo needed to exhibit the amount of "teen angst" that you still have, even though you're probably at least well into your mid-30s or beyond.
Thing is, I didn't change the subject. News changed the subject. (ie. Egypt) And now the news has moved on so much that the AOL /Huffington takeover is no longer even news, it's not even mentioned. The fact that you're dredging this back up means I must've struck a nerve even though it's now well buried in lost time.
"You couldn't help yourself, could you troggy?" kat
You're right. I couldn't help it. And I have no one to blame but myself. I can't even blame my inner homo (though I love catching the little bitch in the act of making my life miserable).'re right, kat. But so am I, the mighty trog. Kristol and Goldberg don't hold up under PJinc's standards for "the common man". That makes him full of shit, as always.
My weakness has to do with pointing this out whenever the opportunity presents itself. I just can't help myself.
"Look, I no longer have the amount of mojo needed to exhibit the amount of "teen angst" that you still have" corona
What the fuck are you talking about? Teen angst? Changing the subject again, are you?
So what did you mean by "Okay, time to move on. Let's hear the Dummies' reaction to the AOL/HuffPo buyout"?
Move on from what? You said it, not me. And somehow connecting it with my, troglaman's, "teen angst" is fucking pathetic.
Triggered by reasoning fear of reality and fueled by hate, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt, unleashed a horrible fit of cranial rectosis, repeatedly and angrily power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass like a jack-hammer to emit pile after pile of worthless mental excrement
I see you still can't stand the fact that you are just like William Rivers Pitt, Guttersnipe. That's why you came back to this. You are fearful of the reality that you are merely a perverted copy of Pitt...two sides of the same coin.
" emit pile after pile of worthless mental excrement." jackin jerry after I endlessly jackhammer my head up my ass, I "emit pile after pile" of excrement.
That's a nice new twist in jj's never-ending trog saga, don't you think? The mighty trog mightily emitting pile after mighty pile of mighty excrement.
You a Christian, family-values guy, jj? Bet you are.
But speaking of the mighty trog, I should warn you that I am speaking to you from a new laptop. That's right. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Why? I'll tell you why. Because I, troglaman, have facebook and twitter links in my mail client, my browsers, my media player, my TV, my PS3, etc. Not to mention the links on every fucking website on earth. Do you comprehend what I, troglaman, can now do to you?
HA! Of course you don't!
I can bury you in tweets and never, ever like you or want to be your friend...while taking a crap. That's what.
Not many of you will sleep tonight, nosiree.
Fueled by hate, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt, seized in the grip of never-ending fear of reality crushing his fantasy world universe, thrashed about in his latest fit of cranial rectosis, repeatedly and angrily power-slamming his head squarely up his ass like a jack-hammer to emit the following pile of worthless mental excrement:
"I, troglaman, have facebook and twitter links in my mail client, my browsers, my media player, my TV, my PS3, etc. Not to mention the links on every fucking website on earth. Do you comprehend what I, troglaman, can now do to you?
HA! Of course you don't!
I can bury you in tweets and never, ever like you or want to be your friend...while taking a crap. That's what.
Not many of you will sleep tonight, nosiree." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Your inane blather is typical of the self-delusional narcissist you are, Guttersnipe. The only person not sleeping well will be you as fear of reality continues to erode what little coherence and reason you have left.
"...are you all afraid of Arianna?"
Why would we be afraid of Zsa Zsa Gabor's retarded sister?
"Why would we be afraid of Zsa Zsa Gabor's retarded sister?" laz
You're right!
"Maybe you have the guts to explain why you're changing the subject. Come on...what do you have to lose?"
Geez, Prog, are you really THAT stupid?
He was simply pointing out that, when he wrote that comment, it had been a while since PJ had done a new edition of the DUmmie Funnies, and the libs' deranged reaction to the AOL/ Huffpo buyout would provide him with a lot of good material. That's all it was.
Anon @ 5:32, not quite. The clone apparently failed to acquire Trog's gutter mouth.
Adam said...
Geez, Prog, are you really THAT stupid?
He sure as hell is Adam...just keep reading his posts if you can stomach it, and he will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's dumber than a fence post.
"...failed to acquire Trog's gutter mouth." adam
It's been sort of funny that for as long as jj has been saying shit like "repeatedly and angrily power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass like a jack-hammer to emit pile after pile of worthless mental excrement"...adam has been telling ME, trog, I'M a potty mouth.
Adam and jj often admire each other
("He (troglaman) sure as hell is Adam...just keep reading his posts if you can stomach it"...jj).
adam and jj have a special relationship.
So...let me ask you all something...does jackin jerry have a potty mouth? Here's what he said -
"...repeatedly and angrily power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass like a jack-hammer to emit pile after pile of worthless mental excrement".
That qualify as potty mouth, adam? And why haven't you brought it up before?
Never the less, you're all as full of shit as ever. That's why you imagine people like me "emitting" piles and piles of excrement (as jj so artfully put it). You feel less constipated just by thinking it. Try some Metamucil instead.
So, anyway, what do you all think of what's going on in Madison?
Man, Troggy, you are sick.
I was pointing out that hardly a thread goes by in which you don't pile on 4- letter words (Or their extensions, such as calling us "f&&kers") as much as possible. In fact, you did it in your most recent comment.
As for jj, I'm personally not fond of his using that "Power- slamming" terminology if for no other reasons than because it's getting old and there are other ways to shoot down your brainless rants. However:
1. He does not use such terms in his posts anywhere near as frequently as you spew out obscenities in yours.
2. Unlike you, he's not an asinine troll.
btw, could you PLEASE, for once, stop attempting to change the subject of every thread here? Only the most obnoxious of trolls do that.
"As for jj, I'm personally not fond of his using that "Power- slamming" terminology if for no other reasons than because it's getting old and there are other ways to shoot down your brainless rants." adam
A sincere thanks to you, adam. No one here has yet said anything like that.
I hope it's become abundantly clear that the mighty trog will not wilt nor bend even under the most perverse and depraved assaults such as jackin jerry's. I'm happily in a position of being able to give back what is given to me. And I have a ton of material with which to work with. And, let's be truthful, we all get to be sadistic. Everyone's, sadly, a winner.
"I'm happily in a position of being able to give back what is given to me."
Except that most of the time, you sling obscene comments at us without any of us starting it by slinging such comments at you.
Good write-up. I definitely love this site. Keep it up
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