Fantasy draft: DUmmies start movement to challenge Obama!

Challenge We Can Believe In! That's the cry in DUmmieland these days, as the dissatisfied DUmmies talk of starting a movement to challenge Obama in the 2012 primaries. We'll read about it here in this THREAD, "Why don't we start a movement - an online draft movement to challenge Obama."
Fantasy draft? Yes, of course. It won't go anywhere. These are the DUACos we're talking about, after all. But then that's all the more reason why it's FUn for us to read!
So let us hop on board DUmmieland's monorail and get off at Fantasyland, where the DUmmie draft geeks write in Primary Color Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, chuckling at how BO has gone from Obamessiah to Obamembarrassment, is in the [Barackets]:
Why don't we start a movement - an online draft movement to challenge Obama.
["Hey, kids, let's put on a SHOW!" "Say, that'd be SWELL!"]
But who?
[Alright, draft geeks, who's on your fantasy boards?]
I know the majority of DUers love Kucinich, but I don't think he can win.
[NO! Where is your FAITH?? What makes you think Kookcinich CAN'T win?]
Personally I would love to draft Howard Dean.
[Draft the daft: Daffy Dean.]
[You've come to the wrong place for THAT!]
Robert Reich
[He's on the short list.]
Elizabeth Warren!
[The little-known heroine of the DUmp. I think there are fifteen people outside of DUmmieland who have even heard of her. But if this Elizabeth Warren person somehow were to be elected, and she then disappoints the DUmmies, soon they'll be carrying signs, "IMPEACH E. WARREN!"]
Warren - yes!
[Warren - who?]
Reich is an outsourcer and a free-trader.
[The Turd Reich.]
never anyone from Chicago again. . . .
[Hey, I resemble that remark!]
[Plugs! Yes! Hardscrabble Joe from Scranton PA! He's clean, he's articulate. . . . Joe, stand up, let the people see ya! . . . Oh, God love ya! What am I talking about?]
a Democratic challenger will only waste party resources and weaken Obama against the Rethug candidate.
[Shh! Quiet!]
Obama is the Only One Who Has a Chance of Winning and if we lose, we're done. Huckabee or Palin would finish off what's left of our freedom and turn it into Jesusland and start WW3 aka Crusade 2 against all those Muslims.
[Palinoia strikes deep . . .]
Hillary could, with Obama's endorsement
[What are you smoking?? Like either side of that comma could really happen. . . .]
If we primaried him and put up a good candidate we could easily win the general. . . .
[Put down the bong pipe and take a whiff of reality: You guys are STUCK with Barry O!]
Obama is acting like a Republican already, he is to the right of Reagan.
[Do you mean Ron Reagan the ballerina? Maybe.]
The Pendulum Always Moves to the Right
[Except for the Pitt and the Pendulum.]
Why don't we shoot ourselves in the foot?
[Great idea! Go for it!]
No primary challenger has ever made a sitting President stronger against his opponent. If you don't like Obama, wait till you're saying President Gingritch.
[Somebody set up us the Newtron bomb!]
John Kitzhaber of Oregon.
[How about Hans Katzenjammer of the FUnnie Papers?]
Mike Gravel
[The Potted Plant is ready to throw his rock into the ring.]
Keith Olbermann
[And leave that huge audience on Current TV?]
Cenk Uygur
[And leave that huge audience on MSNBC?]
Cenk would destroy Obama in a debate.
[You'll love it, Barry! Whole rooms simply stuffed with Turkish Debate!]
Gravel also served in the military
[What, in the War of 1812?]
Uh, Cenk wasn't born in the United States
[Didn't stop Obama.]
You really think we can get away with that twice?
[Hee! Hee!]
Howard said No.
[Dr. No.]
I wish to start a movement to rid ourselves of these stupid threads. . . .
I'd like to suggest Alan Grayson of Florida
[YES! There's your man! The entertainment value would be through the roof!]
[All in favor, say, Aye-yi-yiii!!! Alan "Dick" Grayson it is!]
Only a ticket of Kookcinich and Grayson will satisfy the Moonbats/Troglaman Clones.
Not to worry, the DUmmies will obediently vote for Obama in 2012.
They'll wish they were voting for Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders or perhaps Hugo Chavez but they'll vote as they are told.
Forget hope and change, get ready for despair and chaos.
I swear to God I'm starting to feel sorry for Obama.
He sure has some fair-weather fans, don't he?
"Brown Boys"? That's racist, report for sensitivity training.
The only thing still keeping itself glued together is Kays' Caps Lock key.
"Only a ticket of Kookcinich and Grayson will satisfy the Moonbats/Troglaman Clones." jackin jerry
Yeah sure.
Let it be noted that our lunatic friend is predicting a "Kookcinich and Grayson" movement. A perfect example of why jackin rammin slammin jerry is such a dumbshit.
This will never ever happen. jj just thinks it will. Why? Because he's a dumbshit...which is where we started.
[How about Hans Katzenjammer of the FUnnie Papers?]
Weren't Hans and Fritz born in German East Africa? Oh...never mind...
"Why don't we shoot ourselves in the foot?"
If they sell tickets, we could probably get rid of the national debt.
Fueled by hate, TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site, failed to comprehend reality and English and instantaneously began to power-slam his head repeatedly up his ass to emit the following clueless statement:
"Let it be noted that our lunatic friend is predicting a "Kookcinich and Grayson" movement. A perfect example of why jackin rammin slammin jerry is such a dumbshit." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Yeah, no question about it now, Lazarus....98% failure rate to comprehend English for sure.
Um, Trog, he's not predicting anything or even claiming to do so. He's simply saying that the DUmmies are so radically ultra- far- left that only such a pairing could really satisfy them.
What the hell is the KayInMaine clone howling about now? She's making even less sense than Troglaman The Guttersnipe and that ain't good.
What the hell is the KayInMaine clone howling about now?
A poll of third graders thinks it is talking about the reporter, who was raped, in Egypt.
Respondents also stated that there is a better than 50% chance that it is a complete douchetool and paints wall drawings with it's own poo.
But, the poll was unscientific.
Once again, troggy boy fails to make a valid point, and gets bent over the work bench.
Yeah,'d think Guttersnipe would learn, but that would require a level of intelligence he's proven he does not possess.
And speaking of clueless fools, I see the KayInMaine Clone is still spewing bile.
What the hell kind of language is this lunatic KayInMaine speaking? Must be Trogladyte-speak because it sure as hell ain't English. Hell, it ain't even Ebonics...
"He's simply saying that the DUmmies are so radically ultra- far- left that only such a pairing could really satisfy them." adam
Really. Well then maybe you could point out anyone on the left seriously suggesting such a pairing. The problem is, you can't. You fuckers are making shit up again.
Let me say it again, adam. Your statement "...only such a pairing could really satisfy them..." is a lie. Utterly baseless. Not one iota of truth. And yet you believe it (as do the rest of you monkeys).
That's your problem.
The site to which you are posting is called "DummieFunnies", Trog.
I know this is hard for you to understand and retain, but the purpose is to chronicle the antics of Democratic Underground.
That's the source. You're not posting on a site called "All Democrats are Dummies" (although that may have merit).
Please try to keep up in the future, Troggy m'dear.
Or do you just pull the 'deliberatley obtuse' act when you can't think of anything else to say?
I was going to shoot down trog's moronic reply, like I always do, but Anon @ 10:01 am has already done an excellent job with much of that.
One more thing:
"Your statement "...only such a pairing could really satisfy them..." is a lie. Utterly baseless."
It is a fact that the DUmmies are so radically far left that not even Obama is good enough for them (Even in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 election, DUmmies were already whining about him and how they want him to go even further to the left). It is a fact that it would take a leader so massively, radically, mind- bendingly liberal in his policies as to make Barack Obama look like Rush Limbaugh in comparison to make the DUmmies (Note as Anon also noted that I didn't say the left/ Democrats as a whole, I said the DUmmies) stop whining and be satisfied, and a Grayson/ Kucinich pairing would likely fit the profile.
"Really. Well then maybe you could point out anyone on the left seriously suggesting such a pairing. The problem is, you can't. You fuckers are making shit up again." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe as he repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass.
Thanks for showing everyone for the umpteenth time that you can't comprehend 98% of the stuff you read and that you suffer from a terminal case of dumbass.
"It is a fact that the DUmmies are so radically far left that not even Obama is good enough for them." adam
Wrong. Who do you think the lefties are going to vote for in a Obama/Romney election? Obama/Huckabee? Obama/Palin? Obama/Thune? There's not one poll anywhere that suggests the lefties will not vote for Obama come election time. They will. Because the alternative is a trip down the rabbit hole.
"...and a Grayson/ Kucinich pairing would likely fit the profile." adam
Fit the profile? Who's profile? Yours? Because if it is your profile, you've proven yourself an inexcusable dumbass. anyone on the left doing what you think they're doing? Is anyone seriously suggesting a Grayson/ Kookcinich ticket?
Are you just making shit up? Tell the truth.
(As we both know, there's only one right answer)
"Hell, it ain't even Ebonics..." troglanon
Holy shit! You know Ebonics? You must come from the inner cities.
Geez, Trog, you just don't get it, do you?
I never said they wouldn't vote for Obama (They always vote straight Democratic, after all), I said they would keep whining about Obama and how they want him to be even farther left. As I said, it started before he was even inaugurated, and continues to this day.
"Fit the profile? Who's profile? Yours?"
No, the DUmmies' profile. I thought my post was straightforward enough that even someone as dense as you could grasp that, but I guess now I know to never underestimate your ignorance.
" anyone on the left doing what you think they're doing? Is anyone seriously suggesting a Grayson/ Kookcinich ticket?"
No, and I never said they were.
I guess when documenting your trolling strategies, I've failed to note another one that you use quite regularly: Putting words in my mouth.
"No, the DUmmies' profile." adam
OK, then I guess it's OK to say that a Palin/Bachmann ticket fits the dumbshit RepubliDUm profile. Cause I know all about RepubliDUm profiles.
You know all about DUmmie profiles, and I know all about RepubliDUm profiles.
Buy that, adam? Tell me you do.
" Cause I know all about RepubliDUm profiles."
No, you don't.
Even most conservatives don't really want to see Palin run for president, and don't caremuch about Bachmann anymore.
In contrast, as this thread and many others indicate, the DUmmies adore Kucinich and Grayson.
Wrong again, Troggy.
"...the DUmmies adore Kucinich and Grayson." adam
They do. But if you think this is a DUmmie ticket, you're fucking nuts. Got that? No one on the left is seriously suggesting a Kucinich/Grayson ticket. No one.
You just think we are. That makes you delusional.
"No one on the left is seriously suggesting a Kucinich/Grayson ticket. No one."
In this very thread, the DUmmies suggest both men run for president. I never said the left as a whole, I said the DUmmies (Who epitomize the lunatic far left).
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
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