Lady NaDa gives a shout out: "DUmmy FUNNIES... Hey Freepers"

Does she look more like Natasha Fatale or Nina Khrushchev? We still don't know yet. But we do know that DUmmie nadinbrzezinski, International Woman of Mystery, is watching this space. You see, Know-it-all Nadin has been the star of our last two DUFUs: Palinoia strikes deep: DUmmies DUped by Palin-invade-Egypt spoof!, in which Know-it-all Nadin was taken in by an obviously satirical piece; and Know-it-all Nadin off to strong start for DUmmie of the Year, in which Lady NaDa . . . a) talked with an Egyptian--in San Diego, and b) enlightened a poor lowly DUmmie who asked for guidance--by copying a few twitter tweets.
Well, yesterday Nadin, who's a little slow on the uptake, found out that we had DUFUed her, and now she has responded with, not one, not two, but THREE separate threads about her starring role in the DUmmie FUnnies:
This THREAD, "DUmmy FUNNIES... Hey Freepers"
This THREAD, "Now on what this freeper joke means though" and
This THREAD, "On privacy the net, and the law"
And away we go! Nadin and the other DUmmies' comments are in Look What I Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--happy to give Nadin her 15 minutes of fame, but hoping PJ will take a break from couponing to do a DUFU on the DUmmies celebrating Reagan's birthday--is in the [brackets]:
DUmmy FUNNIES... Hey Freepers
[Lady NaDa gives us a shout out!]
I will accept your sick award.
[Don't count your sick awards before they're dispatched. While you're off to a strong start, Lady NaDa, you by no means have "DUmmie of the Year" locked up. And trying too hard will only HURT you with the judges.]
I must say you guys are funny...
[Thank you! But we couldn't DU it without DUmmies like you!]
They are cute, and childish..
[We aim to please!]
people who have no idea what else to do with their time.
[Says Nadin, as she starts THREE threads, with over **250** DUmmie replies, about how the freepers have nothing better to do with their time!]
haha.. what an honor! I guess you've stood out, as you've lately helped keep the info on Egypt flowing here. . . .
[Nadin of the Nile has FLOODED DUmmieland with her streams of condescensiousness!]
[Sorry, not everyone can star in a DUFU. You have to do something to amuse us and entertain us.]
Hey, Natasha is HOT!
[Yes, but is Lady NaDa? Or does she look more like Mrs. Khrushchev?]
Congrats! Does being a "celebrity" at FR come off of your "15 minutes?"
[These are 15 BUSINESS minutes. So, no.]
Hobbies. These people need hobbies.
[Says Wee Willie Pitt, worried perhaps that Nadin will overtake him as the Number One Star of the DUmmie FUnnies.]
Wow! You have groupies! Just like a Rock Star!
[She's Lady NaDa! Miss "Poser Face" herself!]
85. Deleted message
[I think this was one where a DUmmie referred to Know-it-all Nadin as the "professor" who constantly "lectures" us. But--poof!--it's gone!]
I value being named in the DUmmie Funnies more than . . .
[. . . life itself. It's the highest of honors.]
Nadin of the Nile!!! . . . I *loved* the title bestowed upon you!
[It was either that or "Cleopatronize."]
They can be viscious. . . .
[It's downright vitreous humor!]
They just don't like people with history degrees. Edumucation is dangerous.
[That's FUnnie, since the guy who wrote that DUFU has a Bachelor's degree (history major), two Master's degrees, and is "all but dissertation" on a Ph.D.]
I'd bet a dollar the person who wrote that also has a DU account.
[Mm, could be! Someone with an LFT degree!]
Science Fiction Role Playing Games ?!?!?
Need to update since these days I do history. . . .
[The only role-playing Nadin does these days is being the Christiane Amanpour of DUmmieland.]
This year I'm Number 2 with them.
[Try harder, Stinky The Clown! DUmmie of the Year does not come easy!]
Did you ever know that you're my hero, and you're everything that I wish I could be?
[You can only ASPIRE to be like nadinbrzybrzy!]
Now on what this freeper joke means though
[It means Nadin gets to post a SECOND thread about herself!]
Now this is the meaning of those funny posts at the meta level.
[Nadin never meta level she didn't like.]
[DUmmie RandomThoughts responds . . .]
I think what I post here is grabbed by some group, then used for some other reason. Although they can't see whats in the stuff, so it is like a Trojan horse, if needed to be. The reason I think that is some things said on the tv, and posted here about that, where it seems I get labeled as being part of some group, although I think that label is probably Orwellian anyways. But here is my point, what does it take to convince someone that they should correct what is needed to be corrected. There is another possibility, but it is a bit metaphysical, basically my existence when I type here, is not far off of a spirit existence, in that I don't have contact but can communicate, making the internet no different then spirit conversations in form. I find that fascinating. But since anything is possible, it is possible that the Internet and TV, are some AI system, or that I am some form of AI system, and they are the real world. Either way it would be the concept of 'no bridge' hence why when bridges are seen, that delusion can be removed. Basically there are some people directly responsible for not sending the beer and travel money that is due, and they think nothing will happen to them, or think they are willing to pay that price, or don't think. So the best guess is blockers are top tier non feelers non thinkers, and that fits set a table before my enemy. Although if they have any of my capabilities, they wont be shaken, and have to be taken down, so then the valid claim of beer and travel money, removes the problems in the world. But it does not correct the problem of the beer and travel money being due. Hence the problem, if the filters are set up as the worst that can not be convinced and have to be removed, then what? If you eliminate them they would be replaced by another one of them, although could just burn through the whole bench. The basic problem is the blockers wont correct what needs to be corrected, and wont explain what is stopping them, because they don't want to correct things, they probably think it is a game. Until they get crushed or something. So what to be done? There only argument is that existence is bad, and since I don't accept that, if they do not correct what they should, either they or I have to stop existing, or someone has to change, which is the concept of Thor wrestling the snake. . . .
will all due respect, are you on peyote all the time? just wonderin'
[DUmmie RandomThoughts is the Wile E. Peyote of the DUmp. . . . But I digress. The topic here is nadinbrzybrzy starring in the DUFUs. And so someone asks her . . .]
how many theads on this are you going to post?
[THREE! At least. We now go to Thread #3 by Nadin . . .]
On privacy the net, and the law
[Know-it-all Nadin will now lecture us on a topic we already know about, like this is something new to us . . .]
A lot of things that you may think are private... in the age of the net are not.
[YOU'RE KIDDING, Nadin! I did not know that!]
Years ago we had this dance with somebody over at a Gaming Board, in Usenet... that is well before many of you heard of the web I suspect.
[Oh, Nadin, I'm sure you heard of "the web" LONG before any of us mere mortals!]
The web is a place where we have an ILLUSION of privacy, but I know that any real privacy went away the day I first logged on to that Usenet account over AOL oh... in 1987.
[**1987**, Nadin! Wow! You are a real PIONEER! You must know ALL Things!]
That is the brutal truth.
[Whew! I'm glad you told me, Nadin! I thought everything I posted on "the web" was PRIVATE!]
Why what you posted ten years ago, can indeed come back to hunt you today.
[It's like living in a hunted house!]
[The DUmmies respond, and a theme emerges . . .]
Amazingly, we do not live in cocoons: "...that is well before many of you heard of the web I suspect..."
[A DUmmie dares to take on the All-Knowing One.]
Sometimes your posts give the impression...That you believe everyone else on DU is an idiot. Seriously, Usenet? Internet privacy? Do you think you've told anyone anything they don't already know?
This is a response I could 'rec', with one alteration. Change the 'sometimes' to 'often'.
[Hee! Hee!]
you really are an arrogant, condescending piece of work. . . .
[This was a suicide run by a now-tombstoned 1-post LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
Dude, compared to her, everyone is an idiot. Shut up and enjoy your education. . . .
[Yes, you're PRIVILEGED to sit at the feet of Nadin "The Dean of DU"!]
"Years ago we had this dance with somebody over at a Gaming Board, in Usenet... that is well before many of you heard of the web I suspect." You could've ended the sentence at Usenet, but you just had to add that clause of condescension, didn't you.
[Know-it-all Nadin just can't help it!]
[Well, believe it or don't, Nadin has now started a FOURTH thread ruminating on her magical week as star of the DUmmie FUnnies! Nadin, you're trying too hard! Slow down, girl, or this will cost you POINTS with the judges! DUmmie of the Year is a long way off! Pace yourself! Sheeee. . . .]
Good Lord...that post by RandomThoughts is breathtakingly stupid. It's like he smoked down two or three joints before doing that one. That's one of the most incoherent rambling displays of worthless mental excrement I've ever seen this side of Troglaman.
And sadly I know two people who are just like Nadin...self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, arrogant, condescending and intellectually vacant despite their own self-delusional beliefs to the contrary. One is, of course, Troglaman the Guttersnipe. The other earned the nickname Don The Moron. If you wish to see how stupid Don The Moron and his ilk are, check out what I call The Yahoo! Triaste' Society of America Group at There is a woman named Denise on there who functions as Chief Moonbat for the Triaste' Society. She's a real piece of work.
"...self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, arrogant, condescending and intellectually vacant despite their own self=delusional beliefs to the contrary" sounds a lot like Ear Leader, Light Worker, the Clean and Articulate, Healer of Planets and Lowerer of Oceans, President for Life, Barak Hussein Soetero Obama.
This is awesome. DUmmies FUnnies is going mainstream in DUmmy land. I don't think Nadin is bright enough to see how this is going to back fire on her. I feel a whole new set of Skinner DUmmie Laws in the making.
Oh and the peyote question seemed pretty legitimate. Thanks Nadin we are all a little bit stupider for having read that. There really should be a warning for stuff like that. Something along these lines.
WARNING This next post is so devoid of useful reason that to expend any brain cells reading it is to forfeit them permanently, read at your own peril.
Johnny 5 is alive
I actually think it's kind of awesome that Ms Abbott was on the 'web' in 1987, especially considering that the 'world wide web' wasn't invented until 1993 (by CERN). That sort of thing takes skills. Mad skillz. So maybe you should stop making fun of her now?!
The DUmmies sure live a miserable life.
Anon Johnny 5....
That comment should appear before every post made by Troglaman The Guttersnipe.
Remember when Charlie Brown became aware of his tongue? This is That funny. To see the ants become aware of the audience is quite funny. Charles, you really found a gold mine. Here's hoping Nadines' nadir hasn't peaked quite yet.
And yeah, RandomThoughts' delivery was like watching a mouth fall down the James Joyce stairs.
"This year I'm Number 2 with them."-K.I.A.N.
Oh, not just this year Nadine.
"Nadin of the Nile has FLOODED DUmmieland with her streams of condescensiousness!"
ROFL! That was a good one.
I had to stop reading the Random Thoughts excerpt due to imminent peril to my brain cells...that guy is a veritable DeathStar of gibberish.
"Good Lord...that post by RandomThoughts is breathtakingly stupid. It's like he smoked down two or three joints before doing that one. That's one of the most incoherent rambling displays of worthless mental excrement I've ever seen this side of Troglaman." jackin jerry
Jesus, jerome. Get over the trog thing. Really. It's making you sound stupid and sick. Stuck. Trog is a nobody. Like PJ's mysterious obsession with Pitt, it gets in front of what you're actually trying to say about us. Which is, usually, nothing but dumbass invective.
Consider this the one and only favor I'll ever do for you, jj (because you're an asshole and I know it):
What if you'd said this -
"Good Lord...that post by RandomThoughts is breathtakingly stupid because nadin could be anyone. Who draws conclusions from random shadows? That's one of the most incoherent rambling displays of worthless mental excrement I've ever seen."
Pretty similar, don't you think? I'd be willing to bet you'd go along with the editorial changes offered in statement #2.
But here's the difference - in statement #2 you offer a truth that can't be disputed - nadin could be anyone. No one would be able to argue with that. You win and end up sounding a lot smarter than you do now. If anyone challenges you, like me, the mighty trog, you simply threaten to spit on my grave and move on...because you're know you're right.
It's an amazingly satisfying experience when you can back up what you say with a startlingly simple truth...rather than visions of the mighty trog slamming his head up his ass.
See the difference? Probably not. I tried.
"Get over the trog thing. Really....Trog is a nobody." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Thanks for admitting what virtually everyone on blog already knew, Guttersnipe - you are a self-aggrandizing nobody.
"If anyone challenges you, like me, the mighty trog, you simply threaten to spit on my grave and move on...because you're know you're right." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Two coherent and fairly truthful things in a row...ASTOUNDING. Let's see how long this lucky streak of Guttersnipe's will last......
MY most stupendous, wonderful, scrumptious President is so exellently amazing! I just saw him doing a live interview with Reich Whinge Nazi Bill O’Reilly right before the Super Bowl is to start. Racist Nazi Billo tried to get President Obama to screw up, but our president’s awesomeness, supremacy, confidence, dignity, intelligence, and pride came through as usual! Love, love, love, love. love him.
Clean up in Aisle 5.
Leave Nadin alone ! She invoked the all powerful magic internet word: Usenet.
For you n00bs, you must understand that usenet was an incredibly difficult thing to use in 1987, it was like using the telephone in 1824.
"Thanks for admitting what virtually everyone on blog already knew, Guttersnipe - you are a self-aggrandizing nobody." jammin jerry
Then why, you stupid dumbshit, do you continue to talk about ME, the mighty trog? Hmmm?
This is a perfect example of a simple concept. If I were who you're telling me I am, jj, you wouldn't give a shit about me. You wouldn't think about me. I wouldn't be on your radar.
But I am. That makes you dishonest.
But...I want you to know that I, the muscular and oil-glistened trog, think about you too, my rammin jammin little friend.
"Then why, you stupid dumbshit, do you continue to talk about ME, the mighty trog? Hmmm?
This is a perfect example of a simple concept. If I were who you're telling me I am, jj, you wouldn't give a shit about me. You wouldn't think about me. I wouldn't be on your radar.
But I am. That makes you dishonest." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe's latest rant from power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass
Because assholes like you, Guttersnipe were foolishly given power on January 20, 2009. Because assholes like you, Guttersnipe, have done their best to try to wreck this country. And because I have no tolerance for hate-mongering idiotic jackasses like you, Guttersnipe, I'm going to keep verbally pounding you for the mealy-mouth worthless no good idiotic hate-mongering vile son of a bitch you are until the day you either quit this board, finally decide to deal with reality instead joining with your fellow brain-dead Moonbats to try to impose an non-existent fantasy world's rules on the rest of us or you drop dead. Doesn't matter to me which of those happens, I got lots of time to keep pointing out what a rotten excuse for a human being you are, Guttersnipe, and so far you're too damn ignorant to stop showing what a Anti-American worthless jackass you are and giving me everything necessary to point it out.
And by the way, the fact you come on here and beg like a whipped dog in your own mealy-mouth fashion for me to stop ramming your own bile back down your throat is all reason I need to keep right on doing it.
Have a bad life,'re earned it. And if I make a bit more for me.
Per the Oxford American Dictionary:
"Guttersnipe" is defined as "a street urchin".
Just clarifying things.
"Then why, you stupid dumbshit, do you continue to talk about ME, the mighty trog? Hmmm?"
We're not talking about you, you retarded marmoset, we're laughing at you.
"Because assholes like you, Guttersnipe, have done their best to try to wreck this country." jammin jerry
Have I? Is there some evidence somewhere that I've been trying to wreck this country? Can you tell me one thing, one quote or position of mine that is a clearly designed effort to destroy this country? No, you can't, you grandiose wombat.
The funny thing is that I, troglaman, can prove again and again that you fuckers actually came pretty close to destroying this country. That's an undeniable fact.
And you evil bastards ain't done yet.
Tell me Obamacare is socialist. I'll kick you ass. Tell me Obama increased taxes. I'll kick your ass. Tell me Obama's trying to take your guns away. I'll kick your ass. Tell me Obama's really a Kenyon. I'll kick your ass.
Truth is, jerry, whenever you get specific, I kick your ass. And you like it.
So do I.
"a street urchin" elrond
With great big barbed spines?
Me trog. Me got big barbed brilliant spines.
I'd never thought about it before now, but how do you go from a sea urchin to a street urchin? I'll probably think about this for hours.
Thanks, elrond, you dirty bastard.
Frightened by reality, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of Williams Rivers Pitt - repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass and produced an amazing display of truly shallow intellectual depth...
Thanks for showing you have no ability to comprehend at least 95% of what is said to you, Guttersnipe.
And showing your world-class blowhard skills is also duly noted.
Too bad you - as usual - have stated nothing of consequence. Just more blustering blather.
You're scared, Guttersnipe...reality is creeping in over and over, and you're having to power-slam your head up your ass more frequently to avoid it. But sooner or later that won't work anymore....then what?
"We're not talking about you, you retarded marmoset, we're laughing at you." laz
"Because assholes like you, Guttersnipe"..."Have a bad life, Guttersnipe, you're earned it"..."I'm going to keep verbally pounding you for the mealy-mouth worthless no good idiotic hate-mongering vile son of a bitch you are"
Jerome is really yukking it up, don't you think, laz? Laughing his ass off.
And if you read the thread, the only one glorifying the mighty trog is jackin jerry. If I'm not mistaken, not one other commenter even mentions me except for jerry...until you came along, laz.
I love you both.
If you consider what's said about you glorifying you trogladyte you are nuts.
Troglaman's problem evidently has a clinical definition:
"Do you know someone who suffers from Rectal Cranial Inversion. This disease (otherwise known as Head Up Your Own Ass Syndrome or Cranial Rectosis) affects the lives of many. There is no known cure for Cranial Rectosis... "
So evidently Troglaman the Guttersnipe suffers from incurable bouts of Cranial Rectosis....who knew?
read the thread
Anonymous said...
read the thread
That thread gives a really good picture of how shallow and self-absorbed the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats at DU's creepy, let me tell you....
Is Nadin the rock climber in the DUmmy photo
"Thanks for showing you have no ability to comprehend at least 95% of what is said to you, Guttersnipe." jackin jerry
95 percent? Really? Or are you just making shit up?
You're making shit up.
"Too bad you - as usual - have stated nothing of consequence. Just more blustering blather." jackin jerry
Yes. And what is it that you've offered other than blustering blather? Let's hear it.
You simply have no awareness of how stupid you sound, do you jj? Amazing.
So...can you describe the pod? Was it like a pea pod? Or a bean pod? Or did you just suddenly wake up in a corn field covered in pod slime?
What? It's a good question.
"Cranial Rectosis... " jj
Not bad, jj.
Frightened by reality and fueled by narcissism, TROGLAMAN THE GUTTERSNIPE had a violent fit of cranial rectosis and emitted the following confused statement of self-projection:
"You simply have no awareness of how stupid you sound, do you"
No, Guttersnipe you don't have any awareness of how stupid you sound...and thanks to your unreasoning fear of reality triggering one fit after another of cranial rectosis, you never will.
"Have I?"
"95 percent? Really?"
Probably closer to 97 or 98%
"And what is it that you've offered other than blustering blather? Let's hear it, jj" the mighty trog
I owe you an apology,'re right it is a lot closer to 98%. My bad.
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