"We need to take back the media"

We need to take back the media
[Remove the muzzle that keeps Keith Olbermann silent!]
But how? We need to take back the control of the message of the media.
[Yeah, like SeeBS is constantly pushing conservatism...in the Alternate Universe.]
Either the government would have to regulate the partisan activities of the media, which isn't likely to happen or they would have to be paid more money than they now are getting from Republicans to cease their partisan political activity and that would take more money that the Dems could raise.
[Note the REAL goal here: government control of the media. For the DUmmies the leftwing media doesn't tilt Bolshevik enough for them.]
I think the first step is that we need to win the war of soundbites because we have been losing the war of soundbites to Republicans for decades.
[Gee. It couldn't be because your message SUCKS?]
Repukes somehow find ways to get their talking points perceived by average Joe Blow voter in the manner they want them perceived. Democrats have never learned how to play this game. We either don't dumb down our message enough or we don't do enough to explain why we do the things we do.
[Trust me. I've heard Big Ed on MSDNC and your message is truly DUmb.]
The only way to take back the media is to overthrow Capitalism.
[A DUmmie gets to the real TRUTH of the problem.]
Capitalism is full of flaws. But strictly measured as overall prosperity creator, nothing else comes close.
The media are controlled by wealthy, corporate interests. They control what pablum they wish to spoon feed to you as news. They also give you 20 minutes of commercials every hour. So, if you don't accept "news" coverage that skips important controversy, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You have to change to make the media change.
"Repukes somehow find ways to get their talking points perceived by average Joe Blow voter in the manner they want them perceived. Democrats have never learned how to play this game. We either don't dumb down our message enough or we don't do enough to explain why we do the things we do."
I love this aspect of Democrats it's the full exposure of their delusion or technically speaking their insanity.
D - Give us all your money!
American - Uh No.
D - Please give us all your money.
American - No
D - Do it for the children!
American - What am I doing for the children?
D - Giving me all you money.
American - Oh then no again.
D - You evil capitalistic pig, you repukes, you brown shirt goose stepping, lizard brain, slave owning monsters who drink puppy blood and shower in kitten feces, who btw should be killed give us all your money!
American - Well since you put it that way, ah, no and FU.
D - Clearly we have a messaging problem.
American - No we understand the message we just reject the subject of that message.
D - Yep messaging problem. Perhaps I'm not insulting them enough to get my idea across.
PJ DUmmies FUnnies puts a smile on my face daily, keep up the great work and Happy New Year!
Johnny 5 is alive
Funnnneeeeee, Anonymous!
And it reflects precisely ol' Emperor Jugears refrain of "We just didn't EXPLAIN it enough for the stupid Americans to understand!"
Hey Dummies! It's not the messaging!
It's the message!
Weasels Ripped Your Flesh...because we told them to. They sit on your brains and press heavily against your eyeballs.
Anonymous, best description EVAH! I'm laughing so hard I think I just pee'd myself :D -tm
Yeah. Anon, that was good!
You don't have Troglatard for a neighbor do you? You seem to have them down cold.
God, these people are so Sucking Ftupid.
"We need to take back control of the message of the media."
Just like Joseph Goebbels did. From a DUmmie comes an unintended truth.
Are they serious?
C'mon, man.
Anon #1 comment <--- superb.
"I love this aspect of Democrats it's the full exposure of their delusion or technically speaking their insanity.
D - Give us all your money!" troglanon
Give us all your money. This is what the moronic, amnesiac, troglanon offers up as the delusional insanity of the DUmmies.
In case you all haven't realized it yet, they started stealing your money about 30 years ago. They stole so much that it collapsed the economy. So your idiotic claim that the libs want to steal your money lacks this important insight - your guys have already emptied the kitty. Yes, you have. Happily triumphant in your quest.
So what you do, troglanon (you small, stupid bit of protoplasm), is inadvertently point out that you're delusional and insane. How ironic.
It's a yuletide miracle. I, troglaman, can't remember another time anyone around here has made such a total jackass of themselves. I guess there truly is a first time for everything. God's will for sure.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are so smart, me can make up own reality. Me can ignore fact and say anything me wants and be jackass about it because me am brilliant. I are so smart me create own fact and reality.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"The Democrats stole so much that it collapsed the economy."
TFTFY, you inbred mouth-breather.
"...they stated stealing your money about 30 years ago."
That's true troggy, but the rate of theft has gone ballistic the past four years.
The 110th Congress (2007-08) increased the national debt by $1,957 trillion.
The 111th Congress (2009-10) increased the national debt by another $3.22 trillion.
A combined total of $5.157 trillion
of new debt in just four years.
Now which political party controlled the 110th and 111th Congresses? Was it the Democrats?
Was it Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?
Yes, it was.
So it's true, the libs have taken a bad situation and made it catastrophic.
You're in denial, maybe you've been drinking too much Holiday eggnog.
The party's over man, it's sackcloth and ashes time.
"That's true troggy, but the rate of theft has gone ballistic the past four years." elrond
Four years? See...the rate of theft between 2000 and 2008 forced the a nearly trillion dollar bail-out just before Bush left office. Remember that? The economy collapsed under Bush, you stupid shit. The fact that it required an extreme intervention to correct it...what the fuck? Of course it did. How does one respond to the total collapse of the world's economy? Everybody sell apples or pencils or some such shit? You assholes drive me crazy.
You fuckers caused this shit but just don't get that fact. Never have. Never will.
That's your problem.
Our problem is how to deal with you stupid jackasses and make you not able to do it again. THAT'S our problem.
Palin 2012.
Pathetic, go on believing that the last two Congresses had nothing to do with the debt crisis we are now in. Believe that the $5.2 trillion in new national debt incurred the past four years is Bush's (or Reagan's or Bush Sr.'s) fault. Believe that the Stimulus Package actually decreased the unempoyment rate and jazzed the economy. Beleive that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are deficit hawks. Believe that Obama Care will not increase the deficit. Believe it all and you're a bigger putz than I thought possible.
Our problem now is how we repair the damages inflicted by the 110th and 111th Congresses. One thing is certain, my children and grandchildren will be paying for Congress's profligacy for the rest of their lives.
Kucinich 2012
"Pathetic, go on believing that the last two Congresses had nothing to do with the debt crisis we are now in." elrond
So tell me. How did the last two Congresses put us in this position? That's the last 4 years. Tell me how they did it, elrond. Explain yourself. Convince me.
"Kucinich 2012" elrond
Another false equivalency, elrond. Think Kucinich has a chance in hell of becoming a primary challenge to Obama? No, you don't.
Think Palin has a chance in a primary challenge? Yes, you do.
So why bring it up other than proving to the rest of us you're an idiot?...you sexy self-destructive rebel you.
Got a beer report?
$5.2 trillion in new debt.
" How did the last two Congresses put us in this position?"
The Democrats spent and spent and spent and spent and spent and spentand spent and spent and spent and spent and spent and spent and spent and spent and spent.
Then they spent some more.
And More.
And more.
And more.
And more.
The reactionary left-fascists in Congress didn't spend like drunken sailors.
They spent like a fucking Armada on crack.
Oooopsy, the numbers have changed. Upward, of course.
"Final Tab for Pelosi’s Speakership: $5.34 Trillion in New Debt—Or $3.66 Billion Per Day"
"In the 1,461 days that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) served as speaker of the House, the national debt increased by a total of $5.343trillion ($5,343,452,800,321.37) or $3.66 billion per day
($3.657,394,113.84), according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury.
Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the House. During her tenure, she amassed more debt than the first 49speakers combined.
The total national debt did not climb above $5.343 trillion (the amount amassed during Pelosi’s four years as speaker) until Feb. 26, 1997, when Rep. Newt Gingrich (R.-Ga.) was serving as the nation’s 50th House speaker."
Now, you were saying, asswipe?
"How did the last two Congresses put us in this position?"
BY spending a shit load of money that they had to borrow---$5,343 trillion (TRILLION) to be exact. Convince me that the last two Congresses did not borrow this money. Convince me that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with this massive increase in the national debt.
Sadly, no beer report, blizzard report instead.
Okay, Kucinich was a stretch, he's just a DUmmie favorite, how about Hillary Clnton?
"Convince me that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with this massive increase in the national debt." elrond
This massive debt was around WAY before Pelosi and Reid.
What you can't dispute, elrond, is that Republicans increase debt and Dems reduce debt. That's a fact. Entitlements such as job programs, health programs, education programs, etc., actually work.
Why do I, the mighty trog, have to keep saying this again and again...the Repubs have INCREASED the deficit every time they've controlled government for over the last 30 years and the Dems have DECREASED the deficit every time they've controlled government over the last 30 years. This is simply fact.
Your inability to assimilate these facts is not my problem. It's your problem. I don't know what else to do other than point out from time to time that you're dumber than pond scum.
Beer Report?
So who controlled Congress (and spending) the past four years when $5,300,000,000,000 was added to the national debt? Was it Democrats?
Yes, it was. They did not DECREASE the deficit, they INCREASED it by a spectacular amount.
You're inability to comprehend (or admit) this simple fact proves you belong in the DU with the rest of the DUmmies.
"Beer report?"
Sadly, no. Our trip to New York was disrupted by a blzzard. I'll try again in February.
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