"Actors you were bummed to find out were Republican..."

Actors you were bummed to find out were Republican...
[John Wayne?]
Robert Downey, Jr.
Can't believe he went all Pro Bush...
[I have to admit this actually surprised me as well. Even more of a surprise than finding out that Richard Feynman was also a Republican.]
Tom Selleck. I thought he would be too smart for it.
[I figured Selleck for a conservative...which is why Rosie O'Donnell went nuts on him.]
Jimmy Stewart. From all his movies you got the idea that he was an empathetic humanist. He was a solid repub though.
[No surprise there. I already knew this about Jimmy.]
If he were alive today, I think he wouldn't still be a republcian.
[Somehow I can't picture Jimmy Stewart hanging out with the ACORN crowd.]
William Holden and Barbara Stanwyck... were two more old school republican, Eisenhower types
[William Holden was Best Man at Ronald Reagan's wedding. Barbara Stanwyck? She was the wife of Robert Taylor who testified in Congress about the Reds in Hollywood.]
Bruce Willis, Dennis Hopper
[And Willis had the sense to ditch that airhead Demi Moore.]
wow, would not have expected Dennis Hopper that is sad
[May we send you a consolation card?]
Patricia Heaton. I absolutely despise her since I found out she's a Republican. Especially after I read some of the comments she has made. Blech!!! That's the only one that bothers me. Don't have any negative feelings about the others I know of who are Republican.
[Send her to The Hague for political Thought Crimes.]
I can't watch her anymore. She is a good comedic actress. However, once I know something like that, it just destroys my image of them.
[Is Playboy Playmate Petra Verkaik a Republican? Somehow I don't think her politics would be my main concern if I ever happen to bump into her.]
Robert Duvall. he's a REAL asshole, too. smug, arrogant, uber macho prick. so that makes it easier to loathe him, unlike Downey, who I've always liked a lot can't believe he swings that way must've been all the drugs
[Was Gabby Hayes a Republican? That knowledge would greatly influence how I perceive Roy Rogers movies.]
What??? Robert Downey Jr.?? Is that true? I had not heard that. My wife will be crushed when she hears this -- he is one of her favorite actors.
[Your wife will have to retire her bong pipe.]
Clint Eastwood
[Kind of hard to think of Dirty Harry as a kneejerk liberal.]
Stallone. Who coulda guessed?
[Easy to guess that when you watch the Rocky Balboa movies.]
Gary Sinese
[No surprise there. And I've been a big fan of his since watching him in "True West." A great play.]
John Voight
[No surprise now but years ago I sort of had him pegged for a liberal.]
Jim Caviezel
[Jesus was a Republican. Remember that.]
Mary Tyler Moore told Parade last year how much she loves Bill O'Reilly and said she'd campaign for McCain/Palin if asked
[FUn Fact: Morey Amsterdam from the Dick Van Dycke show was a big supporter of Ronald Reagan.]
Adam Sandler shattered my illusions.
[Another Republican. I loved him as Dave Buzznik in "Anger Management." Was Dr. Buddy Rydell also a Republican?]
Phyllis Diller.
[Bob Hope must have rubbed off on her.]
Here is a list of them: MEATLOAF? And, Cindy Williams of Lavern & Shirley
[I never thought about it before but Meatloaf's political leanings surprises me as well.]
R. Lee Ermey is a Republican?!
[How could you possibly think that Sgt. Hartman would be a liberal Democrat?]
Micky Dolenz of the Monkees. He apparently appeared as a headline act at a teabag event in Texas. Bummer.
[Peter Tork?]
Drew Carey. Majorly bummed about that
[Then I better not tell you about Lou Costello.]
This is just ripe for another troggy whine about how ALL of Hollywood is rife with "Repubs".
Bo Derek, Janine Turner, Cheryl Ladd, Sarah Michelle Gellar... Oh Noes!!!
Oh, and "The Rock", too.
DUmmies everywhere are majorly BUmmed.
I wanted to hear these names about as much as I wanted to hear all the Democrat actors yammerin' on about their politics. I DON'T CARE!
"Let me be clear." I'd rather not know. I want my harlequins performing for me and not telling me about how they vote or how proud they are of their current cause.
Voight used to be a liberal. A few years back, he starred as Noah in a made-for-TV bible story movie. As background research, he picked up a copy of The Bible and began to read. It changed his perspective.
"I was actually planning on doing a DUFU about either the DUmmies or KOmmies biting their fingernails over the survival of public option in ObamaCare... So let us now watch the DUmmies get bummed out over Republican actors." PJinc
Why not? Anyone tired of the microscopic twitching and turning of DC would, of course, wish to turn to lighter subjects - like Republican Actors.
Just for the record, I troglaman, like Jon Voight. Chuck Norris? Not so much.
But I can understand PJinc's angst because 65% of America likes the public option. That's a fact. And the twitching and turning of our elected officials is probably due to the fact that they've taken a buttload of money from the health-care industry. But their constituents would like someone else represented - them. This twitching and turning is happening on both sides of the aisle.
I, troglaman, know you all don't like me. I deserve it (and I promise you I will continue to deserve it). But what is it that makes you believe getting cheap health care is bad for you? And anyone tempted to cry socialist, communist, fascist, Hitler, anti-christ, Indonesian, Keynesian, etc., is already fucking psychotic and need not reply (because it's most likely a meth problem, you know, the kind of thing the census worker in KY ran into).
Here's a simple question. If you had the choice of getting a tax raise the equivalent to one month's insurance payment to fund universal health care, would you go for it? That's a 'yes' or 'no'.
Because that's about all it would take.
You're all nuts.
<< Here's a simple question. If you had the choice of getting a tax raise the equivalent to one month's insurance payment to fund universal health care, would you go for it? That's a 'yes' or 'no'. >>
It's not my responsibility to pay for your health care. Why is this such a damned difficult concept for you to grasp?
41% and sinking.....Oh, but wait, it's not the NYT! It can't.....it just can't be right! Nooooooo....
"Here's a simple question. If you had the choice of getting a tax raise "
Seriously? You're asking?
"Cheap" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one troggy! We all know what happens when the government gets its hands on anything. Even if the 'direct' cost is 'cheap' the taxes used to support the whole program will be a massive burden.
There needs to be reform, but public single option payer needs to be thrown out the window forever.
Tort reform, end of federal and local mandates, cross state purchasing, pooling etc etc are ALL things that can and should be done WAY before we chuck the current systems and try and create something new, let alone some government mismanaged/overblown/tax supported nightmare ala Medicare! (Look at the facts Trog, Medicare is a total BUST)
Funny how the ballooning of medical costs seems to coincide pretty closely with the enactment and expansion of Government medical payment programs like Medicare and MedicAid, which are supposed to now comprise half of the transactions in the system, Trog.
And no, I am neither in favor of doing away with those programs, nor of a gun-to-the-head overarching compulsory Federal system. I would support seeing Government programs stretched to cover those who do want insurance but can verifiably show they can't get coverage by normal means, perhaps something similar to what auto insurers have to do with their high-risk pools in many states.
Such a pool insurance should be set at a uniform nationwide level of benefits, not driven by the extreme bells and whistles certain state insurance commissions require now.
Tort reform, particularly changes and limits to punitive and pain-and-suffering damages, is also desperately overdue. After all, if punitive damages are just for punishment and not compensation, why should the Plaintff or his attorney get ANY of them instead of dumping them straight to the State's treasury?
Yeah, I'm not sure how someone can possibly think The Gunny would be a lib.
Strangest Republican ever has to be Johnny Ramone. When they inducted the Ramones into the Hall of Fame he said "God bless President Bush, and God bless America."
TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blogsite - drank deep from his fifths of Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, powerslammed his head squarely up his ass and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
"But what is it that makes you believe getting cheap health care is bad for you?"
You mean besides the fact it won't be cheap (Medicare proves that fact) that will be bad (the pathetic service and extremely low quality of the United Kingdom's universal coverage prove that) and that it will be rationed and those a bureaucrat deem unworthy will be left to die (Oregon's debacle with health care/assisted suicide prove that fact)? Likely nothing, but the methodology you support - destroying the system and putting a faceless souless government bureaucracy in complete control of medical care and most lifestyle choices in general by implication - is a way only a Moonbat guttersnipe could agree with.
But then again, since you are a guttersnipe, Guttersnipe, that explains a lot.
I, troglaman, know you don't like me. I deserve it...
That not true troggy, you're our favorite Democrat Elmer Fudd ("You wascally Wepublicans!").
"Elerond" = Elrond
"That" = That's
It happens whenever I lurk in the DU, my ability to reason, spell and write coherently declines.
Funny how when they find out some of their favorite performers are Republicans, they change their opinion of the person instead of examining their prejudice.
And I'm always surprised to hear someone talk about "free" anything. What, will the Doctors and Nurses suddenly just do it all gratis? No wonder that guy was able to sell the London Bridge.
"No. It's not my responsibility to pay for your health care. Why is this such a damned difficult concept for you to grasp?" kirk
So, let me, troglaman, get this straight...you would rather pay 12 months of premiums instead of getting taxed for the equivalent of one month's worth of premiums. Why? Because you'd rather pay MORE for NOT insuring everybody than paying LESS for getting EVERYBODY taken care of.
What you fail to grasp, you moron, is the fact that you're already paying for the uninsured. Why do you think we're getting double digit increases in our premiums (besides the 10 million or so we're paying their CEO's) every year? It's because more and more people get laid off, can't afford it, or have a pre-existing condition...so they go to the emergency room. And since they can't pay, the hospital that treated them has to raise the price of a cotton-ball, which those WITH insurance have to pay for. It's a runaway train.
But you, Kirk, are probably the kind of guy that goes to a car lot and demands to pay 10 times the price. You demand a more expensive electric bill and tip the Applebee's waitress an extra hundred bucks. You complain that your credit card interest is too low.
The fact that you can't think this out is a real problem. You refuse to act in your own best interest. It's mystifying.
"That not true troggy, you're our favorite Democrat Elmer Fudd ("You wascally Wepublicans!") elrond
Got another brew recommendation? You're seriously good at it.
"Tort reform, particularly changes and limits to punitive and pain-and-suffering damages, is also desperately overdue." dumbass
"tort costs as a percent of GDP fell from 2.28% in 1986 to 2.22% in 2004, the most recent year for which there are data"
Tort costs don't mean shit.
Just sayin.
Very balanced site there troggy. I especially like the article that says 83% of Americans are in favor of higher taxes to help finance Social Security. Nothing like that could ever happen to government health care, right?
troglaman said...
"Tort costs don't mean shit.
Just sayin."
Your analysis is as highly flawed as usual, so you're just sayin' total bullshit as usual. The percentage of GDP they comprise has the most tangential and indirect effect imaginable on their impact on the practice of medicine and the costs thereof.
For instance, Silky Pony had a huge effect on the untoward proliferation of Caesarian deliveries with just a few massive awards in tort cases (Thereby probably doing more unintentionally for Zero Population Growth than all but the actually-suicidal DUmmies committed to it have ever done intentionally, given its effect on limiting future child-bearing prospects of the patient).
In risk management, including risk of loss in litigation, an infrequent but catastrophic result will drive business decision-making toward the lowest aggregate risk of high losses even though it is more costly on a case-by-case basis. This is the genesis of the problem referred to as 'Defensive medicine,' which has been a cost escalator.
Of course, if you were dumb enough to think the tid-bit you posted was actually relevant, you probably don't understand the point anyway.
<< So, let me, troglaman, get this straight...you would rather pay 12 months of premiums instead of getting taxed for the equivalent of one month's worth of premiums. Why? Because you'd rather pay MORE for NOT insuring everybody than paying LESS for getting EVERYBODY taken care of. >>
Sigh... Let me repeat myself yet AGAIN:
It. Is. Not. My. Responsibility. To. Insure. Anybody's. Health. Save. My. Own.
Now stop pattering on mommy's keyboard, go get a job and become a productive member of adult society.
Got another brew recomendation? You're seriously good at it.
At least I'm good for something. I've got several brews in mind but it'll take more research (if you know what I mean) before I can endorse one.
"Sigh... Let me repeat myself yet AGAIN: It. Is. Not. My. Responsibility. To. Insure. Anybody's. Health. Save. My. Own." kirk the brainless jerk
Let me, troglaman, say this again dumbass - you are already paying for everyone's health care whether you think you are or not. The fact that you don't know why you and your employer are going to get a 30% hike in health care costs during the next few years proves one thing - you're a dumbshit.
At some point this becomes your problem because you actively deny there is a problem...which is what you're doing.
And you need to get your ass down to the basement...right now!!
"you are already paying for everyone's health care whether you think you are or not"
Let me get this straight, Troggy. Since we're all funneling money into Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security etc. we should all shut the fuck up and like it? Is that what you're saying?
What are you going to do about abuses of these existing programs besides logging onto a web site and calling names?
Kirk and all the people that goatfucking anarchists like yourself call "teabaggers" (seriously? If the best you can do in response to legitimate protest is a submoronic reference to oral sex, then it's time to move out of fourth grade) have a right to their opinions and if they don't want to support the Obamacare plan, THEY. DON'T. HAVE. TO. Regardless of your displays of brutal social retardation through ad hominem attacks. In fact, you are the only knuckle-dragging Neanderthal here, shithead, and the sooner you get your pathetic ass into the ground the better. Oh, wait... you already ARE into the ground... constantly demonstrating that you can go lower than the basement. Just keep on digging, fuckball.
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