Dennis Kucinich Predicts DOOM For Public Option

A side note here before we proceed further. A certain WILLIAM RIVERS PITT served briefly as the press secretary for Dennis Kucinich in early 2004. Yes, Will finally had a REAL JOB in the world of politics after all these many years of leeching off his trust fund payments. So how did Will show his gratitude? By BETRAYING Kucinich from the first moment he stepped in as press secretary. Pitt had only one goal in mind: to make John Kerry like him by photocopying internal Kucinich campaign documents from the get-go and passing them over to the Kerry camp. Kerry probably didn't even ask Pitt to perform this disservice to Kucinich since the Kookster posed absolutely no threat to his campaign. This was entirely the idea of the Magic Man who was hoping for an official position in the Kerry campaign and possibly in his future presidential administration by lowering himself to the level of a backstabbing betrayer. SEE MUMSY! TAKE A LOOK PAPA! All those years of pouring out those trust funds that went down the drain at Bukowski's and now, at long last, I AM SOMEBODY! Aren't you proud of your little Sonny Boy!
Okay, back to Kucinich and the doomed public option. The stir that Kucinich is causing in DUmmieland over his prediction on no public option is angering many DUmmies precisely because they DON'T like hearing the bitter truth. They know this is what is going down but they just don't like to face that horrible reality. Well, get used to it, DUmmies. NO PUBLIC OPTION!!! Will Pitt isn't the only betrayer. Your own president, the beloved Barack, is also betraying you by pulling the public option rug right from under you. So let us now watch the DUmmies confronted with Dr. Kucinich's prognosis of public option death in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, reminding the Pittster to be sure to include blue martinis, mojitos, and margaritas as part of the liquid refreshment at his upcoming wedding, is in the [barackets]:
Kucinich has a diary up at Daily Kos predicting doom for the public option
[Please no! We can't tolerate hearing the AWFUL truth!]
It's attracting all the naysayers, but pissing off a lot of people in the process (four people troll-rated it): some calling him depressing, others calling it a hit-and-run diary (one of the Daily Kos editors included) and some asking why he isn't trying to change the outcome.
[Yes, we once placed our entire future happiness on the fate of public option and now it is gone, Gone With the Wind. And now the doubly depressed DUmmies weigh in...]
As much as I respect Kucinich speaking truth to power, I hope he's wrong and will help make the outcome (contact my reps) a positive bill that will contain a Public Option.
[Blue Fairy? Please...please, please make public option into a real live bill. Please...Blue Fairy? Please...please...make public option real. Blue Fairy? Please, please make public option real. Please make public option a real bill. Please, Blue Fairy, make public option into a real bill. Please...]
F*ck DK! He is a unhelpful, bitter, fool.
[Stop with the painful truth! It hurts too much to hear it!]
Don't be another dennis..another fail pusher. We Can Do This.
[Talk to the hand of the Blue Fairy.]
don't worry, max's peice of shit bill is going nowhere.
[No but it stalled things long enough for public option to go into free fall.]
Who put single payer off the table?
[Not the Blue Fairy. She will help you. Place all your faith in the Blue Fairy.]
He's a professional doom and gloomer. Just like McGovern, Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis. All losers.
[All Democrats... oh, and you can add Barack to that list.]
Not too impressed with dennis lately.
[Will Pitt will console you with copies of Kucinich internal campaign documents that he stole.]
DK and his Ilk are all about score keeping. I plan on running up the score while I can. It's obvious to me that he is setting the stage to try and run against Obama in 2012. The man is a grandstander who gets nothing accomplished.
[That latter description sure describes a certain patron of Bukowski's.]
The public option has been dead for months.
[Blue Fairy? Please...please, please make public option into a real live bill. Please...Blue Fairy? Please...please...make public option real. Blue Fairy? Please, please make public option real. Please make public option a real bill. Please, Blue Fairy, make public option into a real bill. Please...]
DK is dead to me now.. Which sucks because I used to love the guy. He should probably just call it quits because he's not going to win another election talking this kind of smack.
[The first time DK is right about something (death of public option) and for this you hate him.]
I loved him as recently as last year. He has changed, it's bloody obvious.
[What changed is that he has told you a very bitter truth. And for this you hate him.]
What's his he thinking he wants to be right?..the first to say "I told you so"? The leader of the Fail PUSHERS? The Head of the Piss and Whine Brigade?
[Blue Fairy? Please...please, please make public option into a real live bill. Please...Blue Fairy? Please...please...make public option real. Blue Fairy? Please, please make public option real. Please make public option a real bill. Please, Blue Fairy, make public option into a real bill. Please...]
There won't be a public option.
[And this DUmmie WINS A Kewpie Doll! Or would you prefer a Blue Fairy?]
It would be one thing if Kucinich was fighting to preserve a public option, but all he's doing is predicting doom. At the very least, he could stick to supporting single-payer instead of pushing the doom meme in his fundraising appeals.
[I'm predicting that you will soon have an appointment with the Blue Fairy.]
Kucinich needs to shit or get off the pot. He knows that single-payer isn't going to pass this year. His grandstanding (which is not his support for single payer, but his inaction to get a public option passed while doing nothing but predicting gloom) serves no friggin purpose.
[Kucinich tried to get off the pot but found it too relaxing.]
Dennis, you should know better. Now put stuff in your diary that people want to see, like naked pictures of your hot wife.
[Will there be Playboy spreads of Dennis' wife and the Blue Fairy?]
He's an attention whore
[DK or WP?]
Personally I think that petitions are worthless. One hundred letters makes more of an impression than one sheet of paper with one hundred names on it. Call, write, or fax your Representative and Senators. Make noise.
Obama is NOT gonna deliver Health Care to the masses.
[Blue Fairy? Please...please, please make public option into a real live bill. Please...Blue Fairy? Please...please...make public option real. Blue Fairy? Please, please make public option real. Please make public option a real bill. Please, Blue Fairy, make public option into a real bill. Please...]
I haven't see libs this upset since their utopian model, the USSR, broke up, although the 2000 & 2004 "stolen" elections were right up there on the anger scale.
The KosKiddies are a running sore on the face of decent society. How stupid does DK have to be to keep a diary there?
And franksolich had told me about how Pitt stabbed DK in the back in hopes of being rewarded for it. But examining the situation in order to determine the end results of his actions has been the trademark of the Boston Drunkard.
The DUmmies already have a Blue Fairy: Barney Frank.
Obama is NOT going to deliver health care to the masses,
A DUmmie fears Obama will come down from Mount Sinai without the goodies for the proles. Don't worry Dummie, there will be some kind of a health care bill...sadly.
Krazy Kat, in law school profs tell their students that only half of the people in court for a suit are going to leave the room happy. Those that go on to practice quickly find out that in the real world, almost NOBODY leaves the courtroom happy, even the nominal winners feel like they should have gotten a lot more, or shouldn't have had to pay the attorney so much.
Rather vs. See-BS - couldn't happen to a better set of litigants, at least barring a four-way lawsuit between ACORN, Soros, the NYT, and the DNC.
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