The world likes us now, thanx to the Young Prince!

"You like me, you really like me!" No, it's not Sally Field at the Oscars. It's you and me, Joe and Jan America, now that the world has decided to like us again. And it's all thanx to the Young Prince! In the few days since we elected Obambi, we've gone from racist fundie Ugly American to enlightened Euro Eunuch. It's hip to be an American again! Oh, joy! My life was incomplete, knowing that a bunch of tea-sipping secularized socialist surrender monkeys were frowning at me. But now The One has changed all that! Just thrill to this THREAD, "Living abroad, what the reaction has been, my experiences..." So queue up in docile fashion and hear the reports pouring in from around the globe, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, no longer losing sleep over hostile world opinion, is in the [Barackets]:
Living abroad, what the reaction has been, my experiences...
[Oh, please, tell us! Do they like us now? Do they? Oh, please. . . .]
As a dual US/UK citizen (I grew up in the US, but have lived in Scotland for ten years) I have had a lot of questions from family and friends back in the States as to what the reaction in the UK has been to Obama being elected.
[Don't keep us in suspense! We've GOT to know, or we just can't go on!]
Most everyone I have spoken to is ecstatic.
[Hooray! They like us, they really like us! I can come in off the ledge now.]
Bush was widely hated here (from the start). . . .
[But of course.]
I only know one person myself who was a McCain fan. . . .
[You'd think Scotland would be McCain Country.]
she goes to a "Superchurch" style place of worship here and follows Fundamentalist Christian literature from the USA RELIGIOUSLY (ha ha).
[Ha! Now is the time on Sprockets when we mock religion.]
She sent me a bunch of email crap about how Obama is a baby killer. I blocked her from my inbox.
[Abort! Abort!]
When I took my younger son into his Nursery Class on Wednesday morning (there is universal pre-school here, from the age of three) . . .
[Indoctrinate them early.]
. . . one of the teachers immediately gave me the thumbs up sign.
[No longer the middle-finger salute.]
As I sat in my living room here in Scotland and watched the results come in I cried.
[Of course, you're a DUmmie.]
As I watched Barack Obama take the stage in Grant Park I cried.
[Usually when leftists invade Grant Park, there's tear gas.]
As I listened to his beautiful speech I looked at my little newborn daughter. . . .
[I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you're not married. Call me crazy.]
I felt the world is going to be a better place for my kids to live.
[Let's all gather on a mountaintop and sing!]
it sounds kind of hokey but I felt like something happened to the soul of the United Sates on Tuesday night.
[Our soul has been sated! Praise you, Obamassiah!]
It was renewed, it was changed, and it was felt across the ocean and around the world.
[A soul tsunami!]
For the last eight years I have been sad, angry, frustrated. . . .
[What a coincidence! That's about how long President Bush has been in office!]
I felt like the country had been stolen.
[What do you care? You live over in Limeyland.]
Americans were seen as right wing fundamentalists.
[No! A fate worse than death!]
Overnight we went from being viewed as a right wing country with a joke for a president to something entirely different.
[Now we're a left-wing country with a joke for a President. Thanks for that report, DUmmie applejuice. Now for more reports. Spanning the globe . . .]
aw man I had almost made it for 12 hours with out "stuff getting in my eye"
[Tear gas?]
Australian reaction. I wore my Obama t-shirt out the day after the election. Every response I had was positive - he would have won about 85-15 over here.
[Well, scratch Australia off my places to move to when Obambi takes office.]
But almost all I spoke with expressed fears for his safety and thought that someone will take a pop at him.
[I wouldn't want to get on Michelle's bad side, if I were him. She looks like she could take his scrawny little butt in a heartbeat.]
The U.S. has a horrible record when it comes to the rate at which our greater leaders get assassinated.
[Three out of the four assassinated presidents were Republicans.]
We are coming out of the Dark Ages here. . . .
Obama is breath of fresh air for the world.
[B.O. Plenty.]
I got a text just after the election was called (what was it; 3am here?) from my son's flatmate - it said only "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then the phone rang and it was my 70+ year-old mother-in-law down in England who'd stayed up to watch the election. Her voice was all choked up.
[Tear gas?]
The next morning, I was greeted by one of my colleagues with, "Hey, it's an American! We can like them now!"
[Thank you, Young Prince!]
touched that people are so ready to welcome us back to civilized society.
[Even though President Bush has been leading the fight to protect Western Civilization from the Islamic jihad. But if you prefer terrorized, decadent, emasculated Eurabia. . . .]
In Nepal it is very much the same. . . .
[Except higher.]
I am American but have lived in Kathmandu. . . .
[Cue Bob Seger. . . .]
Ecstasy in Egypt too.
[I bet.]
More than once, I've had them ask me why Americans hate all Arab people. Try answering that one in 25 words or less.
[OK. Two words: Nine. Eleven.]
They did think it was funny to have an American presidential candidate with the middle name "Hussein."
[Shhh! You're not allowed to say the middle name!]
On Wednesday I wore all blue to work.
[We wore black.]
Everybody came up and congratulated me.
[Did you ululate?]
I feel lucky to live in Alexandria, since I am a big History Geek. . . .
[Beware of Geeks bearing left.]
The stories now about the post-election celebrations throughout the world give us all so much hope . . . we're back! The U.S.A. is back!
[USA! USA! It's the Fourth American Empire!]
Gotta go cry more happy tears now.
[Glub, glub. . . .]
I know how the world feels about the US. They loved Jackie Kennedy and JFK and Robert Jr. and Carolyne and they loved Bill Clinton and they'll love Barack and Michelle and Malia and Sacha Obama.
[JFK got around, but I don't think he was the father of Robert Jr.]
And just as importantly, they hate the Bush family and always will.
[BDS is the sine qua non of being cool and hip.]
I feel like I can go out and see the world again.
[Free at last! Free at last!]
the next big place on my list is Africa.
[A pilgrimage to Kenya would be in order. Tour Obambi's brother's hut.]
I had some friends doing some travel just after the 2004 election. . . . They stuck their Kerry pins all over their backpacks and also bought some patches and sewed then on.
[John Kerry has your backpack.]
I also wore a Kerry pin on my jacket for several months after that election. I was so upset after 2004 that I felt like someone had died, like I was grieving or something. I know that sounds over the top. . . .
[Not for a DUmmie.]
[Southern Fraaaaaaaance?]
My experience in Berlin. . . .
[Ich bin ein Berlooney.]
I was taking a taxi to Tegel Airport. My 30-ish male driver . . . said, "Please be telling me you vote for Obama." I turned my back pack over and said, "Look at this". "This" was my honking big Obama button. He gave me a big smile, saying gut! gut!
[Gut check.]
And then he turned the meter off and gave me a free ride the rest of the way to the airport.
[The taxi may have been free, but our taxes will not be.]
All the Irish who said to me, how could any Americans be stupid enough to vote for Bush. . . .
[Hey, we voted for Clinton and Obama, didn't we? Go figure!]
People here in Korea have taken a strong interest in the election. . . .
[Is that you, Li'l Kim?]
My GF--who's from Austria--was following the first projected calls live online--and it was close to 4am her time in Vienna!!! "I really hope Obama wins, I'm praying for your victory..."
[V For Vienna.]
I went to the kiosk to get a beer... Ahmed gave me a long-stemmed red rose. The Germans supported Obama 89,7%. The euphoria could be heard on the trains, on the streets, in restaurants, bars and city rumble...
[Euphoria in Eurabia.]
They seem to like Mrs. Obama's dress more than some of the TV pundits back home do.
[Michelle's black-and-red spider dress was a hit in Korea! I was worried!]
Now ya see, this is the kind of thing that separates Conservatives from Liberals. Liberals need this constant validation that their views are correct and they seek out an echo chamber. To liberals the opinion of the world is tantamount to hanging out with the cool kids in high school.
DUmmies are engaging in delusional fantasies. Two Mormons came to a DUmmie's door yesterday.
Today, the nitwits are pretending to live in a foreign country in order to embellish the foreigners' opinions of Americans... like we give a rat's behind.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere,
Everything that is wonderful is what I feel when we're together.
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When your near rain clouds disappear.
Ohmigod! Everyone loves us! The French and the Germans are our best buds. Even those far-out Hindus are smiling at the thought of Obama. Who cares if our taxes are going up, the economy going down and the Constitution going out the window, Ahmed gave me a rose.
"As a dual US/UK citizen (I grew up in the US, but have lived in Scotland for ten years) I have had a lot of questions from family and friends back in the States as to what the reaction in the UK has been to Obama being elected."
"Cuz mah kin don't got da gots to ask me...duh...cuz day wadn't sho..."
I am in an MA program for international relations, and in a globalization class a couple weeks ago, one of my fellow students went on a rant about Wal-Mart and unions. He said they fire people who say "I like unions", seriously, at which point the professor shouted "that's anecdotal bull made that up..."
Now, I don't doubt that socialist Europe is proud America elected a socialist for president, but all this anecdotal BS they are spewing is just so...DU. It is sad that they have to lie to each other about specific events, much like their brave confrontations with Mormons, etc. I suppose it is therapeutic to pretend you are living in Europe when in fact you haven't made it out of your mother's basement yet. I might do the same thing if I were a complete loser too.
...This one time, when I was on a secret mission for the CIA, I discovered that Sikhs don't like Republicans, blah blah blah...
"the next big place on my list is Africa."
DUmb asses may be surprised to find out that Muslims still hate us. They don't care about our elections. They care that we are not Muslim. They will kill you for not being Muslim. They will especially kill you in Africa. Anybody who makes a statement like that has not stepped foot outside of their hometown, let alone the US of A. I have been to:
Mexico City (1995, they hated us then),
Cyprus, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, South Korea, Japan, Iraq, Germany.
Funny thing, aside from Al Qaeda and the Taliban... oh, and the media, Americans are popular in Iraq and Afghanistan. I went on a journey through Kurdistan in 2003 from Mosul trying to get to the Iranian border, just to say I stepped into Iran, got lost, but found a city called Charmchamal in Irbil Province. I had a Kurdish speaking guide who found a barber for me, I went to get my hair cut, when I came out, the men in town were lined up around the block to get their hair cut at the same place where the American got his hair cut. So, FUCK OLD EUROPE. They'll be under sharia law soon anyway...
5 more hours and Trogladyte will be stumbling in from the bars to ramble incoherently. I'll be fast asleep because I have a job.
Of course the Europeans are happy a socialist was elected...misery loves company.
"Oh, joy! My life was incomplete, knowing that a bunch of tea-sipping secularized socialist surrender monkeys were frowning at me." PJ
Couldn't have said better myself.
I'm afraid I used your quote, PJ. Thank you. Uglak was making a move on our hunting territory. After I, troaglaman, challenged Uglak's territorial claims and fought him bloody during Samsung's Deer Horn Death Dual, I went to his clan and repeated your words. They immediately attacked, of course, and my boys kicked ass.
Thanks for the line, bro.
"DUmb asses may be surprised to find out that Muslims still hate us. They don't care about our elections. They care that we are not Muslim. They will kill you for not being Muslim."
Indeed. The funny thing is, the American Left is a big part of the reason why the Muslim extremists hate us. The Muslims view American culture as decadent, worldly, perverse, and in need of either forced conversion to Islam or complete annihilation. A big part of what contributed to that sentiment is all the debauchery and degeneracy which is celebrated by the American Left. Terrorists use clips from American movies and from the Hollywood celebs on the Red Carpet (Most of whom aren't exactly conservatives) to show their operatives how materialistic and perverse American culture has become, and thus encourage hatred of us.
Australian reaction. I wore my Obama t-shirt out the day after the election. Every response I had was positive - he would have won about 85-15 over here.
...Funny, that's the same way CNN does their polls.
I always wondered what Emo stood for...
"I had some friends doing some travel just after the 2004 election. . . . "-DUmmie
What a coincidence I myself was "doing" some carpool. Later I was "doing" some groceries. I've also been known to be "doing" some church on Sunday.
These DUmmies are so worldly!
"I had some friends doing some travel just after the 2004 election. . . . "-DUmmie
What a coincidence I myself was "doing" some carpool. Later I was "doing" some groceries. I've also been known to be "doing" some church on Sunday.
These DUmmies are so worldly!
"She sent me a bunch of email crap about how Obama is a baby killer. I blocked her from my inbox."
- Meatball
Dissent will be eliminated.
"and fought him bloody during Samsung's Deer Horn Death Dual,"-troglaman
The Death Duel just hasn't been the same since it went commercial. Did you win the Golden Deer Horn? Or did you have to settle for the Haggis of 1st Losers?
"The funny thing is, the American Left is a big part of the reason why the Muslim extremists hate us. The Muslims view American culture as decadent, worldly, perverse, and in need of either forced conversion to Islam or complete annihilation. A big part of what contributed to that sentiment is all the debauchery and degeneracy which is celebrated by the American Left." adam
Do you agree with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse, adam? I think you do. I think you agree with the Muslims. And thanks for being so refreshingly honest about it.
A Wingnut-Muslim alliance. Now there's something to think about. Someone out there have Osama in their basement? Blogging? It's probably susie.
"Did you win the Golden Deer Horn? Or did you have to settle for the Haggis of 1st Losers?" anon
The Golden Horn, my friend. My triumph gave me the right to hurl insults at the now leaderless Uglak clan and incite them into anarchy. I found PJ's insult to be particularly poignant and selfishly used it to my own advantage. I can only hope that I've given credit where credit is due. The 'monkey' reference really got 'em going.
Australian reaction. I wore my Obama t-shirt out the day after the election. Every response I had was positive - he would have won about 85-15 over here.
That sounds like a scientific calculation. Australians dislike high taxes more than any American does, mark my words. The 85-15 split in this silly person's mind is probably a quick mental calculation of his friends from second year sociology or poli-sci class at uni who think a. that their opinion is valid to anyone who has a job and b. that there is totally heaps of bigotry and racism and imperialism going on by the US and Obama will put an end to this terrible stuff.
The majority of Australians who are social conservatives and economic liberals who only just last year lost the election to a "Christian socialist" who managed to leverage union support and the global warming hoax into enough of a prong to hoist out the second-longest serving PM in Australia's history who was a staunch conservative and extremely popular for it. (Our longest serving PM was also a conservative, both from the Liberal party which is denoted as such due to its economic policies; the opposition is Labour, go figger.)
Trust a DUmmie to be so completely uncognizant of the prevailing political trends of the last decade-plus in his own country and project his own silly group of mates' silly fantasies onto the entire country and presume to speak for everyone there.
"Do you agree with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse, adam? I think you do."
I do, but unlike them, I don't believe the answer is annihilation or forced conversion. I'm not happy over the way the society is going, but I'm not going to kill people over it.
Putting it back at you, I think you agree with the Muslims on things, too. You both hate George Bush, you both hate Christians, you both hate patriotic Americans, you both support Obama, etc.
As soon as I finish my drink, I have pearls of wisdom to drop on these matters.
Pill Witt
troglamumbler said...
"Do you agree with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse, adam? I think you do. I think you agree with the Muslims. And thanks for being so refreshingly honest about it."
I see there is no insight or analysis which you are incapable of blowing off with flawed logic and inapt comparisons. Ah, but who am I to stand in the way of a Leftist demonstrating his own intellectual bankruptcy? Speaking of which, perhaps you can get a Federal bailout for that, if your brain was a UAW product (which seems rather likely).
tanker you eloquently demonstrated the meaning of your first name, but thanks for driving tanks anyway. Happy Veterans' Day! :)
"Do you agree with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse, adam? I think you do." "I do" adam said
I know you don't want to kill the *cough* libs. Let's take that off the table.
But adam nicely points out that his view-point coincides with the Muslim viewpoint - the left is decadent and perverse. Why? Just revisit adam's reasons or head to a radical Muslim website.
Now I can remember when anti-war leftists were terrorist supporters. Remember? In many circles, they still are.
And here's adam plainly stating he agrees with Muslims about the decadent, perverse, American left.
Think about this, you dumbshits: adam hates the majority of Americans like radical Muslims do. Like you do. You hate freedom as much as they do. Freedom, as you define it, is perverse and decadent.
What do we need more of, adam? More control? More moral policing? Less gays? More Church-going? Would they stop hating us then? I guess "They hate us because we're free" doesn't really cut it anymore. Now they hate us 'cause we're too free.
adam can't take freedom. The very idea makes him understand and empathize with the radical Muslims. Why? Real freedom makes him uncomfortable, just like it does Muslims.
(And don't tell me you don't get their twisted viewpoint. You've already submitted that you do.)
Your parade of logical fallacies is tiresomely repetitive of your earlier series of logic faults, Trogger, though it does add a couple more, like suggesting that the Hollyweird/media Lefties who outrage the fundie Muslims are somehow representative of the majority of Americans.
Nobody here is really trying to convince you of anything when they address your antics. We all realize you are far too dense to understand a rational response. Think of it as us being the audience pointing at the funny monkey in the cage (That would be you), howling and cavorting, and the monkey doesn't realize the poo is falling short when he flings it.
Wow, trog, way to put words in my mouth, jump to irrational conclusions, and portray me as pure evil just because I'm not happy with how rampant perversity is becoming nowadays.
You sink lower and lower in the depths of your ignorance, bigotry, and general douchebaggery every day.
"And here's adam plainly stating he agrees with Muslims about the decadent, perverse, American left.
Think about this, you dumbshits: adam hates the majority of Americans like radical Muslims do."
A few points in response, dickhead:
1. Muslims don't see it in terms of being caused by the American left; They see what is going on in terms of America as a whole, view the perversity of much of the left as symptomatic of our society as a whole, and aren't overly concerned with the actual cause of it.
2. I never said I hated the majority of Americans, nor anything to suggest it. As a matter of fact, I never even said I hated people. I can be strongly against certain ideas and practices, but not against the people who do them. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
I also never said I hated freedom. I said I'm not really happy over the way things are going.
"What do we need more of, adam? More control? More moral policing? Less gays? More Church-going? Would they stop hating us then?"
I never said any of that (Though more people going to good churches and properly applying lessons learned from them would probably be beneficial). I never said anything about passing laws against such behavior. I don't like some of the things they do, but I fully acknowledge and respect that it's their right to do so.
I have no idea if "They'd stop hating us then," I know next to nothing of their ideology beyond what's known to the American public as a whole.
"I guess "They hate us because we're free" doesn't really cut it anymore. Now they hate us 'cause we're too free.""
Those are both essentially the same thing. They do hate us for our freedoms, because we posess more freedoms than many in Muslim nations (especially our women), and because our freedoms enable us to do things they don't think we should be allowed to do.
"adam can't take freedom. The very idea makes him understand and empathize with the radical Muslims. Why? Real freedom makes him uncomfortable, just like it does Muslims."
I do not understand or empathize with them in any way. They kill people, or force them by swordpoint to convert. I believe in showing love and tolerance.
And, once again you moron, I don't have a problem with "Real freedom."
I might not like some of the things they do, but I'm not going to try and interfere with their rights, because that would be wrong.
You jump to such ridiculous conclusions, sling around so many bigoted lies and vicious insults at people like a monkey throwing feces, and curse like a sailor, yet you honestly can't grasp why no one here respects you or takes you seriously.
P.S. trog, you never responded to the comment I made earlier, that such petty associations you make against me could easily be used against you to claim that you sympathize with radical Muslims. You both hate Bush, you both hate Christians, you both hate patriotic Americans, and you both support Obama.
"Nobody here is really trying to convince you of anything when they address your antics." dumbass
Antics? Perfect. Instead of adam's assertion that he sympathizes with Muslims because he shares their view that America has become decadent and perverse, you choose to make some deeply perceptive comment about my "antics". Then you scold me about not being rational.
Bite me.
"that such petty associations you make against me could easily be used against you to claim that you sympathize with radical Muslims. You both hate Bush, you both hate Christians, you both hate patriotic Americans, and you both support Obama." adam once again posing as Kreskin
I don't hate Bush. I mean, how can you hate a parsnip? I don't hate patriotic Americans. I don't hate Christians. And I did vote for Obama like most people. You're 1 of 4. The rest of it you just made up. I don't mean to pry, but do you normally just make shit up? Like everyday? Does your wife know?
This is what you said, adam, when I asked you if you agreed with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse. "I do..." you said. I sort of stopped listening after that. Whether or not you know it, you expressed agreement with the Muslim world view.
Maybe it's time to pull back a little, take your shoes off, bring out the scotch, relax, and deeply contemplate your profound understanding of the DUMBASS. It's a paradox, I know. Can one know so much about being stupid that it actually MAKES them stupid?
" I don't hate Christians."
Many of your previous posts in numerous threads suggest otherwise.
"I don't mean to pry, but do you normally just make shit up? Like everyday?"
You do. Just the last couple days, you've accused me of sympathizing with terrorists, of being uncomfortable with the idea of "Real" freedom, and of hating the majority of American people. Each of those assertions is a crock. So, the real question is, do YOU normally just make shit up?
Troglafool said:
" choose to make some deeply perceptive comment about my "antics". Then you scold me about not being rational.
Bite me."
I'm not seeing any disconnect in that, and you can save the perv fanstasies for your fellow Dems.
Oh, goodie. Maybe now we can all join hands with the rest of the world and sing that communist anthem "Imagine." Why do they think we care what the rest of the world thinks? America pretty much stands as the last bastion of freedom in the world, and that is fading quickly.
"So, the real question is, do YOU normally just make shit up?" adam
No. I don't. Maybe you could point out when I do. I'll tell you right now you can't. Tell me just one thing I've made up, adam. One. Don't take it personally.
Now let's get back to to what you're so defensive about - your agreeing with Muslims.
Read your posts. Then mine. And then tell me who's adopted/identified with the big bad Muslims.
That'd be you, big guy. You and the Muslims agree about the American left. You said so.
Instead of dancing backwards, maybe you should try to defend what you said initially. Stand up for yourself, you chicken shit. Enlighten us. Tell us why you and the Muslims have noticed the perversity and decadence of the American left.
At least I have the stones to stand up and make an ass of myself. You don't.
Tell me right now that you understand why the Muslims hate the American Left. Do it. Now's the time.
"America pretty much stands as the last bastion of freedom in the world, and that is fading quickly." dawg
Got that right.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Their need for validation is psychotic, indicating profound insecurity in their own beliefs
That'd be you, big guy. You and the Muslims agree about the American left. You said so.
Instead of dancing backwards, maybe you should try to defend what you said initially. Stand up for yourself, you chicken shit. Enlighten us. Tell us why you and the Muslims have noticed the perversity and decadence of the American left.
Not that your argument isn't a stupid straw man to begin with, but do you really think that is going to be a profitable line of debate?
Or are you unaware of the total and utter alignment on foreign policy thinking of the American and international left and radical Muslims since, well, they first started blowing stuff up in your country?
SOME on the right think the left lacks morals and is too decadent. Oh wow that is certainly a statement that should be met with controversy!
We don't however think that they should be killed for their (your?) actions and beliefs.
The left on the other hand starting with Noam Chomsky and working its way down the ranks of the sheep has since 9/11 found every possible excuse and justification it could for the "root causes" of terrorism and pretty much uniformly agreed with everything Al Qaeda, Jeemah Islamiyah or whoever else has said should be done by America and its allies in the foreign policy arena in order to make the terrorism stop.
So you might want to reconsider your silly debate tactic of trying to imply a similarity between the right and hardline Islam.. I mean unless you're going to acknowledge your side's far greater and far more meaningful similarities in almost every area where it actually counts.
dot, dot dot.
"We don't however think that they should be killed for their (your?) actions and beliefs." mandible
Then why are Iraqis being killed?
The original point had to do with comparisons between the Muslim and Wingnut belief in their associated 'gods'. The fact that both fanatically 'believe' in God points not to their differences, but to their similarities.
You would think that someone wanting to destroy America wouldn't believe in God, don't you think? And yet they do. Must not be the right god though, right? Wingnuttia's God speaks much more clearly. It speaks clearly enough to have actually hypnotized anyone listening that you haven't killed anyone. Never mind those hundreds of thousands those pesky Iraqis. You had absolutely nothing to do with that. Jesus would approve. He'd be crackin open the champagne.
troglaman said...
"We don't however think that they should be killed for their (your?) actions and beliefs." mandible
Then why are Iraqis being killed?
Um largely because radical Islamists are bombing them in an attempt to demoralize both them and Americans into leaving the country so its still-nascent political security can collapse and they can then pick up the slack and create an outpost of the global caliphate. Thanks for asking.
The original point had to do with comparisons between the Muslim and Wingnut belief in their associated 'gods'. The fact that both fanatically 'believe' in God points not to their differences, but to their similarities.
Yeah, I guess. Except of course that both of those gods tell them to do fairly different things and they act in very different ways in carrying out their beliefs. So I guess in a way they (we) are similar to each other. What is interesting, on the other hand, is the remarkable correlation between societies or segments of society that maintain a policy of atheism. Far more so than the similarities between societies dominated by a belief whose only commonality is that a deity is involved.
You would think that someone wanting to destroy America wouldn't believe in God, don't you think? And yet they do. Must not be the right god though, right?
Well, yeah, presumably. Unless they're misinterpreting what he says, or something. Do you have a point here? Like, at all?
Wingnuttia's God speaks much more clearly. It speaks clearly enough to have actually hypnotized anyone listening that you haven't killed anyone.
No it doesn't. Lay off the drugs. And stop pretending the Iraq war was about the Christian God.
Never mind those hundreds of thousands those pesky Iraqis.
Never mind that the vast majority of Iraqis who are, ahem, alive and well, now enjoy democracy and a greater degree of peace than they could have dreamed of five years ago; or that many, many, many of those Iraqis who tragically did die did so thanks to the deliberate actions of people who claim to hold belief in the same God as they do as their motivation. And never mind that each and every Iraqi casualty is regretted and mourned by Americans and that all efforts are taken to reduce the chances of innocent Iraqis being hurt or killed to as low as possible.
You had absolutely nothing to do with that. Jesus would approve. He'd be crackin open the champagne.
You've apparently never read the Bible. Well that's fair enough, but don't try commenting on Christianity. As for America, if the Iraq war was not within the will of God then those responsible for it will pay, if of course, God exists, as the vast majority of Americans believe. In the meantime the practical reality is that Iraqis are now able to choose their own destiny and to express their beliefs in their particular God to far greater extent than they previously could, for better or for worse.
"Um largely because radical Islamists are bombing them in an attempt to demoralize both them and Americans into leaving the country so its still-nascent political security can collapse and they can then pick up the slack and create an outpost of the global caliphate. Thanks for asking." clawbrain
"Islamist". Jesus. You know, sometimes I'm rendered frozen, speechless. But not tonight.
Americans have killed hundreds of thousands. We've displaced over a million. Those are both conservative figures. And it's all about the crazy suicide bombers?
Well it certainly works for you, mandible, pussy. Be afraid of the suicide bomber. And I'm sure our fighting forces find confidence in knowing you think they are being suckered and demoralized by these fucking nut jobs. Suicide bombers according to our resident invertebrate, are DRIVING THE AMERICANS OUT OF IRAQ. That's just how fucking stupid and inept our fighting forces are, according to our sea-bed, mud crawling scavenger.
Suicide bombers have been blowing shit up for decades. They freak YOU out, mandible. Puss face. Just because you're a barbie doll doesn't necessarily mean the US Army considers suicide bombers a real big deal.
Then there's this:
You're an Iraqi. Americans have killed over one million of you. Suicide bombers, usually from Saudi Arabia, have killed hundreds of you. As a rational human being, or for that matter, as a wild chimpanzee, who would you be more afraid of? It's not a trick question for anyone other than you, mandible. Dumbass. Crowbar.
Do this, my little brave-heart exoskeletal man, go up to an Army guy and tell him he's a pussy for running away from a suicide bomber. Let me know how that works out.
adam's still being a pussy.
"The funny thing is, the American Left is a big part of the reason why the Muslim extremists hate us." adam dingle nuts
And you avoid and deny this statement again and again. You just hate the fact that you said it.
Want to start over, adam?
troglaman said...
"Um largely because radical Islamists are bombing them in an attempt to demoralize both them and Americans into leaving the country so its still-nascent political security can collapse and they can then pick up the slack and create an outpost of the global caliphate. Thanks for asking." clawbrain
"Islamist". Jesus. You know, sometimes I'm rendered frozen, speechless. But not tonight.
It's a legitimate and commonly used term. Try reading the newspaper some time.
Americans have killed hundreds of thousands. We've displaced over a million. Those are both conservative figures.
No, they aren't. Those are figures that are derived from studies like the Lancet's. The Army has the correct figures, why not ask them?
And it's all about the crazy suicide bombers?
Yes. Yes it is, thank you for asking that important question. Or did you think that the Mahdi army was composed of put-upon victims of US imperialist aggression?
Well it certainly works for you, mandible, pussy. Be afraid of the suicide bomber.
If you don't find something uniquely disturbing about a person brainwashed into such a state of fervour that they willingly to turn themselves into shreds of flesh and bone chips just for the chance to take out a couple of soldiers (or civilians as the case may be) then there's something very wrong with you. If the ideology that creates that phenomenon doesn't give you pause then you are quite simply extremely fucking stupid.
Now, where you developed this silly meme that I am implying soldiers must be scared of suicide bombers and am thus calling them "pussies" is quite beyond me, although you do have a tendency to swing off on incredible tangents when losing a debate - as you inevitably do - and try to throw up some red herring in which it's all about the other person.
And I'm sure our fighting forces find confidence in knowing you think they are being suckered and demoralized by these fucking nut jobs.
Er please point out to me where I said or implied that? What I said was that Iraqis are dying because suicide bombers are killing them on behalf of radical groups who are still refusing to acknowledge that they've lost the war.
Suicide bombers according to our resident invertebrate, are DRIVING THE AMERICANS OUT OF IRAQ.
What?? Where the fuck did I say anything that remotely resembles this?
I don't even know where to start, I'm at a loss. For one, Iraq and the US JUST signed an agreement on a tentative troop withdrawal timetable yesterday - that hardly constitutes being driven out of the country. For two, the suicide bombers and other hold-out fanatics still in Iraq are simply that, hold-outs from a war that is basically over and done with (no thanks to you liberal assholes) - FYI US troop casualties in Iraq now occur at around one half to one quarter the frequency of homicides in Chicago, the home town of the Moonbat Messiah. That's right you are statistically safer in any part of Iraq right now than in the capital of Illinois. And that is despite the fact that not too long ago there was a massive insurgency consisting of fanatics and their brainwashed drone recruits who have now been decimated by the US and Iraqi forces - again this hardly constitutes suicide bombers or fanatics of any stripe having driven anyone anywhere. Quite thye opposite in fact.
That's just how fucking stupid and inept our fighting forces are, according to our sea-bed, mud crawling scavenger.
Um I'm lothe to point out that not two posts ago YOU were the one stating that those fighting forces were so inept as to be creating terrorists and in fact the entire insurgency by bombing people's weddings. Your projection is incredibly audacious.
Suicide bombers have been blowing shit up for decades. They freak YOU out, mandible.
Not really. The thought of being killed by a suicide bomber does bear a special sort of horror - which is precisely why terrorists use the tactic - but it's not something that keeps me awake at night. That giant fucking spider that was photographed eating a bird in Queensland a while back, yeah I freely admit that even pictures of that thing put the fear of death into me.
Oh, and it is somewhat interesting that you'd admit suicide bombings and terrorism in general have been occurring for decades when you quite clearly stated in this post and several others that such people in Iraq are acting out of righteous anger at being displaced or having their families killed at a wedding by American bombs. It is quite amazing to me that you think you can actually literally admit outright that you are fucking lying about what you pretend to believe - and present in your argument - as the motive for anti-US actions in Iraq, and then change your tune in THE SAME G-DDAMN POST to the exact opposite when trying to support the straw man you're building about MY argument ... And yet you STILL have the audacity to call other people ignorant, stupid, etc., all the while expecting everyone else to take you seriously. You're a fucking joke and I'm pretty damn sure you even realise that yourself.
Puss face. Just because you're a barbie doll doesn't necessarily mean the US Army considers suicide bombers a real big deal.
I assure you that the US army does indeed consider suicide bombers a big deal as they are a highly effective way of targeting a high number of civilians and/or soldiers in a single area. That doesn't mean that the US armed forces (and the Aussies in Afghanistan and Iraq before asshole K-Rudd pulled them out) have TOO much trouble stopping them, despite being by nature a form of attack that is extremely difficult to detect and prevent. If they were an insurmountable problem rather than something that requires a close eye and a firm hand then, welll, the entire country of Iraq wouldn't be racking up less killings than Chicago has homicides now, would it.
Then there's this:
You're an Iraqi. Americans have killed over one million of you.
Yeah, sure, Iraqis totally use debunked, Soros-funded hack pieces in the Lancet to tally body counts.
You're assuming that Iraqis are as fucking stupid and/or dishonest as you are - big mistake. Sure, I bet some of them are. But the average Iraqi citizen is a far better model of humanity than the average western "liberal," so sadly for you projection won't work.
Suicide bombers, usually from Saudi Arabia, have killed hundreds of you.
Make that tens of thousands, at an absolute minimum. The actual tally is probably somewhere in the hundreds of thousands, and quite probably higher than the number of civilian deaths resulting from US actions. Oh, and, in case you missed it one side are TRYING to kill civilians, the other side are TRYING to prevent them being killed.
As a rational human being, or for that matter, as a wild chimpanzee, who would you be more afraid of?
Um I would be afraid of the guy with a bomb strapped to his chest running into the marketplace yelling "Allah'u Akbar!" with pupils the size of dimes after the two-day opium bender that got him to strap the bomb on in the first place. Not the well-disciplined, professional guys (and girls) in uniforms who I see daily helping my security forces and protecting me and my developing democracy. But hey that's just me - you might have a different take on things.
It's not a trick question for anyone other than you, mandible. Dumbass. Crowbar.
Do this, my little brave-heart exoskeletal man, go up to an Army guy and tell him he's a pussy for running away from a suicide bomber.
Why would I do such a bloody stupid thing? For one I wouldn't think that ANYONE who ran from a suicide bomber was a pussy - given that said "pussy" wasn't abandoning a position in which s/he could immobilize the bomber by a shot from a weapon and thus save his/herself and others. Even then the person in question would not be a pussy, they would have made a less-than-optimally moral decision in a high-stress situation.
Also, unlike sleazy liberal douchwads like yourself I am not given to slandering military personnel from the safety of the freedom that they risk their lives to ensure you get to keep, so there'd be no chance of me slipping up and accidentally revealing that I actually despise armed-forces personnel - since I have the utmost respect for them - unlike yourself who misses no opportunity to slander your own soldiers, their mission, and their leaders.
Thirdly I would be quite confident for any military person to read my posts up to this point and determine for themselves whether I am a. implying that they are scared of suicide bombers and thus pussies, and b. that that fear and pussification is driving them out of Iraq - as you have tried to make out that I have said.
On the other hand, I would dearly love to see you inform a Marine Sergeant in a bar sometime about how him and his men created terrorists by bombing weddings in Iraq - which is something that you actually have said. The results would be most interesting - and gratifying.
Let me know how that works out.
Please do. And trust me that should we meet face-to-face at some unhappy juncture in the future, although I am not in the military myself nor yet have I been, I will be more than happy to represent the side of the armed forces in the debate with you over the root causes behind the Iraqi insurgency and the relative merits of Saudi Arabian involvement there vs. American. Trust me; more than happy.
"adam's still being a pussy."
No, I'd just been having computer problems over the last couple days.
"Tell me just one thing I've made up, adam. One."
Okay, to name just one: Your claim that I hate the majority of Americans. I don't.
"And you avoid and deny this statement again and again. You just hate the fact that you said it."
No, I haven't, and no, I don't. I clarified what I said, explained it to try and ensure that even someone as bigoted and brain- damaged as you can understand it, but I didn't deny it, nor do I hate the fact that I said it.
"Tell me right now that you understand why the Muslims hate the American Left."
I never said they hate the left. They hate American culture itself as a whole, because they view it as decadent and in need of either forced conversion or annihilation. It's largely caused by the American left's celebration of perversion, but the Muslims don't really care about the causes of it, and view it as symptomatic of American society itself.
btw, as others have pointed out, the left regularly blatantly sympathizes with Muslim terrorists over the percieved "injustices" committed against them by Americans, Israelis, etc.
"Tell me just one thing I've made up, adam. One."
Okay, to name just one: Your claim that I hate the majority of Americans. I don't." adam
You postulate that the American left is why Muslims hate Americans and chime in about how astute these Muslims are about their perceptions. You understand their hate.
If one factors in the fact that the American left just garnered seats in Congress, the Senate, and elected a President, then the left just became the majority of Americans. You (stupidly, as it turns out) put forth that you agree with the Muslims about these Americans - the majority. You understand why Muslims hate the left (the majority). Those are your words.
adam. Your dance has been quite good and...lengthy. But it hasn't made much sense. Quit backpedaling. Stick to your guns.
The Left (At least the parts of the Left which engage in and promote the kinds of perversion which Muslims feel represent all of American culture) are not necessarily the majority of Americans, just the majority of those who participated in the election. btw, not all who voted for Obama are necessarily part of the Left, a large amount might just be people who aren't fond of McCain. Don't forget that the majority of Americans voted in George W. Bush 4 years ago.
Besides, not liking their decisions doesn't mean that I hate them as people. The Muslim extremists do.
"You postulate that the American left is why Muslims hate Americans and chime in about how astute these Muslims are about their perceptions. You understand their hate."
Knowing what some of their motivations might be, even slightly agreeing in certain areas, is not the same thing as siding with them. For example, let's look at another "genre" of terrorism, American ecoterrorists (i.e. groups like Earth First, ELF, ALF, etc.). While I understand their motivations behind their actions (Trying to stop actions or enterprises that they feel harm the environment or are cruel to animals or whatever), but that doesn't mean in any way that I'm siding with them, or that I'll view them as anything but a group of criminals and terrorists whose members mostly belong in jail. It's the same way with Muslim terrorists.
"The Left (At least the parts of the Left which engage in and promote the kinds of perversion which Muslims feel represent all of American culture)" adam
And which parts of the Left engage and promote "the kinds of perversion which Muslims feel represent all of American culture", adam?
Understand that after you offer up your fantasy, I will hound you relentlessly about proving you know what Muslims think. And I all ready know you have no fucking clue. It's a gift of mine.
"And which parts of the Left engage and promote "the kinds of perversion which Muslims feel represent all of American culture", adam?"
A big part of it is the Hollywood liberal celebrities. As I mentioned in my first post on the subject, Muslim terrorist groups frequently show their warriors clips from American movies and Red Carpet footage from the Oscars and Emmys to drive that message home and further increase their hatred of us.
I, the mighty troglaman, ask "And which parts of the Left engage and promote "the kinds of perversion which Muslims feel represent all of American culture"?
adam replies: "A big part of it is the Hollywood liberal celebrities."
He goes on to say that "...Muslim terrorist groups frequently show their warriors clips from American movies and Red Carpet footage from the Oscars and Emmys to drive that message home and further increase their hatred of us."
Understand that adam is saying that he agrees with the terrorists. He thinks Hollywood celebrities are immoral - just like the terrorists do. He thinks the Oscars and Emmys are a tool " drive that message home and further increase their hatred of us."
adam is a friggin fruitcake.
"He thinks Hollywood celebrities are immoral - just like the terrorists do."
I was saying that's what they thought of the celebrities.
" He thinks the Oscars and Emmys are a tool " drive that message home and further increase their hatred of us.""
It has been documented that's what they do. I never said I agree with them in that regard.
You've failed again, trog, though I must commend you for making a post which contained no obscenities, I'm sure that took a LOT of restraint on your part.
"He thinks Hollywood celebrities are immoral - just like the terrorists do."
I was saying that's what they thought of the celebrities.
" He thinks the Oscars and Emmys are a tool " drive that message home and further increase their hatred of us.""
It has been documented that's what they do. I never said I agree with them in that regard.
You've failed again, trog, though I must commend you for making a post which contained no obscenities, I'm sure that took a LOT of restraint on your part.
"...though I must commend you for making a post which contained no obscenities, I'm sure that took a LOT of restraint on your part." adam
Fuck you.
Trog, I have a question for you, and yes, it is relevant to our discussion:
What is your opinion on the Japanese whaling industry? Do you feel it should be allowed to continue, or do you feel it should be stopped?
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