The honeymoon's over! DUmmies DUmp on Rahm!

The honeymoon's over! It didn't take long for the DUmmies to become disappointed with the Young Prince. You see, Obambi went and picked Clintonista Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff, and that does not portend good things for the future. Witness this THREAD, "Trying to put into words what disturbs me about the choice of Rahm as Chief of Staff." Of course, what this portends for the DUmmie FUnnies is much comedy fodder, as Obamassiah is SURE to disappoint his doubting disciples time and time again! So let us make like a fly on the wall of the honeymoon suite and listen to the Bickersons squabble, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, who wouldn't be surprised if the internecine warfare among the Dems exceeds that of the Repubs, is in the [Barackets]:
Trying to put into words what disturbs me about the choice of Rahm as Chief of Staff
[How about, "Where's the 'Change'?"]
First let me say I really don't mind if our President-Elect picks moderate Republicans for his cabinet in some cases. . . . That would not bother me nearly so much as his pick of Rahm Emanuel.
[Rahm Emanuel, lower than a Rethuglican.]
Rahm's views on many things are not comforting.
[Rejoice! Rejoice! Emanuel shall come to thee, O DUmmieland!]
It indicates a type of politics I thought we might be leaving behind considering the calm and assuring demeanor of Barack Obama himself.
[Demeanor dey come, da meaner dey fall!]
he was pushing and nagging the candidates he was coaching for the DCCC to "go right". . . . We now know which way the party will be moving.
[The party's over, it's time to call it a day. . . .]
it is still our job to hold feet to the fire.
[Just go ahead and burn him at the stake.]
I was feeling a kind of warm comfortable glow . . .
[Roast Rahm.]
. . . until Rahm was picked. It changed the atmosphere around Obama greatly.
[B.O. Plenty.]
It is a return to the old way. Using scapegoats, dividing us, cutting out those who want change.
[Throw the DUmmies under the bus!]
Emanuel works at the pleasure of the President.
[I thought that was an intern's job.]
I tend to see that if we don't speak up....then soon it won't matter if we do.
[Time is running out!]
Purity is a nice standard for drinking water.
[Purity Of Essence.]
No one listens to me anyway.
[You say something?]
I agree with you about Emanuel. As far as I'm concerned he's a retread and symbolic of the problem in government. . . .
[Don't retread on me!]
And apparently Dean is not hearing a word.
[The doctor is OUT.]
I'm completely at a loss as to what to do about it besides eventually withhold my vote.
[Move to France?]
And now Podesta and Gates????? This is just not looking good.
[Flight 153 for Paris is now boarding at Gate 6. . . .]
I see other things coming I may not like.
[There's a bad moonbat on the rise. . . .]
I don't think that you understand that the CofS is the gate keeper.
[That's Gate 6 for flight 153 to Paris. . . .]
They used to call Haldeman and Erlichman, Nixon's two german shepards.
[Emanuel is Obama's Rahmweiler.]
I think it's too early to say that.
[What are you talking about?! It's been two whole days!]
funny how these so-called centrists have such pinnacle roles yet do very little for the people of this country. Can you say sock puppets for the elite?
[Sock-puppet it to me!]
Seems to be we often need the center and the left to get things done and centrists and moderates were a strong part of folks who elected Obama.
I, too, find his policies and reasons troubling and karmically unprofitable.
[Boy Barry is a karma chameleon.]
One day and we're out for blood?
[TWO days! That's twice as long!]
He is going to spend most of his time cracking Democratic heads. . . .
[Most are already cracked.]
Now DU is becoming let's all not speak up anymore.
[Bunch of facists!]
That is a f*cking joke "getting them to move from the left to the middle"??? more like from the middle to the RIGHT. Emmanuel has much more in common with repukes than with moderate Democrats.
[Rahm is the new Rove.]
Just. F*cking. Great.
[I detect a note of sarcasm.]
Emanuel is not the CHANGE that I worked so hard and so long for!
[Change We Can Be Livid About!]
Emanuel is more of the same in Washington. . . .
[Barack McSame.]
we will only have four years of something like Bush very lite and then we can perhaps get Dean to run again. . . .
when I heard it, I thought, "Oh, sh*t. All those Republicans may have been right: Obama may be just rhetoric". . . .
[Obama is NOT just rhetoric! He's got that nice empty suit, too!]
Minds are fixed. Words are not being read. I have been stunned here the last two days at the vitriol over questioning.
[TWO DAYS IN! Yes, the future of the DUmmie FUnnies is bright indeed!]
Our collective job as the liberal activists is two fold: one, we must get Obama's back but two, we must hold his feet to the fire.
[Sounds like a game of Twister!]
I think it's just too early to get disheartened.
Obama is the kind of guy who can outfox a fox.
[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy DUmmie.]
Do Democrats revert to cannibalism so very quickly?
[The Silence of the Rahms.]
You just called me a cannibal and questioned my sanity. All in one post. That is simply not fair.
[You should have taken two posts, at least.]
Surely Rahm must realize that if the Democrats give Americans universal single payer healthcare in a series of careful but fairly rapid steps, we'll be Democrats for life.
[And in the minority after the midterms. Good luck with that!]
I'm not an idiot. . . .
[Let's take a poll.]
I am losing patience with folks here on DU. Have we forgotten that WE WON?
Why don't we all just take a deep breath and wait to start second guessing until we see where things stand after Obama has had his first 100 days? See you May 2009.
[For the impeachment proceedings.]
Some DU'ers just have to gripe about something.
I am trying to type out a cogent, calm response to the venom and disgust you have for progressives but all I can think of through my anger is GO F*CK YOURSELF.
[By DUmmie standards, that IS cogent and calm.]
perhaps Obama being thoughtful and softspoken felt he could use a "Pitt Bull". . . .
[Will Pitt for Press Secretary! Plenty of bull!]
To sum up: Rahm Emanuel is a centrist hack.
[Whack a hack!]
I simply can not handle it.
[Up your meds.]
I suspect there will be uglier picks to come.
[NO ONE could match the freak show that was the Clinton Cabinet!]
Rahm Emanuel = MORE OF THE SAME
[But, but . . . Joe Biden! There's a fresh face!]
Yes, the continuing control of the illuminati. . . . The Bildeburgers WILL get all that they desire.
this isn't a Revolution where the common folk storm the castle, put the aristocrats to death and institute a whole new government running on a different philosophy.
I haven't seen this much trashing of a Democrat since Hillary Clinton was running. . . .
[Call it "Operation Chaos: The Sequel." Hee! Hee!]
he's a good choice for head-cracker in chief for Obama.
[Rahm as Head Cracker.]
Whoopee, now we can be whipped into line.
[Is that you, benburch?]
Get your ammo ready.
[The circular firing squad starts in five minutes!]
I've already started ordering some Palinphernalia. 2012 can't get here quickly enough for me!
(BTW, these are just a few of a bazillion designs at CafePress.)
I almost feel sorry for them. They are so pathetically clueless.
He's going to spend most of his time cracking Democratic heads...
The poor saps. The DUmmies thought they were going to get Dennis Kucinich, instead they're getting Chicago machine politics.
They will learn to love the discipline imposed by the politcal cadres.
"I almost feel sorry for them. They are so pathetically clueless." pussyhead gunslinger
Aren't you the sensitive one. So tell us why you're all so damned depressed.
No mentioning your six-shooter, gunslinger. Just a precaution. Don't want my gunslinging friends gettin picked up on the inter tubes for cyber gun-play or anything. Not that you would, of course. Your too tied up in feeling sorry for...whoever the fuck you were talking about, gunslinger, you sensitive bastard.
No Dummie threads yet where they found out they all just 'volunteered' to do 100 hours of community service per year? I'm surprised.
Wow...this is great stuff.
Schadenfreude on Tap here at DUFu!
"Seems to be we often need the center and the left to get things done and centrists and moderates were a strong part of folks who elected Obama."
Centrists and Moderates? What is a Centrist? A Democrat with a private sector job?
A Republican with a goverment subsidy?
Aren't they in a preserve somewhere as endangered species?
"this isn't a Revolution where the common folk storm the castle, put the aristocrats to death and institute a whole new government running on a different philosophy."
and lookie there...Robespierre online from beyond the grave...
The truth is that no matter what general ideology holds sway over America's various government branches, the kind of imbecile who posts on DU will always be far out of the mainstream and irrelevant to the country's direction.
Sorry DUmmies, as a demographic, mentally unstable unemployed socialist retards just aren't numerous enough to sway policy makers in this country. Keep posting though, people really give a shit what you think.
This may be a mere precursor to a serious rift in the various levels of Democrat-hood.
When the poor, undereducated voters who sincerely believed the "The Big O" was going to lay some long green on them, cover their mortgages and put gas in their cars realize that, once again, the dems have taken them for granted and have no interest in them any longer... It could get VERY interesting.
The radical loons at DU are just now figuring out that this election isn't their Valhalla? That the whole country is going to have to get behind the leadership or nothing is going to happen?
56 million people didn't agree with Ol' Jugears to one degree or another. That's a real damper on the notion of Boobama tyranny.
...And the "compulsory national service" idea should be setting of the "slavery" warning bells, just... about... Now.
Two days. Attaboy Hussein!
troglaman said...
"I almost feel sorry for them. They are so pathetically clueless." pussyhead gunslinger
Aren't you the sensitive one. So tell us why you're all so damned depressed.
No mentioning your six-shooter, gunslinger. Just a precaution. Don't want my gunslinging friends gettin picked up on the inter tubes for cyber gun-play or anything. Not that you would, of course. Your too tied up in feeling sorry for...whoever the fuck you were talking about, gunslinger, you sensitive bastard.
I read yourcrap here all the time.
Do you ever say anything cogent?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
"Yes, the continuing control of the illuminati. . . . The Bildeburgers WILL get all that they desire."
It's good to see the DU'ers reverting to the same old playbook..
Damn, you're more incoherent than usual. You've got to stop posting at 2:30AM after a night of binging and purging.
"I read yourcrap here all the time.
Do you ever say anything cogent?"
Based on what I've seen of Trog's posts, I'd have to say no.
Here's one comment I find mind boggling - Rahm Emanuel is a centrist hack.
A CENTRIST hack??? In what universe???
Emanuel is one of MOONBAT Pelosi's closest allies and a rabid maddog Socialist Democrat. If he's a centrist, so Michael Savage.
"The honeymoon's over! It didn't take long for the DUmmies to become disappointed with the Young Prince. You see, Obambi went and picked Clintonista Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff, and that does not portend good things for the future." PJ
Here's a little secret info from the progressive left - we don't like Emanuel because he has recruited RepbuliDUms to run as DUmmies. He's the left's version of a RINO. And he's good at it.
That's it. On the other hand, he's a ruthless, take no prisoners, son of a bitch. Chicago, cut-throat politics, just like Obama. If you buy into the notion that Obama's some sort of angelic messenger from God, or think DUmmies do, you're all making a serious mistake.
Troglamatic projection: The progressive left is going to have some problems with the Obama administration. Despite the propaganda, Obama is not the most liberal human on the face of the earth. He never was. But there was never a doubt about who we'd vote for.
This is an important distinction between RepuliDUms and DUmmies. RepubliDUms have the capacity to believe. DUmmies don't. DUmmies are inherently cynics. They don't believe in anything. God. The War(s). Family values or anything the government tells them about morality. The DUmmies have drunk from the RepubliDUm cup. This used to be the RepubliDUm's territory. Government has become an interest not worth what we're paying for it.
If Obama were white, this would've been a landslide like Johnson-Goldwater. Or Nixon-McGovern. Race mattered. 4 months ago, one of my conservative friends told me this: "You have to choose between a woman and a nigger. Good luck."
And that's why this is so, so good.
Progressives are not going to be happy. That's a given. Neither are you dumbshits. None of us are going to be content to pay for the enormous mistakes we (that's you and me) made. But, face it, these mistakes - a trillion for Iraq and a trillion for the bailout are going to come right out of our wallets. The DUmmies didn't lead us here. You fuckers did.
Here's the difference between us - we celebrated Obama for our own reasons. You celebrated Joe the Plumber for your own reasons. You lost. It doesn't seem that complicated to me.
And little troggy rises to the bait once again.
Stupid remarks and naughty insults from the 3....2....1
What an ignorant twit.
"The DUmmies didn't lead us here. You fuckers did."
Sorry fuckwad. YOU did. Congress had a DUmmie majority for 6 years and didnt do shit.
No turdlet. You and yours caused this recession.
How are the Dummies going to explain away the $18 million severance package Emanual got when he left Fannie Mae?
Now that's some substantial wealth that needs to be spread around!
At 4:19 AM on November 11, 2008, hate-mongering guttersnipe Troglaman slammed his head squarely up his ass and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
Troglamatic projection: The progressive left is going to have some problems with the Obama administration. Despite the propaganda, Obama is not the most liberal human on the face of the earth. He never was. But there was never a doubt about who we'd vote for.
First off, there is no "progressive left", that is a total lie. They're both intellectually and morally incapable of being progressive, they are only capable of regressive policies.
Secondly, you either have to be living in an alternate reality or stoned/drunk on a 24/7 basis to think that The Obamassiah as a Socialist is not the most liberal politician in the country. When you're to the left of Edward Kennedy, you're the most liberal politician there is and you have to be incapable of coherent thought to think otherwise. And despite Troglaman's self-delusion, that has been a well know fact for a very long time.
Finally, I do give Troglaman credit for being honest enough to say that it didn't matter who the hell the Socialist Democrats nominated, they were going to vote for them. That's their problem over the last 35-40 years. They don't care who they nominate so long as they win. Win the election and to hell with the consequences of choosing a candidate who is bad for the country.
Troglaman seems to be like the rest of Socialist Democrat base; they seem to think that nothing that The One plans to do will impact them negatively. They are in for a very rude awakening once reality once and for all shatters their fantasy universe.
DUmmies are inherently cynics. They don't believe in anything... Government has become an interest not worth what we're paying for it.
Right, so why do DUmmies even bother to vote? Go to college? Work? DUmmies aren't cynical, they're as gullible (or self deceiving) as anyone else. They believe the government will save them, find them a job and provide for them. As the woman at the Obama rally famously said (I'm paraphrasing) "With Obama I won't have to worry about my gas tank being empty or my mortgage being unpaid." There's a lot of dumbshit progressives who share her sad illusions.
There's going to be a lot of DUmmies in for a sad awakening when they realize they elected a Chicago machine politician and not some FDR/JFK/MLK amalgam.
Some tired illusions happening here.
Same ol socialist drivel, the welfare moms sapping the country dry. (and I thought it was the Mexicans...or was it Gays or..Muslims ..hard to keep track) This crap was tired when RayGun's used it. Come on guys you've had years to perfect something better.
One nasty fact that just keeps getting in the way.
The country does better (per the GDP) under Dems then under the Repubs. Not a partisan talking point....a historical fact. Google it my friends. All this socialist coddling those cheatin welfare folks....all the terrible outcomes of the progressive policies. Dam if the economy doesn't consistently improve. WTF?
But hey....look where we are now. This is paradise to you dickheads....What a terrific success you've had.
How does it feel to be beaten by one of the biggest margins in 40 years? Just what do you think MOST of the country is telling you. (a've shit for brains and national economy in ruins to show for it) Nice jobs turd blossoms.
Anon 8:54
Yeah. Because I suffered SO much under Reagan, Bush, or Bush2. It's only NOW that 'O' is going to take over that I fear for my job.
I did well under Clinton too.
Tell, me dickhead, what do you do for a living?
"First off, there is no "progressive left", that is a total lie. They're both intellectually and morally incapable of being progressive, they are only capable of regressive policies." jerome makes a declaration
"regressive policies"
A somewhat intelligent person would measure what they're saying against the current reality. For example, the USA just elected a black guy as President.
Regressive? Maybe to a dumbass.
Really, jerome. You just look at things and come up with crazy conclusions. There is a progressive left. Go to dailykos or fdl or balloonjuice or whiskeyfire or jesusgeneral or trex or tpm or thinkprogress or whatever. It's clearly not a lie.
(As an aside, does someone who calls someone a liar while obviously spewing bullshit then become 'the liar'? That'd be a 'yes'.)
Having established that, let's look at this statement: "They're both intellectually and morally incapable of being progressive."
Isn't that what I've been saying about you dumbshits for the last two years or so? Here's the deal, jerome. You may THINK the libs are "both intellectually and morally incapable of being progressive". However, it's BEEN PROVEN WITHOUT A DOUBT that RepublDUms are completely "both intellectually and morally incapable of being progressive."
So it comes down to this - you're full of shit. A blind man could see it.
Hellboy 2 was really good.
You know, I met him in a cave network in Scotland a long time ago. Nice kid.
"They (socialist terrorist loving libs) believe the government will save them, find them a job and provide for them." elrond
What are you saying here, elrond? Jesus. My sources are telling me that people think the government will screw them, keep them from finding a job, and instead of providing for them, will take their shit away.
They're right. You're wrong.
"Yeah. Because I suffered SO much under Reagan, Bush, or Bush2. It's only NOW that 'O' is going to take over that I fear for my job."
I so happy for you. Perhaps you should fear for your job.
You still fail to account for the simple historic truth: Reups = GDP goes down, Dems = GDP goes up.
Just ruins the party doesn't it.
I am an Educator dickwad.
Oh really, people. It's not like it's hard to figure out.
On Nov 10, 2008 at 2:23 AM hate-mongering Anti-American guttersnipe Troglaman slammed his head even futher up his ass and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
There is a progressive left. Go to dailykos or fdl or balloonjuice or whiskeyfire or jesusgeneral or trex or tpm or thinkprogress or whatever. It's clearly not a lie.
Thanks, Trog, for proving me correct by declaring that sites run by MOONBATS are progressive. I find it mildly entertaining that you find it so easy to indicate that you simply go along with the groupthink of MOONBATS and your fellow guttersnipes and thus prove my point that you are not intellectually capable of progressive thought.
Slamming your head repeatedly up your ass and refusing to accept reality is pathetic way to deal with life, slick. But, tell you what - you just keep right on keeping on. Considering what is very likely to happen in this country over the next two years, even the humor of someone repeatedly slamming his head up his ass because he cannot and will not accept or comprehend the real world will provide at least some humor, however bad that humor might be.
"Reups = GDP goes down, Dems = GDP
goes up."
Correlation does not imply causation.
Ever teach that to your students EducatorDickwad?
By the way, GDP has risen during both the Clinton and Bush administrations, with democrat and republican majorities in the house and senate.
Are you an economics instructor? Do you teach statistics?
Didn't think so.
You sniveling, dishonest weasel, stop doctoring my quotes by inserting your parenthetical crap.
Your sources may be correct, assuming they're conservatives. They know that the coming administration will screw them, try to abolish their jobs and take their property.
"... Do Democrats revert to cannibalism so very quickly? ..."
What revert? Democrats == collectivism and statism == cannibalism.
Touché, J. Galt!
"... Government has become an interest not worth what we're paying for it. ..." - an astoundingly accurate statement by trog
"... My sources are telling me that people think the government will screw them, keep them from finding a job, and instead of providing for them, will take their shit away. .." - another accurate statement by trog
Wow, trog, you're healing! Good for you.
Now go look at some Austrian School of Economics materials. Start with the wikipedia article on Laissez-Faire and follow the links to Free-Market, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard (although he's an anarchist), and Garet Garrett. That last you'll have to find on
Simple questions:
Do you think it's a good thing to have a president who, at cost of a single phone call or whispered suggestion can have thousands of ACORN, ELF, Code Pink, or other mobs of leftist assholes picketing your home, family, business, friends, and associates?
Do you think Congress is going to put up much resistance to a man who has the power of such mobs (literally and figuratively) behind him?
Do you think it's good to have the Democratic Party taken over by the Shadow Party created and run by George Soros, Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance), Jane Fonda, Steven Bing (MPAA), The Sandlers (Golden West Financial), Morton Halerpin (The Pentagon Papers), John Podesta among others?
Do you think the Democrat/Shadow Party power derived from groups created 30+ years ago by radical Left former SDS/WUO/Black Panther alumni is a good thing for this country?
John Galt, if Troglaman has even a shred of belief in his own drivel, he will have to say yes to all of your questions.
I'm betting his hasn't got the conviction of his own beliefs.
"Do you think it's a good thing to have a president who, at cost of a single phone call or whispered suggestion can have thousands of ACORN, ELF, Code Pink, or other mobs of leftist assholes picketing your home, family, business, friends, and associates?" galt
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm surprised you didn't throw in the ACLU and the atheist mobs. Gay mobs (that's what you meant all along galt. You trickster you). Anti-war mobs. Jew mobs. Black mobs. Mobs mobs everywhere. Attacking your home. Your family. Your friends. Your business.
See? Here ya go. It's all so scary when mobs are attacking everywhere. The fact is, they're not. So the very notion that the mobs are attacking everywhere not only is untrue, it's also completely psychotic. Anyone here unable to figure that out?
Might make a good movie, though.
"Democratic Party taken over by the Shadow Party"
John, John, John. We expected better from you. This whole thing has really brought down your execution and elocution.
The only thing you left out was the shadowy armies of black men now free to range about and rape your white women, while carving backward letters in their faces.
Please refine your boogy men Mr G. Your shadow army needs to be at least half way believable to scare anyone (although you seem to have goolsby going there).
Hey Hole....
"Correlation does not imply causation.
Do you teach statistics?"
GDP did go up (and down) under Bush. If you look at it for a single quarter. Ahem. Do the sixty year look.
Yes, yes children correlation is only correlation...does not cause anything. So we can conclude by your scholarly analysis that every time a Repub is in office "other" factors cause the GDP to drop and every time a Dem is in "other factors" cause it to go up.
Since you conveniently left the original issue....lets remind our kiddies here.....where is the smoking gun the failure the downward economy you dickweeds claim is the inevitable outcome of these dastardly Socialist policies?
Hate to disappoint, yep I've taught statistics and published peer-reviewed research as well.
Real data....I hear it is coming back after an 8 year absence.
"Yes, yes children correlation is only correlation...does not cause anything. So we can conclude by your scholarly analysis that every time a Repub is in office "other" factors cause the GDP to drop and every time a Dem is in "other factors" cause it to go up."
take a look at a graph of real gdp growth over the last 60 years and tell me it's that simple, that when there is a guy in the white house with an R next to his name GDP slows, and then as soon as he moves out and someone with a D next to their name moves in it picks up again. How does that work? I think you are giving the executive branch of government far too much credit while casually dismissing "other factors".
anonymous educator guy,
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you implied that I'm being too simplistic when I pointed out that I thought your argument Reups = GDP goes down, Dems = GDP goes up was also simplistic. And I'm not saying what I said because I think Bush the drunken sailor's economic policies are so fucking great. i don't. and I didn't vote for him in 2000 or 2004.
"... It's all so scary when mobs are attacking everywhere. The fact is, they're not. ..." - trog
You obviously didn't read the references I pointed out in previous posts. For those too lazy to look them up, here are the links again:
Shadow Party:
Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven strategy:
Closing argument:
"... The only thing you left out was the shadowy armies of black men now free to range about and rape your white women, while carving backward letters in their faces. ..." - typical scary post by "anonymous"
What was that about refining boogey men again?
"... Real data....I hear it is coming back after an 8 year absence. ..." - tail end of a fact-free post by "anonymous"
Contrary conclusions are drawn from the same "facts and data" all the time: it's one of the reasons that efficient markets theory popular in some schools of economics is exactly, precisely wrong.
"take a look at a graph of real gdp growth over the last 60 years and tell me it's that simple, that when there is a guy in the white house with an R next to his name GDP slows"
GDP Growth
Since World War II
Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 4.05%
Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.88%
Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 4.09%
Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.81%
Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 3.7%
Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.81%
Yes this is still only correlational data. The repetition of this trend however reinforces the point.
So Kudos for the lets not be simplistic argument.
My point however is this. With all the vile terrible prognostications about the downfall of our government and economy under "Socialist, Collectivist" (tip to Galt) etc) would not be seeing anywhere near these trends. In short, the world has not fallen apart under Dems and their socialist views have not taken us down the road to ruin......despite whatever else these data may say....the demonstrate this.
So flame on doomsayers and dam the history books.
With all the vile terrible prognostications, from both sides of the aisle, our nation has survived the New deal, WW2, the great society, vietnam, Watergate, the 70's energy crisis, Reaganomics, Read my lips etc...we could go back and forth about the positive and negative effects each administration's policies has had on growth, and that's a good thing - that we can argue about 60 years of almost constant growth.
However, 13 years after Bill Clinton declared "the era of big government is over", we are potentially heading into heretofore uncharted territory of government growth, spending, control, and bailouts, and bailouts and more bailouts - this time supported by repubs and dems alike. Do the doomsayers have a point this time? Maybe. Let's hope those GDP growth trends continue.
"However, 13 years after Bill Clinton declared "the era of big government is over", we are potentially heading into heretofore uncharted territory of government growth, spending, control, and bailouts, and bailouts and more bailouts - this time supported by repubs and dems alike." masshole
I'm not worthy.
My dark view is that our arrival into "uncharted territory" has all ready occurred. We're only just beginning to know.
I'm in my mid-fifty's. Any of you remember when it was a bad thing to owe money? Now it's a good thing, as long you're paying the minimum payment. The best credit report shows regular minimum payment on a big debt. One of the worst credit reports indicates no debt or no applications for the super fantastic opportunity to go in debt. 'Credit' and 'debt' are sycophantic sisters. One can't exist without the other.
What pisses me of is this economic sack of shit has been handed to this new administration. It's a stinking, slimy, runny, gag bag.
I have absolutely no doubt the shit has not even begun to hit the fan yet...then there's the wars....fuck. Talk about an economic black hole. We are in big, big trouble. We have over-extended ourselves into seriously dangerous territory, uncharted territory. You and I are paying for trillion dollar bailout and a trillion dollar war. The money has already BEEN SPENT.
I've been heartened lately and think people might not forget who made it happen. I know I won't.
"The best credit report shows regular minimum payment on a big debt. One of the worst credit reports indicates no debt or no applications for the super fantastic opportunity to go in debt"
I remember being 18 and my father telling me that even thought it seems counterproductive, I needed to start using credit cards to build up my credit rating. I was reluctant to do so, but eventually overheeded the advice. Yes I'm a credit report all star now. I'm digging myself out of the hole. Not expecting a personal bailout, nor do I deserve it. And hey a middle class bailout just doesn't have a sexy ring to it anyways does it?
But it begs the question. Companies are punished for being irresponsible when they damage the enviroment. But for being fiscally irresponsible, they are rewarded? 700 billion works out to about $5400 per taxpayer. My family could really use $10800 now. How will all this be accounted for? Why are we throwing good money after bad? Maybe the government would just be better off buying 700,000,000,000 powerball tickets or investing in strip malls.
"... this economic sack of shit has been handed to this new administration ..." - trog
Trog, the popular attribution that the current sack of shit was created by the current administration is only just that: populist legend. This administration is indeed bungling its response, however for the cause you need to follow the money back 30+ years to the efforts of NWRO and ACORN to swamp the system with demands for "every penny we're entitled to."
The fruits of those seeds were ripe: all Soros needed to do was kick one of the legs from under the stool. His timing was excellent, unlike 2004 and his pick of the horse-faced horse's ass John Kerry.
"The fruits of those seeds were ripe: all Soros needed to do was kick one of the legs from under the stool." galt
You're the fruit. You got ripe and fell off the tree. Soros had nothing to do with it. You did. This bullshit has to do with you, you friggin wimp.
Haven't you been flat-assed wrong about everything, galt? Can you point out something you've been right about in the last several months? No? Well then I'm hoping an illegally married gay get's hold of you and teaches you a lesson. You deserve a good reaming.
You've been hitting the bong again trog. :)
You've commented several times about how right many of my comments are over the last several months.
As to Soros, check him out instead of simply attacking my facts as irrelevant.
"As to Soros, check him out instead of simply attacking my facts as irrelevant." galt
Check out Murdock.
You actually think benefactors like Soros and Murdock make a difference anymore?
Update: They don't.
Make a 5 or 10 dollar donation to your favorite candidate, galt. It works unless there's not enough of you. Which there wasn't. Or you're too stupid to see the advantages.
Love the internet, don't you?
"You've commented several times about how right many of my comments are over the last several months." galt
Yes I have. So what?
Have you become worthy of a cave painting? Not yet, my friend. Until you pick a more original name ('john galt' is fucking everywhere, in case you haven't noticed), then you're simply not worthy. Cave paintings, especially the 'Kill the Mastodon' masterpieces, require a name from your totem. In your case, that's probably 'McDonalds' or 'Subway' or something. But those just won't do. They're already taken. So are 'Red Lobster' and 'KFC', 'V', 'X' and 'Q' for obvious reasons.
But I'm sure you could come up with something if you tried. Come on. Live a little.
"... Haven't you been flat-assed wrong about everything, galt? Can you point out something you've been right about in the last several months? ..." Trog
""You've commented several times about how right many of my comments are over the last several months." galt
Yes I have. So what?" - Trog again
"... ('john galt' is fucking everywhere, in case you haven't noticed),..." -trog
So I'm a well-known anonymous commenter -- so what?
"... You actually think benefactors like Soros and Murdock make a difference anymore? ..." - trog
Soros made one hell of a difference in this election. He bought the office of the President of the United States for a marxist.
"... Haven't you been flat-assed wrong about everything, galt? Can you point out something you've been right about in the last several months? ..." The Humbled Trog
Goddamnit galt. OK. You're not always fucking wrong. Feel better? Jesus (high maintenance motherfucker)!!
"So I'm a well-known anonymous commenter -- so what?" galt
Really? You think you're the only "little johnnie galt" out there?
I beg to differ.
^^ Yeah it's bizarre huh. Anyone would think that was the name of a character from a famous piece of literature or something.
Trog, you need to quit eating those mushrooms; they're not good for your comprehension or attitude.
well-known, anonymous -- little johnny galt -- what happened to that subtle, not-so-subtle sense of humor?
"what happened to that subtle, not-so-subtle sense of humor?" Big John Galt
I don't rightly know, Big John. But I do know I have a big-assed tree in my front yard that's just beggin' for a chain saw. And I'm athinkin you're the man for the job.
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