"Gore Vidal Et Al To Obama: Do Not Concede!"

The DUmmies are getting REALLY nervous. As we said before, they have been gearing up their two big excuses in case Barry happens to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory: 1) Racism. 2) Election fraud. Last week we showed you how Pied Piper Pitt is playing the race card, in his essay, "Counting Our Chickens". Now another old FOA (Friend of Andy), that Paleolithic Penpusher Pooftah, Gore Vidal, is readying the other fall-back excuse, Republican "election fraud" (to be distinguished from regular old Democrat voter fraud). The old queen has signed on to an open letter to Opossum, urging him not to concede, no matter what, and the DUmmies are getting behind Vidal--well, maybe I better rephrase that--they're agreeing with Vidal, as we see in this THREAD, "Gore Vidal Et Al To Obama: Do Not Concede!" (Currently the top-rated "Greatest" thread in DUmmieland!)
So let's get ready to enter the Deconcession Chamber and investigate all 57 states, as we hear the DUmmies' bleatings and nervous wailings, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, still chuckling over "McCain Fine Gold" and Olbermann's Meltdown last night on SNL, is in the [Barackets]:
Gore Vidal Et Al. . . .
[The fat old pooftah ate his fat cousin Algore? BUUUURRRRRRRRPPPP!!!!]
Gore Vidal Et Al To Obama: Do Not Concede!
[Don't do it, Obambi, don't do it!!]
On Election Night, DO NOT CONCEDE!
[Wait till the next morning.]
Eight years is too much. . . .
[Yes, I agree. You should concede much sooner.]
But, even if we receive the most votes, will we win the election?
[No. So concede now and get it over with.]
[I sense a little nervousness on the part of Vidal et al.]
Both of the last two elections were conceded by the Democratic presidential candidate.
[Because they lost.]
Numerous politicians, investigators and authors, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., agree the 2004 election was stolen. . . .
[Oh, this is good. Bring up RFK Jr. on an Obama thread. Say, funny isn't it, that Obama mentor Bill Ayers dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan, the guy who assassinated RFK Sr.? Maybe you don't want to go there.]
the use of nefarious voting software. . . .
[In many nefarious ways . . .]
all without a peep from the Democratic Party.
[. . . Gore spoke to the peepless of old 'bout the process.]
which caused the infamous Diebold voting machines corporation to hide behind a new corporate name. . . .
[Heh heh heh. . . . You never know when you're using a Diebold! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!]
the Democratic Party seems to have learned nothing.
[Stuck On Stupid.]
[Right now you've got no balls and two strikes.]
we cannot afford a third concession in the face of election fraud.
[More and more of us are realizing we cannot afford Obambi's socialism.]
Already there is evidence of massive fraud. . . .
[By ACORN. A little projection there.]
such as voter purging and caging of Democratic voters. . . .
[Some Democrat voters belong in a cage. Some might actually enjoy it.]
should we also expect our Democratic Party leaders and candidates to repeat history, by once again conceding in the face of such blatant fraud?
You ask us to work for you, contribute to you--and to have your back; we ask that you promise to have our back. . . .
[Let's have each other's back . . . sides, says Gore Vidal.]
[Calm down, Gore.]
in the face of election irregularities. . . .
[There are pills you can take for that, Gore.]
no matter how long it takes. . . .
[If it lasts for more than four hours, consult your doctor.]
[Thank you, Gore Vidal. Now go back to your villa in Italy and exchange bon mots with Erica "Mah" Jong. The DUmmies react . . .]
[Karl&Rove!!!!!!!!!! CONCEDE!]
Every Citizen gets a vote and gets to have it counted . . .
[. . . for McCain! Hee! Hee! CONCEDE!]
I love Obama.
[Gore Vidal, I told you to CALM DOWN!]
Yeah, remember all the people on here who were convinced Kerry had a secret plan?
[John Kerry had a plan . . . to go skiing.]
He was going to come back and save us all and the concession speech was part of it?
[John Kerry is about to enter the Deconcession Chamber. . . . Hey, it could still happen!]
I hope if any even remotely similar happens again that we take to the streets.
We don't need to whine on this board or lament that Obama conceded.
[But that's what you'll end up doing, whine and lament.]
I feel like I myself might kiss the kids goodbye and take to the streets. . . .
[Democratic Undercurrent: Notice the growing doubts about an Obama victory.]
Violence is the political expression of the politically powerless.
[Whining is the predictable expression of the perennially clueless.]
the riots that followed the Rodney King verdict should be no surprise. Perhaps we can expect the same, except that the mobs will include young frustrated African Americans, white neo-hippies, educated tofu-eating, Pruis-driving baby boomers, tweed jacket-wearing academics, and white-haired grannies.
[I think you can expect the gray-ponytailed, pizza-eating, basement-dwelling DUmmies to do their rioting at the keyboard.]
Or not.
[Not. Go with "not."]
I'm still waiting for my $50.00 back that I gave to Kerry's "army of lawyers". . . .
[Sorry. Lift tickets went up at Davos.]
last time we protested was on a very snowy day when Bush's last win became official (Jan. 6, 2005). We had a small group protesting with signs (including my kids and our exchange student from Germany) and people drove by in their big trucks honking and yelling "Yeah Bush!".
[I can just see you and Max and Abby and Brigitta, standing in the snow, holding your Kerry-Edwards signs, thinking you're actually doing something.]
when I tried to let people know who live around here they thought I was crazy.
[Hmm, I wonder why.]
Our local paper did put a picture of our protest . . .
[. . . on the funny pages.]
Hooray for DU! It has provided an affirmation, a haven, a home, and a school for all of us. . . .
[It has provided US with HOURS of endless entertainment! Thanx, DU!]
They have "secret hideaways" ready for those who "take to the streets". . . .
[Those Wal-Mart Detention Centers.]
And we don't have enough cohesion or community to fight that.
[So just . . . concede.]
My biggest fear is SILENCE.
[The Silence of the Dems.]
But with respect to physical danger, I am tired of living the meaningless life and won't stay home. If someone wants to shoot protesters because they stand for democracy, let 'em.
[What if we just want to laugh at you?]
Concede? He'll be doing a victory lap on the GOP carcass.
[Freudenschade, baby!]
Since when did Gore Vidal become a worry troll?
[He's worried McCain will bomb Italy.]
It is McCain who will have to concede. . . . He does not stand a chance.
[Crack open the champagne! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!]
If Obama doesn't get the electoral votes, then something went horribly wrong.
[Like, he wasn't able to fool enough people.]
Not. This. Time.
[Just. Con. Cede.]
I cannot believe that enough foolish people will scramble out of the septic tank which houses Joe the Plumber and the Republican mindless minions to cause McCain's vote total to be close to Obama's.
there are robocalls telling Democrats in some states to vote on November 5th.
[Remember, remember, the Fifth of November. . . .]
There are robocalls in Democratic areas that say "you can vote by phone, just hit 1 for Obama, 2 for McCain" and telling them they don't have to vote.
[1 for Obama, 2 for McCain, 1-800-GOT-ROVE, and I feel your pain!]
YES.. it can happen. . . .
[Yes it can! CONCEDE!]
Exit polls would never jive with rigged black-box voting results. . . .
[Bev Harris is only $10 away from fixing this problem. Donate now!]
No effing way will they do this to us again. No way.
Contest every shady vote! Fight every shady count!
[Count every Freuden shady!]
And throw the election thieves in jail. Scratch that. Under the jail!
I'm the wet blanket here saying "NO champagne til the last LAWYER goes home!"
[Party pooper!]
I say no champagne until he's sworn in.
[I say no champagne at all! CONCEDE!]
If McCain pulls off a steal, I'd suggest revolution or at least partition.
[I suggest Lexapro or Effexor.]
If it is stolen again we should all hit the streets and then silently march to the local government office; city hall, state capitol, White House. . . .
[The Million Moonbat March.]
Like they did in the movie "V".
[Get your Guy Fawkes mask ready!]
Fight, fight, fight!
[Concede, concede, concede!]
I stood in the rain ALONE at the Seattle Federal Building on December 12 & 13, 2000. Not one f*cking person in Seattle stood with me.
You know what?
I think I hope they win.
And here's why: it will destroy them.
Their lives are given purpose only by their fantasies of this empty, imaginary, quixotic quest. They *must* be perpetual losers to give their lives meaning.
What will they do if they win? They aren't rational enough to realize that an Obama presidency won't change much (other than raising our taxes and weakening our country). So its not like they'll have a moment of enlightenment.
What they will have - guaranteed - is a sudden emptiness. They'll literally die when the evil Rethuglicans don't steal the vote, and the President leaves office on schedule ... and nothing happens.
Nothing at all. Just a new guy, to be replaced in 4 or 8 years by the next new guy.
It will kill them. It really will. What on Earth will they do all day?
If McCain loses, I look forward to watching your DUmmies as they realize what it means when they get what they wanted.
I hope they don't win. I'm not about to accept the O shaft just in order to teach assholes a lesson. There are other ways to do that. More fun ways.
Hey t-man, you ever going to get around to answering my question?
What is it that Obama has done in terms of experience that qualifies him to be President, when Palin is not qualified to be Vice President despite having governed Alaska?
"The DUmmies are getting REALLY nervous. As we said before, they have been gearing up their two big excuses in case Barry happens to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory: 1) Racism. 2) Election fraud." PJ
What bullshit. Jesus. These are the narratives you assholes bring up whenever convenient. It's so yesterday. It's so old. It's so transparently dumb.
Want to know why? Because racism and election fraud are yesterday's issues for us libs. We've got a handle on all that. You stupid shits don't.
You'll win the next election when you catch up.
"What is it that Obama has done in terms of experience that qualifies him to be President, when Palin is not qualified to be Vice President despite having governed Alaska?" mandible
Well..because he makes more sense than she does.
I don't think you want to fight with me about this, mandible. Palin's a wack job. It's another fight you're bound to lose.
Notice, T doesn't answer the question. Been a while since M asked it. Should have been easy to answer quickly since he is so adamant.
Here is your answer. He wont because he cant. 'PRESENT' is not an option for an executive. 'PRESENT' is something wimps use. 'PRESENT', having done nothing, is the least experienced person to ever run.
The new state where the moonbats will claim "they was robbed" will be PA. We had Fla in 2000, It was Ohio in 2004, and it will be PA in 2008. Because without PA, Komrade 0 has little chance of winning the election. And after 0 was caught promising to bankrupt the coal industry; that's not likely to play too well there. Add that to the "clinging to guns and God" comment, Murtha's racist and redneck comments about Western PA, and Clintonista Eddie Rendell doing "all he can" to deleiver the state to McCa...I mean Obama. I think the Obamessiah is in some trouble there. The only thing that might save him now is if the dead turn out in unexpected numbers in Phi, and Pit.
Mandible....no one wants to answer your idiotic question because it simply does not matter. Nationally by a large number of polls...most people see what you cannot....to coin her own campaign worker....she is a "whack job".
But just to show everyone how you love to demand "evidence" but when its provided, you retreat....a conciliatory pre election present to you:
- 3 yrs Community organizer (sure tell us how meaningless this is in the wake of your loss...guess it is worth something)
- first Black President of Harvard Law Review
- Created voter registration drive (150,000 new voters)
- 12 yrs Constitutional Law Professor
- 8 yrs Stae Senator of district with over 750,000
- 4 yrs US Senator / sponsored 131 bills
- Chairman State Senates Health and Human Services
Foreign Affairs
Public Works
Veteran Affairs
Authored (not ghost written) 2 best sellers
Fluffy Bunny Palin:
2 yrs Local Weather Girl
4 yrs City Council
6 yrs Mayor - pop 6,700
1 yr eight months Gov of Alaska.
It's not just about the experience Nimrod....she is a cretin ....and that is exactly why you love her so.
... and nothing happens.
I wouldn't say this. To begin with we will lift the toilet seat that is this present criminal administration.
You guys can always pull those white robes and white pointy hats out of your closets.
You guys can always pull those white robes and white pointy hats out of your closets.
You may want to check your history there, sport. DUmmies have just about cornered the market on racism.
- 3 yrs Community organizer (sure tell us how meaningless this is in the wake of your loss...guess it is worth something)
- first Black President of Harvard Law Review
Not impressed.
- Created voter registration drive (150,000 new voters)
And about 100 of those are actually living!
- 12 yrs Constitutional Law Professor
With zero accomplishments.
- 8 yrs Stae Senator of district with over 750,000
Attending app 140 days... Voted "present".
- 4 yrs US Senator / sponsored 131 bills
"Signed his name to" doesn't count... how many of those bills did anything?
- Chairman State Senates Health and Human Services
Foreign Affairs
Public Works
Veteran Affairs
Again with ZERO to show for it.
Authored (not ghost written) 2 best sellers
That is correct. William Ayers is not a ghost.
You are worshipping a false God there, anon. He may get elected, but it does not change the fact that you have been severely and rightously duped.
It's GOT to between McCain and Obama.
Palin has TOTALLY blown it.
Visited DummieLand this a.m.
They don't seem to have the memo or are ignoring the memo that Obamassiah plans to bankrupt the coal industry.
Coal is use to produce electricity. Thus, there go the Dummies' TV, computers (laptop and pc), cell phones (need to be recharged)for those lucky enough or rich enough to afford the sky high electricity costs Obama promises. Also, promised higher natural gas and food costs.
Welcome to Obama's World - 17th century complete with liberal thugs known as the Special Security Corp.
By the by, did you hear what the LA Times is concealing in that mystery... seems that there was a dance troupe entertaining Obama and friends... entertainment = simulating beheadings.
Coming to a neighborhood near you if Obamassiah wins.
Anon, 3:57PM
Obama and his DUmmie clown posse don't like the coal industry, the oil industry, the nuclear power industry and the the auto industry. Strangely, they're all heavily unionized, go figure.
You know, in spite of never authoring a significant scholastic work in those 12 years of professorhood, never drafting any significant legislation in any legislative position (though he signed a lot written by others), and probably at least one of those 'autobiographies' being ghost-written by Ayers, I do respect Obama's intellect and rhetorical skills (in a straight-up speech with no extemporaneous element, anyway - he's a Hell of a speechifyer).
The problem I have is with electing him his stylishly-academic Leftward socio-economic ideas (which he comes by naturally considering he was largely formed in the academic community), his childishly-naive conception of international affairs, and an oft-demonstrated academic's natural tendency to dither and waffle in the crunch (then pick the worst available course of action on some distorted sense of principle, one entirely ill-suited to the problem at hand).
I respect him for what he is and his natural abilities, but I am under no illusions that 'what he is' in that sense suits him for the Presidency.
"I stood in the rain ALONE at the Seattle Federal Building on December 12 & 13, 2000. Not one f*cking person in Seattle stood with me."
Oh my goodness....this person sounds familiar. Didn't tman tell us he lives in Seattle? And this person is using the 'f' word. And this person is obviously stupid. This has to be the tman. It sounds so much like him. If it isn't, it's a dead ringer for him.
Gore Vidal is 83 years old so this could be his last Presidential election. He's loathed every American president since FDR (except Bill Clinton) and he especialy detests the Bush and Kennedy families.
He likes Barak Obama (sort of) but has compared him to Huey Long. Of course he hates McCain; I don't know what he thinks of Palin but,given his sexual predilectons, I can guess.
Vidal is a snob, a rich snob who hangs out with rich Hollywood leftists and other snobs (if you read his novels, Vidal's heros are always rich leftists). But he is a talented writer, essayist and talker. I'm sure he'd be appalled the the illiterate rants, New Age sappiness and bellicose posturing of the DUmmies (although he might take a fancy to some of the cuter boys).
"The new state where the moonbats will claim "they was robbed" will be PA." skully
McCain thinks so too. For weeks, Obama has had a double digit lead in PA and yet John Sidney and Sarah continue to put time on the ground. It's interesting. Why PA?
There are states, including Arizona, that are up for grabs. Montana too. Why PA? It doesn't seem he has a chance there.
McCain did say tonight that Obama would bankrupt coal companies and PA is big coal state (what the messiah said was he'd tax carbon dioxide emissions). McCain's going for broke in PA despite the double digit Obama lead.
PA will determine the election. Skul's right.
"I think I hope they win. And here's why: it will destroy them." icarus
What 'icarus' is saying here is that handing off a big, stinking, pile of shit can only advance his cause.
Fuck you. It's absolutely clear to me, and I'd imagine many other thinking creatures, that you, and your own, screwed things up in a big, big way. You and your baboon troop. You and your melon crop. You've managed to make yourselves the proverbial STUPID. Even when people believed in you. Even when people supported you, you accomplished the BIG fail. And yet you're still proud. Amazing.
If Obama wins tomorrow, your all's bullshit bravado becomes empty (eg Operation Chaos). It becomes clear and unadulterated bullshit.
When you simpletons offer your outdated, stupid, stupid, brown-shirt solutions, we can all sit back and wait for you to be arrested thanks to your sitting President.
Can you imagine a liberal jailer? One that can search your house, bank accounts, and your affiliations without a warrant? If Obama wins tomorrow, he'll have that power. Thanks to you fucking morons. Your guy, with your blind and lunatic support, made it all possible.
It wouldn't bother me at all to see some of you subject to the laws you've championed.
(h/t to W's signing statements)
troglaman said...
"What is it that Obama has done in terms of experience that qualifies him to be President, when Palin is not qualified to be Vice President despite having governed Alaska?" mandible
Well..because he makes more sense than she does.
Hm. I guess I have my answer, then.
I don't think you want to fight with me about this, mandible.
You are completely mistaken in what you think. I want to fight you about this, as evidenced by the fact that I am constantly attempting to do so. Unfortunately you fight back like a bitch, so it's somewhat less than gratifying; but hey being proved dead right is never completely not gratifying.
Palin's a wack job. It's another fight you're bound to lose.
Hm seems you could have just won it by, um you know, giving a fucking answer, if it's such a done deal. Why keep me on tenterhooks awaiting your wisdom to pour down and enlighten me?
Mandible....no one wants to answer your idiotic question because it simply does not matter.
Really? It doesn't matter what relevant experience the United States President has? Oh, sorry. My bad.
Nationally by a large number of polls...most people see what you cannot....
Wow. Just wow. That is so incredibly compelling. Would these be polls by the same people who unanimously called a Kerry win in 2004 and a Gore win in 2000? You know, the polls that have a one hundred percent of being one hundred percent wrong in the last two elections? Wow that is a really solid foundation on which to rest your entire argument. Incredible. I am moved to tears.
to coin her own campaign worker....she is a "whack job".
Um you know this how? Is it more likely that a successful politician, with incredibly high approval ratings, is a wack job, or that a campaign minion who apparently has a beef with her over something, is actually the wack job? And wow, like wow, again that is some scintillatingly cerebral political discourse right there that you are presenting. That is brilliant.
But just to show everyone how you love to demand "evidence" but when its provided, you retreat....
Bull. Fucking. Shit. You have provided not one scrap of evidence in this debate and I have retreated not one inch. On the other hand, I have presented some very, very simple questions to you and your asshole buddy on numerous occasions and neither of you have made an attempt to answer them substantively. Are you that desperate for talking points that you're literally going to start making shit up and pretending that I am the one "retreating" in the face of the compelling evidence you've provided?
a conciliatory pre election present to you:
- 3 yrs Community organizer (sure tell us how meaningless this is in the wake of your loss...guess it is worth something)
Meaningless. Worthless, absolute bullshit. If the office of the President requires him to perform get-out-the-vote campaigns in impoverished minority areas then yeah, this would be relevant. The mere fact that he has *done something* does not imply that he can also *do something* that is a totally unrelated job with a totally unrelated skill set and totally unrelated set of challenges and pressures. This is the equivalent of claiming Palin's time as a sportscaster qualifies her to be President.
- first Black President of Harvard Law Review
And? He was a law student, a fairly successful one, by many accounts. Again, so the fuck what? Oh, right, got it, they both have the word "president" in the title. I see the connection.
- Created voter registration drive (150,000 new voters)
Relevant to being commander in chief of the Armed forces and overseeing foreign policy how, exactly?
- 12 yrs Constitutional Law Professor
Relevant to being commander in chief of the Armed forces and overseeing foreign policy how, exactly?
- 8 yrs Stae Senator of district with over 750,000
Oh, right, we're down to counting days in the senate. By that justification you are required to vote McCain, then. Sorry, too bad for you.
- 4 yrs US Senator / sponsored 131 bills
Again, outweighed by McCain. He's that guy at the top of Palin's ticket, remember?
- Chairman State Senates Health and Human Services
Foreign Affairs
Public Works
Veteran Affairs
Authored (not ghost written) 2 best sellers
That's odd. Some leading analysts have just determined that, in fact, Dreams from (his) Father was indeed ghostwritten by Bill Ayers. More to the point - writing two autobiographies constitutes executive experience how, precisely? Hm, sat on a couple committees. Oh, wait, Palin headed Alaska's energy commission; and she governed the state, both of which are higher positions than any Obama held. Whoops, you lose again.
Fluffy Bunny Palin:
Oooooooohhhhh ... Obama is a political heavyweight, Palin is a "fluffy bunny," huh? Why not just tell us what you really think, she should be in the kitchen or ironing your guy's shirts. It's always nice when a liberal - a member of that elite thought community that sees itself as sole arbiter of human rights and champion of equality - come out with the chauvinisim when the surface is scratched just the slightest bit.
2 yrs Local Weather Girl
Um and?
4 yrs City Council
Explain to us, in clear and simple terms, how this is less relevant experience than is being a "community organizer" and getting people to sign up to vote.
6 yrs Mayor - pop 6,700
Executive experience. Which your guy does not have. You think voting present in the senate outweighs being mayor of a town of small, widespread population that face vast challenges in geography and climate?
1 yr eight months Gov of Alaska.
Executive experience. Against three months voting present in the senate.
Oh, hey! Did you notice that every. single. achievement you listed here for Obama is far, far outweighed by McCain, the person heading Palin's ticket?
Aaaaaanddddd... as was painfully evident would be the case from the very beginning, you have been forced to demonstrate that your asshole messiah has not. one. single. fucking. shred. of executive experience, and you can provide not. one. single. fucking. shred of fact to back up your contention that one of the most popular governors of one of the most challenging states to govern is so far beneath your douchebag messiah that she is not even fit to occupy the equivalent of his second-in-command position on the opposite ticket.
It's not just about the experience Nimrod....she is a cretin ....and that is exactly why you love her so.
Wow. You really are scraping. If you bothered to do any research - like anything at all - you'd know that she is involved in her own speech-writing process and that she ad-libbed her acceptance speech due to teleprompter failures. The much-vaunted "convincing" persona of your idiot messiah falls to fucking pieces when he has to talk off the cuff - he even takes his teleprompter to give speeches in rodeo rings for fucks sake.
And, again, how is it precisely that one gets to govern a very large, extremely important state which faces unique and harsh challenges to its people and its government, and achieve 86% approval ratings, while simultaneously being both a fluffy bunny and a cretin?
It would be most appreciated if you could explain this.
It would also be most appreciated if you could explain why three. months. in the senate outweighs one and a half years of governing an entire state; de facto acting as commander in chief of its national guard, running its affairs ranging from energy to marriage laws and everything in between...
Oh well. It's a little late for that now, since by the time I read your idiotic response the whole thing will be decided one way or the other.
Oh, and just for you and trog, if you guys do win; good for you. But don't expect more than four years. You'll be lucky to make even that.
Anonymous said...
... and nothing happens.
I wouldn't say this. To begin with we will lift the toilet seat that is this present criminal administration.
Would you care to note a couple of their crimes, and the court decisions that have upheld them as such with verdicts of guilty?
Or are you implying that what you will be doing is attempting to prosecute members of the outgoing administration? Just askin', you know. So we're clear on what your intentions are.
You guys can always pull those white robes and white pointy hats out of your closets.
Yeah, that's funny. Especially considering that the KKK were Democrats. Hey - don't you still have a former grand dragon in your party? How's that work out for you when you try to call everyone else racist?
Can you imagine a liberal jailer? One that can search your house, bank accounts, and your affiliations without a warrant? If Obama wins tomorrow, he'll have that power. Thanks to you fucking morons. Your guy, with your blind and lunatic support, made it all possible.
Hey - our side managed to restrain itself from using any increased jurisdiction to go after its political enemies. Although I guess it was naive of us to think your side might have the same restraint and basic human decency, well, I guess this one's on us either way, huh.
Oh and please, please do everyone the favour of not insulting our intelligence with phoney concern. Not after you spend post after post gloating about seeing the right (actually) suffer the way you think you've been suffering for the last eight years. It's rather embarrassing for everyone involved.
- 3 yrs Community organizer (sure tell us how meaningless this is in the wake of your loss...guess it is worth something)
Ahahaha on reading this for the second time I just had to laugh.
So.. wait .. community organizing is important, and that's going to be proven because Obama will win the election because he was a community organizer?
Cheese on rye you leftards should really try to avoid getting into debates with intelligent, logical people. I know leftards like yourself have this thing where you naturally assume that anything you see others doing you can do better, but it's really painful to watch you try putting it into action and failing so, so badly.
I'm going to be completely sincere for a moment here and advise you - in the interest of your own credibility - to stick to actual liberal causes, like fighting against imaginary "institutional racism" and other such concepts that are completely Quixotic but are convincing to some with less enquiring minds. Because, well, they are convincing, to some. Trying to debate economics, executive experience, and anything else remotely practical is so contrived and artificial when you do it that it's actually cringeworthy. If you'd just stick to the tack that support for Obama is support for civil rights, the poor, and whatever other nebulous causes you people think you espouse, you can work from there in assembling support from academic writings and other such anecdotal evidentiary bodies to back your positions up. I've noticed you've really, really over-reached of late with discussions on the economy, the various merits of free markets and regulation of industry, energy sources, and most significantly experience relevant to what is considered the job of the President. It's really, really weakened your positions; you've bitten off a massive chunk that you lack the teeth to even make a dent in let alone chew. Pick your battles better in future. And good luck for election day - sincerely. I hope that if your guy wins he is closer to what you wanted him to be than not; and that the negatives for your opposition can be minimized.
ManBile writes....
you leftards should really try to avoid getting into debates with intelligent, logical people.
And for once we are in raging agreement. This is exactly why I do so love hanging with this group of knuckel draggers....and you are near the top of the list McBile.
When I think of the calories you expend with your windy responses I am gratified to have kept you off the stree where you would surely have hurt yourself.
While you spent hours composing this drivel....I was ringing doorbells for Obama. 52 homes yesterday....found 2 McCain supporters.
The relevance of community organizing has escaped you. Apparently voter suppression is a superior approach.
Watch your television tonight....everything you need to know about community organizing will be explained.
You love to ask about relevant experiences......Tell me how sitting in a POW camp for five years gives one Presidential credentials. He's a fuckn hero everyone....he was locked up....Joy boy with a list of career ending flight crashes prior to that last one (that anyone else would have been grounded for....unless poppy was an Admiral) ....gets locked up....refuses to take early release (like every single other POW there) and this gives him what?
I'm really happy for you and Palin 'Bile. What a lovely marriage for the two of you. It will be an absolute pleasure to see you and her together in 4 years.
As for now....I hate to be the one to tell you....she ain't at the top of the ticket....that would be Fly Boy.
It's been real fun trying to drag my IQ down to your guy's level and trying to match the level of hate, fear and ignorance.
Dems win you loose. I don't want anyone here to suspect me of gloating....lets be real clear...I am most definately gloating. Back under the rock for you.....go find your next Kenneth Star.
"Want to know why? Because racism and election fraud are yesterday's issues for us libs."
Even just a cursory look at DU suggests otherwise.
"Tell me how sitting in a POW camp for five years gives one Presidential credentials."
The vast majority of people supporting McCain do not feel that way, and have never said anything to suggest it.
Regardless, McCain has much, MUCH more exprience than Obama could ever dream of having.
Anon 9:42AM
That's Kenneth Starr, knucklehead, two "r"s. Try a little reading, just don't get drool on the pages.
We didn't drag your IQ down, how could we? You're a self-made idiot.
The Left's rage is matched only by their self-ignorance.
They are masters of projection. Everything they scorchingly accuse the Republicans of is their own stock in trade:
Hate, racism, intolerance, voter fraud, lying, greed, ambition, craving for power and dominion, and if they possibly can, election stealing. All patented Democrat behaviors.
I think they were so convinced that they had managed to steal the two previous elections, that when Bush prevailed, they figured the only way he could possibly have won was by "stealing" them better. Hence, their tediously repetitive charges that Bush "stole" the elections.
All liars assume everyone else is lying to them. Thieves worry others are stealing from them. Hustlers worry others are cheating them. It's the nature of the morally bankrupt.
You can pretty much tell a given reprobate's sins, by what he accuses others of doing. (Pretty basic psychology.)
And like scapegoats of old, Republicans are made to carry the sins of the Democrats, which they wish to deny and disown.
Knowing this makes understanding Democrats immeasurably simpler...the minute they start hurling epithets, they're telling you all about themselves. It's quite convenient, really.
Anonymous said...
ManBile writes....
you leftards should really try to avoid getting into debates with intelligent, logical people.
And for once we are in raging agreement.
And yet you're still here..
This is exactly why I do so love hanging with this group of knuckel draggers....
Um dude it helps somewhat when casting aspersions on others' intelligence if you use correct spelling. Additionally, it also helps if you're able to muster a convincing position in a debate before implying that others are unintelligent. But hey those are just small quibbles, I guess.
and you are near the top of the list McBile.
Oh snap that is such a clever thing what you did there with my screen name man. That is totally awesome.
When I think of the calories you expend with your windy responses I am gratified to have kept you off the stree where you would surely have hurt yourself.
Oh, so the fact that my posts contain actual facts and other such crazy notions did resonate with you then? I'd have thought it could have conveyed a more positive example for you and troglaman to aspire to - ie. making sure you have something to say before you open your trap - but apparently presenting facts instead of unsubstantiated opinion just comes off as "windy" so perhaps you were on the right track in the first place.
While you spent hours composing this drivel....
Um it takes me about 5 minutes to write most posts, unless I have to look for a link or something that I don't have handy. Just so you know.
I was ringing doorbells for Obama. 52 homes yesterday....found 2 McCain supporters.
Um and? You personally can't even explain on this bloody internet forum why you support the guy, you probably left behind more McCain supporters than were there when you started.
The relevance of community organizing has escaped you. Apparently voter suppression is a superior approach.
Hahaha .. Yeah damn those conservatives for trying to suppress the voter registrations Acorn drummed up for Mickey Mouse et al. Oh make sure you don't mention Democratic attempts to suppress military and veteran votes, they're not really important in the grand scheme of things. What is important is that enough people - dead, imaginary, have already voted, it's a big tent after all - vote Democrat so the Messiah can give everyone jobs and happiness and make Iran into a friendly ally like France again. Oh and why is it again that Democrats fight so hard to get out the felon vote, the illegal immigrant vote, and so on, but seem to be a little less keen on the military vote? Is that telling you anything good about who votes Democrat?
Watch your television tonight....everything you need to know about community organizing will be explained.
Hm maybe you should take a look into ACORN's history and rethink whether it's you or the conservatives who don't understand what "community organizing" is actually about. Hey, I'm not saying it's not effective. 200,000 proven fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio alone is nothing to sniff at. I'm just saying it's not effective for the reasons you'd like to claim it is.
You love to ask about relevant experiences......Tell me how sitting in a POW camp for five years gives one Presidential credentials.
Um for one thing it demonstrated that the only way he would denounce his country is after being stabbed in the yarbles and tortured half to death. Obama denounces his country to seven year old children on the campaign trail. Apart from that, the fact that he refused early release unless those in the camp for longer than him were sent home first, demonstrating a strength of character that your douchebag Messiah couldn't hope to match. And, not really important perhaps but just a sidenote, he's since done, ten times longer and ten times better, every single damn thing in politics that you are claiming makes your candidate the right choice. Every. single. qualification or piece of experience in politics that you list as a positive for Obama are outweighed by what McCain has done.
Or did you sorta think he'd not really been doing anything between Vietnam and the 2008 campaign trail? Whoops.
He's a fuckn hero everyone....he was locked up....Joy boy with a list of career ending flight crashes prior to that last one (that anyone else would have been grounded for....unless poppy was an Admiral) ....gets locked up....refuses to take early release (like every single other POW there) and this gives him what?
Hm, let's see, what was Obama doing at that age? Douchey leftist mobius launches political career from living room of guy who pipe-bombed a dozen police to death in order to support the communists who locked up people like McCain, is mentored by creator of US Communist party, and espouses strongly socialist economic and social principles. This gives him what? Oh wait I forgot it's off limits to talk about Obama's past, present or future but every aspect of McCain's and any other Republican's is totally cool to drag through the mud.
I'm really happy for you and Palin 'Bile. What a lovely marriage for the two of you. It will be an absolute pleasure to see you and her together in 4 years.
Why thank you. I am glad that you are able to accept with such aplomb that even if she loses this year she will be back bigger, stronger and harder in short order to sweep up the mess your douchebag messiah is about to create of your economy and nation in general and usher in another couple decades of conservative dominance in your politics, and mine. That is very magnanimous of you; especially the part where you basically concede that your guy will be lucky to get even one term in the hot seat. That kind of honesty is rare these days.
As for now....I hate to be the one to tell you....she ain't at the top of the ticket....that would be Fly Boy.
Exactly. And at the top of your ticket would be douche-hole identity politics victim complex sleazy lawyer boy. Hey it's not anyone else's fault that the bottom of our ticket outweighs the top and bottom of yours combined in terms of experience and political nouse. That's all y'all fault for falling so hard and so fast for your beloved messiah; pretending conservatives have a "crush" on Palin is such horrid projection it makes me wince. You guys are in fullblown wide-eyed, panting puppy love with the One.
It's been real fun trying to drag my IQ down to your guy's level and trying to match the level of hate, fear and ignorance.
Oh, the hate, the hate and the fear, THE HUMANITY!! Drama queen. Care to qualify your silly little statement with anything concrete - like where anyone showed hate, or fear, or ignorance? I quite clearly wished you well in the post above, and said I hoped that if your guy wins he will be more what you were looking for than not. It appears he has won, anyway; so whatever my personal thoughts on him - he's a douchebag, did I tell you that? - congratulations, you got what you wanted. As for ignorance, um, okay. What precisely did I reveal that I was ignorant about, or anyone else here? Again, you got a concrete example of this? Or are you just bullshitting? Honestly the way you leftards use words like hate, racism, ignorance, bigotry; it's like you have Tourette's or a nervous tic or something. You use those words so often and with so little basis that they effectively don't mean anything any more. Hearing a leftard call someone ignorant or a racist is as significant as hearing someone cough. *Cough Racist ignorant* oh pardon you here's a glass of water.
Dems win you loose. I don't want anyone here to suspect me of gloating....lets be real clear...I am most definately gloating. Back under the rock for you.....go find your next Kenneth Star.
Yeah, appears you're right, unless CNBC is lying to me. Oh well. Conservatives got closer to winning than anyone expected and took your douchebag messiah further down to the wire than ever looked likely, and you're kidding yourself if you deny that much of that was due to Sarah Palin. Imagine what she'd do at the top of the ticket and with 18 months to whip up support for herself and the party instead of, what, three months? Think about that, in around one-sixth the time your guy had, at the bottom of her ticket, spending about one-fiftieth what your guy spent, she managed to almost tip the race McCain's way when before he picked her he was dead in the water. You can start biting your nails now over what she will do to your guy in four years.
Anyhoo, at least on one level I'm happy Obama won. It should be a very strong affirmation to black Americans that they are equal in every way, shape and form to everyone else; if nothing else there is for the first time in history a black man leading the free world, and that's something.
Eh. I always knew Obama was going to win this, McCain is just too old, too yesterday, to despised by the conservative base etc etc etc. Very dumb to elect him the nominee, but that's the fundies for you, in the end they just couldn't go for a Mormon, so now they get a pseudo-marxist. Hope they like their choice.
It's just an election, there'll be another in 2 years and another presidential in 4. Right now the electorate wants a change and is in the mood to take a little risk to see how it pans out. If Obama is a failure he'll be tossed out like Carter was. In the meantime it wouldn't do the republican party any harm to spend a few years in the wilderness.
"In the meantime it wouldn't do the republican party any harm to spend a few years in the wilderness."
That is actually the most profound and enlightened post I have seen here. The Republicans deserve to be in he wilderness, just like during post-Vietnam 70's. Let's hope four years of democratic control will produce another Reagan renaissance.
Congratulations to Obama on his historical victory. I'll be waiting for my tax cut.
- 3 yrs Community organizer (sure tell us how meaningless this is in the wake of your loss...guess it is worth something)
Ahahaha on reading this for the second time I just had to laugh.
There is something to this. Go to http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/ site and search for "Saul Alinsky," "Cloward-Piven," "ACORN," "Shadow Party" after looking at the article "The Closing Argument..." linked to on the home page.
Hopefully a lot of these nuts and ACORNS behind Obama will discover the legendary view of the bottom of his bus. So many deserve it richly.
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