"Counting Our Chickens": Pitt Plays the Race Card

As we've been chronicling, our DUmmie Ants are growing increasingly antsy over the possibility of losing what should be an easy win for them. Thus they are preparing their excuses "just in case"--primarily "election fraud" and "racism." Pied Piper Pitt is warming up the "racism" excuse, as seen in this THREAD, "Counting Our Chickens."
Yes, it's the old Pied Piper Pitt essay we've haven't seen in a while: pedantic, prolix, ponderous, pregnant with profound insight into American history (as in Pitt's laughably classic "Third American Empire"). For today's drinking game, the magic word is "The Great Migration."
Oh, BTW, video has surfaced of MOTHER Pitt, DUmmie Raven, aka Jane Pitt of New Hampshire's "Swing the Vote." Of course, Wee Willie is more interested in "Swig the Vodka."
So break out the deck at Bukowski's, boys, Bottomless Pitt is playing the race card! The frettings of the Pied Piper and the DUmmie Ants are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering why it's not age-ist or sexist to vote against McCain/Palin, is in the [brackets]:
Counting Our Chickens
[Obama's chickens . . . are comin' home to roost! And the DUmmies are getting nervous.]
For Barack Obama, the news of late could hardly be better. The newest Pew Research poll, released two weeks before the November 4th presidential election. . . .
[Uh, you're a little behind the times, Willie. The last couple days, the polls are getting MUCH tighter.]
McCain began this final month of campaigning with $47 million in the bank, according to the Associated Press, while Obama began the month with a staggering $134 million.
[$oro$? Foreign contributions? So much for Obama's pledge to rely on public financing. And, BTW, Pitt, you're hardly the one to talk about "staggering."]
In short, there is virtually no good news for the McCain campaign to be found at this late stage of the race. . . . For Barack Obama, the news of late could hardly be better.
[To quote benburch, I sense a "but" coming on. . . .]
[I like a big "But."]
nothing whatsoever about this race is settled or assured.
[Translation: Prognosticator Pitt is afraid of making a prediction, lest he turn out to be wrong. So now he will cover his . . . bases.]
Poll numbers may say otherwise, but people are people. . . .
[Especially typical white people.]
and History is one hell of a harsh mistress. . . .
[Bukowski's floor is one hell of a hard mattress.]
especially on matters of race.
[Pitt whips out the race card!]
Make no mistake about it: the cultural prevalence and resilience of racial animosity among White voters toward Black Americans will be one of the great fulcrums upon which this election will pivot. . . .
[So if the Black vote goes 90+% for Obama, will that show "the cultural prevalence and resilience of racial animosity" among BLACK voters toward WHITE Americans? William, I predict Obama will get a bigger share of the White vote than McCain will of the Black vote. Care to wager?]
there is no way to be sure which way it will go in the end.
[Translation: I don't know WHAT the heck will happen! But if it goes bad, let's blame it on racism.]
The hip political term for this racially-motivated skewing of seemingly reliable numbers is "The Bradley Effect."
[The term for Pitt's essays is "The Badly Inept."]
No models are applicable this time. . . .
[Pitt was hoping some models would apply.]
none work, none matter.
[DUmmieland in a nutshell.]
Attempting in any way to quantify the roots and present-day power of racial tension in America, especially in a national election year, involves plumbing . . .
[Will the Plumber.]
a grim, conflicting and confounding compendium of historic influences and events. . . .
[Here comes Pedagogue Pitt's history lesson. . . .]
There are a thousand places one could start, and very few sure answers to be found anywhere. Thus, we are left only with segments of available arguments, angles we can manage, and stories that explain a segment of the facts.
[Note these two long and ultimately meaningless sentences. This is what is called "filler."]
One such could be the cultural transformation known as "The Great Migration."
In the first quarter of the 20th century, approximately seven million Blacks journeyed from the Jim Crow South and relocated within several Northern cities in search of better jobs, better educations and what they hoped would be better lives.
[And, to cut a long history lesson short, this is why Whites hate Blacks--"a jarring explosion of racial hostility among Whites that resonates powerfully to this day"--and why Obama might lose. Could lose. Maybe. If he does, that would be the reason.]
The seething hatred among Whites in these cities inspired by the labor upheaval after The Great Migration . . .
part of America's cultural DNA . . .
[Pitt of America's virtual DNC. . . .]
passed down with mother's milk. . . .
[Passed out with Bukowski's beer. . . .]
Explicating the reality of Northern racism by using "The Great Migration". . . .
as the sole rationale is an insulting, short-sighted and ultimately fruitless process. . . .
[But I'll do it anyway.]
but some part of the whole truth is found there, and may perhaps come to explain why millions of White votes . . . could, may or will swing this election.
["Some part," "may perhaps," "could, may or will". . . . IOW, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about!]
"The Great Migration". . . .
[Oy, stop, Will! You're giving me "The Great Migraine"!]
Food for thought.
[Beers for fears.]
anyone who thinks the Democratic candidate has this one in the bag needs to have their head examined. . . .
[They examined Pitt's head and found nothing. Now on to the other DUmmies. . . .]
To hell with fear and anxiety.
[Let's go with overconfidence and Freudenschade!]
I certainly haven't seen any complacency. I don't know where this nonsense is coming from, but for anyone working on this campaign who is older than, say, 16 years of age, we all remember the 2000 and 2004 debacles. Stuff like this has passed from legitimate concern to kind of insulting, in my opinion.
[Will has a knack for insulting his readers, doesn't he? That pedantic, know-it-all tone. . . .]
I'm working with a good will and a light heart. . . .
[Will's working with a good buzz and a light beer.]
But there are some even here at DU who feel it necessary to piss all over our efforts once again.
[That's what happens with too much beer.]
I gotta tell ya how much I appreciate the doom and the gloom.
[Will's forte.]
Seconded. It is insulting to suggest we're slacking off. . . .
[Hee! Hee! The Pied Piper is pissing off his supposed sycophants.]
Of course, I'm making the assumption that the voting machines aren't hacked or rigged.
[Ah, there's the other built-in excuse! "Election fraud"!]
After work, once I get in line, they can not turn me away. The only way I will not get to vote is if I'm dead.
[Hey, being dead doesn't stop Democrats from voting!]
In a fair fight, this election was over a couple of months ago, but this is no fair fight.
[DARN those Republicans for actually campaigning and trying to get their message across!]
voting machines scare me more than any fear that Obama's race will be a significant inhibitor.
[Look, EITHER excuse will work if Obama ends up losing. Of course, what definitely could NOT be the reason is that Americans simply do not want to elect an inexperienced, narcissistic socialist who wants to "spread the wealth around" and whose closest mentors for decades have been anti-American, hatemongering Marxists.]
I was forced to listen to Fox News all afternoon today . . . and in particular to two elderly 'values voters' - the country's going to the gays, and they dislike her (Michelle) even more than him. I may excuse them in the abstract, but when I actually hear it I want to strangle them.
[Kill those b*st*rds who have traditional values! And now finally for a random bit of news from Will. . . .]
The new place I moved into last month is practically made of windows. . . .
[People who live in glass houses should not throw up, stoned.]
"Bottomless Pitt is playing the race card! PJ
Sorry, PJ. But so the hell what.
Charles wrote it, not PJ, you trogliterate.
"Charles wrote it, not PJ, you trogliterate." dummbass
You're right. Shit. Trogliterate in spades. Charles' byline gets past me every time.
I keep doing this. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME????
On second thought, don't answer that question. Just don't. Practice a little self-control for once.
"On second thought, don't answer that question. Just don't. Practice a little self-control for once."
I gotta say, out of the DU bunch we've heard from in the past month Pitt almost sounds almost coherent. Not correct, but at least with a pattern of thought. Maybe that's why he thinks he's a leader of some sort. His IQ may be over 100. Just saying.
How'd SOG end up tipping one with Pitt? :)
none work, none matter.
[DUmmieland in a nutshell.]
Oh, man. ZING! Seriously, that was good. :D
I gotta say, out of the DU bunch we've heard from in the past month Pitt almost sounds almost coherent. Not correct, but at least with a pattern of thought. Maybe that's why he thinks he's a leader of some sort. His IQ may be over 100. Just saying.
He must have been sober when he wrote this one. Pitt has posted some DRUNKEN ramblings before.
"Sorry, PJ. But so the hell what."-troglaman
You're right. It should never matter when a liberal plays the race card. If you think it does then YOU are the racist.
Pitt's history lesson, such as it is, appears to be straight out of Howard Zinn and Wikipedia.
Right now, Obama has the lead and probably will win. Still, the Left is preparing the rationalizations (voter fraud, racism, Rove) to justify urban riots and DUmmie mayhem should Jughead lose.
'Tis the soul of discretion I am, Troglad, there'll be a sufficiency of weeping in beers and ill-feeling on one side or the other Wednesday week anyway.
"You're right. It should never matter when a liberal plays the race card. If you think it does then YOU are the racist." anon
What? Why is it impossible for you to believe that whenever racist shit raises it's head, I don't like it? I don't like it when the Dems do it. I don't like it when the RepubliDUms do it. I don't like when fuckin Uncle Remus does it.
Pitt is an asshole. You're hearing that from a flamin frigging lib. Holding him up as some sort of liberal spokesman is beyond idiotic. The thought that you could include me, troglaman, as member of the Pitt Clan is an insult to me and all members of my gathering.
We are praying to the earth gods to smite you. That's right. May you, anon, become smitten. I'm sorry.
"'Tis the soul of discretion I am, Troglad, there'll be a sufficiency of weeping in beers and ill-feeling on one side or the other Wednesday week anyway." dumbass
Care to make a little wager, you cheap assed mofo? $100 to a charity. Come on you pussies!!! Put your money down. $5, $10 dollar donations to anyone but domestic terrorists. Step the fuck up. Make a bet.
By the way, keeptroglamanfat.com is a charity devoted to...um...children. Or, as our clan calls them, troglakittens. We appreciate any contributions.
Yeeeeaahhhh, I don't think so, Trogsie. If Obama wins we'll be needing that dough for the increased taxes, and probably for a tank of gas for the limited amount of driving we'll be allowed under the strict CO2 emission standards.
There is no way in Hell he can deliver chickens to all the pots he's promised without jacking up taxes on every household making over $50K, no matter how it's prettied-up structurally (as other laws merely expiring, or as increased excise taxes rather than income taxes on 'nonessentials,' or whatever).
A lot of the actions Obama's likely to take when the tax scheme inevitably falls through could seriously screw up the world economy. Economics seems to be a topic The One only dimly understands, and that through the filter of good old Ivory Tower American academia's Marxian sociology.
His economic naivete combines synergistically, in a bad way, with his demonstrated inability to admit error and go for the re-do.
Altogether there are excellent reasons for traders to discount futures based on the prospect of his victory (already awarded in the MSM), which paradoxically is making the thing they fear all the more likely.
However, they have been trading down on that prospect for a couple of weeks, and so it should already be factored in at this point. With luck nothing extreme will happen for the next week, which will help calm those waters for McCain.
My own personal assessment is that the massive amounts of money available to Obama will put McCain in trouble in several states that were expected to go red early on, and still would but for the drowning flood of Obama air time. At the same time, the polls are in uncharted territory and of decreasing reliability in terms of who they reach and how they reach them, and cannot be taken at face value no matter who they seem to favor. Countering McCain's financing difficulty (darn those pesky "Principles" anyway!), Obama is in for some upsets or very close calls in states his pollsters are counting as safely blue.
It's possible that sheer charisma, impossible if vague promises, institutionalized fraud, and unlimited money will win, it certainly wouldn't be the first time in US election history. I'm hoping not, and my gut is that McCain is in a stronger position than the MSM is willing or able to discern, but we'll know a week from tomorrow.
I'm concerned about the tax impact of the combination of Obama and DUmbocrat Congress, but I'm more concerned about the current placement of the gubmint knife at the throats of banks and insurance companies as part of the stupid f'n bailout.
Now douchebags like Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer will be able to shove their social engineering agenda down the financial system's throat. DUmbocrats, former SDS/WUO marxists, Soros, and bureaucrats (see "Shadow Party" on discoverthenetworks.org) will enthusiastically "spread the wealth" to further their collectivist agenda. Parasites will flourish: their hosts will die.
We've reached the end of the Age of Prosperity. We're starting the Age of Cannibalism. Damn!
WorldNetDaily: Obama 'admits' Kenyan birth? Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate
October 21, 2008 | By Drew Zahn | © 2008 WorldNetDaily
Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions to dismiss and has not actually answered the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court for a formal declaration of Obama's admission and asking the Democratic National Committee for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today, Berg argues that he filed Requests for Admissions on Sept. 15, meaning Obama had until Oct. 15 to answer or face the consequences of Rule 36.
"Obama and the DNC 'admitted,' by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit," Berg's statement reads. "Obama is 'not qualified' to be president and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate."
Complete article at WorldNetDaily.com
One thing that they fail to mention about the black voters not voting for Obama is that they think he's the Anti-Christ.
"A lot of the actions Obama's likely to take when the tax scheme inevitably falls through could seriously screw up the world economy." dumbass
Are you fuckin kidding me? Current policy has serious screwed up the world economy. That's a given. The US crisis has destabilized the whole world's economic structure.
This is what galls me about you stupid dumbasses. It's already broken. You fuckers did it. And now you want people to believe you know how to fix it? You're insane.
That's what you need to understand, dumbass. You don't have answers. Your ideology has cost every one of us tens of thousands of dollars. Probably more. And we're going to have to pay it. There's no getting around it. That's on you. You've already raised taxes. You've completely, through deregulation (which you still think is a good idea) undermined our economy and thrown the whole world into financial chaos. You've already made that an everyday reality. Your credibility is shot because everything you're so scared about the Dems bringing to the table HAS ALREADY HAPPENED under your watch.
What's it going to take with you jackasses? When do you finally understand that you're wrong? That you've made a mistake.
I don't expect you will. You're unable to do it. You can't admit that the last eight years has been a rightist's wet dream and it's all turned to shit. It's got to be the fault of someone else. You're all pathetic. IF you can't understand that people know this, know how wrong you've been, know how deluded your leadership has been, then you're all dumbshits of the highest degree. Feel proud.
"Care to make a little wager, you cheap assed mofo? $100 to a charity. Come on you pussies!!! Put your money down. $5, $10 dollar donations to anyone but domestic terrorists. Step the fuck up. Make a bet."
How about $50,000 you cheapskate?
That little quip by troggy has to rank WAY up there with the old "I'll meet you behind the bleachers" b.s. from years ago.
What a laugh.
Jeez troggy, that was totally juvinile. Get a grip little man.
Please feel free to froth and curse as you are well known for. I love you troggy, you're a wonderful little adult toy. Come on, troggy, don't disappoint us.
"Are you fuckin kidding me? Current policy has serious screwed up the world economy. That's a given. The US crisis has destabilized the whole world's economic structure."
Troglapimple, do you 'serious' think your frothing, rug-biting vulgarity actually accomplishes anything besides demonstrating your own thundering inadequacies?
The "Current policy" of which you speak is a creature not of the dreaded Bush administration, or even Clinton's (though the last changes to the oversight and loan standards which led to this debacle occurred under his reign, as well as the appointment of certain particularly corrupt or inept officials in places like Freddie Mac). It has much more to do with a vile mix of reckless greed, insider dealing, and appeasing core Democrat constituencies with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and a plethora of Clinton appointees and Carter-legacy laws and policies.
Gotta love how after nearly 8 years with their hands on the controls of all three branches of the gov....it is Clinton's fault. It's the blue dress....right? Reach waaaaay back kids.
Repubs survival depends on one grand assumption: Everyone else is a blithering dumb-shit. Cause and effect escape us entirely and we buy into your third grade logic. We shall see in a few days
McCain Bumper Sticker: For Change, vote for more of the same.
"... Repubs survival depends on one grand assumption: Everyone else is a blithering dumb-shit. ..."
I thought that was the Democrat strategy! Silly me.
Truth is Lies! Lies are Truth!
"How about $50,000 you cheapskate?" anon
I'm asking for a rather modest bet/contribution of $100 dollars. If you would like to throw $50,000 in, be my guest. The more the merrier. And if I don't match your generous contribution later, then you can call me a "cheapskate".
Obama's gonna win. I'll bet a contribution of a hundred bucks to the United World Terrorist Telethon right now. In fact, I'll bet a bonus $500 to EAT (Equality Abortions Tomorrow) if the Dems pick up 60 seats in the Senate. God knows what I'll do if I contemplate another dozen or so seats in Congress. Prepare for the Rapture.
Don't you all see what's happening here, you stupid shits? I, Troglaman, am poised to take over the world with small time contributions. Just like Barak. If you don't take me up on this by backing your favorite charities (find the list at stormfront.com), then what's left of you? Armageddon, my friends. Time to step up.
This is for fun, you frightened hamsters.
So if you're throwing in $50,000, anon, good for you.
By the way, any fresh road-kill, preferably still warm, can be donated at troglakittens.com. Just in case you hit something. Remember, road-kill is a under utilized and renewable resource.
Those of you wanting to encourage reading among those less evolved can contribute to troglaliterate.com.
"Troglapimple, do you 'serious' think your frothing, rug-biting vulgarity actually accomplishes anything besides demonstrating your own thundering inadequacies?" Sigmund dumbass
What? My "thundering inadequacies"? Dear God! What might those be? Should I lie down or something?
Wait a minute. Nice try. We've been down this road before, my friend. Fool me once...
"your frothing, rug-biting vulgarity" and "thundering inadequacies". Hmmm.
Your blatant appeal to my inner homo troglafreud has been countered by my inner skinhead bftroglaskinner. Nice try.
"Repubs survival depends on one grand assumption: Everyone else is a blithering dumb-shit." the good anon
Well...the trouble with this is that one might be a "blithering dumb-shit" in the first place and welcome other blithering dumb-shits into their gathering. They bring out the fermented fruit casks and later produce a fucking herd of blithering dumbshits. And it goes on and on and eventually...they take over. Being blithering dumbshits, they would respond to the horrified question "What the fuck are you? A blithering dumbshit?" with an unqualified 'yes'. It's genetic (you can bring up genetics anytime because they, being blithering dumbshits, don't get the evolutionary/genetic thing. Trust me on this).
So now we have a bunch of blithering dumbshits running around that are so blindingly dumb they don't even know they're blitheringly dumb.
Just a theory. Thanks for the inspiration, anon.
"Please feel free to froth and curse as you are well known for. I love you troggy, you're a wonderful little adult toy. Come on, troggy, don't disappoint us." Skul
So sexy. So mean. So blithering.
"Reach waaaaay back kids. "
Waaaaay back? We don't need to go " waaaaay back ," oh wise and supreme Elder. We only need to go back to January 2007, which is when the dems took control of the house and senate and REFUSED to "extend" the Bush tax cuts that rescued us from a recession. Is that recent enough for you?
Awww, did I hurt your little feelings?
"We only need to go back to January 2007, which is when the dems took control of the house and senate and REFUSED to "extend" the Bush tax cuts that rescued us from a recession. Is that recent enough for you?" ray
No they didn't. What the fuck are you talking about? You're, once again, making shit up. I hate it when you assholes do that.
troglaman said...
"We only need to go back to January 2007, which is when the dems took control of the house and senate and REFUSED to "extend" the Bush tax cuts that rescued us from a recession. Is that recent enough for you?" ray
No they didn't. What the fuck are you talking about? You're, once again, making shit up. I hate it when you assholes do that.
Oh wow!!!! Trogalaman has somehow discovered some sooper seekrit information revealing that the Bush tax cuts won't, in fact, be expiring! They have been magically extended without anyone agreeing to extend them!
Quick Trog get Teh Economyyy on the line with this extremely vital information, at once. Once that is done, I think that The People need to know, and they need you to tell them. I suggest you begin spreading the word by writing in big letters on a piece of cardboard (you can make a better sign later once the extensions on the tax cuts kick in and you can get some more office supplies) and head down to the local park or bus station to begin informing the masses.
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