"Chuck Todd: NV not safe for Obama anymore"

I really enjoyed the "Minority Report" flick even though it had a really stupid plot. I mean that idea about using psychic "Pre-Cogs" to figure out where future murders are going to happen was really dumb. Plus how would you like to be a Pre-Cog? Floating around in a swimming pool 24/7 while your fellow Pre-Cogs are fouling the water? However, as stupid as the plot premise was there were all sorts of really cool technical gizmos, such as mechanical spider-like critters that could record stuff while not being noticed. I've read that since that movie came out, the army is using similar mechanical critters to monitor terrorists. However, the coolest thing about "Minority Report" that has become widespread recently, is that giant touch screen. If you saw that movie, you saw how all sorts of images could be moved around and manipulated on the big screen by hand. Well, Minority Report big screens have become a big hit in network newsrooms. The biggest fan of such Minority Report touch screens has to be Chuck Todd of NBC. Chuck's eyes always brighten up when, with a swoop of the hand, he changes a blue state red and enthusiastically moves it onto the Obama side of the screen and then taps another part of the screen to show The One's total electoral votes piling up. He loves doing this so much that I think Minority Report Chuck gets some kind of kinky sexual thrill moving those states around the screen. Minority Report Chuck always seems to use polls favoring Obama and pretty much avoids using polls showing McCain leading in a previously blue state...until now. It's pedal to the metal time and Minority Report Chuck needs to avoid looking like a fool. Before it was safe to sweep red states over to the blue side but these results can be verified as to what happens in just 5 days so Minority Report Chuck has suddenly become much more cautious as you can see in this DUmmie THREAD titled, "Chuck Todd: NV not safe for Obama anymore." So let us now watch the DUmmies get nervous in Bolshevik Red over the fact that Minority Report Chuck isn't so free anymore with sweeping states on the big screen into the Obama camp while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if there is a Pre-Cog union to improve their working conditions, is in the [brackets]:
Chuck Todd: NV not safe for Obama anymore
[Minority Report Chuck's sweep hand just came to a halt with the election just days away.]
He said that at one time it was safe for Obama but all the polls now do not show that anymore...is this right?
[Minority Report Chuck used to look like he was having an Obasm while sweeping red states to the blue side of the screen.]
Chuck Todd is usually pretty good, but he's off-base here. Even CNN has moved Nevada into Obama's category and they tend to be more careful about moving toss-up states. The reality is that early voting turnout has been huge in Nevada and the Democrats are outvoting the Republicans 53% to 30% in this state.
[Minority Report Chuck is only "off-base" because he is facing a reality check in a few days.]
Polls were tied there for a long time, Obama pulled ahead in the last weeks. But just because not every has him up by double-digits, does not mean McCain is winning there...
[Keep that happy thought in your mind, DUmmie. It will make it so much easier that way.]
Too bad we don't keep track of what "pundits" say and get a true picture of them.
[The polls and pundits all predicted Obama would have big wins against Hillary in the New Hampshire and California primaries. Does that make you feel better?]
Josh Marshall at TPM said yesterday that Obama is still ahead in Nevada.
[Oh, if Josh Marshall said it then it MUST be true.]
I was shocked to hear Chuck Todd say this because I was just over at RCP and NV looks for Obama...I was wondering if there was some new poll that came out that I did not know about and was not yet posted over at RCP.
[There will be a new poll coming out on the evening of election day. Hee! Hee!]
I still remember a recent Senate election here in Colorado where Ted Strickland was polling five points ahead of Wayne Allard with three days to go - and Allard ended up winning.
[But...but how could that have happened? It is a scientific fact that polls are absolutely accurate.]
John King was on CNN last night saying that even the McCain staffers will tell them that they think Nevada is slipping away for them....oh well, it's McCain who really NEEDS Nevada anyway.
[John King? Well, there's an absolutely reliable source. But what the hell was King thinking when he hooked up with Dana Bash? That certainly does call his judgment into question. Time for you to take a nice dip into the highly urinated Pre-Cog pool.]
the DUmmie misses two crucial points. The prevoting only measures the party of the voter, not the actual vote. It ignores all the Operation Chaos voters who reregistered democrat, and all the PUMA democrats not voting Osama.
When are you going to tell us what your contrarian-precog, the one who is 100% incorrect..... What's the scoop.
"Even CNN has moved Nevada into Obama's category "-DUmmie
And they're so conservative at CNN that they commonly shoot skeet on commercial brakes when they're not cleaning their guns, drilling for oil on set, or hassling hippies.
pollsters roll during this election is to keep Obamassiah's supporters at bay... at least until after he loses...
Then, according to some liberal professor/author, we going to have a civil war...
Bring it on, cupcakes... (Did you miss the part in the news where it says we are now locked and loaded?... Personally hunting dick here...tee hee
The thing that really got me about Minority Report was that the Precogs were ALWAYS wrong. They NEVER told the future accurately. If they did, they'd show the perps getting arrested, not committing murders.
And why didn't the "false echo" murder produce a brown ball showing the real killer's identity?
How did Anderton's murder of Leo Crow show up on the Precogs' radar in the first place? It was their prediction that caused him to murder Crow! Stupid bootstrapping.
And don't even get me started on the retinal scans. How did his eyes continue to work the doors? And not set off any alarms or anything?
Aside from the glaring errors, the movie WAS pretty awesome, though.
"Chuck's eyes always brighten up when, with a swoop of the hand, he changes a blue state red and enthusiastically moves it onto the Obama side of the screen and then taps another part of the screen to show The One's total electoral votes piling up. He loves doing this so much that I think...Chuck gets some kind of kinky sexual thrill moving those states around the screen." PJ
"Kinky sexual thrill?"
I'm sorry. I mean no disrespect. But this observation (newscasters using touchscreens) being associated with a sexual thrill is...disconcerting.
I'll never look at John King the same way again. Or anyone else madly touching and sweeping their hands gently across their big, touchscreen, visual displays.
Thanks, PJ. I'll be closely watching these touch screen perverts. And if, IF, we only see shots from the waist up...well, I think we all know what's happening here - a liberal media circle jerk just below the shot frame.
Thanks for the warning. I'll never let my kids watch the news again.
"I'll never let my kids watch the news again."
Finally, Trog displays actual intelegence!
"Hey, that's cool... we'll just let them 'have' Nevada. We own it anyway, so we're just being charitable.."
THANKS, DUmmie! Maybe your socialistic ideals just might work for us all afterwards, eh?
Oh, Holy Night!
Skinner is having his ass handed to him - again - by CorpGovActivist.
Can we PLEASE get those two geeks in a Grudge Match?
My money is on CGA to take the purse.
Voted today.
You guys are so screwed.
Let's think ahead, for a moment.
I think you guys are in a real pickle. Why? Because most of you are batshit nuts. This is going to be a problem heading into the future. On the other hand, if we we were about to invaded by aliens, you jackasses would be the first ones I'd run to. I'm serious. You'd be prepared. I'm not. My clan's stone tools and wooden throwing sticks would not be an effective deterrent against microwave lasers and death rays. Shit, they're not effective against wild dogs and possums most the time.
I am of the belief that we must come together (right now, over me.) I think you stupid shits and I, troglaman (the stupidest shit on the entire planet), need to find our common interests or we're fucked. Fucked.
That's what it's come down to. If this is a real democracy, then the people are in charge. You and me. That's how a democracy must judge itself. The people's decisions matter.
Whether or not J Sidney or Obama win, this country is ours to work for. Ours.
By the way, I'm going to introduce a measure to the Washington State legislature that would allow marriage within the Homo Clan. Up until now, marriages within the Homo Clan were subject to scorn and ridicule. But now, who gives a shit? There's more important things to worry about besides people attempting to impregnate fecal matter. On the other hand, my great, great, great grandfather was known as real shit head which has made me wonder if fecal matter doesn't play a part in the grand scheme of things.
Wow, are you as turned on as I am?
Euphoria seems to be brining out the homo in Trog. What more proof do we need of his Goddless, anti American, Joe (one short of a) six pack, heathen, Ayers loving, tax and spend socialistic, nazi plan for world domination.
I'd like to see him just try to be the coddled son of an Admiral, loose multiple planes, spend 5 years as a POW, cheat on his wife with a multimillion dollar heiress and then have to kiss but in the Senate and all for ....nada.
Come on Trog you rectum loving perv...just try to do this.
Well, trog, if we ever ARE invaded by aliens, do feel free to come on around. After all, it would be preferable to put you and your ilk in the stewpot, thus sparing the much-more-valuable stray dogs and cats as long as possible.
Collectivism and statism have won the argument in America, much to the detriment of Human life everywhere on this planet. The ideas that equal outcomes should be mandated and forced by government are tantamount to a Declaration of Servitude replacing the Declaration of Independence.
Both “sides,” Liberal/Conservative, Democrat/Republican have long ago agreed to this basic idea: the only thing they now argue over is which gang seizes the power to force everyone else into servitude to the state and which favored groups “needs” will be met through extortion from the disfavored groups.
This is cannibalism and tribalism in its raw form. Why is it that most people ignore and evade this fact?
The core philosophy that has won the argument is altruism: the subordination of the individual to the good of everyone but himself. Sacrifice is painted as virtue rather than as the suicide it is. Rational self-interest is demonized and charactured as evil and greedy. In short, morality and ethics have been turned on their heads.
We are witnessing an event that is the social equivalent of one of Earth’s magnetic field reversals. You want Change?
Gee Mr Galt, I hope you survive.
Just like you did in those dark dark days of the horrible terrible collectivist economy of Bill Clinton.
Your collectivism argument disappears when Haliburton and Bears Stern executives are reaping the bennies.....but start rolling back the giant tax cut to the upper 2% and bar the doors the collectivists are taking over.
I guess in this thesis of yours the country was doing just dandy fine but now we are being taken over by idiots.....and quite a few of them too.
It will be so bitter sweet to prosper under a Dem won't it (see GDP under dems vs repubs). I suppose you could take that new prosperity and contribute to the Cato institute or something....
anon 9:17
How will you survive when George Soros is no longer around to tell you what to say?
"Collectivism and statism have won the argument in America, much to the detriment of Human life everywhere on this planet." galt
All you have to do is think about what he's saying. Really. It's not that hard.
"How will you survive when George Soros is no longer around to tell you what to say?" the bad anon
What? Like Soros is secretly communicating with all brain-washed libs? Sure. Fucking retard.
Actually, we've, including Soros, have all been abducted. We're pod people. Deal with it.
"Because most of you are batshit nuts. This is going to be a problem heading into the future. On the other hand, if we we were about to invaded by aliens, you jackasses would be the first ones I'd run to."
Trog this post was seriously funny. Props for the humor.
Yes...we DO have all the guns. It's a wonder more Liberals don't ever seem to realize that.
Unfortunately the leftist radicals have been convinced many times over the last 40 - 45 years that intimidating behavior is not a capital crime in most "conservative" minds.
For example the hordes of screaming, sign-waving, arrest-seeking ACORN operatives camping out around bankers' homes to intimidate and terrify their wives and children and thus pressure the banker to lower lending standards. The re-enforcement through lack of negative consequence for their bad behavior has resulted in the severe stressing of the global financial system we see today.
Destroying such a huge hunk of the national and global wealth SHOULD be a capital crime. That would include some of their accomplices and enablers in Congress: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd would objectively come out as most culpable.
"... BULLSHIT!! All you have to do is think about what he's saying. Really. It's not that hard. ..." - trog commenting on my earlier post
I didn't realize "bullshit" was praise in your world trog: thanks! :)
The encouragement of readers to think about what I wrote is exactly the right (correct) thing to say! Thanks again!
I disagree about the hardness, though. It is not easy for (too) many people to think rationally and requires constant practice. That does not seem to be a common trait these days. Rational thinkers are constantly mocked and scorned in this society.
"Rational thinkers are constantly mocked and scorned in this society." mr galt
Just like the Homo Clan. Imagine that.
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