Little Orphan Willie sings: "Tomorrow..."

Wee Willie feels he must weigh in on the eve of this momentous occasion, since he is, after all, WILLIAM RIVERS PITT. Here is the Logorrheal One waxing inspirational, using many words to say nothing, in this THREAD, simply and solemnly titled, "Tomorrow...". And the Pied Piper's eloquence moves his DUmmieland sycophants to tears! So let us gather round the Sage of Bukowski's and soak up his wisdom, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, reminding you DUmmies that Democrat Voting Day is actually the day AFTER tomorrow, is in the [brackets]:
[Pie-eyed Preacher Pitt about to pontificate. . . .]
It has been a long and terrible time since tomorrow mattered as much as it does today.
[Tomorrow matters more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. Oops! Wrong song.]
It began with that first terrible election, the media manipulations, the stolen and uncounted votes, the menacing mobs, and a decision by the highest court which sealed our doom.
[How did we SURVIVE??!!]
We have seen tax cuts which looted our Treasury and further enriched the wealthy. . . .
[Imagine that! Allowing people who already pay the most taxes to KEEP more of what they earned! Shocking!]
we have seen presidential vetoes. . . . we have seen executive orders. . . . We have seen annihilation. . . . We have seen wars. . . . We have seen fear. . . .
[We have seen Pitt do this kind of cheap rhetorical device before, which he invariably overdoes. It's paragraph filler. Carry on, Pitt.]
We have seen terrorists, and all too often, they have been us.
[Uh, no, Pitt. They have not been us. Unless you count Barry's pal, Billy.]
We have known death, and disgrace, and failure, and greed, and theft, and shame, and utter lawlessness.
[And all sorts of other nasty, icky things! BAAAAD Bush! Oh, wait! Bush isn't running this time.]
We have lost hope, and been afraid, and fallen to exhaustion and despair.
[Falling off your barstool at Bukowski's doesn't count, Will.]
We have seen torture and murder stamped with the seal of highest approval, and we have become what we despise.
[OK, we get your point. Things have been REALLY REALLY BAD! Somehow I sense a "but" coming on.]
But. . . .
[Cue the orchestra. . . .]
tomorrow is a different matter.
[The sun'll come out, tomorrow. . . .]
Tomorrow is a place of definitions, where change may come and be welcome even in the smallest degree.
[Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun. . . .]
Tomorrow will see millions upon millions from every national nook and cranny pour forth in celebration of their own lone and lonesome voices.
[Just thinkin' about, tomorrow, clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow, till there's none. . . .]
Tomorrow, we will know.
[Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow. . . .]
It has been a long, strange and entirely preposterous course that has brought us today to the edge of our next tomorrow.
[It has been a long, strange and entirely ponderous string of crap that has brought us to the end of your sentence.]
Millions of new voters rewrote an old, calcified map.
[Millions of readers took a long and glassy-eyed nap.]
Fifty states one and all had their say. . . .
Money mattered less than organization. . . .
[Two words: George $oro$.]
less than passion, less than hope, less than tomorrow.
[Less than the MSM doing NO investigative reporting whatsoever of Obamassiah.]
There are many eyes upon us today. . . .
[And they are rapidly glazing over.]
The eyes of those . . . the eyes of those . . . the eyes of those . . . the eyes of those . . . the eyes of all those . . .
[Here we go with the repetition bit again. . . .]
Tomorrow is another choosing. . . .
[Big finish. . . .]
Tomorrow has come at last.
[Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only . . . a day . . . AWAY! Thank you, Little Orphan Willie, for that load of nothing. Now on to your tearful sycophants . . .]
It's been a long eight years . . .
[. . . since I started reading Pitt's essay.]
my head spins just thinking about it.
[Call the spin doctor.]
One thing is certain - DemocraticUnderground has been a life-ring for me, personally.
[DUmmieland has been a LAFF-RIOT for US!]
it is a time to celebrate.
[Freudenschade, baby! The polls CANNOT be wrong! . . . Can they?]
Thank you Will. You have moved me to tears once again.
[Sob. . . . Sniff. . . .]
Beautifully said, thank you, Mr. Pitt. I'm sure I'm not the only one today who is moved to tears by your eloquence.
[We are not worthy!]
my 12 year old is an Obama supporter too! (too bad she can't vote).
[Call ACORN. They'll work something out.]
The one sentence you wrote had me looking outside my window at the rain. . . .
[Reprise: When I'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely. . . .]
Thank you Will. You helped to open my eyes. I mean it. Thank you for being patient with those who knew less.
[You are too good to us, Will!]
Beautiful. You have brought tears to my eyes. I have faith in tomorrow.
[God bless you, Will Pitt!]
Thank you Will. I felt it.
[A tingle up your leg?]
I remember 2004 the day after. Only too clearly. It will be different this time.
[This time Lucy will KEEP the football ON THE GROUND!]
One way or the other. Time will do it's thing no matter what.
[Pitt takes two sentences to say nothing. It's a gift.]
Hey Will, the above post made 44444 posts on DU for you.
[The fours are strong with this one.]
...the eyes of those subsumed by an invading sea watch us.
English Composition 101. Pitt's writing reminds me of dogs barking idiotically through endless nights. It's so overwrought, so sappy and maudlin that a sort of grandeur creeps into it. A grandeur that only a true DUmmie, someone as idiotic as Pitt, can applaud.
Imagine if Obama wins the popular vote, but McCain wins the Electoral College. It will be 2000 all over again for these fuckers. Ohh the laughs that will bring.
"...the menacing mobs,"
What the FUCK is this ass-clown babbling about?
The only mobs I ever saw in Election 2000 were LAWYERS...and most of them were hired by An Inconvenient Gore.
I'd ask Pitt, but he obviously hasn't got a clue, nor a hook to hang it upon.
"Imagine if Obama wins the popular vote, but McCain wins the Electoral College. It will be 2000 all over again for these fuckers. Ohh the laughs that will bring." skully
Imagine if Obama wins.
This'll be your 2000, fuckbrain. Enjoy.
The laughs have only just begun.
We have seen terrorists, and all too often, they have been us.
Words cannot describe how hard I want to punch William Rivers Pitt in the face.
Oh, hey trog, good to see you're still on with the revenge motif. Hey it's worth risking wrecking the US economy and the fucking entirety of the financial system worldwide just so's some conservatives get as pissed at your douchehold Peeresident - for genuine reasons - as much as you were pissed at Bush for reasons that you fucking invented out of thing air.
Do you think it's cool to be that up-front about your real motives before the deal's in the bag though?
Strangely, I have never been sucked down the Democrat hole. I'm too optimistic to be that depressed. I've never seen so many maudlin people as I've seen on the DUmmieLand threads.
troglaman said...
"Imagine if Obama wins.
The laughs have only just begun."
Well, you're right, but not in the sense you intend.
The laughs have only just begun.
True T-man. But in the coming Obama administration the laughter will be rueful.
People can say the fuck word here?
Can we say the clitty word? Fun!
Speaking of Will, he's engaged.
Imagine his wife having to deal with the Scotch smell oozing out of pores every night while he sleeps.
"People can say the fuck word here? " -anonymoun 3:15pm
Well, it happens on occasion. Mostly by troglaman when he wants to use his potty mouth. Which, I suppose is all the time. So if you see a "troglaman" post-heading, get ready for some filthy fun. Hilarity, will no doubt ensue.
So, pitt is engaged? Is she of legal age? I know he likes them young.
People can say the fuck word here?
Only Democrats. They are intellectually challenged and think dropping the f-bomb proves their point or enhances their street creds.
Pitt in love! Mostly he's in love with himself and the concept of himself. He's undoubtedly engaged to a sixteen year old DUmmie, someone who thinks his inane ramblings are the Federalist Papers.
"This'll be your 2000, fuckbrain. Enjoy."
Oh, I'll enjoy a McCain victory, alright. Obama is going to lose. I just hope he and the rest of the democrats has the charter to lose gracefully
Sounds like an Obama speech. No wonder they love him.
Well, since Obama seems to have won I wonder how soon they will turn on him.
$50 the first anti-O thread starts in 3 months.
$100 Biden is right, O will be tested, and will fail as badly as Clinton
They'll turn on him as soon as they figure out that he's just another politician.
Obama won. Holy shit.
McCains's statements tonight were heartfelt and humble. It was huge. Listen, you dumbshits, we either get our shit together or we don't. It's come to that. McCain knows it and so should you. We either unite or lose. Pretty simple.
Thank God for W. I never thought I'd say that. Thank God for W.
There wont be another "Brownie". Cronies won't be allowed. Haliburton will not get another no-bid contract.
That's a good thing.
Yeah, start that unity, trog.
We owe a big debt of thanks to Bush and co. for making this all possible.
Dems would have won with an old stalwart thanks to the economic mess.....but the election of a young progressive Black man, that can only be credited to this abysmal, Exxon first, Haliburton second and Ideology third (and fuck the rest) administration.
And there would not have been Bush without this group. So one big thanks to you on behalf of Dems, progressives and much of the rest of the world. You made this possible.
Hey Man' you know what it means to be a community organizer.
troglaman said...
There wont be another "Brownie". Cronies won't be allowed. Haliburton will not get another no-bid contract.
That's a good thing."
You must be 'way too young to remember the first two years of Clinton's Presidency, the last time the Dems had Congressional majorities as well as the Presidency. It'll be favoritism and cronyism in spades, making the GOP look like the inept amateurs they are at that game, but with a different cast of characters.
What a terrible thing it would be to return to the disastrous economy, security and world view of those Clinton years.
"What a terrible thing it would be to return to the disastrous economy, security and world view of those Clinton years."
Exactly what universe were you residing in?
Just for reference, I'm a database administrator, and did very well financially during those years. Hell, I'm doing even better now.
That was because my employers were smart, not because the Democrats - in any way shape or form.
Security and world view? Oh, you mean little things like Somalia and the Cole? Or do you mean the time when our enemies all held hands with us and we sang Kumbaya?
If those are your memories, youre not just forgetful, youre an idiot.
Way to encourage unity, trog, insulting us time after time.
William Rivers Pitt - whose grandfather protected pedophile priests for decades in Boston - lives off the trust fund blood money his maternal grandfather left him.
No wonder he has substance abuse problems.
I suspect Pitt won't dare sign up here:
Poseurs and pedophile-funded cockroaches tend not to like the light.
"Way to encourage unity, trog, insulting us time after time."
Ass ...
'o' hasnt pulled the wool over my eyes. Fuck him. Time to regroup. 55 MILLION did not vote for him.
Did you see all the idiots repeating "Yes we can"??
Holy shit. A more brainwashed set of assholes I havent seen since viewing the North Koreans on YouTube.
Anonymous 9:53 a.m. said...
What a terrible thing it would be to return to the disastrous economy, security and world view of those Clinton years."
Well, if you'll recall, that little thing called the "Cold War" ended thanks to the policies of Ronaldo Magno, thus producing the so-called "Peace Dividend" for which the Dems were willing to gut the Defense Department in a wanton lust to squander the newly-available funds on giveaways. Their overreaching instead lead directly to the turnover of Congress to the GOP a mere two years after Clinton's election.
This not only capped any chance of passing Left-wing social legislation, but led to the defiant adoption of pro-growth policies (since it is Congress, after all, that has the power to tax and spend, while the President has only the power to ask and administer). Coincident with this was the dot-com boom in the economic background, a once-in-a-lifetime and purely fortuitous bubble reflecting glory on the lucky incumbent, which finally burst in a rather spectacular way in his last year in office.
The most favorable thing about the governing climate in the 90s was that for the vast majority of it, the Presidency and Congress were held by different parties, preventing either one from doing anything bizarre. That natural check on runaway stupidity is, sadly, no longer in play.
From what I understand, Dick Morris urged Clinton to fast-forward Newt's agenda and sign everything Congress sent him. This enabled Clinton to pick up a second term, because
1) the GOP had nothing left to run on,
2) Clinton could take credit for Newt's policies because he signed all of them, and
3) the GOP ran a lackluster candidate in '96.
The last two years of Clinton's presidency got him four more years.
"The last two years of Clinton's presidency got him four more years."
And impeachment plus disbarment, too, of course.
Gotta hand it to Troglaman, you made the call. PJ, we're still waiting for that football to be yanked. Maybe later?
But I still do think Troglaman can be brought over to the dark side. Curiosity is a dish best served luke warm. Not only do I give Trog an E for effort, but also an A for prediction, and an A- for tenacity.
Obama thought this was all about him. Heh, this was really all about Troglaman. Prove me wrong.
"Obama thought this was all about him. Heh, this was really all about Troglaman. Prove me wrong." corona
LOL. You're right! This election was not only about electing a Black Man, it was a referendum on the intelligence of those less evolved. Despite my, Troglaman's, exaggerated brow ridges, I was able, again and again, to identify a "dumbass". Me. A cave dweller. The question that begs to be answered is, what's that make many of you?
" much as you were pissed at Bush for reasons that you fucking invented out of thing air." mandible
Name one thing I invented out of thin air (other than you're a dumbass). Once again, you lazy jerk, you just say it. You don't back it up, you just say it and make believe it's true. I have no trouble admitting I'm wrong. So tell me what I've invented. If you're right, I'm a dumbass. If you're wrong, you're a dumbass. Pretty simple.
There's some pretty smart people that attend our little meetings here. They think. They don't parrot. The fact that PJ allows these conversations speaks very highly of him. There aren't many on-line forums, both liberal and conservative, that do. That has a lot to do with me coming back here and having the opportunity to mix it up with you folks. I'm eternally grateful for PJ's tolerance of my belligerence. Let's admit it, it's fun. It keeps us all sharp. At least it does me, Troglaman. I've been going around trying to incite wingnuts for over 5 years. And I've learned that not being able to back my shit up is suicide.
I love it. It makes me smarter. And am absolutely fucking sure (with PJ's blessing) we'll have many, many more discussions that could burst a vessel in any one of us. How cool is that?
One thing I'd be terribly interested in knowing is if any wingnuts might've (secretly) gone to Obama. Reverse Bradley effect. Or 'Palin effect'. Or 'Rove effect'. Or, what the hell, 'J Sydney' effect.
"Holy shit. A more brainwashed set of assholes I havent seen since viewing the North Koreans on YouTube." sham the wise
Yeah. I was especially alarmed when the brainwashed Obamaites started goose-stepping around the Red Plaza with tanks and howitzers and shit.
Super smart equilavency, sham. Brilliant.
troglaman said...
There wont be another "Brownie". Cronies won't be allowed.
Sssh don't let ACORN hear you say that, for Gods sakes. Are you trying to get reeducated?
We owe a big debt of thanks to Bush and co. for making this all possible.
Um no. You owe a big debt to black evangelicals, Black Panthers, polling station organizers who kicked out Republican observers, David Axelrod, ACORN and above all the in-the-tank mainstream media.
Dems would have won with an old stalwart thanks to the economic mess.....but the election of a young progressive Black man, that can only be credited to this abysmal, Exxon first, Haliburton second and Ideology third (and fuck the rest) administration.
Oh that must be why Kerry got more voters 4 years ago then. Because of Halliburton. Or something. You do know that the names of companies when repeated with precisely zero context either provided or actually in existence are completely meaningless, right? You won this thing because of McCain's refusal to actually target your people's glaring faults and weaknesses, the fact that you have the douchebag liberal media in the pocket, the fact your guy had more melamine in his skin than ours, and unprecedented voter fraud. Don't even try to claim otherwise. Oh and by the way I've already done the nice thing and congratulated you on it (either this thread or the lower one, I forget.) Now it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is; and luckily for you your political opposition are a lot more sane and well balanced so you will not deal with the same hysterical derangement over every single step you make. And being as how your opposition are capable of dispassionate analysis and prediction of trends, while you are capable of nothing higher than acting on whatever impulse hits your synapses at any particular moment in time, please allow me to extend my condolensces in advance on what you are about to do to yourselves and everyone else. Hey; I meant it when I said congratulations. I didn't say you're not going to f*ck things to hell in a handbasket but then that's on your heads now.
And there would not have been Bush without this group. So one big thanks to you on behalf of Dems, progressives and much of the rest of the world. You made this possible.
Would that include the parts of the world that are already falling under a stronger Russian influence the very day your guy was confirmed the winner? Or the Jews who got rockets shot across the fence at them, also on the same day? Hey, on behalf of the entire conservative movement, we thank you in advance for being Carter II to our next Reagan, and your guy has not even been confirmed yet.
Hey Man' you know what it means to be a community organizer.
Yep. Ability to jigger with voting practices, what it meant yesterday and what it will mean today.
Look - You very likely just stole an election; and ended up winning it anyway.
We don't care. We're disappointed, sure, it's not the end of the world.
Your supporters went on national television crowing about voting twice. You filed hundreds of thousands of illegal registrations. You sent Black Panthers to the polling stations to "make sure no-one got intimidated." You took illegal donations from both domestic and foreign sources. Your campaign workers themselves illegally registered in more than one state. And the media covered for you all the way.
Meh. You got away with it, good for you. Your silly shenanigans are already on the way to being forgotten because they are nothing more than an embarrassment and we don't want them to define the democratic process for us.
None of us were keen on McCain in the first place; at least one side got what they want.
Who knows, maybe McCain won it for you. Maybe despite all appearances and evidence to the contrary you actually did win it. In the end the result is the same and you will now be judged on what you do going forward. This is your time. Make the most of it. America will survive you; I doubt you'll survive yourselves, but here's hoping you do. Here's hoping we do too.
Now. Get over it. We have.
Yep. Ability to jigger with voting practices, what it meant yesterday and what it will mean today.
Look - You very likely just stole an election; and ended up winning it anyway.
Hm that er didn't come out quite right.
"Yep. Ability to jigger with voting practices, what it meant yesterday and what it will mean tomorrow."
"Look - You very likely just stole an election; or tried to steal it but ended up winning it anyway."
And trog; are you planning, EVER, to supply the evidence we've been requesting of you, also FOREVER, to back up your contention that Palin is an unqualified joke (or whatever she is supposed to be today)? Like, you know, whatever massive secret it is that you are holding onto that provides a negative outweighing her extremely successful executive experience as governor of one of the most important states of the entire union; and the analysis which indicates she added thirteen per cent of the Republican voters? Are you ever going to address the admissions by people within the OBAMA CAMPAIGN ITSELF that they saw her as such a threat - infinitely MORE SO than McCain - that they embarked on a fullblown mission to destroy her credibility to prevent her from savaging your guy?
Or are you just going to admit that you are an amoral partisan hack who finds it perfectly acceptable to persistently and continually lie about, smear and mock someone for no other reason than that that person is a threat to someone you support? In other words a filthy, sleazy slimeball with not a small amount of chauvinism running through your psyche?
Oh and I promise you this, sincerely and honestly: if we ever meet face to face I will require you to provide facts and evidence to back up the hideous aspersions you have cast on an innocent woman. Should you be unable to make a good effort at doing so within approximately five minutes, I give you my solemn word that I would take you apart.
Where I was brought up we don't besmirch, mock, smear and lie about innocent people, especially not women, for our own sleazy ends. Call me old fashioned. And consider youself lucky that our paths are very unlikely to cross anywhere but on this site.
"Yeah. I was especially alarmed when the brainwashed Obamaites started goose-stepping around the Red Plaza with tanks and howitzers and shit.
Super smart equilavency, sham. Brilliant."
Ok. I know you love the role of resident contrarian, but even you must see brainwashing for what it is. Come on, that didnt give you any flashes of mindless repetition?
troglaman said...
"Yeah. I was especially alarmed when the brainwashed Obamaites started goose-stepping around the Red Plaza with tanks and howitzers and shit."
You would mean something like this....
it never "starts" with the goose-stepping.....
They don't have "all" the levers of power that starts Jan 20th....
Why hasn't there been any new DUmmie FUnnies in a few days?
I know that an Obama win is discouraging, but I've been trolling over at the DUmp...there's plenty of great material over there to use still!
Please, PJ - let's get back to it!
Listen, dumbshits, we either get our shit together or we don't...We either unite or lose.
Thanks for that eloquent insight t-bone, who could argue with it. If our shit isn't together, then it isn't. It's so simple. I assume you mean we unite behind Obama, get with his program, or get our skulls cracked.
Man Bile....your heartfelt wishes really made my day.
And I am glad to see you defending the fluffy bunny to the do realize by now she wasn't running for pres?
You might also want to send her an email explaining that Africa is in fact a continent.
I really do hope she stays visible as I am sure she will sans handlers and script writers. Then we will all get to see the good 'ol soccer mom (with the $180,000 wardrobe). It will be wonderful fun
"Sssh don't let ACORN hear you say that, for Gods sakes. Are you trying to get reeducated?" mandible
Acorn. Jesus. All right, mandible. Let's go for it. Lay it out. Let's hear about how acorn brainwashed millions and fixed the election.
You're sitting in an echo chamber, you cucumber. Acorn...corn...corn...corn
Hmmm. Corn. Where do you live, mandible? Iowa perhaps? My inner homo is into the corn thing because I can't hear 'corn' without thinking 'hole'. Call me crazy. We, being cave-dwellers, don't normally grow anything but mushrooms and other assorted fungi. The first time I saw a corn cob, I was strangely affected.
Anyway. Let's go mandible. Attempt to scare me with the evil doings of the acorn.
The acorn...hmmm.
"I assume you mean we unite behind Obama, get with his program, or get our skulls cracked." the suddenly afraid elrond
You betcha. The normally peace-loving, pussified, libs are about to crack your skulls. What the fuck are you talking about, elrond? Do you have one tiny little itty bitty bit of proof other than your than the fact that you're demented that Obama is about to launch his stormtroopers into the streets cracking the heads of dumbshits like you?
You're making shit up again, elrond. On the other hand, maybe you know something we don't. Explain.
"True T-man. But in the coming Obama administration the laughter will be rueful." the amazing, mystical elrod esquire.
You've been right so so many times before, elrond. You've blinded us with your precience light.
Why should anyone, anywhere, from all callings of human endeavor, believe you? You've been wrong, and continue to be wrong about everyfuckingthing - EFT.
So unless you modify EFT for yourself, you're going to continue to suck. It's that quick.
I'm impatient with you dickheads. Get on the friggin train or walk. Your choice.
"... Get on the friggin train or walk. Your choice. ..."
Feel the joy. So much for your "coming together" thing eh, trog? Now it's a demand.
I'm impatient with you dickheads. Get on the friggin train or walk. Your choice.
So much love, I'm abashed. My choice? I'll walk, it's healthier. Sharing a ride with a dumb, ranting shithead like you isn't for a ride for me or any sane person.
"Feel the joy. So much for your "coming together" thing eh, trog? Now it's a demand." galt
Was it over me? I think not. Fuck you.
"I'll walk, it's healthier." elrond
Good for you. Let me know after a few laps why I'm a ranting shithead. Fuck you.
This is all about the coming together process, galt. elrond.
Conflict resolution, my friends. Read up and take a goddamn pill.
This is all about the coming together process, galt, elrond.
You don't really believe that "come together" crap for a second, do you? I'll enjoy my laps, it's healthier and saner. And hey, fuck you too, shithead.
"You don't really believe that "come together" crap for a second, do you?" elrond
Not if you don't. Hell no. It's pretty simple. If you don't want to buy into a reasonable, collective stance regarding the interests of the USA, then I want you to be seen for what you are. Fair enough?
If you don't want to buy into a reasonable, collective stance regarding the interests of the USA, then I want you to be seen for what you are.
Sounds like a threat. Still, I promise to accord Obama the same honor and respect that Democrats acorded Chimpy McHitler the past eight years.
"Sounds like a threat. Still, I promise to accord Obama the same honor and respect that Democrats acorded Chimpy McHitler the past eight years." elrond
It's not a threat. Thankfully, I think we're about to enter an age where the right answer is the right answer. Obama will pull it off or he won't. If McCain had won, the same future would be facing him.
What was W's approval rating right after 9-11? What is it now? Respect is earned. If Obama doesn't earn it, he'll be replaced when the next presidential cycle comes around 4 years from now.
But things have changed. The electorate, you and me, funded the winner. Big time. Small donations were bigger than large donations. It's never happened before. Money from the little people bigger than the money from the big people. We found a way.
Sorta levels the playing field, doesn't it? You assholes should be able to figure it out pretty soon. Money, 5 or 10 bucks, has become a mandate. I'm lovin' it.
Oh hey Trog remember how all those undesirable types (Hamas, Chavex et al) were endorsing Obama because they wanted him to lose? You know, that sophisticated piece of political analysis you came up with and couldn't really elaborate on even when asked repeatedly and directly?
Oh looks like they must still be hoping he will lose the election even after it's over then. Why would they do that? Or are they now trying to tarnish his reputation so that he won't get the mandate he needs to give them billions in dollars to fund the "education gap" that is making them hate America. Yeah, sure.
Oh and I just noticed this: " much as you were pissed at Bush for reasons that you fucking invented out of thing air." mandible
"Name one thing I invented out of thin air (other than you're a dumbass). Once again, you lazy jerk, you just say it."
For one, call me a lazy jerk again and I promise you I will track you down, cut out your heart and eat it still dripping. Secondly, where to start? The Patriot Act was Bushitler's way of stifling dissent among Americans over his illegal war for oil (you do know AmeriKKKa still does not have an oil deal with Iraq and isn't likely to get one - while Shell has already signed on and Chinese companies are negotiating to buy the rest of the oil, right?); there were no WMDs found in Iraq (you do know there was a bunch of sarin gas found there along with entire ammunition dumps storing chemicals used for 'making insecticide,' and even a receipt for an inquiry over yellowcake, I mean you do know this stuff, right?), that the war was never about democracy and humanitarian causes but only about the WMDs, which Bushitler lied about ... (when in the declaration of war it was quite clearly stated that improving humanitarian conditions and achieving democracy were aims of equal primacy to the destruction of the puported WMDs - oh and Iraq is now a democracy with far improved human rights conditions, in case you failed to notice)... and on and on and on, I mean you do realise that this stuff is all completely invented out of thin air, right? It takes literally nothing more than a simple assessment of the very basic facts regarding any aspect of you lot's claims about Bushitler to completely debunk them. I mean, you're surely not going to keep pretending you're being oppressed - along with the billions of innocent Muslim children over the world that Bushitler raped and tortured - now that you've achieved the goal in the service of which you were making those claims, I mean right?
You did it, hooray! You redressed historical grievances by sending Black Panters to the voting booths to prevent anyone complaining when democrats voted more than once, by signing up hundreds of thousands of false registrations, and by spending the last eight years demonizing your opposition with the worst possible slurs, insults and accusations. And you won by doing that. You won the election. Now just man up and admit none of it was true in the first place, because you know that we know.
troglaman said...
"Sssh don't let ACORN hear you say that, for Gods sakes. Are you trying to get reeducated?" mandible
Acorn. Jesus. All right, mandible. Let's go for it. Lay it out. Let's hear about how acorn brainwashed millions and fixed the election.
Um you might want to actually do a bit of reading up on that. Like check your local newspaper or something. Because ACORN literally signed up hundreds of thousands of fraudulent vote registrations in the swing states, and had non-residents register to vote in said swing states, etc. I'm not sure why you would not know this since it was fairly prominently displayed in many media outlets, but I guess you could just continue to play dumb and try to pretend it's me who doesn't know what's going on if you wanted to do that.
You're sitting in an echo chamber, you cucumber. Acorn...corn...corn...corn
Oh look it's a special magic echo chamber that encompasses much of the national media in the US.
Hmmm. Corn. Where do you live, mandible? Iowa perhaps?
I quite specifically told you that I am not American nor do I live there. Do you often have this sort of trouble with remembering simple facts? Perhaps that might be an indication that certain aspects of your lifestyle are not helping your mental health, no?
My inner homo is into the corn thing because I can't hear 'corn' without thinking 'hole'. Call me crazy.
Good for you. I'm sure your inner homo will be pleased to hear that President Elect Obama does not support gay marriage as it is not morally acceptable to him. Oh, wait, did you liberals think a leftist was going to give you what you wanted? Well I guess you-all got sucker-punched by the artificial left/liberal confluence then. More fool you. And speaking of inner homo, the one person in the entire presidential primary who had a libertarian take on such issues was Sarah Palin, whom you assholes chose to (attempt to, at least) destroy in the theatre of public opinion. Whoops! Bet you feel pretty fucking stupid now, huh? What's that? Proposition eight? Black voters .. turning out in ... record numbers .. to ban gay marriage .. Oh no the irony. Oh I'm not suggesting that you're homosexual. I am suggesting that as a leftist you by definition pretend to care about homosexuals and their issues and yet you are in love with a president elect who has shafted them - along with his strongest support base - and will continue to do so, in a way that no conservative ever has or will. Hey, it's a tangent, but then so was bringing up cornholing in response to my noting of election shenanigans by your precious community organizer types. It all meets up in the middle where the universe converges into the perceptions of the one that is us and the us that are the one. Do you see?
We, being cave-dwellers, don't normally grow anything but mushrooms and other assorted fungi. The first time I saw a corn cob, I was strangely affected.
Oh, did it make you think that it might be a good idea to support the presidential candidate who does the most of anyone to shaft men who might be attracted to bodily organs of similar shapes? I don't see how else it would have affected you.
Anyway. Let's go mandible. Attempt to scare me with the evil doings of the acorn.
Um no. How about this: attempt to read a God damn newspaper or something once in a while. Trying to diminish me by dint of your own ignorance about the issues I am discussing is not really an argument tactic that I think you will have much success with. I mean the fact that I can literally answer your questions with a link to a google news search is not really indicative that you are arguing from a position of strength. But, hey, I wouldn't presume to tell a lefty how to debate poorly and fail to grasp objective reality. I wouldn't presume one little bit to know more about that than you do.
The acorn...hmmm.
The irony.
Not being able to resist a bloody heart eating fest....
Mandibile, You are a lazy Jerk.
Is that sufficient....sorry to steal your fun Tman.
So downUnder shit for brains......
"ACORN literally signed up hundreds of thousands of fraudulent vote registrations"
BY LAW, ACORN must turn in every single registration even if the name is something vile like an Aussie Mandibile. That's required dickweed. So yeah, by law they turned in fraudulent registrations.
Bush/Gonzales spent years trying to find actual ACORN related voter fraud and came up empty. But since you are such the literate (and verbose) type, you knew this and just chose to ignore? What a ....wait for heart is ready....Lazy Jerk.
Anonymous said...
Man Bile....your heartfelt wishes really made my day.
And I am glad to see you defending the fluffy bunny to the do realize by now she wasn't running for pres?
Yeah, I do. Do you realise that your camp made a bigger deal of the slightest thing she supposedly did, or said, than of anything McCain ever did, or said, precisely because your lord and master and his political campaign knew full well that she was a bigger threat to The Messiah than McCain the wrinkly RINO ever was? Or do you lack the basic grasp of nuance to parse even this simplest of concepts?
You might also want to send her an email explaining that Africa is in fact a continent.
Hey, I'm already typing up an email to THE PRESIDENT informing him that there are not 57 states in the country he now leads. And that he can lead it for up to eight years, not 10.
Oh, and, unlike Palin's supposed gaffe on Africa, his was made on the public record and is easily verifiable.
I really do hope she stays visible as I am sure she will sans handlers and script writers. Then we will all get to see the good 'ol soccer mom (with the $180,000 wardrobe). It will be wonderful fun
Um the term would be "hockey mum." I doubt they play much soccer on the tundra. And as for the $150 thousand dollar wardrobe, well, while it is good to see that you still don't have a more substantive talking point than her bloody fashion sense (which she neither purchased herself nor asked for), it will give me the greatest of pleasure when she is able to run independently of the old RINO and actually assert the qualities that make her one of America's most successful governors, and tear your Messiah a new asshole in four years after he proves himself as utterly incompetent as we told you he was (he's making great inroads into this already; what with failing to please his gay base over Prop 8 and his anti-war base over FISA - yeah, you may have noticed.)
When and if she chooses to bring the qualities and experience that make her one of America's best politicians - if not the best - back to the city that treated her like dog shit for no other reason than that she was young, dynamic and attractive, I will take great joy in laughing myself sick as your Messiah gets his ass kicked six ways to Sunday by a girl, in front of Unca George Soros and all his wide-boy mates in the media. It is going to be, much like the President Elect's attempts to form a coherent policy on, well, anything at all, have been so far.
Anonymous said...
Not being able to resist a bloody heart eating fest....
Mandibile, You are a lazy Jerk.
Yeah, yeah. And also verbose. Lazily verbose, that's an interesting combination.
So downUnder shit for brains......
"ACORN literally signed up hundreds of thousands of fraudulent vote registrations"
BY LAW, ACORN must turn in every single registration even if the name is something vile like an Aussie Mandibile. That's required dickweed. So yeah, by law they turned in fraudulent registrations.
Okay, and who would it be that signed these registrations in the first place? Oh, that's right, people that were canvassed by ACORN. The non-partisan group that specifically signs up hundreds of thousands of illegal registrations that just happen to all be for Democrats. Nothing to see here then.
Bush/Gonzales spent years trying to find actual ACORN related voter fraud and came up empty.
Oh, they managed to avoid being charged over their fraudulent activities, that is very reassuring. Hey, Obama's campaign contributions aren't being audited either, while McCain's are, that must totally mean that he did nothing wrong, I mean, right?
But since you are such the literate (and verbose) type, you knew this and just chose to ignore? What a ....wait for heart is ready....Lazy Jerk.
Mm hmm. Oh look, it's a display of maturity from a leftist, attempting to taunt someone by repeating an insult they indicated they don't appreciate! That is some scintillating intellectual finery on display right there.
troglaman said...
"I assume you mean we unite behind Obama, get with his program, or get our skulls cracked." the suddenly afraid elrond
You betcha. The normally peace-loving, pussified, libs are about to crack your skulls. What the fuck are you talking about, elrond? Do you have one tiny little itty bitty bit of proof other than your than the fact that you're demented that Obama is about to launch his stormtroopers into the streets cracking the heads of dumbshits like you?
He's speaking figuratively. We're all well aware that leftists prefer to crack skulls with regulation and laws, and using the power of government rather than your own puny strength. Exhibit A: why do you think it is that you know more about Joe the Plumber's tax records than about Barack Obama's?
troglaman said...
"You don't really believe that "come together" crap for a second, do you?" elrond
Not if you don't. Hell no. It's pretty simple. If you don't want to buy into a reasonable, collective stance regarding the interests of the USA, then I want you to be seen for what you are. Fair enough?
Oh, hey, guess what, the reason people on the right didn't support or vote for your guy was that they don't believe his actions are in fact in the interests of the USA to begin with. It's slightly odd to expect that that would change because he won the election, no? You may rest assured that the right will come together and act in the interests of what you think is good for America every bit as much as you people did for the last eight years. Hey, we're already doing that in Australia with our own progressive messiah! He has heaps of support from the right in his endeavours to chop off 1% of GDP in the next year in order to convince China it should stop building coal power plants to generate electricity for its population, so Australia won't get burned to a crisp my global warmening!11!!
Do you not realise that we vote against these sort of things that you support because we actually oppose them? Why on earth do you think that we would suddenly start not opposing them because your guy happened to win the election? Do you really think that we are as lacking in principle as you lot are? Because, um, yeah you have another think coming. Oh and by the way, under Bush and Howard the right wing in Australia and America managed to forge great economic progress, and worked together to free Iraq from tyranny - and we did it all IN SPITE OF your best efforts to oppose it. It's a little telling of how weak you are that you now turn around and de facto admit you can't achieve anything you want to do unless the rest of us are on board; and don't fret about us missing out on the love, peace and joy you plan to bring by dint of us not enabling you to actually do anything - if we'd wanted your plans to succeed in the first place, for us or for anyone, we'd have voted for you.
So please on behalf of the right wing and conservatives in both countries, enjoy this heartfelt Screw You. In the meantime, myself and those like me will sit back, tighten our belts and batten down our hatches, and watch your inevitable implosion in anticipation of the day when we say I Told You So. It's not as far off as you think it is.
"Oh, hey, guess what, the reason people on the right didn't support or vote for your guy was that they don't believe his actions are in fact in the interests of the USA to begin with." mandible
Sure. And your guy has been all about the interests of the USA for the last 8 years. Right.
No. Not right. Anyone believing differently is a moron.
It didn't fucking work. Got that? None of it worked. Not one little, itty-bitty piece of it worked.
You're patriots? Guess not. Know much about economics? Guess not. Can govern? Nope. Want to help pay for your big, fucking mistake? Guess not. Willing to look at any frigging alternatives? Of course not.
And yet, unbelievably, you want a trillion for the banks you couldn't run and another trillion for a war you couldn't win because of the banks you couldn't run have run out of money for some damn reason.
Do any of you understand that defending these monumental failures make you CONTINUE TO BE part of the stupid? Evidently not. Astounding. I feel like I'm witness to a profound de-evolutionary phenom. Whip it good, my friends.
Yawn. PLease, Troglaman, do try to come up with some original material. You've been sort-of able to get by on recyucled DUmmie/Kos/MSNBC crap so far but the crowd is getting restless.
your guy has been all about the interests of the USA for the last 8 years. Right.
Hm, no further attacks on US soil after 9/11 that resulted after Clinton ignored Al Qaeda for eight years. Yep, count 'em, not one. Democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan - achieved. Did you miss those three things? Low tax rates and stellar economy right up until the end of his second term, check. Or are you still going to try pushing the "deregulation" meme about the current troubles?
Oh hey what was it Clinton did again that made him so great, so much about The Good Of America (tm)? Bombed the crap out of some people in the Balkans, broke his promis of tax cuts, ignored how many AQ attacks on US interests and assets overseas .. Oh right but he managed to get more money for his government than it planned to spend. Because that is totally a good thing according to all theories of economics.
No. Not right. Anyone believing differently is a moron.
Hey - no-one said he was perfect. Conservatives don't think too much of him either - he shafted them on more issues than he shafted liberals if you actually want to try keeping score some time. I guess the right are just more positive people who are more ready to recognize what he DID achieve and give him the benefit of the doubt for what he didn't - rather than denying the most basic of facts about his leadership solely out of partisan pique regardless of how stupid and hysterical it makes you look, like your side does.
It didn't fucking work. Got that? None of it worked. Not one little, itty-bitty piece of it worked.
Then you'd better explain to all the Afghani and Iraqi people why they didn't actually get to vote for their own governments. They will be most shocked to learn this information. Also please be sure to break it gently to the loved ones of all fallen servicemen and women that their sacrifice was completely for nothing.
Also, please give my condolences to the stock market when you inform them that they were making the wrong decision the last eight years and have only now seen the light. And inform the IRS that a big bunch of back-taxes are headed their way because apparently Bush didn't lower tax rates after all. Oh and tell Saddam Hussein (and 99% probablity Bin Laden too) to stop playing dead because it's not fooling anyone, and let the Taleban know the fire drill is over and they can go back to ruling Afghanistan now.
You're patriots? Guess not.
Yeah. Any true patriot would denounce his or her country in a time of war and its service men and women as murderous babykillers acting as strong-arms for corporate oligarchy or brainwashed pawns of the corporate overlords. It's the RIGHT THING TO DO! It's patriotic to be literally ashamed when the US wins medals in the Olympics, to be literally ashamed of calling yourself American simply because of the political party of the current president.
Hell, dude, I am Australian and I exhibit more patriotism to America than most of you lot. Don't even think about projecting your silly equivalencies after your side's behaviour and treatment of your country and your fellow citizens for the last eight years, ya dirty c*nt.
Know much about economics? Guess not.
Proof's in the pudding, bitch. Note bien: LARGEST POST-ELECTION SELLOFF IN US HISTORY followed you guys' win. Want to go tell all those financial professionals exactly where and how they're wrong? Hey maybe at the same time you can tell them how "deregulation" was the cause of lenders being ordered by the government to offer credit to subprime borrowers and how that's an indictment of the free market. Because, um, they don't really seem to agree with you, since the lesser advocate of free markets was greeted by, again, THE LARGEST POST-ELECTION SELLOFF IN US HISTORY upon his victory.
Can govern? Nope.
Compare the Democratic-majority congress' approval ratings to Bush's. Better yet, Sarah Palin's, our vice presidential nominee and an ACTUAL governor unlike the two lawyers you decided you wanted to run the country and the economy.
Want to help pay for your big, fucking mistake? Guess not.
My word. Do you even think about this shit before you write it? Like run it by some sort of filter in your brain? Or does this process not really occur with people like you? Most conservatives wanted to cut the bloody companies loose and let them go bankrupt, and feel that John McCain sold them out. And by the way he DID just get $700 billion in taxes to pay for YOUR "big mistake" or more accurately Barney Frank et al's big mistake, from tax revenue. Oh wait who is it that pays the majority of tax revenue? Oh yes I remember now it is the evil capitalist oppressor corporations who will shoulder the vast majority of the burden for bailing out the less-successful corporations that bit at the government-subsidized mortgage apple whether by choice or by coercion.
Willing to look at any frigging alternatives? Of course not.
Alternatives to what? What precisely are you talking about? Do you actually have a specific issue here alternatives to which you desire others to seek? Or have you crossed over the point where an actual relevant point is required and are now simply bringing forth generic righteous proclamations against right-wing evil via the medium of glossolalia? Like some sort of dazed hippy in the park shouting about aliens probing him and how no-one will just FIND THE ALTERNATIVES MAN to their BIG MISTAKES and PATRIOTISM GOVERNANCE ECONOMICS DEREGULATION MISMANAGEMENT CAPITALIST OPPRESSORS.. and like only someone who is as high as you are can actually make out the point you are trying to bring across?
And yet, unbelievably, you want a trillion for the banks you couldn't run
Ah no, no we don't. And you might want to check who was actually running the banks that caused the initial cracks to appear and spread through the financial system by dint of leverage that was perfectly legitimate had the quasi-federals been properly managed.. Here's a hint, they either have a D after their names or were and are very, very close to others who also have Ds after their names.
and another trillion for a war you couldn't win because of the banks you couldn't run have run out of money for some damn reason.
I guess I'll have to make up my own mind what one has to do with the other since I doubt you'll be explaining your thought processes any time soon. I will point out however that right now long-dated US sovereign debt is actually considered one of the best refuges for capital flight - and um yeah that is a large part of how the government gets the money it uses to fund stuff like, well, wars. Also, the war in Iraq has in fact been won and the conservative side of the political sphere will by and large declare as much this Saturday. You see, despite the left-stream media's incredible campaign of misinformation, we still manage to get a hold of the actual facts coming out of Iraq rather than idiotic lies and hyperbole propagated by your partisan liberal allies in the "news" business.
And we are reliably informed that companies of soldiers have been patrolling Baghdad for going on a year now without having to fire a single shot, ever. We are also aware of the fact - that you dishonest assholes choose to pretend is not happening - that attritions in the Iraq "war" are now around one quarter the amount of homicides racked up in the president-elect's home city each month. Despite your best efforts to lose this one - like you lost Vietnam for the US and won it for communism - you've failed, whether or not you realise it or can admit it.
In fact the biggest story of this whole debacle - the election year, the war, the Bush 43 administration, the media bias, and now the upcoming Obama administration - will be that it marks the end of the relevance of the New Left. Hey ya had a good four decades, deliberately engineered at least one loss to communism, and successfully painted religious people and the economically successful as the devil incarnate, it had to end sometime. And it will end in the next 4 years - eight at most. You may mark my words.
A little reading material for the troglomanic-depressive one, just to start hym off:
"The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) in Iraq was put together by the executive branch of the current administration and is currently in the approval process by the Iraqi government. It was just approved by the Iraqi Cabinet today [AP], and awaits Parliamentary approval. The agreement requires that Coalition Forces be withdrawn from Iraq by 2012. This is a testament to the effectiveness of the surge in crippling the enemies of Iraq, the improvement of the Iraqi Security Forces, and highlights that the Iraqi people are comfortable that the worst is behind them. Journalists familiar with being on the front lines are saying that the war is essentially over."
&c. Ever occur to you (troglaman) to read any of the many, many, many news sources that contain actual opinions, analysis and information from the actual people in the actual US forces that are actually in Iraq? Or is what Obama says about the place he went to once and like heard some stuff about afterwards enough for you to form an authoritative opinion?
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