DUmmies angry that BO may not punish the rich!

We're beginning to see a pattern emerge. Whenever the Young Prince shows any sign of "moving to the center"--hiring Clinton retreads, being nice to Traitor Joe Lieberman--the Looney Left gets HOPPIN' MAD! They go absolutely bonkers! Although . . . isn't that really their normal state? Yes, but in this case, the target is different. Now it's the previously unassailable Obamassiah. They're not quite to the point of yelling, "Crucify! Crucify!" but you can see how they could get there from here.
Well, the latest thing to set them off is a slight little indication that Obambi may NOT move to punish the rich quite as quickly as the Bolshevik hordes might like. Just the thought of letting the EEEVIL rich off easy makes the DUmmies' heads explode! As we see in this THREAD, "Obama may delay high-income tax-cut repeal: aide." 300 replies in nine hours! Stay class-warfarey, DU!
So hide your 401Ks and don peasant garb, as we watch the Marxist mob rage against the Capitalist Pig-Elect, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest corespondent, Charles Henrickson, dedicated to spreading the mirth around, is in the [higher text brackets]:
[First the news that sets them off . . .]
Obama may delay high-income tax-cut repeal: aide
President-elect Barack Obama may consider delaying an election promise - to roll back tax cuts on high-income Americans - as part of his economic recovery strategy, a senior aide and an adviser said on Sunday. David Axelrod, one of Obama's closest confidants chosen to be a senior White House adviser, was asked if the tax cut could be ended later than Obama called for during the campaign. "Considerations will be made," he said on "Fox News Sunday."
[On Faux News yet! Commence frothing at the mouth!]
Ah, the slipping into passive voice. That's an ominous note.
[Mouths will be frothed.]
HERE it comes.... More Excuses, and BS
[BS from BO.]
Might as well commit suicide.
[If the rich don't have their taxes raised RIGHT AWAY, there's NO POINT IN LIVING!!]
so Paris Hilton keeps getting her tax cut and I keep getting the shaft.
[We'll always have Paris.]
Oh, sorry. I appear to be 'hating'.
[And 'frothing.']
Could be Obama is responding to new information. Could be he's just another lying sack of sh*t Republican operative conning the little guy out of his smaller piece of the pie.
[It's the latter. Give up.]
Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff tells us all we need to know. The empire continues to thrive.
[The Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE). Rahm is the lost Bush brother.]
Obama and many Dems won. Still no reason to become a lemming.
[The reason "Obama's" birth certificate is still in hiding is because it reveals his true father: Dick Cheney!]
I believe that President Obama will just let the W tax cuts expire in 2010, which is the best thing for him to do, rather than repeal the things during a recession.
The rich can afford to pay more taxes.
[The rich ALREADY pay more taxes!]
Like I said earlier before the election. Obama was going to be too much the status quo.
[Barack McSame.]
Meanwhile the Drunken Revelry goes on. . . .
[Is that you, Pie-eyed Piper Pitt?]
He had BETTER not give in to the damned Pentagon!! If he does I swear I will never vote again.
I say people should wait until he says something, instead of getting in a panic beforehand.
[I say people should panic beforehand.]
300 replies by late this afternoon. . . .
[Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.]
if Obama starts breaking his promises, I would call him a traitor.
[From Obamassiah to Judas Iscariot.]
I'll wait to see what obama has to say before I toss him under the bus.
[Democratic Underbus.]
President Obama hasn't been Inaugurated yet. . . .
[You're kidding!]
Let's wait till AFTER the inauguration to really condemn him. . . .
[This is like the Spring Training of Condemning.]
I'm confident that the Obama Administration are going to do the right things, I have complete faith in their abilities.
With Wall Street the way it is right now, hell, who knows, Obama raising taxes might be the death kneel that brings the whole thing down.
[Ask not for whom the bell tolls--it decided to "kneel" instead!]
So you wouldn't care that the rich were once again not paying even close to their fair share?
[If the rich were really to pay their FAIR share, they would get massive tax CUTS!]
just another sell-out politician that is farting through silk.
[Silky Phony.]
90% of the federal budget consists of only four things...Social Security, Medicare, Pentagon and interest on the national debt.
[Defense is a legitimate constitutional item, so I say let's phase out the unconstitutional programs of Social Security and Medicare, then we won't have to raise ANYONE'S taxes AND the national debt will go away! Voilà! Elect me President!]
The Pentagon Budget really needs dramatically reducing. . . .
[How did I know THAT would be the area you'd go after?]
the Political ramifications of reducing the DOD budget when China and Russia start greatly expanding their military will be suicidal.
[Well, so what! If the Russkies bomb us, at least we'll have universal healthcare to tend to the wounded!]
if Al-Qaida is successful in conducting an attack on our soil during an Obama administration. . . .
[Again, who cares?! Preventing terrorist attacks is SO last eight years!]
Al-Qaida made its last attack here by sneaking box cutters through airport security and flying commercial jetliners into skyscrapers and the Pentagon.
[Ha1 You bought that line! Don't you know it was an inside job, a controlled demolition?!]
I agree that the CEO's need to have their salaries capped.
[As well as their knees! Maybe that's what that "death kneel" was about.]
Look, most of the rest of the world is socialist or Communist.
[When will we GET WITH THE PROGRAM??]
The NHS in Britain is a mess, a shambles, with waiting lists and inadequate facilities and not enough doctors. . . . People with cancer have to wait up to 12 weeks to get scans and whatnot.....there are long waiting lists for even the most simple of operations.
[So let's try it here! UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL!]
Money don't grow on trees.
[Why not? FREE UNIVERSAL MONEY FOR ALL! Except the rich. But, except after we tax them, they won't be rich anymore. Hmmm. . . . problem. . . .]
We have been such abused children that we stike out at those that are trying to help us.
[Trust Papa Obama.]
Deal breaker for me.
Are you now going to proclaim you are forever against Obama?
I guess I'm just a redistributionist socialist.
[I guess.]
The honeymoon is over...It's called date rape.
[Lie back and enjoy it, DUmmies! This is the guy you went to bed with!]
Change we can make believe in. Same assholes. Different toilet.
[¡Si se potty!]
NO. This has to be Day One legislation.
[Tell you what: Obambi will get to it in about 24 business hours.]
When you don't need a job and can sit around the pool or country club waiting for the dividend checks to come in, then you are rich.
[How about when you don't need a job and can sit around in Mom's basement typing to your fellow DUmmies?]
He was never going to raise taxes on the rich. Letting the tax cuts expire was his plan.
[Uh, Earth to DUmmie: "Letting tax cuts expire" IS raising taxes!]
The Rich MUST Be Taxed . . .
[. . . or my head will EXPLODE!]
I love whiney rich people.
[They're so much fun to tax!]
I'd still prefer not to have MORE of my income taxed.
[You're not very patriotic now, are you?]
The Democratic Party is totally corrupted now -- abandon ship. . . .
[The rats are jumping ship!]
Wealthy people create jobs, wealthy people use money to start businesses and employ the less wealthy. . . .
Obama filled his cabinet full of DLCers. No progressives have his ear.
[Odumbo's ears are big enough for all to share.]
We go on a spending strike. We boycott EVERYTHING except necessities.
[Not One D*mn Dime Day 43.0]
Give the average citizen a bailout of say $15,000 a piece.
[Why stop there? $249,000 apiece!]
This is why I'm a fan of a flat or fair tax.....10-13% for everyone.
The top tax rate is RIDICULOUSLY low. Rolling it back to 39% should just be the tip of the iceberg.
[140% tax rate on the wealthy!]
Capitalism is killing the planet and humanity. . . .
I'm beginning to hear of many things he campaigned on and have now seemed to have fallen off of the radar that are pissing me off.
[Obama the Most Merciful, piss be upon him.]
if he breaks all his promises, thats it I'm out. I'll never vote again. I didn't put my all into getting him elected just to be made a fool of.
[Well, actually, you did! Hee! Hee!]
Everyone take a deep breath before you throw the baby out with the bath water.
[Mixed Metaphor of the Day Award.]
I think the reason behind most of the posts regarding this is most of us want to see the "Rich" punished with higher taxes. . . .
[You also win a Kewpie Doll for a brief moment of mental clarity.]
Can we please pull back on the knee-jerk reaction of jumping ship. . . ?
[Sorry, you already won the Mixed Metaphor of the Day Award.]
David Axelrod needs to stfu and be sent back to Chicago by Fed Ex.
[Fed Ex ex-fed Ax.]
now he is flapping his mouth about how Obama is going to be just like Bush, only taller and more eloquent.
[You forgot "clean and articulate."]
We did not need Karl Rove in the WH and we do not need Axelrod in the WH.
[Tomorrow Obama names his new Senior Advisor, a guy named . . . what was his name again? . . . Kurt Grove.]
Two months before the swearing in and you're already off the bandwagon and hurling insults.
[The swearing-AT before the swearing-IN.]
liar, liar pants of fire, Barack Obama. . . . this is going to be an Israeli lunatic fringe right wing/DLC/Clinton/Obama Presidency. . . . Never has a presidential candidate . . . lied about so much in such a short period of time. He is totally betraying EVERYTHING we busted our butts to get someone to do. He must be related to Joe Lieberman. Maybe he'll kiss him. This announcement is the kiss of death. . . .
[It's the death kneel.]
This does not bode well... the stench lingers.
[B.O. Plenty.]
[The roar of the moonbat, the smell of the DUmmie.]
The Slick Willie of the new millennium.
[Sleek Barry.]
I can't stand people who just complain on a website. i have sent a few emails already concerning his cabinet. Sure they probably went unnoticed. But if enough people complain . . .
[. . . then even MORE e-mails will go unnoticed.]
I predict, we will see Obama assume a Pelosi/Reid stance. . . .
[The death kneel?]
what do we in the hustings matter to Obama's White House? We're just the engine the powered him financially for 21 months, but now can be forgotten and screwed. Punked is what we've been.
Raise their taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[And then kill them and tax them for dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Man, did we just elect a "W" lite?
[Stay outta da Bushes!]
Clintonista DLC puppet.
[Bush, Clinton--make up your mind!]
Axelrod is Karl Rove lite. . . .
[A thousand points of "lite"!]
Can't get fooled again? We just were.
[Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.]
This is f*cking bullshit!!! Obama LIED to the people!!! Gawd d*mn it!!! . . . F*ck this, I am livid!
[Change we can be livid on!]
guess its time to move out of the country. . . .
[Heck, time to evacuate the PLANET!]
screw taxes, lets boil the rich first to tenderize then a nice saute'
[Yes we cannibalize! Stay class-warfarey, DU!]
"So hide your 401Ks and don peasant garb, as we watch the Marxist mob rage against the Capitalist Pig-Elect"... PJ, Charles, whoever...
See, um...our 401Ks have already been assailed. It's not that they're about to be assailed, they already have been. Our peasant garb has already been cut and tailored. It's because we gave 700,000,000,000 to the banks and about a trillion to the war effort. Paulson can't account for where a significant percentage of an already spent $350 billion went. Neither national credit nor mortgage debt has seen any relief. Nothing. Unemployment hasn't been this bad for decades and keeps rising. Let's not even talk about the stock market. Guess what, it's going to get worse. Thanks, you jackoffs.
So despite the cavalier "the left's bustin a nut for nothing" (so friggin typical) about your 401K's - don't listen. If there ever was a time to pay attention to your 401K, now's the time. Anyone, ANYONE, saying differently is giving you bad advice. Howler monkeys know better. I know. I manage their accounts.
Obamas' book "To Serve Mankind" seems to have hit a nerve with his underlings.
"I say people should wait until he says something, instead of getting in a panic beforehand."
My, THAT could be one loooong wait! Hahahahahahaha!
DUmmies are so funny when their silly littel heads explode!
" Unemployment hasn't been this bad for decades and keeps rising."
Boy Trog, I'd LOVE to have whatever it is that you've been smoking. I can show you unemployement figures as recent as 2003 that compare to the current unemployment rate. Not to mention MANY times prior, like throughout the '90s when unemployment levels where higher than they are now.
But of course those are just BLS numbers and what the heck do they know anyway not to mention that ONE decade probably falls into your "for decades" date range anyway.
Is it a bad thing that I'm wonderfully amused to see the silly DUmmies realize exactly what the rest of us were trying to tell them all along?
" most of us want to see the "Rich" punished with higher taxes. . . ."
Thats what it's all about. Daddy problems.
Of course, since "the rich" are those of us who make $150k a year now, several hundred thousand citizens are now newly fucked.
Dont look at me. I didnt vote for the socialist twat.
And just for grins and giggles: fuck you too Troglaman. Fucking asshole. If you really have enough brains to manage people's accounts, youre just as fucked as I am.
That's the first posting of yours that I've seen with a "PM" time. Anything wrong, are you OK, is the twelve step program working?
Everyone's 401k has gone south, including mine. But I have complete faith in the government's ability to right the economy by shoveling borrowed money into the fiery maw of every insolvent business, financial institution, state and city in the U.S.
The DUmmies are, as usual, clueless. Nothing can exacerbate a recession like increasing taxes.
But DUmmies are economic illterates and prisoners of their own howler monkey mentality. Tax the rich, kill the rich, eat the rich---it's 60's deja vu all over again. The are DUmmies fun to read but, ultimately, of no consequence, and they're beginning to realize that bleak fact.
"Well, so what! If the Russkies bomb us, at least we'll have universal healthcare to tend to the wounded!"
LOL! Dude, that was classic!
Reminds me of something that happened when I was in the Army. I was going on a test light after repairing a Huey and a newbie medic wanted to go along. The crew chief and I were joking around and he said (within ear shot of the medic): "I don't know if i like the idea of a medic joining us on this test flight. It might bring us bad luck." I turned to the crew chief and said: "Well, look at it this way, if we DO crash, we'll have a medic along to tend to the wounded. All we need now is the Chaplin."
"Everyone's 401k has gone south, including mine. But I have complete faith in the government's ability to right the economy by shoveling borrowed money into the fiery maw of every insolvent business, financial institution, state and city in the U.S." elrond
You seem to be saying two things here, buttwad. Your 401 is tanking and the government is just going to fuck it up even more. Do I have that right?
I'd say, you friggin pussy, that 6 months ago you would've said this economy was just fine. You just might be saying that even now.
I would also say that your economic view is flawed, was flawed, and will always be flawed. I would say that you don't believe in one bailout, one loan, not to banks, not to industry, not to welfare, not to education, roads, electrical grids, pipelines, etc. You don't believe in regulation. When the government becomes involved, it's an automatic cluster fuck. How am I doing?
You're such a pussie. Why? Because you supported nearly everything that got us into this tiny, little predicament and you just can't suck it up. When are just one of you giant pumpkins going to admit you screwed the pooch? That your world-view has severely lubed and fucked this country in every conceivable orifice?
You are unable to take responsibility. You are unable to see your mistakes. You can't blame the current government ideology because you've SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR the current government for the last EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. That wasn't you. Hell no. You had nothing to do with it. You never bought in. Because you don't believe in government. It always ends in a cluster fuck. What a seasoned pile of stinking horse shit.
You, elrond, continue to buy into the same failed, crazy-assed, hypocritical ideology that got us here in the first place. None of it makes sense. You don't make sense. If you set up a 401K, elrond, who's charged with taking care of it? Or are you OK with making fucking anyone in charge. If someone stole your 401K, who would you turn to, elrond? That wouldn't be the government, would it? Like the police, maybe? Or are you saying the police are such a cluster fuck and you might as well turn to your neighborhood militia for help? You're nodding your head right now, admit it.
When you get your new universal health-care package, look into your 'electro-shock' options.
"You seem to be saying two things here, buttwad. Your 401 is tanking and the government is just going to fuck it up even more. Do I have that right?"
G-d Trog you are a fucking reading genius, that is exactly what he is saying.
The two statements are not mutually exclusive, things may be in the crapper right now but I do not want/need the Govt involved in screwing it up even further.
You're right Einstein, I have lost money in the market (like everyone else) and I expect the government (the current and the incoming) to compound the misery. If you think otherwise you're a bigger butt munch than I imagined.
The bailouts and stimulus packages (current and projected) are being made with borrowed money. Some of the packages are necessary, others are not. One thing for certain, however, is that my children and grand children will be paying for them. Think about that at your next electroshock session.
"Boy Trog, I'd LOVE to have whatever it is that you've been smoking. I can show you unemployement figures as recent as 2003 that compare to the current unemployment rate." tazz
tazz is right. I, troglaman, am wrong.
"The two statements are not mutually exclusive, things may be in the crapper right now but I do not want/need the Govt involved in screwing it up even further." anon
Fine. Except that you supported and continue to support the government that was completely and totally responsible for screwing it up in the first place. The gorilla in the room is the current government. Your government. Your ideology. Do you have any hint of comprehension that you've been a part of what has gone so fantastically wrong? Obviously not ('obviously' being the key word).
Did you notice? Not one profanity. Proud o' me? Not one reference to "fucking your mother" or any other mocking, pornographic reference to any other family members, vegetables, fruits or pets. It's hard, but I'm trying.
"The bailouts and stimulus packages (current and projected) are being made with borrowed money." elrond
Yes. And just who was it that borrowed all this money, you jackass? Who's been borrowing money since we invaded Iraq? Who's been supporting this excuse for a government and the universal mind-fuckedness that's been borrowing all this frigging money, elrond? Was that you or me? Hint - not me.
"if Obama starts breaking his promises, I would call him a traitor." -DUmmie
Guantanimo detainees = innocent bystanders
Bush keeping his promises = impeachable
Obama lies = traitor
My head is spinning.
"And just who was it that borrowed all this money, you jackass? Who's been borrowing money since we invaded Iraq? Who's been supporting this excuse for a government and the universal mind-fuckedness that's been borrowing all this frigging money, elrond? Was that you or me? Hint - not me." -troglaman
Wait... are you talking about paying taxes or supporting emotionally? Because it IS you if you're talking about taxes but you seem to be mixing your arguments if you are referring to emotional support. I say 'emotional' but one could also be supportive by the many "gifts for soldiers" programs available.
I won't presume you've sent a care package to Iraq or Afganistan but good for you if you have.
"Did you notice? Not one profanity. Proud o' me? Not one reference to "fucking your mother" or any other mocking, pornographic reference to any other family members, vegetables, fruits or pets. It's hard, but I'm trying." -troglaman
I understand it's hard and I appreciate your effort but it didn't even last throught the third sentence of your proclamation. I do however see that you are trying. So, hang in there pal!
Life is better without the lingering taste of soap in your mouth.
Not me either. I'm debt free: mortgage paid off, car paid off.
Being retired I've lived frugally, unfortunately our (note "our") government has not, nor will it in the future. What will you say when BO gets us even deeper in debt? You know he will, him and the imbeciles in Congress. It's only just begun.
My problem is what to tell my children and grandchildren who are saddled with this enormous debt.
The whole Ponzi scheme will collapse in the next 20 years. I'm home free, they're stuck with the bill and the empty bag.
"hiring Clinton retreads"
I swear, when I read that it said "hiring Clinton retards."
"Wait... are you talking about paying taxes or supporting emotionally? Because it IS you if you're talking about taxes but you seem to be mixing your arguments if you are referring to emotional support." anon
What? I confess I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I've often been accused of "slipping into the rhetoric" and will probably get shit for doing it again. But there seems to be this huge disconnect going on here over and over again - this ignorant droning on about taxes.
Let me ask you this - Who is paying for the trillion dollar Iraq war? And Afghanistan? This seven hundred billion bailout to the Wall Streeters...who's paying for that? Many of you holding a Citi Group credit card just saw your interest go to 24% variable. Is that a tax?
We're already on the hook. You fuckers supported the reasons why we're on the hook. You're responsible. And you don't have the balls to understand that. Instead, you warn against those that will raise your taxes. That'd be you. You're warning us about you. Every time one of you say "those bastards will bleed you dry", it merely confirms you're clueless. You have already raised our taxes and our debt to untold heights. You. You've become the boogeyman. And you don't want to pay for your mistake. It's really pretty disgusting when you think about it.
"My problem is what to tell my children and grandchildren who are saddled with this enormous debt." elrond
Reagan - deficit
Bush - deficit
Clinton - surplus
W - holy shit! deficit
Be sure you tell your grandchildren that. Your grandchildren's debt, elrond, is your fault. Just about every penny.
Oh look I'm away for a week and Troglaman has still not developed any depth to his argument beyond "Clinton had a suRPLUS!!1!!!!!, Bush has a DEFICIT!!11!!!" and it's all about the children, of course.
Trog, you are perhaps aware that 1. government is not a money-making enterprise (private enterprise is, on the other hand - it's somewhat strange that leftards like you constantly switch the two roles) and 2. many schools of economics (that is a real concept that actually exists, ya know; you might want to think about picking up a book on the topic some time) deficit-spending is seen as a more optimal strategy for government than is creating a surplus.
On top of all of this you fail to understand even the basic nature of a government debt: it is funded largely through debt instruments like bonds, which have different tenors and are paid out at different times. It's not like this "giant deficit" is one big lump-sum that the gubmint is going to have to come up with in a hurry at some point; it can conduct debt-switches and countless other ways of postponing the debt; all the while those debt instruments are generating income as they are traded in the secondary market while the economy continues to grow and government revenue from taxes etc increases.
The idea that a deficit constitutes selling-out one's grandchildren is really the most absurd hyperbole. But hey it makes up for your total lack of economic knowledge by substituting an emotive argument fallacy for fact or economic theory so I guess in a way everyone wins in the end. It's just that in another, more accurate way, you lose.
so Paris Hilton keeps getting her tax cut and I keep getting the shaft.
Could be he's just another lying sack of sh*t Republican operative conning the little guy out of his smaller piece of the pie.
if Obama starts breaking his promises, I would call him a traitor.
So you wouldn't care that the rich were once again not paying even close to their fair share?
the Political ramifications of reducing the DOD budget when China and Russia start greatly expanding their military will be suicidal.
if Al-Qaida is successful in conducting an attack on our soil during an Obama administration. . . .
The NHS in Britain is a mess, a shambles, with waiting lists and inadequate facilities and not enough doctors. . . . People with cancer have to wait up to 12 weeks to get scans and whatnot.....there are long waiting lists for even the most simple of operations.
Money don't grow on trees.
The honeymoon is over...It's called date rape.
Change we can make believe in. Same assholes. Different toilet.
I'd still prefer not to have MORE of my income taxed.
I'm beginning to hear of many things he campaigned on and have now seemed to have fallen off of the radar that are pissing me off.
I think the reason behind most of the posts regarding this is most of us want to see the "Rich" punished with higher taxes. . . .
liar, liar pants of fire, Barack Obama
Can't get fooled again? We just were.
This is f*cking bullshit!!! Obama LIED to the people!!! Gawd d*mn it!!! . . . F*ck this, I am livid!
Oh.. So you mean that now, less than ONE MONTH after you elected The One, the Saviour who was to punish the rich for being successful and shower the poor and downtrodden with bountiful blessings and mercy, that you are now admitting that EVERY SINGLE THING WE SAID ABOUT OBAMA DURING THE ELECTION WAS TRUE?
Oh .. Oh .. Oh my, the irony.. is.. just.. Too.. MUCH.. Can't.. resist .... tears of freudenschade
Do these people not realise that we on the right predict this stuff ahead of time, every. single. time., even as they are falling head over heels for the hype?
Wouldn't you just give up on the whole thing and stop pushing the lame-ass vapita, empty liberal applecart after seeing it fail every single time?
I guess not. Liberalism really is a mental disorder, huh.
Oh and this:
[Well, so what! If the Russkies bomb us, at least we'll have universal healthcare to tend to the wounded!]
Probably the funniest line I've heard in a long time.
mandible claw
"What? I confess I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about." -troglaman
Of this I have no doubt.
"Let me ask you this - Who is paying for the trillion dollar Iraq war? And Afghanistan? This seven hundred billion bailout to the Wall Streeters...who's paying for that?" -troglaman
Us and that includes you.
"Many of you holding a Citi Group credit card just saw your interest go to 24% variable. Is that a tax?" -troglaman
No that's a charge. People made a choice and are finding it's an expensive one. We can chose not to carry credit cards. I chose not to and I have not debt except my house. I did it with an Excel spreadsheet and some self control.
We do not chose to pay taxes, we are forced to. Liberal elected officials may call it an "investment" or other such euphamism but investment suggests a choice.
"... When the government becomes involved, it's an automatic cluster fuck. How am I doing? ..." - t-man
Pretty good, trog. Now get a copy of F.A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" and read where your emotional pleas for anti-capitalist policy end.
You're repeating the same crap Germans invented 150 years ago and believed in spite of their starting 2 major world wars. The same crap the Brits picked up in the 20s and paid for through collective poverty through the 50s. The same crap American "economic planners" picked up in the 20s and 30s and saddled us with through the welfare state.
Get a clue for once instead of falling for and shouting about the socialist wishful thinking and claptrap that has retarded both human and economic development for the last 2 centuries and killed by slow starvation or brutal revolution hundreds of millions of our fellow humans.
Here's the cartoon book version of "The Road to Serfdom" for you trog.
or the Readers' Digest condensed version:
"deficit-spending is seen as a more optimal strategy for government than is creating a surplus." the ever clueless mandible
Yeah, that's worked out really well, hasn't it? Deficit-spending. Probably works good for you at home doesn't it? The more in debt, the more you spend. Super smart strategy.
I'll remember this, mandible, when the next administration has to start spending like a like a drunken sailor in Bangkok to merely get us out of this unholy mess. It's already started in case you haven't noticed. I'm sure you'll be solidly supporting the next administration's 'deficit spending' as wholeheartedly as your supporting it now.
We both already know you won't.
Remember this conversation when you become enraged about Obama's 'deficit spending', mandible. Because I, troglaman, know you will bitch and scream like a little girl. Mark my words. The fact that you and your ilk got us into this mess will mean absolutely nothing to you.
"The same crap American "economic planners" picked up in the 20s and 30s and saddled us with through the welfare state." galt
Define 'welfare state'. Be careful.
"Because I, troglaman, will bitch and scream like a little girl"-troglaman
fixed it.
"Define 'welfare state'." -trog
Read Hayek's definition.
troglaman said...
"deficit-spending is seen as a more optimal strategy for government than is creating a surplus." the ever clueless mandible
Um, for one, fuck you, because I work in finance and I am pretty damn good at what I do. For two, fuck you again for thinking that your empty-headed vapid attempts to talk about economics do anything but make me either laugh or snort with derision - as do your President-elect's.
Yeah, that's worked out really well, hasn't it? Deficit-spending. Probably works good for you at home doesn't it? The more in debt, the more you spend. Super smart strategy.
Wow, you are SOOPER-SMART. When buying a home or car do you pay cash upfront? Or do you take out a loan? Taking out a loan to buy a car or house is done because the item in question is what is known as an "investment," ie. it is likely to provide you with "value." It is assumed that you will be able to repay your loan using what is known as "income."
Much like most people, but probably unlike you, the GOVRENMNEMENT!!!1!!! has many sources of this so-called "income" with which it can pay off debts in the future; and meanwhile its debt instruments themselves generate further "income" for people in the secondary market.
The idea being of course that the things the government spends that money on will encourage the economy to grow and provide the government with greater revenue in the future.
Note that nowhere did I say that this is necessarily the best or the most desirable method of running the economy. But neither is running a deficit automatically a bad or negative thing, especially if there is a purpose behind it (for instance preventing terrorist attacks from devastating your country.)
Please try to get at least a modest understanding of the very, very, very basic principles of economics before you try to talk about it in a public forum - for your own sake, if not to spare others the pain of watching you perform the debating equivalent of tripping over your own shoelaces and falling in front of a city bus - that's literally the best visual representation of your attempts at debate that I can think of at this point.
Oh - and I really hope you weren't trying to imply that the current market troubles are caused by deficit spending because it sure sounded like that was what you were saying.
I'll remember this, mandible, when the next administration has to start spending like a like a drunken sailor in Bangkok to merely get us out of this unholy mess.
Unfortunately for you I am not an imbecilic economic illiterate and so there will be no motivation for me to do anything of the sort. Well, no more than I am already doing now - in case you haven't noticed I, like most conservatives, oppose the concept of bailouts for the banks and especially the auto-makers, and for states that are defaulting on loans, or for homeowners, or for whatever other, further symptoms of financial mismanagement may pop up.
As you may have noticed, the Republican administration that is currently in power has made steps to bail out all of the above - and more - or at least not argued the case against bailouts effectively enough where it has opposed them. As you would also know, if you had an inkling of a clue what it is that you are trying to debate, almost all conservatives are universally opposed to all of these bailout schemes and have nothing but harsh criticism for McCain and the other Republicans who are participating in them. Should the Obama administration worsen the situation by offering even more senseless bailouts based on precisely no economic principle then yes, my level of criticism will rise, but if and only if that occurs.
You see, unlike liberal asstards such as yourself, conservatives actually stick to our principles, and criticize our own side when they betray those principles, and support the opposition on the (admittedly rare) occasions they support those principles.
Endless spinning and "reframing" of every single issue under the sun to be a bad thing when one's opposition does it and a heroic act when one's ally does it is exclusively liberal territory. In other words, stop projecting.
It's already started in case you haven't noticed. I'm sure you'll be solidly supporting the next administration's 'deficit spending' as wholeheartedly as your supporting it now.
Nowhere did I wholeheartedly support deficit spending. I am beginning to suspect that you are not only utterly and totally, grossly ignorant, incomepetent and inept in understanding the most simple, basic and self-evident concepts of finance and economics, but that you are not much chop with reading comprehension either.
What I actually said was this:
in many schools of economics (that is a real concept that actually exists, ya know; you might want to think about picking up a book on the topic some time) deficit-spending is seen as a more optimal strategy for government than is creating a surplus
...to which perhaps I might have added the caveat, "at certain times and under certain economic conditions," had I expected that a genuine economic retard like yourself was going to fancy that he understood enough to actually take umbrage with that simple and factual statement.
As it is, my comment was on the absurd over-reaction to the idea of a BUDGET DEFICIT THAT OUR GRAND-CHILDREN ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY OFF AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!11!!!!!, and yes that goes for the right-libertarian set too as I'm well aware of their views on the topic.
We both already know you won't.
You know a whole hell of a lot less than what you think you know, little man. A whole HELL of a lot. You're like one of those people who is so stupid that you cannot conceive that there is knowledge to be learnt that you don't already know, and thus not only are you rendered incapable of learning anything further, you are rendered incapable of even realising when you are wrong about something. It's more common than you'd think.
Remember this conversation when you become enraged about Obama's 'deficit spending', mandible. Because I, troglaman, know you will bitch and scream like a little girl. Mark my words.
You may bet your mortal life that I would never, ever, in a million years, "mark your words" or the words of anyone on the political left regarding anything remotely related to economics.
The fact that you and your ilk got us into this mess will mean absolutely nothing to you.
I have asked you repeatedly to support this statement; you have failed. Either man up and do the research - or quit making this claim. Present to me your synopsis of some solid financial analysis that demonstrates, using facts and statistics, that this is an accurate accusation - or simply shut the fuck up and stop your blathering idiocy. It is really, really embarrassing to watch you repeating this partisan idiocy time and time again without realising how much of a fool it makes you look.
troglaman said...
Fine. Except that you supported and continue to support the government that was completely and totally responsible for screwing it up in the first place.
You make this claim, and continue to make it, without providing one shred of evidence in support of it, nor even the basic reasoning upon which you are basing the claim, and expecting others to defend against what is a complete non-argument.
Please provide one concrete example of how the current trouble being experienced by financial markets was caused by the President of America being a Republican. I am not going to help you in the least by pointing you in the right direction on the causes for the whole thing - find them out yourself, look up a dictionary to find out what all the words mean, compile them into a coherent argument, and then come back here to present them to me. Either that or admit you have not the faintest fucking clue what you are talking about and the claim of culpability with which you constantly challenge conservatives at this site is based on absolutely nothing deeper than partisan statements you've heard Democrat politicians make; that your knowledge on the issue goes no deeper than repeating sound-bytes you heard on the television or internet; and that your stance on the debate so far has been nothing more than immature, uninformed posturing that should embarrass a high-school girl let alone someone who presumes to post on a political forum.
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