When Harry Met Silly: KOmmies rip Reid over Traitor Joe

Head KOmmie KOs and his KOmmies are out of KOntrol! What has sparked this outrage, this boiling explosion of anger? Something Rush Limbaugh or the Rethuglicans did? No-o-oh! The culprit is none other than DEMOCRAT Senate Leader Dingy Harry Reid! And what is his crime against humanity? Playing nice with Traitor Joe Lieberman. You see, Dingy Harry apparently has agreed to let Traitor Joe continue to chair a committee, even though the Connecticut Quisling endorsed John "George W. Bush" McSame. Perhaps Dingy Harry is trying to pull Traitor Joe back over to the Dem side, for purposes of reaching a super-majority. That might actually be a smart thing for a Senate Majority Leader to do. But NOOOOO!!!!!!!! That is ANATHEMA to the Purity Police! Thus yesterday morning Head KOmmie KOs posted THREE (3) threads in rapid succession, HERE, HERE, and HERE, denouncing Dingy Harry and the Dems as tone-deaf DINOs. KOs's three brief diaries generated almost TWO THOUSAND KOmmie KOmments, so we'll just KOncentrate on the first thread, "Reid calls Lieberman a 'Democrat.'" So don some flame-retardant clothing as we watch the KOmmies read Reid the Riot Act, in Flamethrower Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, enjoying the prospect of an ongoing Circular Firing Squad, is in the [brackets]:
Reid calls Lieberman a "Democrat"
[Is that an insult or a compliment?]
Yo Harry, the people of Connecticut spoke to that one. Lieberman is not a Democrat.
[Fine, let Ned Lament chair the committee. Whoops! The people of Connecticut elected Joe Lieberman, didn't they?]
There isn't a more tone-deaf group of people anywhere in this country than inside the U.S. Senate.
[Head Kommie KOs thinks "Senate Hearing" is an oxymoron. Now let's hear from some KOmmies . . .]
My wallet is sealed. . . .
[And your underwear is soiled.]
I'm sure the Dem leadership rationalizes that the netroots will go along with them anyway, that we'll have our fit of pique and then just get over it.
[And they would be correct.]
Not a dime. Ever.
[Not One D*mn Dem Dime!]
Reid has to be primaried, and we need to find a challenger out in Nevada now to groom for 2010!
[Siegfried or Roy?]
Someone should start a Lieberman betrayal countdown clock.
[B minus 10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . .]
I wrote them an e-mail, telling them not to come looking for money from me again.
[Unless your name is George Soros, I don't think they really care.]
I am done with the DSCC. They can suck eggs.
[But the yolk's on you.]
Dem senate is craven or corrupt, take your pick.
[I pick "c," both of the above.]
And while I'm not out to hijack the thread, HRC as SoS is NOT change I can believe in.
[But the Tigress of Tuzla is FEARLESS on foreign tarmacs!]
DUMP HARRY REID! He's a limp dick.
[Mrs. Reid checks in. . . .]
They may as well elect Joe as Majority Leader. All he has to do is threaten to leave the caucus, and they'll give him whatever he wants.
[Caucusians rule!]
They voted to support Joe Lieberman. He is OFFICIALLY THEIR ALBATROSS now.
[Traitor Joe Lieberman, Official Albatross of the Democrat Party.]
now THAT's vindictiveness we can believe in! yay cynicism and revenge! Long live the punishing spirit!
[I detect a note of sarcasm.]
I am very, very angry right now.
[So what's new?]
Wise and powerful is Obama, he has seen this well in advance and has a plan.
[John Kerry had a plan.]
Start by hanging Reid in effigy. . . . Then set the effigy aflame as the TV news crews record the action! Perhaps the jerk will get the message.
[Hunka, hunka burnin' love. . . .]
Reid Couldn't Lead Sailors To A Whorehouse. . . .
[And he's from Nevada!]
Reid was a great Whip. . . .
[Now he's a lousy Wimp.]
I felt nauseous this morning on my way to work. Now I know why.
[Acid Reid-flux.]
WE, The People, voted for Change, and this is, again, More Of The Same. It's as if we don't even exist.
[Did somebody say something?]
Harry Reid isn't even a Democrat... he's a Douchocrat.
[Il Douche.]
Harry caved to none other than Barack. . . . I still support Barack, but let’s be realistic, Obama is not a liberal.
[Karl Marx would not be liberal enough for these people.]
How could Barack "save" the Dems from themselves, . . . when he was all onboard the Keep Lieberman Train from day one? He never wanted to punish Lieberman, either, and now we are stuck with Smucky McSmuckerson.
Someone start a f*cking 3rd party that isn't represented by nutcases so I can get off this political shortbus.
[You'll get off the shortbus when Obama throws you under it.]
Reid appears to be getting more and more clueless all the time. Senile dementia?
[Senate Dem-entia.]
My post-election high is quickly evaporating.
[Needs More Cannabis!]
I bet the Republicans are having a great laugh over how we got punked and still came back for more from our own party.
[You've been reading the DUmmie FUnnies, haven't you?]
I'm amazed that Lucy can ALWAYS get Charlie Brown to kick the football.
[YOU'VE been reading the DUFUs, too!]
now Lieberman owes Obama big time. . . .it's better to have your enemies inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.
[Obama, the All-Wise and All-Powerful, the Most Merciful, piss be upon him. . . .]
We want leaders, not contortionists.
[benburch wants contortionists.]
Joe Lieberman could take a sh*t in Harry Reid's mouth in the middle of a caucus meeting, and they'd still let him stick around.
[For that kind of entertainment value, if nothing else.]
Now let's all be friends. Who wants milk and cookies?
[I love you, you love me, we're a happy family . . .]
"Caucusians rule!"
Charles, you made that word up! Stop that, you'll confuse the resident trolls! Heh.
"They may as well elect Joe as Majority Leader."
Well, he does have the experience, and the seniority, so that's actually a GOOD idea!
What's that? He displays independent thought? Oh, sorry. We all know that the "progressives" in the Democratic party will have nothing to do with advanced cognitive abilities like independent thought! The Progressive Motto: If you can think, you can't lead!
Great post as usual. I also wanted to tell you that I changed my blog, it is at http://stixblog.com now from stix1972.typepad.com.
Keep up the good work PJ
I so can't wait to see their KOmments when they realize the mistake they made in Obama...
"Oh, sorry. We all know that the "progressives" in the Democratic party will have nothing to do with advanced cognitive abilities like independent thought!" ray apologizing
Horseshit. Maybe you could point out the 'advanced cognitive abilities' part, ray. Because most of you appear moronic. You're never right about anything. Ever.
So let's do a little test.
Can you hang with evolution, ray?
That's a yes or no.
Do you believe in God?
Are free market policies or specified tariffs good for America?
Are you a proponent of further deregulation of finance, food, industry and the environment?
Does the auto industry, pretty much the last industry in America besides software, deserve support?
You can define yourself, ray, by answering these questions. It's an opportunity. Then the rest of us can determine if you're full of shit or not.
"You can define yourself, ray, by answering these questions."
As do you, Troglalalander, as do you. Though your choice of questions, phrasing of them, and apparent belief that they all have binary word pair answer sets tells us far more about you than your own answers actually would.
"Can you hang with evolution, ray?"
If by "hang" you mean believe in evolution, then yes.
"Do you believe in God?"
"Are free market policies or specified tariffs good for America?"
Free Market is better as it doesn't limit the amount of products available. That increases competition, which lowers overall costs while increasing employment.
"Are you a proponent of further deregulation of finance, food, industry and the environment?"
I believe that some regulation is necessary, but too much of anything is a bad thing.
"Does the auto industry, pretty much the last industry in America besides software, deserve support?"
If you're talking about the Big Three, they deserve the support they get through the market. Like any other business, it's the consumers who decides which company is a winner, NOT the government.
BTW, there is more than two industries here in America. Have you forgotten abut the service industries?
So, T-Man, how does my answers define me, besides being a realist?
I have a "defining" question for you:
Can you get through just ONE comment without resorting to profanity?
There are a lot of reasons to strip Lieberman of his gavel.
But a lot of posters at DU aren't able to do the research or connect the dots.
Somehow, I think that the proverbial excrement is about to hit the proverbial fan, though.
Wee Willie and Skinner both look like they're about to be exposed as frauds:
Will and Leopold: http://www.progressivesplayground.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=105&topic_id=1453&mesg_id=1453&page=
$kinner's Skam: http://www.progressivesplayground.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=105&topic_id=1221&mesg_id=1221&page=
Lieberman thwarting investigations: http://www.progressivesplayground.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=106&topic_id=15&mesg_id=15&listing_type=search
T-man, here's some more industries you've forgotten about:
Lumber Industry. The majority of wood harvested here in America is EXPORTED, it's not imported. I would call that an America industry, wouldn't you?
Coal Industry: I've NEVER seen shipments of coal arriving in American ports, have you? This means that 100 percent of that coal is mined and processed here in America, correct?
Food Industry: When was the last time you seen "Made in China" on the food products you buy? Was that Pizza you ate (for example) made in China? How about that gallon of milk? What that from China too? That corn, that rice, that wheat? These are all food products grown in America, and EXPORTED worldwide.
The list goes on and on, T-Man,. By claiming that there is only two industries here in America, you PROVE my point about progressives lacking advanced cognitive abilities like independent thought.
You can define yourself,ray, by answering these questions.
You also defined yourself by the questions you asked and by the way you asked them.
Then the rest of us can determine if you're full of shit or not.
Without doubt, you're full of it.
"As do you, Troglalalander, as do you. Though your choice of questions, phrasing of them, and apparent belief that they all have binary word pair answer sets tells us far more about you than your own answers actually would." tanker...whatever
Apparent belief? You don't have to guess, dumbass. Just ask. I'm more than willing to explain. And I didn't get the "binary word pair" thing. If you meant 'yes or no', then you're sort of a binary moron. A woolly mammoth. Doomed to extinction. Try to throw yourself into a glacier so we can get a DNA sample in the future. Become a time traveler.
T-man, here's some more industries you've forgotten about..." ray
Lumber, coal, and food. We import a lot of food, including the poisoned stuff from China. But I get your point.
But so the fuck what? We throw away our auto industry because we export lumber and food? Are you honestly saying that we can put over one million people out of work and our lumber and food exports will take up the slack? You're an idiot. Flat out stupid. It's your kind that have aimlessly run things for far too long. Get out of the fucking way.
"You also defined yourself by the questions you asked and by the way you asked them." the trembling elrond
Yes, I did. And I want you to know, elrond, that I define you in much the same manner - the questions you ask and the statements you make. Sooo scary.
What else is there, elrond?
Props to ray for answering. Even though he's full of shit.
"I have a "defining" question for you: Can you get through just ONE comment without resorting to profanity?" ray
It's a personal battle, ray. Fingertip Turrets. The fact that most of you deserve the moniker of "Jackassed Stupid Mother Fuckers" has nothing to with why I call you that. Mine's a neurological problem...you stupid lick spittle, milksop. Don't take my outbursts personally.
T-man, those types of "outbursts" are an indication of a psychological problem known as chronic lying since there is no such thing as tourette syndrome for typists. I suggest treatment, and as quickly as possible.
Honesty is always the best policy.
"We throw away our auto industry because we export lumber and food?"
Well, we threw away all our buggy whips, didn't we? The American Auto industry needs to adapt to the current situation or die. Let the markets decide, let the consumers decide. That how capitalism works. Government better stay the hell out of it and refrain from pouring money down the Big Three black hole. If the "foreign" companies can make profits from the cars they manufacture here in America, so can the Big Three.
...the questions you ask and the satements you make. Sooo scary...What else is there, elrond?
Nothing for now. I hadn't realized that I scare you---somehow I find that pleasing.
Trogladolt said:
"And I didn't get the "binary word pair" thing."
Yeah, it was kind of a risk using English, to someone who thinks "Turrets" is a disease instead of the 'Turnie parts on top of those big Army tank thingies.' Simple enough for you on that one? Try Googling "Tourette," moran.
Well, never mind, I'm sure you'll have some profanity-laden rant about your own overwhelming brilliance and rectitude, and/or the looming extinction and Exit, Stage Down, of all Conservatives. Why should I expect your cognitive faculties to have improved so drastically overnight, after all?
"Well, we threw away all our buggy whips, didn't we?" ray
Perfect. Breakfast with Freud. This, by the way, is ray's answer to the somewhat innocuous question about replacing our auto industry with our "food" and "lumber" industries - "Well, we threw away all our buggy whips, didn't we?"
There ya go. Do you people have a secret set of clicks and whistles that somehow clarifies the friggin words coming out of your mouths? Or, in this case, your fingertips?
(You might also suffer from Fingertip Turrets, ray. Just a thought. We have a support group that meets on Wednesdays)
When we abandoned the buggy whip, we climbed into an automobile. It was a better alternative. Is there a better alternative out there now, ray? You have a anti-gravitational device hidden underneath your bed?
"Yeah, it was kind of a risk using English, to someone who thinks "Turrets" is a disease instead of the 'Turnie parts on top of those big Army tank thingies.' Simple enough for you on that one? Try Googling "Tourette," moran." the real dumbass
You're right. Tourette. Score one for you. Feel better? Notice I'm not swearing, dingleberry.
"I hadn't realized that I scare you---somehow I find that pleasing." elrond
I'm sure you do. Whatever turns your crank.
This, my friend, is an honest appeal for understanding: Why are you so afraid of Arabs, Persians, North Koreans, Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, atheists, gays and hippies? Why? I swear to God it makes absolutely no sense to me. For the love of God, help me.
I'm going to go to WhineCON 1 if someone doesn't acknowledge my presence.
Or, maybe I'll read this thread response about Charles Redding Pitt (William Rivers Pitt's father) and John Hanify (his maternal uncle)...
Be afraid, be very afraid. The gun-totin' Christers and the pale, puny, bitter people are coming to get you.
I love it when you get all rhetorical and self-righteous.
Aren't we overdue for a new thread?
"Aren't we overdue for a new thread?" elrond
Yes, we are. You could, elrond, introduce a new thread right now. You've done it before. Take initiative. Personally speaking, could it be you've run out of things to say without sounding like a dumbass? Maybe?
"I'm going to go to WhineCON 1 if someone doesn't acknowledge my presence." Pill Will
Pitt and Hanify are irrelevant. Acknowledgment enough.
Move on, Pill.
Damn. I've never before seen such insecure bleating. Troglapunk must be rationing his meds to last throughout the remainder of 2008.
May ability to talk like a dumb ass is limitless, so don't worry about it.
"t-man, My ability to talk like a dumb ass is limitless, so don't worry about it." elrond
LOL. Me too..as I've demonstrated many, many times before.
But that doesn't explain your position on abortion now, does it? No, you bastard.
In fact, why shouldn't the Great One abort every one of your children? Or, as an alternative, turn them into islamofacists? Seems like a good idea to me ;).
troglaman said...
Maybe you could point out the 'advanced cognitive abilities' part, ray. Because most of you appear moronic. You're never right about anything. Ever.
Ahem. See the next thread posted after this one. The DUmmies have now admitted that we were right about, in no particular order:
-Obama shooting the progressive base in the foot on security issues (Gitmo etc.) once he actually starts getting security briefings;
-The supposed "tax cut" for the middle class not eventuating and that the tax hike for "TEH RICH!!1!!" also not eventuating because repealing tax cuts in a recession is economic suicide;
-The stock market's reaction to The One's tax plans;
-The media reversing their position on the Iraq war, and The One reversing his in line with Bush's;
And this is, of course, a follow-on from his flip-flop on FISA, and who knows what else.
IOW we have been right on pretty much EVERYTHING we said about Obama from day one.
You're welcome.
"IOW we have been right on pretty much EVERYTHING we said about Obama from day one." mandible
Like how he was going to lose? I seem to remember something about that, dumbass.
What have you been right about? One thing. The riots in Denver? Operation Chaos? Hillary's divisive accent into the Halls of Democratic Power? Yeah. You've been all over that shit.
Makin' crap up again, mandible.
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