Moonbat HuffPo Blogger Screeches About Impeachment

Adding injury to the embarrassment the Democrats suffered over Dennis Kucinich's resolution to impeach Dick Cheney as chronicled here in yesterday's EDITION of the DUmmie FUnnies, comes now the Moonbat screechings of a HUffington Post blogger on this topic. If you think that it is just the anonymous wack jobs posting on the HUffPo who are the biggest Moonbats, you would be wrong in the case of Bob Cesca who outdoes the NUttiness of those unknown ranters as you can see in his HuffPo BLOG titled, "The Impeachment Of Dick Cheney." So let us now watch Bob Cesca and his fellow Moonbats screech loudly in the night sky in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that the Moonbats are the ones leading the leftwing lemmings over the impeachment cliff, is in the [brackets]:
The Impeachment Of Dick Cheney
[Before the Chimpeachment of You Know Who.]
Public perception can beat the shit out of political nuance. The Bush Republicans know this and they have abused it for their own nefarious ends. The Democrats, on the other hand, have somehow overlooked this very basic rule of 21st Century American politics, which is a shame since they would more often than not use it for the betterment of the nation.
[Nasty EVIL Republicans for giving the Leftwing nutcases what they wanted by voting with them against tabling the Kookcinich impeachment resolution.]
After all, one year ago yesterday, we elected the Democrats in overwhelming numbers to amplify our screaming voices to a decibel loud enough to penetrate the unchecked corridors of power in Washington -- we hired this party to speak for us and to use this expressed authority to end the war and to hold this historically unpopular executive regime accountable.
[Democrats were elected to amplify your screeching Moonbat voices.]
To date and with the exception of some admirable investigations by a few standout lawmakers, the Democrats have done nothing to make good on their mandate from you and me.
[Not rabid enough for Cesca's tastes.]
It was yesterday, on the one year anniversary of the collapse of Karl Rove's thousand-year Reich, when the Democrats subjected themselves to both public embarrassment and public disgrace, and each within a few hours of the other.
[Revenge of the Rovian Thousand-Year Reich. Hee! Hee!]
The public disgrace was naturally Senator Schumer's and Senator Feinstein's votes to endorse the Bush administration's pro-torture policy. Make no mistake, despite their wet-bread excuses, that's what they did, say nothing of their endorsement of the regime's unitary executive theory. The reality of the committee vote -- the Democrats' failure to hold their voter-mandated high ground -- is what history will remember. Not the excuses.
[A sure sign of a Moonbat is whey they use the term "regime" when referring to the Bush administration.]
As for the public embarrassment, I'm referring of course to the floor vote on whether to bury a resolution calling for the impeachment of Vice President Cheney. It was a one act tragic-comedy about how f*cked up and bizarre our nation has become this decade -- all of it concentrated into a single hour of legislative insanity on C-SPAN.
[That tragic-comedy still has me laughing. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!]
Vice President Dick Cheney: the most subversive political villain of our time was let off the hook yesterday and the Democrats did all of the heavy lifting to make it happen. Dick Cheney: a man who has proudly committed innumerable high crimes, among them a trillion dollar fraud perpetrated upon the American people and the world -- a fraud which has resulted in nearly 30,000 American casualties and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi casualties. And now he's trying it again with Iran.
[You're on a roll, Bob. Keep screeching!]
Yet there was Steny Hoyer desperately trying to bury this thing; the Republicans, meantime, overwhelmingly voting in favor of the resolution -- daring the Democrats to make it real.
[Hee! Hee!]
Sure, you and I understand the backwards strategy behind the political theater. The Republicans thought that a debate on the impeachment of Dick Cheney would embarrass the Democrats. Run away! Run away! They said it'll embarrass us, so I guess it will! Run away!
[And those EVIL Republicans guessed correctly.]
But this begs the question, what made them believe they'd be embarrassed by the clown-car party of Brownie, Mark Foley, Larry Craig and Alberto Gonzales? Easy. Congressman Boehner made them believe it when he strategically rallied enough GOP votes to force a debate. They literally and brazenly dared the Democrats to allow an impeachment debate on the House floor. See, the Republicans still hold a collection of Democratic balls inside a cryogenic flask hidden somewhere on the Mall.
[We dare you. We DOUBLE DARE you. Hee! Hee!]
If only the Democrats were attentive enough to the people to realize that a majority of Americans, including a majority of independent voters, support the impeachment of Dick Cheney, they would've treated the resolution with a little more respect. If they acknowledged their mandate and discarded their predictably impotent political habits, they would have had the mettle to at least debate the resolution and entered into the record their collective objections to the vice president's malfeasance, as well as forced into the record the Republican Party's inexplicable support for the man's attempt to undermine their authority. History demands this.
Instead, by engaging in such an awkwardly amateurish fire drill on the floor of the House, Hoyer managed to inject his misguided capitulation into the national debate. He might not know this, but there exists cable news and internet blogs, both thirsting for material. Now, millions of people know that the House Democrats dropped their short pants and stumbled away from the task of holding the vice president accountable -- their trousers bunched around their ankles restricting normal locomotion -- simply because the Republicans dared them to act.
[Hee! Hee!]
And so in trying to avoid a so-called public embarrassment, they publicly embarrassed themselves anyway.
The average voter doesn't have the time or the patience to analyze the bullshit parliamentary chess match -- the twisted Möbius Loop Beltway routine of asinus asinum fricat. What people know is that Congressman Kucinich introduced a resolution, symbolic or not, to impeach Dick Cheney, and the Democratic leadership crumbled under the weight of a Republican dare -- the House majority leader barely mustering the hand-eye coordination to kill it.
This is what you get when you acquiesce to the Bush Republicans. Under the new rules of American politics, Bush Republicans don't compromise. They don't meet anyone halfway on the important issues. They push back even harder. Popularity doesn't matter. Polls don't matter. To the neocons and Bush Republicans, logic, compassion, reason and rationality are the stuff of the "faggy" left wing.
[What are you complaining about, Bob? The Republicans SUPPORTED the Kookcinich impeachment resolution by voting against tabling it. They met you kooks MORE than halfway. They supported you folks on this ALL the way and yet you STILL complain!]
.....We don't expect hand-holding and mutual masturbation between the Bush Republican White House and the Democratic Congress. No-one has ever assumed the president would compromise on anything anyway. But we assumed -- perhaps wrongly -- that the Democrats would stick him. We expected a fight, and that's why we voted for Democrats a year ago yesterday. And if they should ever decide to collectively stand up and fight, we will gladly elect more of them a year from now.
[We now leave Cesca's crybabying about the EVIL Republicans who supported the Kookcinich resolution to join his equally crazed Moonbat followers...]
You are dead on straight about the Dems & how stooopid they are to think they can compromise with the neocon nazis in the WH.
[Republicans gave the kooks what they wanted and they continue wailing like crybabies.]
We need something drastic (like there hasn't been enough already!) to shake this country off their couches and take action. I wish they would reinstate the draft. That would certainly wake up a few people.
[LOL! How dare the Republicans not live up to our dire prediction of them reinstating the draft!]
Rove through his covert agents, has been trying to get the democrats to attempt impeaching all year while he still has had control of the republicans. He wanted the democrats to attempt to impeach and if that was successful, the trial would take place in the Senate where they would both be acquitted.
[Impeachment is really a secret Rovian plot.]
Feinstein and Schumer are complicit in an ongoing criminal conspiracy!
[They are subcribers to the Protocols of the Elders of Neocon.]
A revolution is the only way out.
[Screeched the flying Moonbat.]
bob, do you really think that rove is out of business? - isn't it somewhat naive to think that rove isn't orchestrating the coming rudy vs. hillybilly debacle? - and this time there are none of those pesky political people looking over his shoulder while he does it
[Master Rove never sleeps!]
Steny is an idiot and should be tossed out of party...take Schumer, LIEberman, Feinstein and as many blue dogs and exile them to Antarctica!
[Is Steny a "neocon?"]
Also shocked by Conyers saying how "BUSY" the Dems were and that impeachment would be oh so annyoingly time consuming...Dems are AFRAID of being labeled a "do-nothing" Congress...don't worry John Conyers...put on Stevie Wonder's "You Haven't Done Nothin"...even though the song is almost 25 years old, it fits you useless Dems perfectly.
[FUnnie, but Conyers doesn't look "neocon."]
These Elmer Fudd Democrats are terrified of the "Mean ol We-publican Wabbits". Remember how ol Bugs always got Elmer to shoot himself in the face? These Democrats are a total disgrace.
[What's Opera, Doc?]
At least we don't worship a demented, dry drunk, mass murderer with the IQ of a gnat and his evil Machiavellian puppet master.
[Hey, there's always an up side to an embarrassing situation.]
When asked to remove the worst despot in American history, this group of Congressional Democrats cowered. History will judge them harshly.
[Screeched the hyperbolic Moonbat.]
You are so right, and thethe International Court of Justice in the Hague is the answer... Some Non Governmental Organizations have been trying... Meanwhile, we have to roll up our shirts and get busy with funding efforts like Kucinich....
[A sure sign of a Moonbat is his invocation of The Hague when the impeachment process appears to be going nowhere.]
A coup that started with the assination of John Kennedy when he tried to wrest this country currancy away from the Federal Reserve Board which is this country branch of the global banking cartel. Then they had to get rid of Bobby because he went after J.Edgar Hoover's pals in the mob. Of course Dr. King had to go for obvious reasons. And lastly John Lennon. Any and all heroic figures that could unite and rally the people had to go, that's why we've Nazi thugs in the Whitehouse and perverted spineless leeches in congress. Only Kucinch and Ron Paul the fascist scum in their respective parties and I fear for their lives.
[13 year old Karl Rove orchestrated the JFK "assination" back in 1963.]
So Mr. Cesca, to begin with you are calling Karl Rove, Adolph Hitler are you? Good Start. Liberals you had the opportunity yesterday to bring VP Cheney to account for the crimes you believe he committed and your own party chose to avoid the issue. Dick Cheney committed no crimes so I would be more than happy to air these crazy charges you want to bring against him. Maybe, you could even prove that Dick brought down the World Trade Center. Ah, I believe the mother ship is calling you up for consultation.
[Bob Cesca's mother ship is the UFO that was spotted by Dennis in Roswell.]
Add Steney Hoyer to the list of accessories to High Treason.
[Send Steny to The Hague!]
Thank goddess someone finally gave us the news on Kucinich's work yesterday
[Please be more specific in the future---Thank goddess GAIA.]
First, everyone that has had it with Nancy, Steny and Harry needs to get active in their local Democratic party and take back our party! Then, target those that aren't really Democrats and get rid of them. It won't be easy and it will take more than blogging, but it can be done. I don't think there is any other way, because clearly the Demwits aren't listening to us anymore than Neonuts are.
[Let the internal political purges begin!]
I've been a Democrat all my life, but I now formally disavow them. I really despair for this country if our elected representatives can't stand up against lame-duck King George. Is it worth waiting to see what happens in the presidential elections? Will it make any difference in the downward slide of this country?
[No. Now fly back to your Moonbat cave and hibernate for a year.]
Should this Republic survive, we'll come-a-lookin' for those who sold us out to the Neo Cons.
[The Bolsheviks will come-a-liquidatin'.]
We are doomed, no doubt about it.
[Clucked the Moonbat morphing into Chicken Little.]
Oh, Bob, between you and The Rude Pundit over at Blogspot I'm not sure which one is a brighter part of my day.
[I'm not sure which one is a bigger Moonbat.]
You said it, brother Cesca. Appeasement of fascists only emboldens them. If a Democratic presidential candidate were to begin using the expression "Bush Crime Syndicate" he or she would vault into the lead . . . I believe.
[He or she would vault into the asylum . . . I believe.]
The "impeach Cheney" rant is so transparent: Get rid of Cheney first, then impeach Bush. That way the Dems are not faced with Cheney stepping in as President after Bush is ousted. Anyone with half a brain can see that gambit: it will never fly.
[Shh! Don't discourage the Moonbats from their Impeachment Comedy Theater!]
Dang! It's just too funny!
This reads like a comedy skit an American Monty Python crew would whip up!
Ohhhh... My sides hurt! What fun! What characters! What a pack of maroons!
I simply don't understand why the moonbats are mad and upset. The Republicans GAVE them exactly what they wanted, now it's a plot against the Dems to make them look bad.
Don't give them what they want, it's a Rove plot. GIVE them what they want, it's a Rove plot.
These people need to get out of their basements, remove their tinfoil hats and decide what they want. Yes, I know, it's impossible when someone is filled with so much hate for a person and political party they see conspiricies at every turn, but one can hope.
Aren't there medications that can actually help these folks instead of making them want to eat Cheetohs and vent on the interwebs?
"A coup that started with the assination of John Kennedy when he tried to wrest this country currancy away from the Federal Reserve Board which is this country branch of the global banking cartel. Then they had to get rid of Bobby because he went after J.Edgar Hoover's pals in the mob. Of course Dr. King had to go for obvious reasons. And lastly John Lennon.".
This moonbat just claimed that John Lennon was assassinated as part of a vast Right Wing Conspiracy to bring fascism to America! Dude, you really need to Seek Help!
"...a majority of Americans, including a majority of independent voters, support the impeachment of Dick Cheney,"
This, like so many other statements of the Left, demonstrates their residency inside the looking-glass.
"To the neocons and Bush Republicans, logic, compassion, reason and rationality are the stuff of the "faggy" left wing."
I'm trying to think...when the last time was I heard a faggy Left-winger manifest what might be called a nodding acquaintance with logic, reason or rationality.
Their recent spewing on this very blog demonstrated quite the opposite, in quantity.
Gushing, hysteria, emoting and cursing are the "stuff" of the faggy Left-Wing, in my experience.
We actually live in different dimensions. It's the only explanation.
Funny stuff! Silly moonbat Leftards! The only legitimate use of impeachment is lying about sex! Disregarding warnings of impending attack that killed 3000 Americans, lying about the casus belli to invade a ME country, outing CIA NOC's involved with stopping WMD development in the ME, spending a Trillion dollars to get oil up to $100.00/barrel, destroying the USD and our international reputation, and letting a US city drown....these are wise and prudent actions by the greatest President in our history!!!! If we're lucky, Bush/Cheney will suspend the Constitution and declare open season on these unhinged Lefties!!!
And you are really, really funny PJComix!!!
>>>>Funny stuff! Silly moonbat Leftards! The only legitimate use of impeachment is lying about sex! Disregarding warnings of impending attack that killed 3000 Americans, lying about the casus belli to invade a ME country, outing CIA NOC's involved with stopping WMD development in the ME, spending a Trillion dollars to get oil up to $100.00/barrel, destroying the USD and our international reputation, and letting a US city drown....these are wise and prudent actions by the greatest President in our history!!!! If we're lucky, Bush/Cheney will suspend the Constitution and declare open season on these unhinged Lefties!!!
And you are really, really funny PJComix!!!
Liberal and stupid is no way to go through life. Moron.
Jeez, my eyes glaze over. I am giving up on this site. Too bad the awards didn't include the BWoT -- Biggest Waste of Time.
"Jeez, my eyes glaze over."
Then put down the pipe.
I'm sorry...I just couldn't read all the way through this Moronic Manifesto.
I'd simply observe that Mr. Cesca seems to believe that he is in the majority.
Perhaps it's a condition caused by his overuse of the pronoun "we".
Nice blog, BTW, politics needs the humor.
"You said it, brother Cesca. Appeasement of fascists only emboldens them. If a Democratic presidential candidate were to begin using the expression "Bush Crime Syndicate" he or she would vault into the lead."
I'd sell my mother to Osama (if there was such a thing) for white slavery to hear that!!!!!!!!!
Hey PJ! We miss you over at the Weblog Awards forum. Come back and tell us all about how it was a cunning ploy and, despite looking like a pathetic dweeb running around begging people for votes, you actually INTENDED TO LOSE ALL ALONG!!!
Well, you "succeeded" by a country mile, dickhead!
Welcome Back, TP! I haven't seen you in a while.
Well, you "succeeded" by a country mile, dickhead!
Another of the superior minds created by Gender Studies.
You'll be one of the first against the Halliburton wall "when the revolution comes.
I find it fascinating that both here and over at the blog awards forum, the posters arguing clearly, calmly, and rationally ... and those clearly supporting free speech - are the conservatives.
Meanwhile, all I see from liberals is hatred, narrow-mindedness, sexism, racism, and explicit attempts to limit free speech. Not to mention the fact that they're posts seem almost universally vulgar and childish.
Can somebody remind me which one is the party of tolerance again?
I honestly wonder what John Kennedy or Franklin Roosevelt would think of their progeny. Is there anything liberal about liberalism any more? At all?
Except of course for poor little rodolfo; twisted, stunted, grotesque. Raised by his mama's pimp, making a living washing out used condoms and mopping up after the customers.
Life's forced him to drink from a bitter bitter chalice, and he's vowed to share it with the world.
My Kucinich PWNS Darth Cheney once again!
Click and see here all you reich wing stormtrooper Nazi fascist war criminals!!!!
While I'm generally very opposed to socialized medicine, I would gladly contribute a small portion of my hard-earned income to providing a safe padded room, bed and medication for these unfortunate Americans. I promise I'll contribute a few extra dollars at the Salvation Army bucket this weekend.
Seriously, nobody deserves a fate like that which they suffer. The few moonbats I've known have been unable to keep in stable relationships, burn every friendship (except with other unwell sufferers), can't keep a job and eventually commit to a meth or heroin addiction. With one life to live, it's a miserable existence. One Ron Paul believer I know here in Omaha ended up divorced and was caught breaking into his ex-wife's house, stealing his 8-year-old son's PC to pawn. How'd you like to be that kid?
Let's do the right thing and chip in a few extra dollars this Christmas to help these moonbat sufferers as much as we can. As funny as they can be in their delusional rants, let's show some love to these misfits this holiday season... Alms for Moonbats.
Too bad about those Weblog awards.
Maybe if your blog were actually funny you would have had a chance.
Sucks to be a wingnut these days.
Once again, the liberals expose themselves for the traitors they are. We need a solution to our countries infestation by these RATS. I make sure every time I meet a democRAT that I let them know conservatives don't appreciate them in OUR country. Sometimes words alone don't get the message through to those vile pieces of scum.
Once again, the liberals expose themselves for the traitors they are. We need a solution to our countries infestation by these RATS. I make sure every time I meet a democRAT that I let them know conservatives don't appreciate them in OUR country.
Eat me, you redneck moron. I don't "appreciate" right-wing fuckheads like you and George Bush screwing up my country.
In happier news, it's official: PJ LOSES the Weblog Awards.
Hey PJ, from Kay's blog:
KayInMaine warned: "If you are a vile reich wing troll or you act like a complete asshole while in the backseat of the WNI limo, Kay will expose your email address and/or IP address for public viewing at my discretion. Kay will not put up with your crap any longer. If you don't like this rule, then don't drop by here. Get it?"
Perhaps you should treat her like she treats visitors to her blog?
expose themselves
Seems like Republicans have been employing this tactic much more than Democrats these days.
>>>>Eat me, you redneck moron. I don't "appreciate" right-wing fuckheads like you and George Bush screwing up my country.
The only people screwing up this country are you far left moonbats. Ever since 2001, you've done nothing but divide this country, hate on leaders who have done nothing to you (who, if they are guilty of anything, are guilty of reachjing out to you fuckwits way too much, especially early in the term), and spitting on our country, our troops, and anyone who loves them.
Keep raving, redneck moro--excuse me, lone star conservative. We'll see what the voters have to say next year about the bang-up job you shitheads have done of running the country.
Anyway, I wash my hands of this LOSER site run by a LOSER and read regularly by a handful of LOSERS. PJ lost, justice was done. Fuck you and goodbye.
Yeah, yeah. You're probably the same person that has posted that you wouldn't come back 100 times before. You'll be back. You want to see what PJ has to say about you.
And yes, we'll see what Americans say next year. Except, there'll be nothing for your cvandidates to run on. Iraq has been improving and will be a nonissue by next November, at least it won't be useful for Democrats to use it. I'm not even sure that Democrats know that there are any other issues, so you'd better be ready for a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggg election night. On the plus side, I'm going to have a mole at the DUmp just to rub it in.:)
Iraq has been improving and will be a nonissue by next November
Yes, by next November Bush is bound to have screwed up something else so bad that Iraq will look like a glowing success in comparision.
Quite a talent that boy has; he's like the Midas of shit.
Dang, that was really long and boring.
You got your ass kicked pretty good, I guess that means you won huge.
Good job.
Hopefully you bought refundable airline tickets to Vegas?
Does it really fry your ass when you see that public opinion on how fucked up Iraq is isn't moving a bit, despite Saint Petreaus and The Mighty Morphin Power Surge That Cannot Be Sustained Without A Draft/National Bankruptcy?
This is going to be the longest year of our lives. Imagine the worldwide celebration when Most Unpopular President Ever catches the one-way ticket to Crawford.
Crawford is just a prop; it's actually a Faux News construction courtesy of the Murdoch/Ailes Holodeck.
And Bush has never cleared brush in his life; while the HoloBush brush-clearing simulation is running, RealityBush is off snorting Vietnam-era coke off a dead Vietnam-era hooker's ass.
I was kinda interested in this site but holy fuck, the format is just intolerable. If "teh funny" is in here, I can't seem to get to it through all the red type. My nine year old niece has a funnier blog in a cooler layout than this piece of shite.
WTF?? Who did PJ blow to get a 2007 Weblog nomination anyway? They should be ashamed of themselves for including this sophomoric crapola.
Well, the market demographic is wingnuts with inoperable humor cortex deficits.
So naturally, folks with intact humor cortices aren't going to be very happy here.
This site might be more useful as a diagnostic tool used to identify wingnuts with IHCD, thus allowing for their treatment and potential reintroduction as marginally useful members of society.
>>>Does it really fry your ass when you see that public opinion on how fucked up Iraq is isn't moving a bit, despite Saint Petreaus and The Mighty Morphin Power Surge That Cannot Be Sustained Without A Draft/National Bankruptcy?
This is going to be the longest year of our lives. Imagine the worldwide celebration when Most Unpopular President Ever catches the one-way ticket to Crawford.
When you're done with your illogical ranting, reality would like to have a word with you.
Some DU moonbat said:
"You are so right, and thethe International Court of Justice in the Hague is the answer... Some Non Governmental Organizations have been trying... Meanwhile, we have to roll up our shirts and get busy with funding efforts like Kucinich...."
Here we go with the Hague again..
And the call goes out at the Hall of Justice and the Superfriends spring into action!! Why I betcha Wonder Woman is already halfway over the Atlantic in her invisible airplane and she's going to snag * & Darth in her magic lasso and drag them back to the Hague to face the music. They will be sentenced to a life of having to watch Michael Moore's & Algore 's movies over & over again; while only being fed popcorn flavor tofu(unbuttered of course).
PS: Is it me or does Aquaman have a wide stance??
This is a classic Edition PJ, even the comments!! I noticed 1 moonbat even attempted to bust your stones with what actually could pass for humor. He should get an Aqua Dots art kit for his effort.
One of them even posted that John Lennon was killed by the VRWC. I'm outraged that this info got out!! John Lennon was a CIA operative after he left the Beatles, and in 1980 he knew too much inside dirt about the impending Reagan presidency. So the VWRC had him whacked. I'm outraged at the 'outting' of this dead CIA operative!! His cover has been Blown!! Armitage are posting at the Huffpo??!!
WOW i just re-read the moonbat like conspiracy I just made up, and I'm starting to beleive it...UH OH!!!
Mange moi.
Tristement, non!
Give PJ a break, y'all! I mean, he's polling even lower than Bush! That's gotta hurt. :-(
Where are de sexy nakked picturs?
Where da zeebras?
I don't know, PJ. I can't seem to find teh funny anywhere on your site. Are you sure this is a humor blog? Maybe you ought to try another category next year.
McMoonbatty seems to really like PJ.
He keeps finding the site un-funny, but returns, read, and continues to whine.
Typical moonbat.
Face it, the moonbats have more fun here than they do on their own DUmmy site. Figures. That place is mostly depressing. It's only saving grace is when PJ picks out the hilarious parts of their moroncy.
I believe that the government should be like the furnace in your home,Eficient, quiet, and only doing what it was originally designed to do, without drawing attention to itself. In the case of this model, I don't know whether to call a furnace repairman or an exorcist.
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