DUmmie Poll Panic
The BEST of the DUFU material will be happening between now and the election...and beyond. Why? Because now the polls are starting to become much more accurate. Why? Because even polls conducted by companies with democrat sympathies know they have a reputation to protect so the closer to the election we get, the more accurate they must become which means they are now beginning to show just how weak Obama is. Not too long ago, the DUmmies were gloating that Obama basically had the election in the bag due to wildly misleading polls. Now that the polls are inevitably becoming more accurate, the DUmmies are panicking. And it is sure FUn to watch such as in this THREAD, "Poll Shows Economic Fears Undercutting Obama Support." So let us now watch the DUmmies soil their diapers in panic in Bolshevik Red (Brown?) while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that the DUFU laugh track will continue to rise in volume the closer we get to November, is in the [barackets]:
Poll Shows Economic Fears Undercutting Obama Support
[Hit the panic button and pass the Depends.]
Declining confidence in the nation’s economic prospects appears to be the most powerful force influencing voters as the presidential election gears up, undercutting key measures of support for President Obama and helping give his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, an advantage on the question of who would better handle the nation’s economic challenges, according to the latest New York Times/CBS Poll.
[Bev Harris is just $10 away from changing those poll results.]
Despite the months-long onslaught of negative advertisements from Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies seeking to define Mr. Romney as out of touch with the middle class and representative of wealthy interests, there is little evidence in the poll of any substantial nationwide shift in attitudes about Mr. Romney.
[A hundred million bucks worth of negative advertising down the tubes.]
But with job growth tailing off since spring and the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, wondering aloud whether the labor market is “stuck in the mud,” the poll showed a significant shift in opinion since the last Times/CBS poll in April about Mr. Obama’s handling of the economy, with 39 percent now saying they approved and 55 percent saying they disapproved.
[But...but weren't all those Green jobs suppose to turn the economy around? And now to the panicked and delusional DUmmie reactions...]
republicans are to blame
[Bush's fault!]
You are 100% correct, they are to blame especially the ones in congress who care more about unseating Obama than they do about how many americans are out of work or living on the edge of poverty.
[So they should vote for another Obama stimulus that does NOT work?]
Polls don't mean jack shit right now...
[Actually polls start meaning more and more starting right about now. And they will start getting ever worse for the Bamster.]
If the economy continues to tank, it will not matter what we say about Mitt. He will end up winning. Their sabotage is unfortunately working.
[Yeah, Republican sabotage is forcing Obama to DUmp billions into completely wasted loans to Green Energy companies like Solyndra.]
I'd like Obama to put on his comfortable shoes and Occupy the Whitehouse. A second term is all but in the bag. What will he do with it?
[Obama will have a second term in the same alternate universe in which Algore became president.]
Declining confidence is putting it mildly. Victory is easy, prosecute & bring back accountability, get Holder off his ass & light a fire under it.
[Right now Holder is busy working Fast and Furiously to avoid accountability so HE won't be prosecuted.]
Obama's team needs to Run an ad that shows how the GOP blocked EVERYTHING to get us where we are at now. The party of NO!. The party with NO! ideas.
[You mean the Republicans were able to block EVERYTHING in the first two years of the Obama Regime when the Democrats had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress?]
Along with the statistics that back up how Democratic proposals would have generated a better economy.
[Democrat proposals like the stimulus and ObamaCare which did make it into law?]
Crap. It's got Romney 47-Obama 46!
[Speaking of which, did you know there are some great toilet paper coupons out there?]
WTF?? And it was taken July11-16, after the Bain storm. The Obama campaign needs more money to run ads EVERYWHERE. Looks like they are just running ads in the swing states, where the ad are working. But meanwhile, Obama's slipping overall. CRAP. This is where the Repuke money advantage just kicks our butts.
[Barack Obama is just $10 away from running ads everywhere.]
I wish you guys stop posting these stupid polls this early in the race
[I'm afraid when they post the more accurate polls later in the race, it will cause an intense mudslide in your diaper.]
[Are you describing the contents of your diaper?]
The linguini-spined Troglaman Clones/Moonbats are now beginning to collectively slam their heads up their ass to elude the truth. But there will be no escape from reality for those hate-mongering losers...
escape from reality
I think they're already there.
''''intense mudslide in your diaper.'''''
pppffttthahahahha lol thats funny right there.
"But with job growth tailing off since spring..."
Job growth? What job growth is that? Unemployment is staying at 8.2%. For the last 41 months 8.2% has been the floor, not the ceiling on the unemployment rate. And, the only reason it is 8.2% is because a couple of million people took themselves out of the employment market, so they aren't counted as unemployed. They are classified as "discouraged workers". The real unemployment rate, if you counted those who were looking and gave up is well north of 10%.
The DUmbasses also need to ask why any alleged job growth is tailing off. Could it be because Wacky Baraky and his band of Merry Marxists and the Obamacare law make it to where employers can't afford to hire?
The DUmbasses really seem to believe the unicorn farts and skittles economy of dEar Leader exists and will work only if those damn Republicans will stop "obstructing" Obama's diktats.
Any NRA members out there? 2nd amendment crusaders?
I know, I know...if people had been packing, deadly crossfire would've saved lives because it would have taken the motherfucker out...a guy dressed in black...in a dark theater...body armor...tear gas...in the midst of utter pandemonium. If every man, woman and child in that theater had been armed...bang!...problem solved.
(crazy assholes)
Every piece of weaponry and armor was purchased legally.
Let's remember that selling this shit to anyone that wants it is YOUR lunatic idea.
Reap what you sow, motherfuckers. 6000 rounds of ammunition to a mad man. Here are the fruits of your endeavors.
Sleep well.
And now a word from the reliably insane. And stupid. And ignorant. And vile…
A wingnut kills 14 in a Colorado movie theater……and you know what that means! It means Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh are to blame. Yes, that’s right: THEY’RE TO BLAME. Both of those assholes with a national microphone are causing the reich wing armed militias in America to go off the deep end. When will these two be arrested for terrorizing the nation!!!
Oh, wow! A whackjob kills people in Colorado, and Troglaturd immediatley, like a good little sheeple, posits that we need more gun control laws. Ok, DUmbass, repeat after me: England has the type of gun control laws the left wants, and they still have murders and other crimes where firearms are used. Australia has the type of gun control laws the left wants, and they still have murdersw and other crimes whre firearms are used.
TrogDUmbass, the two dirtbags that pulled off the Columbine shootings broke 52 federal and state firearms and explosive laws. Do you think another law, or 52 more laws would have stopped them?
Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, governor was Tim Kaine, a Democrat. Aurora Theater shooting in 2012, governor is John Hickenlooper, a Democrat. According to TroglaDUmbass logic, Democrat governors kill people, so states should never elect Democrats to the office of governor.
The Senile Knight and his trusted sidekick, Kay in Maine.... er, Radical Redneck ....er, Drooling Mongoloid; check in.
Waiting for the "give a flying fuck" to kick in.
*two hours later*
Sorry, nothing. You see, those of us with numerous firearms just.....
.....we just really don't care about you. You are insignificant. You do not matter. Your opinions are tiny, lopsided rejects from the Skittle Factory, not fit to be farted from the Sparkly Unicorn of Liberal Faith.®
Do we need to make that any clearer?
Phonetic transcript available on request. Ebonics available with two week notice. All Rights Reserved.
Now, go outside, enjoy a lovely day and stand in traffic....k?
"...selling this shit to anyone that wants it is YOUR lunatic idea."
Hey troglaman, maybe the Colorado shooter was imitating your President. You know, the guy with the kill list for his Predator drone strikes. The guy who ordered the bombing of Libya (is Syria next?).
The Colorado shooter brought guns and ammo legally but only Obama can shoot Hellfire missles.
Lunatics come in all shapes and sizes.
Hey Trog, you knee-jerk reactionist, nanny statist, Leftist turd, you want some facts?
Gun sales have been surging in recent years, yet murders have been decreasing. Murders by firearms have decreased by 14%.
Look it up, you alcoholic cuntmonkey.
"you alcoholic cuntmonkey"
That, sir, is an insult to cuntmonkeys everywhere!
It's "ma'am", and you're right. I apologize to any cuntmonkeys reading this blog.
Allow me to rephrase:
"Look it up, you bedazzled spank-tassel."
"A wingnut kills 14 in a Colorado movie theater……and you know what that means! It means Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh are to blame. Yes, that’s right: THEY’RE TO BLAME." redneck
Maybe you could point out where I said that, dumbass. You can't. You're making shit up. What a surprise!
My comment was addressed to NRA and 2nd amendment enthusiasts. I was congratulating them on their success in passing laws making it possible for crazy people and gun-runners to buy whatever the fuck they want.
This is the world you've wished for. The answer to guns has been MORE FUCKING GUNS. It's how you think. You're answer to more control is less control.
Gun problem - make it easier for people to get guns. Deregulate.
Financial problem - Deregulate.
Health Care - Deregulate.
Environmental problems - Deregulate.
When it comes to guns, you've all been enormously successful. Obama has expanded gun rights, not limited them.
And you continue to think it's not enough.
Well, here are the spoils of your victories. Aurora Colorado. A crazy who can legally buy whatever he want and as much as he wants whenever he wants to do it.
Even though you lobby against regulation, pass laws against regulation, champion assault rifles, etc., you refuse to recognize the fruits of your labors - 12 dead 70 something wounded.
This is where you wanted to go.
Go fuck yourselves. Just because.
"Oh, wow! A whackjob kills people in Colorado, and Troglaturd immediatley, like a good little sheeple, posits that we need more gun control laws." troglANON
Nope. Didn't do that either. More bullshit.
You fuckers want to deregulate guns. You've been successful at deregulating guns. This fucker took advantage of it.
He bought whatever he needed to buy and you stupid motherfucking idiots cheer on his RIGHT to do it.
Libs don't, in case you hadn't noticed.
It's just another example of how blindingly idiotic you fuckers are.
You made this all possible. I'm surprised you're not explaining it as collateral damage.
Once again, go fuck yourselves. Making it easy for crazies and gun runners to get guns doesn't MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
No matter. Despite the carnage, you don't care. Any move to stop it will be challenged...as a move to suspend our 2nd amendment rights. Tell me I'm wrong.
When was the last time you woke up to a story about guns saving someone's ass? On the other hand, when did you last wake up to a story about guns killing a whole bunch of innocent people?
Think about it.
There are few times when I actually hate you stupid motherfuckers. But this happens to be one of those times.
Your laws, lobbying and ideology made this incident possible.
So, once again, go fuck yourselves. Rapture yourselves. Please. I beg you.
*yawn* jarhead
Fuck you.
Yes, it's another drunken, rage-fueled Troglatard Triple Post™!!!
How much freedom are you willing to exchange for security?
There are always going to nutjobs, terrorists, abusive husbands, fed-up wives, sick glory seekers, etc.
Think how much we trust complete strangers in our every day life.
Instead of a gunman at that movie theater, what if he actually worked at the concession stand and laced every drink with cyanide?
Ban drinks and popcorn at the movies?
How about the employees at your local water treatment plant? You trust them with your lives every day. Can you get a guarantee that some loon won't poison the very water that comes in your tap?
We punish those who violate that trust we have we each other. Drunk drivers violate that trust. We punish them, we don't outlaw alcohol.
Think about it.
"Trog, How much freedom are you willing to exchange for security? There are always going to nutjobs, terrorists, abusive husbands, fed-up wives, sick glory seekers, etc." TroglANON
Yes. You're right. Passing drunk driving laws doesn't stop drunk driving. It reduces it. Passing crash test standards doesn't stop crashes, they make crashes safer.
Are you saying there's NOTHING we can do about guns? Fuck you. That's what makes you an idiot.
Are you stupid jackasses aware of the fact that you want to make it harder to vote than to buy a gun? Do you have to show a picture ID to buy a gun? Answer that.
Of course not! Before long, shooting a gun in a crowded theater will be a protected form of speech if you fuckers have your way.
So troglANON, I don't think we can eradicate craziness. But I, troglaman, think we can lessen the consequences by subjecting gun buyers to an ID check.
You don't. Neither does the NRA.
By the way...when the founding fathers came up with the 2nd amendment, their weaponry consisted of flintlocks, cannon, and swords. They needed an armed militia because they had no standing army. I'm not sure they envisioned a weapon that could discharge 30 rounds in 4 seconds on automatic sitting on everyone's living room table.
Not that THAT means shit to you. How about this? Can't we come up with a way to make it harder for nutjobs to get this shit? Why can't we make it harder to buy a gun than to vote?
This is an insurmountable problem for you, troglANON. That makes you as smart as a mushroom...or some other form of fungal growth.
Trog took yet another whiff off his crack pipe and croaked: "By the way...when the founding fathers came up with the 2nd amendment, their weaponry consisted of flintlocks, cannon, and swords."
And I suppose, by that logic, free speech only pertains to the written and spoken word (but not over a radio!) because television, the internet and other such technology weren't around then.
"Do you have to show a picture ID to buy a gun? Answer that."
Yes, yes I do. Livng here in Wisconsin, if I want to buy a rifle, shotgun or hand gun I must show a driver's license or other government issued ID. There is also a backround check.
Currently I own a rifle, a shotgun and two pistols; I've been target shooting for 55 years (I started on my high school's rifle team) and have never had an urge to point any weapon at a human being, even when I was in Vietnam (I was not in a combat MOS).
"Do you have to show a picture ID to buy a gun? Answer that." mighty trog
"Yes, yes I do." elrond
Well then, you've never gone to a gun show. Or bought one on Craig's List. Have you checked out the classifieds lately?
If you had, you would have discovered that you could actually purchase a 50 cal rifle capable of bringing down a plane.
And if you can't do it Wisconsin, just head to Arizona, pick one up, and bring it home. Hell, bring back a hundred.
You probably could if you wanted to and had the money.
So who is it you're trying to bullshit? If it's me, it didn't work.
You asked a question, I gave an answer for Wisconsin gun purchase requirements.
Besides, if I don't need a picture ID to vote why should I need one to buy a gun?
I guess I could drive to Arizona and buy an AK-47 but Eric Holder's cleaned out all the guns stores there.
FOAD Troglafuck you lying fucking fucked up racist fucking fuckwad.
"You asked a question, I gave an answer for Wisconsin gun purchase requirements." elrond
And you were wrong. You can buy a gun without showing ID.
"Besides, if I don't need a picture ID to vote why should I need one to buy a gun?" elrond
You're equivocating the two? A crazy person buying rifles, handguns, explosives, tear gas, 6000 rounds of ammunition and shooting scores of people...is the same thing as the same crazy motherfucker VOTING? Of course you are!
"I guess I could drive to Arizona and buy an AK-47 but Eric Holder's cleaned out all the guns stores there." elrond
Wrong. Holder hasn't cleaned out Arizona's gun stores. Mexican gun-runners are cleaning out Arizona gun stores. Because they can.
I, troglaman, ask again - who are you trying to bullshit? It's still not working.
The only bullshitter around here is YOU Troglatwit, you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard. You keep thinking you can bullshit and bully your way around it makes you brilliant. The reality is that it only proves you are the worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard.
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