"Yay O!": Smiley edits out Belafonte's Obama slam

Liberal radio hosts Tavis Smiley and Cornel West had liberal entertainer Harry Belafonte on their show the other day, and in the interview, Belafonte ripped into President Obama. However, THAT portion of the interview conveniently was CUT when the show went out for distribution. The producer later said that it was for time purposes and that that part of the interview was the least interesting part, since you could hear criticisms of Obama on Fox News any day. Hmmm. . . . A big-name lefty like Belafonte, on a left-wing radio show, slamming Obama for not being leftist enough, and that's not worth hearing? Nope! Scrub it! Cut it! Down the memory hole!
Now maybe it's just a coincidence, but host Tavis Smiley recently was disinvited from an Obama event for having expressed a mild criticism of Dear Leader. Could it be that Tavis doesn't like to be left out? Could that be the real reason why Belafonte's Obama-bashing was edited out? Let's hear from Tavis Smiley himself, as he sings the . . .
Tune: "Banana Boat Song (Day O)"
Sung by Tavis Smiley
Yay O, yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
O's all right, see me Smiley face
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Back Obama till he win dis race
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Come, mister edit man, edit Belafonte
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Come, mister edit man, edit Belafonte
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Do six-year, seven-year, eight-year bump!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Six-year, seven-year, eight-year bump!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay . . .
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
A beautiful bunch, dat Team Obama
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Hide what isn't "Hail, hosanna!"
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Do six-year, seven-year, eight-year bump!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Six-year, seven-year, eight-year bump!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay . . .
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Come, mister edit man, edit Belafonte
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Come, mister edit man, edit Belafonte
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay O, yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay, me say yay-ay-ay O!
Invite come, me don' wan' stay home
Now what do the DUmmies think of all this? You know, there is pressure also on Skins's Island to keep the Obama-bashing down. $kimmer's DUmp3 has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. The big challenge for DUmmieland during this election year will be to keep the Obama-bashers under control. So when a prog icon like Belafonte goes after Obama, what is Skinner to do? How will he be able to handle the restless natives?
So let us now go to this THREAD, "Harry Belafonte Says Obama Lacks 'Moral Compass,'" aka "When Harry Met Smiley." The DUmmies are in Bolshevik Boat Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, back after being too busy lately to work all night on a drink of DUm, is in the [brackets]:
Harry Belafonte Says Obama Lacks "Moral Compass"
[Must be some right-wing rethuglic-- No wait! It's St. Harry Belafonte saying this!]
Earlier this week, "Day-O" Banana-Boat singer/actor/activist Harry Belafonte spoke on the radio show Smiley & (Cornel) West, where Belafonte unleashed some harsh criticism of Obama's leadership that never made it to the broadcast.
[Put on a Smiley face!]
HARRY BELAFONTE: When I think of Barack Obama and I think about all that is at stake here I’ve really long since left talking about how many terms he will be as a president. My question is what legacy will he leave having had the opportunity to serve under such hugely dramatic circumstances and boggled the mind and boggled people’s thinking and had such a huge impact on the universal state of things. And how could he have had such a splendid opportunity to do more than most presidents would have ever been able to do and he let that opportunity slip away from him.
[He boggled, then he bungled.]
And I am very cautious of the fact of those who thinks that he has some hidden agenda and that if only he could be given a second term for us to see the new light new things will be revealed. A new efforts will be made to take us to a place other than where we have been and where we languish. I just don’t trust that. I don’t think that a safe way an accurate way to look at the scenario.
I think if there was the kind of moral compass serving Barack Obama in the way we had all hoped, the moral force would have helped him make choices. The absence of that force in his equations the absence of that barometer to guide him when he has to make these decision which are hugely complicated, especially from the political perspective. He should have come to the table with things that I think would have helped us in this moment of crisis.
["Moment of crisis"?? The moment of crisis will be if this gets to the airwaves! DELETE DELETE DELETE!]
Harry has lost his mind
[He's gone bananas.]
maybe someone should tally his bananas. I think he's short a bunch.
[The search proved fruitless.]
incredible. the fanboys and grrls just howl if there isn't sufficient love. . . . those of you who . . . cannot imagine someone saying this about your object of worship.
Throw him under the bus.
[Throw him onto the boat.]
Most people around DU these days are only interested in short-term political gain for the Democratic party, not for liberal or progressive principles.
[Or, in Smiley's and $kimmer's cases, they're interested in gain FROM the Democrat Party.]
Mr. Belafonte is an idiot. The Matt Damon of the calypso world.
[He's a Damon idiot!]
I guess that only adulatory comments are permissible.
[Thou shalt not commit non-adulatory.]
Harry Belafonte speaks the truth.
["To power." You forgot "to power."]
To summarize the negative responses:
lost his mind
short a bunch of bananas
"pull the lever for the mittster"
derangement from gonorrhea
["Republican." Now that's going over the line, folks.]
Anyone exploring this site who walks into this thread will think it's juvenile sour-grapes rhetoric. . . .
[Oh, it's not just THIS thread.]
It's one thing to disagree with a person's opinion, but the "tally me bananas," "idiot," "fool" types of comments when discussing a great civil rights activist are something I'd expect to see on Free Republic. . . .
[Thanks to the DUmmie FUnnies, now you can!]
So is this on DUMMIland3 or 2? I thought all doubleplusungood-speak about Obama was wiped from 3?
"This comment brought to you by the DNC."
"Next time you read DU, think of the DNC, and donate."
There's gonna be a lot of tombstoning and gnashing of teeth over on DU3. Seems Skinner didn't clean house well enough yet to secure the Obamabot groupthink yet.
"a great civil rights activist"
Great egoist and anti-Americanist for certain.
Q: What's grey and sings calypso?
A: Harry Elephante.
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