"Cenk's Back" and Grayson's on him!

"Cenk's Back" and Grayson's on him! Yes, that's the news that's rocking the political talk world today. Cenk Uygur is BACK! Back on TV, back in your living room, where he belongs. And--now hold on to your hat--Alan Grayson is slated to be his first guest, TONIGHT! Wow! Is this exciting or what?
Your genial TV talk host, Cenk "The Young Turk" Uygur, has been absent from the cable airwaves, lo, these past many months, after an all-too-brief run on MSNBC, where, somehow, he was not able to garner the ratings he so richly deserves. I think Diebold must have been running the ratings service. And so we were forced to go Cold Turk-y. We were knocked Cenkless. But now the long national nightmare is over. It's like the end of Prohibition. Woo-hoo! CENK UYGUR IS BACK ON TV! And he'll be on Current TV, Algore's network that also has Keef! Eat your heart out, MSNBC! What were you thinking??
And who is it that is reporting this good news to the DUmmies? None other that Alan "Guts" Grayson, who, likewise, was suddenly dismissed from his post--congressman from Orlando, Florida--after only one term. And guess what? Alan Grayson is not only reporting the return of Cenk, Alan Grayson will be Cenk's first guest, TONIGHT! Oh joy! Can you imagine? Alan Grayson on Cenk Uygur's first show? On Current TV? Tonight? Be still my beating heart! I'm counting down the minutes!
It's all here, in this THREAD, posted by Alan Grayson himself, "Cenk's Back."
So now, on this DUbble-DUFU Monday, let us go to a reenergized DUmmieland, where the place is abuzz with excitement and glowing in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, contemplating the impact that a new Cenk Uygur program will have on our national dialogue--indeed, on our entire political future--is in the [brackets]:
Cenk's Back
[Could . . . could this be . . . Cenk UYGUR? Or is it some other Cenk? No, here in the context of DUmmieland, this could only be referring to the Young Turk himself. And "Back"?? You mean back on TV?? No, this sounds too good to be true! I must have some other proof to believe this. Perhaps this is a hoax of some sort. Don't get our hopes up, only to have them come crashing to the ground! Pray, tell us, who is it that is reporting this breaking news? What is your name, sir or madam?]
Alan Grayson (109 posts)
[Wha? WHA-AA?? You mean, Alan "Guts" Grayson, the former congressman from Orlando who was CHEATED out of reelection to the House by some Rethug conspiracy? THE Alan Grayson, the Lion of the House, the Heartthrob of DUmmieland, the worthy successor to the likes of Wellstone and Feingold? Alan Grayson, who actually SIGNED UP and JOINED DUmmieland, so that now we are proud to call him "DUmmie Alan Grayson"?? That Alan Grayson? Why, blow me down with a feather, it is!! None other!]
Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks and former MSNBC host, returns to TV tomorrow [Monday] night, on Current TV. And he has invited me to be a guest on his first show.
[I'm shaking! I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl!]
Cenk virtually invented Internet TV news . . .
[And now he'll be on Current TV, the network run by Algore, the man who invented the Internet! How fitting!]
and completely dominates that medium.
[Cenk is EXTRA LARGE on that medium!]
His on-the-air signature is a quite simple one: like Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Dylan Ratigan, Cenk Uygur is a hard-hitting, unapologetic progressive.
[His on-the-air signature is a quite simple one: like Rachel Mancow, Sergeant Schultz, Keef Ogremann, and . . . some other guy (Demo Ratigan?), Cenk Uygur is a hate-spitting, unattractive ratings depressive.]
Now, Cenk has decided to take his talents to Current TV.
[Translation: The Young Jerk got a job offer, at a low salary, on a network nobody watches, which, I guess, is better than nothing.]
If you want to see someone with a head, a heart and a spine report the news tomorrow [Monday] night, then you can tune in to Cenk’s show.
[Cenk has most all his body parts! He's the complete package!]
And if you want to help to see someone with a head, a heart, and a spine in Congress next year, then you can support our campaign.
[Ah, and with a link to donate! Now the REAL reason for this post begins to emerge: Alan "Nuts" Grayson is running for Congress again! And he wants to tap into some easy money, i.e., all the pizza dough that the moonstruck moonbats will happily send his way! Why, I bet that Al isn't even the one posting this to the DUmmies. He's probably got some lowly staffer sending out this press release to all the liberal blogs. He's done that before. Which would explain why he doesn't respond to all the DUmmies who will try to speak with him in the comments that follow.]
Alan Grayson
[Send me your money,
Alan Grayson]
I can hardly wait to see you both!
[Here's a clue, DUmmie eleny: Alan Grayson is not really here, reading your stupid little comment. He just wants your money. Click the donate link--that's what this is about.]
I'm watching Current more and more each day.
[So YOU'RE the one!]
I'll be watching!!
We'll be tuning in!
[There could be an audience in the TENS!]
Hi Mr. Grayson
[He's not listening to you. He's not here. The donate link is here. Are you brain-dead or what?]
With the news of Barney Frank leaving Congress we need voices like yourself. . . .
[We need Alan Grayson to fill the hole that Barney Frank leaves behind.]
Right before Keith's show, right?
[Uygur and Olbermann, the Mantle and Maris of Moonbatters' Row.]
Hello Mr Grayson. I hope your campaign is going well.
[Click the link, stupid.]
Tomorrow's my birthday. I always wanted an Alan Grayson for my birthday!
[You are sick. Seriously. Seek professional help.]
Burstin' my buttons
[Hit the donate button, that's all that counts.]
I am soooo looking forward to this! Woohoo!
[At TV & appliance stores across the land, crowds are gathering in front of the windows even as we speak, waiting to catch this great moment in television history.]
Perfect combo...Cenk and you!
Perfect time slot, perfect host and perfect first guest!
[It's a Perfect Airwavian Storm!]
Both of you save my sanity and focus me on an act of resistance every day.
[The Young Jerk and "Nuts" Grayson: The sanity savers, that's what they are!]
get your butt back in office soon, please!
[benburch is pleading! You've got to fill that Barney Frank void!]
They have not invented a word in the English language to express how much I'm looking forward to this. . . .
["Orgasmic"? "On tippytoes"? No wait, that's two words. Or three, depending on how you spell "tippytoes."]
love you always Alan! :)
What's up, Alan?
[$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Am I saying anything?]
if you ever need help, feel free to PM me with what I can do for your campaign.
[OK, Alan will do that, I'm sure. "Say, DUmmie Proud_Lefty, what advice can you give me to help me get back in office? No, I don't want your money. Pssh! Do you think I would be so crass? No, I just want your WISDOM, DUmmie Proud_Lefty. Wisdom, that's the thing! And you're the one that I turn to when I'm seeking sage counsel. It's like I always tell people, 'You know, that DUmmie Proud_Lefty--salt of the earth, that chap. Never lets me down. There's a man you can count on!'"]
i think this is a mistake. I see current crashing and burning, i dont know anyone who gets it and i just dont see it staying around long.
[HERETIC! LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!! Don't listen to the haters, Cenk!]
I heart Cenk!
[I dollar Alan!]
I'd love to catch Keef and Sink and Alan but they keep getting preempted by Waynes World on that community access station.
Party on Keef!!
""Cenk's Back" and Grayson's on him! Yes, that's the news that's rocking the political talk world today." PJinc
Actually...it's not.
But don't let that stop you.
Come up for air, PJinc.
It's called sarcasm, trogladense. Sober up before you hit the 'net for once.
You have to have some sense of reality and the ability to comprehend English at more than a second grade level to comprehend what sarcasm is. Troglaman The Guttersnipe has neither so sarcasm is beyond his exceptionally limited mental capacity.
Cenk and Grayson, the Moe and Larry of Democrat politics. All we need is Curly...where's troglaman?
There's just something about Grayson's over-large, meaty, shiny, jowly face that creeps me out.
Shallow? Yes. Accurate? Yes.
Anon 8:49AM,
Cenk and Grayson both look like school yard/bar room bullies. Big, beefy, thuggish and stupid looking they're probably both nasty drunks.
Anonymous said...
"Anon 8:49AM,
Cenk and Grayson both look like school yard/bar room bullies. Big, beefy, thuggish and stupid looking they're probably both nasty drunks."
I agree.
"Anon 8:49AM,
Cenk and Grayson both look like school yard/bar room bullies. Big, beefy, thuggish and stupid looking they're probably both nasty drunks."
Why wouldn't they be? They're nasty sober.....
"It's called sarcasm, trogladense. Sober up before you hit the 'net for once." troglANON
"And guess what? Alan Grayson is not only reporting the return of Cenk, Alan Grayson will be Cenk's first guest, TONIGHT! Oh joy! Can you imagine? Alan Grayson on Cenk Uygur's first show? On Current TV? Tonight? Be still my beating heart! I'm counting down the minutes!" PJinc
Did any of you know anything about this? Doubt it.
So...sarcasm? Seems more like someone yelling in a corn field to me...at the scarecrow.
Did any of you know anything about this? Doubt it.
Well, looks like we're behind the curve of literally 8 viewers coast to coast.
Troggy boy.
Is there actually a point to your last comment?
Same old troggy.
Pointless and clueless as ever.
At least the little piker stopped with all his/her foul language.
It's three days later, did the world change?
"I love you, Mr. Grayson!!1! Speak truth to power!!! You're a light, a treasure!1!! *up twinkles*"
-compililation of various DUmmies
It's like tweens at a Justin Beiber concert.
Skul said...
Troggy boy.
Is there actually a point to your last comment?
Same old troggy.
Pointless and clueless as ever.
At least the little piker stopped with all his/her foul language.
Hey Skul, trust me, where Guttersnipe is concerned, no foul language is not the norm. He'll likely make up for it with the next pile of mental excrement he produces here by power-slamming his head up his ass.
As far as being clueless, considering the exceptionally shallow intellect of Troglaman The Guttersnipe, we're lucky he's able to even manage being smart enough to be considered clueless.
"At least the little piker stopped with all his/her foul language." Skul
I have to say...when you guys stand up and say something loud and clear to the mighty trog, I LISTEN.
Now go fuck your mother, skul.
"I have to say...when you guys stand up and say something loud and clear to the mighty trog, I LISTEN."
It's a case of in one ear and out the other two troggy.
"Now go fuck your mother, skul." - Troglafuck
FOAD, Troglafuck, you sick perverted racist lying fuckwad.
"It's a case of in one ear and out the other two troggy." elrond
Yes it is. Why? If you look at my ULTIMATE fantasy's post above, you'll notice he says, "FOAD, Troglafuck, you sick perverted racist lying fuckwad."
And yet I'm the fuckwad that needs to get polite.
Go fuck your collective selves.
How is it that none of you word-police ever cozy up to one of your own? Do you actually think being called a racist lying fuckwad while I'm trying to ram my head up my ass...requires a polite response? Of course you do!
This is such a cock-bitingly clear and accurate metaphor of your all's moral culture as to boggle the mind.
You figure you can do it, and I can't...or shouldn't...or whatever. You can call me a fuckwad, but I can't...or shouldn't call you a diabolical nipple crusher.
Sure. Yes, Master...
Is it really so unclear as to how full of shit you all are?
That's why I've taken the liberty of setting up a paypal account called inoneearandouttheothertwo. I think it's only fair that for every time one of you utters a profanity, I get a nickle (sometimes known as a knicker pecker...that's a fact).
"Do you actually think being called a racist lying fuckwad while I'm trying to ram my head up my ass...requires a polite response? Of course you do!" - Troglaman, The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog
What it requires you stop being a lying racist [EXPLETIVE DELETED] who rams their head up their ass as a substitute for intellectual thought. That would be obvious to anyone with more education than a five-year old.
"You can call me a fuckwad, but I can't..." - Troglaman, The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
You can call the KayInMaine Clone that name if you like, Guttersnipe. She/It is the only person other than you that has earned that sobriquet.
There now, feel better you loser?
"That's why I've taken the liberty of setting up a paypal account called inoneearandouttheothertwo. I think it's only fair that for every time one of you utters a profanity, I get a nickle (sometimes known as a knicker pecker...that's a fact)." - Troglaman, The Official Certified Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog
That will only work if you agree to pay everyone on this blog $2 every time you power-slam your head up your ass, Guttersnipe.
My, my.
The thickness of troggy boys skin is only rivaled by that of a soap bubble. Little piker displays a remarkable lack character.
"You can call me a fuckwad but I can't."
I've never called you a fuckwad troggy, but I will if you want me to.
...this blog is getting boring asnd I'm too old and too short for this crap.
Elrond Hubbard said...
...this blog is getting boring and I'm too old and too short for this crap.
I hear ya.
C'mon, Elrond. Whatever happened to the "if you can't say something nice..." adage?
Don't like it around here anymore? Then don't visit. Why take a dump first and then leave?
I've never understood that propensity in people.
It's been a bit slow around here for awhile, but I'm so looking forward to the Election cycle with the DUmmies.
Hearts breakin', heads explodin' all over the place!
"I've never called you a fuckwad troggy, but I will if you want me to." elrond
And I never said you did.
"...this blog is getting boring asnd I'm too old and too short for this crap." elrond
You might want to put in a word as to why it's boring, but I'm with you. And I've gotten boring. To myself.
Have good Holidays, my fellow turkeys. Once we get through New Years, we should be OK til fucking Easter.
I'll see you all again after Obama wins the next election. Can't wait.
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