DUmmies Unable to Process DOJ "Fast & Furious" Lie Letter

DOJ "Withdraws" False Letter to Congress
[GASP! You mean they LIED?]
Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department has taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.
[The KOmmies are quoting NPR which uses "inaccurate" in place of of the more accurate "false."]
Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was drafted. The materials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.
["Misleading information" is NPR speak for "Lies."]
Misleading Congress can be a prosecutable offense if a person who makes the statements knows they are false. But Attorney General Eric Holder has told lawmakers that so far he has no evidence anyone intended to deceive them. The matter remains under investigation not only by Republicans in Congress but also the Justice Department's inspector general.
[And we know just how vigorous an investigation that the Holder Flunkie aka "inspector general" is pursuing. Now to the KOmmie reaction to the scandal that the DUmmies dare not face...]
For those of you, like me, who haven't really been following this issue, the details still seem sort of murky, but it appears that the DOJ knowingly allowed seized weapons to "walk" south across the border into the hands of Mexican drug cartels who of course used said weapons to kill hundreds of people, including U.S. customs against Brian Terry. Accused of this in February, the DOJ denied it a letter to Congress:
[And one reason why you haven't been following this issue is the most of the MSM won't even mention this scandal. However, it will be verrrrrry interesting if the words "Fast & Furious" are uttered by Brian Williams following Eric Holder's testimony before Congress on Thursday. Or maybe he will say the words while a fire alarm is blaring so we can't hear his report.]
Maybe there's something I'm not seeing here, but I don't see how Attorney General Holder survives this. Whether or not he was personally aware of it, people under his supervision actually sent a letter to Congress categorically denying things about their own actions that turned out to be true, not to mention that the underlying policy seems incredibly ill-advised.
[I don't see how the credibility of Brian Williams survives this if he keeps mum on "Fast & Furious" after Thursday. Remember Brian, it is a battle between your journalistic credibility vs getting any future invites to Five Guys Hamburgers with The One.]
some of the emails released to the public seemed to indicate that this controversy has something to do with gun control, but I don't exactly understand why. Anyone?
Apparently the Obama Administration has been using the use of U.S.-bought guns by Mexican drug cartels to argue for stricter gun control in the U.S. Now it turns out that it was the Obama Administration itself that was providing them those guns. Nice.
[FINALLY. The light bulb clicks ON.]
Not that it matters a lot, but it does matter some... Were the attorneys who researched and provided the false information to the committee left overs from the G.W. Bush administration? Or did they come to the DOJ with Holder and Obama? I hate to think that the DOJ is still as corrupt as it was during the Shrub years.
Holder should go. He reeks of embarrassing do-nothingism. He's a coaster. He may be accomplishing some sort of half-assed, oblique, covert "justice" somewhere, but I consider him to be an abject failure. Not one gangster bankster in jail. Not one war criminal in jail. Not one. What DOES the Prez see in him anyway?
[This KOmmie wants Holder to go but not because of the Fast & Furious scandal. He wants Holder gone for his failure to indict Karl Rove post May 12, 2006.]
I am no fan of AG Holder But who will replace him? Pres Obama's appointments have been met with obstructionism. This feels like a disaster. Anyone have any hope here?
[No Hope, No Change.]
I hold out the remote possibility that Obama will transform into that which he pretends to be... a change agent of real reform, but I'm concentrating my time and energy on my local occupy movement.
[Have you spotted WILLIAM RIVERS PITT at your local OWS protest? Oops! What a silly question.]
Perhaps he's doing the what the pres wants him to do.
[Which is to LIE and COVERUP.]
I'm gonna bug the Prez on this, email- and call-wise.
[Sorry, but the Bamster won't allow you to interrupt his 17 day vacation.]
After this latest f*ckup with Congress, yes most definitely Holder needs to go. He's been a lethargic assmunch of an Attorney-General anyway.
[Ben Burch suddenly has the MUnchies.]
I can't even defend this. It looks bad. If this turns out to be true, he may need to cash in his resignation.
[Holder or Obama?]
Please deflect all heat away from Hobama, he doesn't control everything...Only Bush can be blamed for EVERYTHING!!!!
"Holder should go. He reeks of embarrassing do-nothingism. He's a coaster. He may be accomplishing some sort of half-assed, oblique, covert "justice" somewhere, but I consider him to be an abject failure. Not one gangster bankster in jail. Not one war criminal in jail. Not one. What DOES the Prez see in him anyway?"
His skin color, basically, my silly little DUmmie. Oh, okay, so it's technically on him rather than in him, but in the peculiar cocktail of racial conflict hype and political calculation so beloved of the Oministration, Holder's resignation would directly reflect on Obama, so that will NEVER happen...at least not prior to the first week of November, 2012.
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