DUmmies Upset Over Federal Crackdown On Legal Marijuana

You can see for yourself the struggles of the medical marijuana business in the Dicovery Channel's "Weed Wars" as the executive director Steve DeAngelo of the largest medical marijuana dispensary, Harborside Health Center, is battling the Feds attempt to DESTROY that business. But WHY would the Bamster, who during the 2008 campaign expressed his support for legalized medicinal marijuana, now crack down on it? As Rush has stated many times, if you want to find the motivations for the Obama Regime, them FOLLOW THE MONEY. And the money trail in this case leads to the Big Pharma supporters of Obama. With the economy in a shambles, Obama needs every available buck to reach his re-election campaign goal of a BILLION BUCKS.
So why does Big Pharma want outfits like Harborside Health Center driven OUT of business? Because they want the lucrative business for themselves so they have instructed the Obama Regime to drive the small guys OUT of business. Who is making this "wild" allegation? Some vicious "rightwing" source? Nope. Many Doper sites, including TOKE OF THE TOWN are making these accusations:
As pointed out on The Young Turks, this crackdown is nothing more than a process of eliminating the competition for Big Pharma. GW Pharmaceutical and other manufacturers want to take over the marijuana market with products like Sativex, a liquid extract of cannabis that contains both THC and CBD.
"Every single decision comes back to some lobbyist who paid for it," Young Turks host Cenk Uygur said.
Of course, the DUmmies are too DUmb to figure why the IRS on instructions from the Obama Regime, working for its Pharma paymasters, is suppressing their beloved pot as you can see in this THREAD, "Feds Force Hundreds of California's Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close." So let us now watch the DUmmies mourn the sacrifice of their Green Weed on the altar of Obama's re-election campaign in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, whose abhorrence of smoke polluting his lungs has prevented both tobacco and pot from entering those chambers, is in in the [barackets]:
Feds Force Hundreds of California's Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close
Less than two months after California's U.S. attorneys announced plans to initiate a federal crackdown on the state's medial marijuana distributors and patients, hundreds of California's medical marijuana dispensaries have been forced to close their doors. The federal war on weed came as a surprise to many distributors and patients who remember Obama's campaign promise not to act on medical marijuana, but leave regulations up to the state. Instead, he has proven himself to be even worse than George Bush.
[SURPRISE! SURPRISE! The One has tossed your medical marijuana under the bus at the direction of his Big Pharma paymasters.]
According to the Sacramento Bee, only eight of 99 dispensaries remain open in Sacramento County, and 25 of 38 have closed in Sacramento city. Even more have closed out of fear of federal prosecution against business operators and their landlords. In Sand Diego, almost two-thirds of about 220 dispensaries have closed under threats of federal property seizures and city lawsuits.
[Dope and Change?]
The threats have caused some businesses to turn to delivery services, pushing patients into a more stigmatized environment.
[Hey DUmmies! The money you can now save because you are unable to purchase the legal pot, you can now contribute to the Obama 2012 Re-Election Committee.]
Multiple lawsuits have been filed to stop the federal attack on legal, medical marijuana, but the outcomes may not be favorable. U.S. District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong recently ruled that she would not protect marijuana dispensaries from federal actions because federal law considers marijuana illegal, and Congress still refuses to acknowledge the plant's medical value.
[The BOTTOM LINE reason is that Obama needs a steady stream of Benjamins from Big Pharma. And now the DUmmie reaction to this AlterNet article...]
This is so outrageous. Many people are now out of a job. Patients are without access to their meds. Black market criminal activity will increase, as well as prices.
[Hope and you need some spare change?]
Obama is one cruel dude. He's lost me, but many of my outlaw grower friends are happy with his war on pot. The market has been glutted with inexpensive and beautiful buds for years. Now the guerilla growers and the gangs can look for the prices to rise again.
[The Mexican drug cartels are also very happy as well as thankful to the Bamster's DEA for laundering their money for them al norte de la frontera.]
None of this makes any sense. The reasons that led to cannabis prohibition are laughable. Reefer Madness propaganda still lives on, after 75 years.
[Actually it make perfect sense. Big Pharma wants in on the medical marijuana market and has used its re-election campaign donations to direct Obama to put the competition OUT of business.]
More change we can believe in
[Obama 2012!!!]
I stock up every time I go into town.
[Good new! In my other role as the Coupon Whisperer I have located medical marijuana COUPONS for you. Enjoy!]
if the goon squads don't have time to play with them the IRS will do to them. what they've done to Harborside in Oakland. Deny deductions.
[That way Eric Holder can continue to pretend that he isn't prosecuting the current medical marijuana distributors. He can just let the IRS do his dirty work for him.]
Google Harborside IRS for the gory details and the future of all dispensaries. It's right there.
[Or just watch "Weed Wars" to see how The Bamster is putting the screws to them on orders from his Big Pharma paymasters.]
The oldest club in the nation, The Marin Alliance For Medical Marijuana, has operated by the book since the beginning. They are licensed by the town of Fairfax, CA, operate with the town's blessing, but the feds are getting ready to close them down. They aren't allowed to claim any business expenses. The IRS is after them for millions in back taxes. No providers are safe anymore. The shit is hitting the fan.
[Sorry but Obama's re-election bucks have priority over all civil liberties. Smoke that in your bong pipe.]
He won't miss my vote when I stay home next November.
[No Toke. No Vote.]
Not only is there seemingly no national reporter that realizes this elephant in the fracking dining room but apparently few others realize the significance of this. It's really quite astounding.
[What's really astounding is that NONE of you have figured out that Obama is cracking down on pot at the request of his Big Pharma paymasters. But then you can't say "Dopester" without saying "Dope."]
This is not a good thing. The feds are not allowing dispensaries to claim business expenses. Non profits will be targeted soon enough.
[They already have as you can see on "Weed Wars."]
The President supports legal Medical Marijuana!
[But only if it is sold by his Big Pharma paymasters.]
How's that hope and change working out you?? (Insert smiley face here)
Dude, my hands are huge!
If the libtards would put down the bong for more than 2 minutes, they might sober up enough to realize state law does not trump federal law. Then again, if they sobered up, we'd be denied the comedy that is the left wing, including OWS and DU.
"...your humble correspondent, whose abhorrence of smoke polluting his lungs has prevented both tobacco and pot from entering those chambers,..."
Really? So you've never enjoyed the beauty and warmth of a campfire, which would cause "smoke to pollute your lungs"? And you've never been on or near a city street, which creates more toxic smoke and pollution than any joint ever could? Well, good for you. Some of us are a bit braver.
Putting tobacco smoke and cannabis smoke in the same category makes you look ignorant. Enjoy your life, but don't support jailing others for their lifestyle choices which do not affect you. Thanks.
What a DOPE! I can't avoid general air pollution (although I did leave LA for mainly that reason) but I can CHOOSE not to put tobacco or pot smoke in my lungs. By your reasoning, since I am breathing in air pollution anyways, I might as well go whole hog and smoke three packs of cigarettes per day. Oh, and pot does have all kinds of crap in it that, like tobacco, I don't want in my lungs.
I don't smoke tobacco or marijuana
although once I did both. It's a choice I made years ago and I've never regretted it. Tobacco and pot both produce a buzz (albeit quite different) and both produce toxic chemical compounds. So I'm always amused by pot smokers like "free radical" who think they are superior to to everyone else based on what they inhale.
P.S. As a former pot smoker I think marijuana should be legalized, if only to keep worthless hippies out of jail. But it's a "lifestyle" that no longer interests me.
"...as the executive director Steve DeAngelo of the largest medical marijuana dispensary, Harborside Health Center, is battling the Feds attempt to DESTROY that business." PJinc
What are we talking about here? It seems, from the statement above, that PJinc is deriding the Feds for going after a marijuana dispensary and trying to destroy it.
The problem with this is that it's been going on for fucking ever. And you jackasses have been behind it forever.
Are you advocating legalizing marijuana, PJinc? Do you think the Feds are wrong for going after a state sanctioned marijuana enterprise?
I, the mighty trog, somehow think you've had a come-to-Jesus-moment. Why? Because it's a leftist position. That's why.
Or...you're for decriminalization because Obama's criminalizing it like everybody else has for decades. Therefore, because Obama's doing it, you're suddenly all for you're for decriminalization.
Wow. You guys are on board either way. He must be doing something right.
(no one could've predicted that if Obama took a stand, even if it was YOUR stand, you'd be against it...too big a stretch)
"P.S. As a former pot smoker I think marijuana should be legalized, if only to keep worthless hippies out of jail. But it's a "lifestyle" that no longer interests me." kat
Well then...according to you, you were a "worthless hippie". Worthless. Even though I'm sure you've atoned somehow, it's sort of sad you see it, or any other aspect of your life, this way.
Why? Because I'm hoping you had a good time once and a while you were going a little wild.
I know I, troglaman, did...those antelope hunts after endless shots moss wine and get-a-giant-wad-of-psychodelics-up-your-nose-with-a-bamboo-shoot? Holy shit.
I'll never forget those times...regardless of the fact I can't remember a thing!
I was never a worthless hippie, just a worthless pot smoking working guy. I never had an epiphany, I just stopped, perhaps I realized I was wasting time getting stoned, staying high to avoid making decisions and commitments.
On the other hand maybe it was the discovery I could drink lots of beer and not get arrested.
TROGLAMAN, The Sick Perverted
Clone of William Rivers Pitt, said...
"...as the executive director Steve DeAngelo of the largest medical marijuana dispensary, Harborside Health Center, is battling the Feds attempt to DESTROY that business." PJinc
What are we talking about here? It seems, from the statement above, that PJinc is deriding the Feds for going after a marijuana dispensary and trying to destroy it.
Thanks for showing everyone once again that you failed every test on reading comprehension that you've ever taken and that irony is totally lost on someone with your exceptionally shallow and limited intellect.
TROGLAMAN, The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt, said...
"Are you advocating legalizing marijuana, PJinc? Do you think the Feds are wrong for going after a state sanctioned marijuana enterprise?
I, the mightly pathetic trog, somehow think you've had a come-to-Jesus-moment. Why? Because it's a leftist position. That's why."
Wrong again, Guttersnipe, but then not much can be expected from someone of your ilk who only knows how to respond to reality by power-slamming their head up their ass.
"P.S. As a former pot smoker I think marijuana should be legalized, if only to keep worthless hippies out of jail. But it's a "lifestyle" that no longer interests me." kat
Well then...according to you, you were a "worthless hippie". Worthless. Even though I'm sure you've atoned somehow, it's sort of sad you see it, or any other aspect of your life, this way.
Ye Gods, Guttersnipe, you are the most condescending worthless self-righteous self-absorbed jackass I've ever heard on on the INTERNET.
"I was never a worthless hippie, just a worthless pot smoking working guy" kat
You're a guy? Holy cow! My inner homo was sooooo wrong on this one. Jesus (I'm hoping this will teach the little bitch some goddamn humility, but I doubt it).
"On the other hand maybe it was the discovery I could drink lots of beer and not get arrested." kat
There is that. Point taken. But how do you tell the difference between a "worthless pot smoking working guy" and a "worthless hippie"? Tie-die perhaps?
I think it would be fair to refer to you as a "worthless pot smoking working guy hippie". Wouldn't you? But they're both worthless. Can't forget that.
And despite Mr. Stinkwagon's protestations ("you are the most condescending worthless self-righteous self-absorbed jackass I've ever heard on on the INTERNET")...'worthless' is kat's word, not mine.
And...I, the mighty trog, according to the pungent Mr. Stinkwagon, am the most "self-righteous self-absorbed jackass...ever heard on on the INTERNET."
The entire INTERNET. Thank you, sir.
"You're a guy? Holy Cow!"
"Guy" is a generic term, I could be anyone (or anything). Bi-Guy?
Guyette? Big Guy? Live with the ambiguity.
Didn't we already have this conversation?
"Didn't we already have this conversation?" kat
I already told you the best moments of my life are the one's I don't remember.
I'm fine with your ambiguity. And thanks a whole hell of a lot for denying me an opportunity to slap around my inner little whiner (talking to you, you fucking cry-baby).
I, the mightly pathetic trog, according to Jerome (who compared to me, the mightly pathetic trog, looks like Albert Einstein), am the most "self-righteous self-absorbed jackass...ever heard on on the INTERNET."
The entire INTERNET. Thank you, sir." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
It's evidence of how stupid you are, Guttersnipe, to act so cavalier in the face of something that negative that is true about a loser like you.
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