Trust Fund Pitt Pledges to Divest All Corporate Income

Okay, I lied. WILLIAM RIVERS PITT never made any pledge to divest his Trust Fund of any income derived from corporate sources. However, like a lot of other leftwing Trust Fund Kids, Pitt continues to slam the EVIL corporations from the comfort of his computer chair. The big difference between Pitt and the protesting Trust Fund Kids is that Pitt TALKS a good tale but as to actually attending these protests...Eh! He can't be bothered. Here is the latest momentous event recorded by Pitt on his Facebook Page:
Humongous red-tailed hawk is roosting in a tree right outside my window. I've had apartments smaller than that thing. Just awesome.
Meanwhile within the space of just a week, Pitt posted a total of FOUR DUmmie threads about the importance of these anti-corporate protests and how OTHER folks (meaning not Pitt) should attend them. Take a look at Pitt's conclusion to his ironically named Onward to Wall Street:
The onus is not on these protesters. They're there, doing it. The onus is on us to pile in with them, to make the crowds and the central message unavoidable and un-ignorable. The goal of the Wall Street protest is to get the rock rolling down the hill. That's done; the rest is up to us.
It turns out that the only thing that Pitt piled in the past few days was a couch to watch sports on the tube. Meanwhile right there in Boston there was a dopey #occupy protest downtown but Pitt, after urging his readers about the importance of attending, couldn't be bothered to do the same.
However, if Pitt won't attend these anti-corporate protests, we can bring him into it whether he likes it or not. I urge folks out there, especially in the Boston area, to show up with a table and sign exactly like the one above: "Sign the William Rivers Pitt Pledge to Divest Your Trust Funds of any Income Derived from Corporate Sources." Of course, such a sign would attract a lot of attention and curiosity but don't expect any Trust Fund Kids to actually sign that pledge. Best of all would be if TV reporters interview you. Yeah, just imagine Pitt reclining in his comfy couch idly sucking down cigarettes and munching on Cheetos and suddenly he sees that sign on the news. We are talking thermonuclear mental explosion here.
Meanwhile, Pitt, give my regards to that humongous Bolshevik red-tailed hawk roosting outside your window.
That would be hysterical.
Pitt again, that tiresome man.
Humaniod castrati?
"Trust Fund Pitt Pledges to Divest All Corporate Income"
So the fuck what.
But let's peel the onion a bit. PJ's view of the occupying protests presents a paradox. Have you noticed he keeps associating "trust funds" and "corporate income" with the dumb fucking hippies who are protesting? As if these stupid hypocrites don't understand where their bread and butter came from (trust funds)?
Do you really think the hundreds of thousands of people who are showing up fall into this category?
Yes, you do. Sadly, you're wrong.
But here's the paradox, PJinc uses "trust funds" and "corporate income" as somewhat of a pejorative.
In fact, PJinc is a big fan, as are all of you, of trust funds and corporate income.
So the whole "trust fund rich kids" filling the factually wrong. They're not rich kids, that's a fact. So why would you paint them that way when a land filled with trust-fund rich kids living off corporate profits in Sparkle Pony Land is exactly what you want?
It's all noise. Anyone of you cowards found the courage to tell me why the economy collapsed in '08 yet?
Didn't think so.
"But let's peel the onion a bit. PJ's view of the occupying protests presents a paradox. Have you noticed he keeps associating "trust funds" and "corporate income" with the dumb fucking hippies who are protesting? As if these stupid hypocrites don't understand where their bread and butter came from (trust funds)?
Do you really think the hundreds of thousands of people who are showing up fall into this category?
Yes, you do. Sadly, you're wrong." - Troglafuck
Prove it, Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad. I bet you couldn't even if your worthless excuse for a life depended on it, you worthless fucking idiot.
FOAD, Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad.
"Prove it, Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad. I bet you couldn't even if your worthless excuse for a life depended on it, you worthless fucking idiot." The ULTIMATE Man
Prove what? That the hundreds of thousands of protesters aren't all "trust fund kids"? I never said they were. You did, fucking moron.
Go ahead and prove they are, you stupid, stupid worthless asshole...then let's run away together.
Are these protest's just another "deflection of critisism" of the great Muda in the White House? If Bush was still occupying the house, would protesters still be picketing Wall Street or would they be in D.C. blaming bush?
The first Black one ....Can not be a bad one, we must make sure of that!!!
::: watching TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - prove he can't even comprehend his own comments let alone anyone else's for at least the 50th time :::
No matter how many liters of Everclear you pound down, Guttersnipe, you can't cheat the hangman...your fate draws closer, your fear is driving you ever closer to complete madness, and no matter how often and viciously you power-slam your head up your ass, you can't ignore reality forever without paying the price somewhere down the line.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me make wild assed statements as fact and demand they be proved wrong. Me am brilliant so whatever me say am fact. Me am brilliant so whatever me say am brilliant.
Me say stuff then me not understand what me say and me act like someone else say it because me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"The first Black one ....Can not be a bad one, we must make sure of that!!!" troglanon
This is somehow, according to troglanon, what I'm (a dumb fucking lib) thinking. I'm thinking that Obama WILL not fail...because he's black and I, the mighty trog and a flaming lib, will never ever let a black man fail.
Sure. That's just exactly what I'm a minute...that's what YOU'RE thinking you stupid, racist dick-skin.
JJ? Mr. Stinkwagon? Tell me why the economy collapsed in 08. Tell me or forever remain a pussy. Is it possible you don't know?
Sure. That's just exactly what I'm a minute...that's what YOU'RE thinking you stupid, racist dick-skin.
I am not a racist...I believe a man can fail regardless of his well as being able to rise with disregard to his color....All I'm saying is, Some Dogs Don't Hunt!!!!! Regardless of what side there on D or R!!
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me am racist because me back Democrat no matter what them do because them always good Repubs always evil even tho Democrat sell out blacks them always good Repubs always evil.
Me will throw my personal god Obama under bus so flaming Liberal forces not be blamed and black man get framed for failure.
Me will continue to make outrageous statements to cloud fact me not have clue because me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Pitt has another "Bank On It" post. I'm not making it up.
Unbelievably stupid...
"All I'm saying is, Some Dogs Don't Hunt!!!!!" troglANON
Is it? Is that what you've been trying to say after all this time?
And isn't that a line in some movie or something, you plagiarizing bastard? Never mind. It's not important.
"Some dogs don't hunt" is not normally put forth as a defense against an accusation of racism. Why?
Because 'Some dogs don't hunt' is a universal response. And a good one! For example...
"Do you happen to know the time?"
Some dogs don't hunt.
"This is really hard to say...but I...I fucked your mom last night."
Some dogs don't hunt.
"I'd like two whoppers with cheese...and two cokes, please"
Some dogs don't hunt
"How bout this black guy in the white house?"
Some dogs don't hunt
It works for friggin everything. EVERYTHING! I would suggest this response when confronted with authority (other than a game warden).
"Sir, are you aware of the fact that when I drew my gun, you immediately began touching yourself in my presence?"
Some dogs don't hunt
See? There has never been a more perfect response than this. Ever.
But if you kept on using it over and over...all good things must pass.
After thinking about it, uttering "Some dogs don't hunt" as a response to being called racist would mean your either a redneck dumbshit, or a racist. There really aren't any other choices according to you.
I vote dumbshit.
It means the mans not very good at being president....
You should lay off the coffee troglaman/pitt
Anonymous said...
You should lay off the coffee troglaman/pitt
Coffee isn't the problem for Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt. His problem is a combination of too much consumption of straight Everclear, blind hate of reality, and unreasoning fear of reality. Coffee might kill Guttersnipe because it just might wake him enough so reality finishes off his fantasy world to the point no matter how many times he slams his head up his ass, reality is still there mocking him.
"I vote dumbshit."-Troglaman
I know and he got elected in 2008.
"I vote dumbshit."-Troglafuck
Takes one to know one...
FOAD Troglafuck, you stupid fucking jackass....
"It means the mans not very good at being president...." trogANON
Fine. But I wasn't talking about whether he was a good president or not. I was saying that I think you're a racist and you responded with "Some dogs don't hunt" (which means, duh, that "Obama's not very good at being president.")
Of course it does! You're not a racist because Obama's not very good at being president.
And I'm supposed to buy this steaming pile of crap? Would you? Sorry...stupid question.
I, a modest and humble troglaman, am merely telling you what you told me, troglanon, you psychotic fuck-knuckle...but never mind. It may be that the rest of us need to catch-up with your superior thought processes.
I'm sure that's it.
FOAD Troglafuck, you racist fuckwad.
"I, a modest and humble troglaman..."
Modesty (in both senses of the word) and humbleness have never been your failing.
"Modesty (in both senses of the word) and humbleness have never been your failing." kat
Oh, yes they have. But rarely here, I'll give you that.
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