"The Debt-Strangled Budget": DUmmies debate the debt ceiling

We're now into July, and the debate is heating up on whether or not Congress will increase the debt ceiling before the August 2 deadline. Where do the DUmmies come down on this? Why, raise the debt ceiling, of course! And make The Rich pay for it! If it's a choice between taxing more or spending less, the DUmmies will take taxes every time--as long as they're not the ones having to pay them.
But cut spending? Cut their socialist wealth-redistribution schemes that are bankrupting this country? No way! Which is why the DUmmies *should* be singing this song (but they won't):
Oh, say, can you see
By the debt ceiling's height
How profoundly we failed
At our socialist scheming?
Whose Big Government cost
Makes us quarrel and fight.
Were the programs we hatched
Just us foolishly dreaming?
And the budget's red ink,
Dollars sent down the sink,
Gave proof that we might
Have a need to rethink.
Oh, say, does that debt-strangled
Budget yet rise,
Or will spending now freeze
And we fin'ly get wise?
Lots of threads to choose from, too many to link to. We'll just pick and choose from here and there. So let us now read Debt for DUmmies, in Red Ink Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, is in the tax [brackets]:
Obama steps into debt talks
[He stepped into something, alright.]
Well they know Obama will cave.
[They call him the Caveman.]
$4 trillion in deficit reduction. Where's that coming from, if they're not cutting Social Security?
[Michelle's vacations.]
could be achieved without any cuts to SS or Medicare. they will have to tax the rich, of course.
[TAX THE RICH! TAX THE RICH! TAX THE RICH! The answer to all questions.]
Its simple. Get rid of the Bush tax cuts.
[Bush's default.]
Cut defense by 1/3.
[National defense--the main thing the federal government is SUPPOSED to do.]
Problem solved.
[Do NOT touch--do not even LOOK AT--at our unconstitutional socialist wealth-redistribution schemes!]
I bet Obama has a tattoo of Satan on his ass, so you'd think from some of the crazies here.
[They so crazy! It's on his lower back!]
NYT: Could Obama just ignore the debt ceiling?
[NYET! But he'd like to.]
Man I hope Obama nails the GOP on this. People follow a strong leader.
[Putting "Obama" and "strong leader" in the same post raises the doubt ceiling.]
Because of the 14th amendment the debt ceiling is unconstitutional. . . .
[This is the latest grasping at straws by the Democrats, i.e., twisting a little clause out of context from the Constitution--which they normally don't give a rip about--in order to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!]
Obama can not raise money or levy taxes. Does he just borrow from Peter to pay Paul?
[Ron Paul would not approve.]
The nuclear option is for Obama to simply instruct Geithner to ignore the debt ceiling. . . .
[Obama could put the debt ceiling on his iggy list.]
"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law... shall not be questioned," reads the 14th Amendment.
It sounds like it means: You can't invalidate the debt with a stroke of the pen. On the other hand, there's nothing in the 14th that says you have to spend like a bunch of drunken sailors and drive the debt up to unsustainable levels either.
[Kewpie Doll! DUmmie Abq_Sarah, you go to the head of the class!]
The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. . . .
Looks like Obama is in a pretty good spot under that senario. Being forced by the constitution to ignore the debt ceiling. Like when I am forced to drink a beer, watch Star Wars, and eat a huge pizza.
[Life under the basement ceiling.]
Defaulting isn't required. There are still sufficient revenues, even if the debt ceiling remains unaltered, to provide for paying the interest on the debt. . . . Of course, the downside is that any spending requiring new debt would immediately have to stop, meaning that while the federal government as a whole wouldn't shut down entirely many parts of it would.
[Sorry, DUmmie Igel, we have only one Kewpie Doll in our treasury per day.]
this is getting stupid now. call their f***ing bluff.
[Talk of cutting spending is STUPID!]
The 14th Amendment addresses the obligation to pay for the debts incurred by the Government. It does not allow the executive branch to spend money not authorized by the legislative branch.
[Boy, the Kewpie Doll aspirants are coming out of the woodwork! Is this a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL invasion or what??]
Republicans are willing to destroy the economy in order to get rid of a Democratic black man in the White House. It's pretty much that simple, really...
[When all else fails, play the Race Card.]
This is alll about politics.. the republicans want to keep the economy from recovering as long as possible to diminish Obama's reelection chances..
[This DUmmie parrots Chuck the Schmuck Schumer's latest talking point.]
The republicans want to kick the can down the road! This sh*t WILL COME UP AGAIN!! But the next time it does, a N***a won't be in office and it will get done! NO F***IN QUESTIONS ASKED!!!
If it wasn't for parroting MSNBC talking points these gastropods would have absolutely nothing at all to say.
I don't think I could handle that much peace and quiet.
it is like the blind leading the blind
The most racist people alive, dwell at the DU....I've come to expect this from the Hypocratic Party!!
"Why, raise the debt ceiling, of course! And make The Rich pay for it!" PJinc
You are, of course, aware of the fact that the debt ceiling was raised more than once during the W's administration...and the administration before that...and the administration before that...and the administration before that...
Have you had any problem with that before now? Of course not. I don't seem to recall you bitching about it when W did it. In fact, I doubt most of you chimps even knew he was doing it. But he was. And you were silent.
What was the tax rate on people who's income exceeded $250,000 during Reagan?
Defend it. Defend Reagan or don't. Because you're all smarter than him, right? Or you're not. Why was Reagan wrong by taxing the rich at the rate he did? Obama would tax them at a lessor rate.
Get it? Reagan taxed those making more than $250,000 more than Obama wants to.
Explain that, you stupid, stupid jackasses. Explain why Reagan raised taxes a buttload during his tenure and yet still left office with the largest deficit in our brief history. Explain it.
And explain how the rich have helped out during these difficult times. Cite one sacrifice. As a matter of fact, it seems to me, troglaman, that the rich actually CAUSED most of this bullshit.
Do you really think those owning private jets should get a tax break for owning their jet? Should oil companies making record profits receive tax-payer subsidies to the tune of tens of billions a year?
According to you stupid motherfuckers, these guys deserve even more. More tax-breaks. No minimum wage. No collective bargaining. More privatization. Less regulation.
You're inability to recognize your death wish is the most interesting thing about you all.
Morbid interest though it is, it's why I love you. You seem to be charting our doom and like it. Who would've thought?
Troggy, you ignorant slut!
Reagan, urging the voters to call thier Congressmen and Senators forced through the Reagan tax-cuts, which included a lower marginal tax rate on "the rich". The Reagan tax cuts also reduced the number of tax brackets, and eliminated a bunch of deductions. As a result of these and other changes to the tax code, the tax revenues coming in to the government DOUBLED. Unfortunately, both houses of Congress had Democrat majorities at this time, so with this influx of monies the Democrats had to spend like ... well like Democrats. (I was going to compare to drunken sailors in a whorehouse, but they only spend their own money, and only until they are broke. Then they STOP.) As a result of this profligate spending we had the so-called "Reagan deficit", which was really just another Democrat deficit.
I do wish you would know your history before you open your pie hole.
I want to see what happened in Minnesota happen to the Federal Government. That will show that at long last the GOP has some backbone and that the Democrats will finally be shown for what they are.
"...both houses of Congress had Democrat majorities at this time, so with this influx of monies the Democrats had to spend like ... well like Democrats." troglanon
RR began with tax cuts during the recession, but took about half of them back before his term ended.
“Reagan signed into law the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act in 1982 before the recession was even over and went on to sign 10 more major tax increases during his administration. By 1988 he had taken back half the 1981 tax cut."
And he left office with the largest deficit in American history.
What you seem to not realize, you stupid toadstool, is that your formula - reduce taxes = increased jobs...doesn't work. It...doesn't...work. Show evidence. You can't.
Government spending does. FDR brought us out of the great depression by spending on infrastructure. And it worked.
Reagan signed those bills into law not because the Dems had somehow hoodwinked him or presented him something he couldn't veto. He signed them into law because he wanted to avoid a complete and utter financial meltdown...something your last group of baboons couldn't think their way out of.
Let me be clear. You stupid dumbasses caused this. And you continue to advocate a failed strategy. You have nothing to offer. Nothing. You won't even cop to the fact that you fucked up. It's someone else's problem.
So let me ask you - who bears responsibility for the meltdown in '08? Once you answer that (honestly), wouldn't you have to agree that there was something wrong with the plan? After all, it didn't work.
And yet you double down. Mystifying.
Reagan taxed those making more than $250,000 more than Obama wants to.
So you must worship at the altar of Saint Ronald then.
Let me be clear. You stupid dumbasses caused this.
Nurse! Double dose of anti-stupid here, please.
Down Syndrome runs in the family, huh?
Government spending does. FDR brought us out of the great depression by spending on infrastructure.
..and the dumb just keeps on coming. HINT: Technically, the country didn't come out of the depression until roughly 53-54, numbnutz.
Another round of stupid for you? Sure, I'll buy.
"So you must worship at the altar of Saint Ronald then." jarhead
No, dumbass, I don't. And neither do you, right?
You saying worshiping Reagan is a bad idea? I think you are.
"You saying worshiping Reagan is a bad idea? I think you are."
And this is why you shouldn't try to do your own thinking, Troggy. Combine weapons grade stooopid with inexperience in thinking and you get ... Troggy!
"You are, of course, aware of the fact that the debt ceiling was raised more than once during the W's administration...and the administration before that...and the administration before that...and the administration before that..."
But it was a wee bit smaller than the $14 trillion debt hole that O!bama and the reactionary left have gotten us into.
Oh, and the lying, hypocritical reactionary left tried to use raising the debt ceiling as a political club against President Bush, don't forget that.
"And he left office with the largest deficit in American history."
Sorry, that honor belongs to the O!bama regime and his reactionary leftist synchophants.
::: watching Troglaman The Guttersnipe howl like a mad dog and angrily power-slam his head repeatedly up his ass in a blind rage at the real world :::
Sad, sick and pathetic...just what one expects from Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt.
"And he left office with the largest deficit in American history."
That'll be Obama in January 2012, think $16.5 trillion.
"FDR brought us out of the great depression by spending on infrastructure. And it worked."
It sure as hell didn't work. We had this conversation before Troggy, the end of the great depression had nothing to do with FDR's policies. However they did manage to extend it.
"But it was a wee bit smaller than the $14 trillion debt hole that O!bama and the reactionary left have gotten us into." TANSTAAFL
Stupid shit for brains...
It was also a wee bit smaller than the debt Bush I left us. It was a wee bit smaller than what W left us.
See here's the deal. Reagan raised the deficit. Bush I raised the deficit. Bush II blew the fucking deficit through the roof.
The fact that you stupid mother fuckers raise the deficit every fucking time you take office...that shouldn't mean something? And never mind the fact that every RepubliDUm proposal for economic recovery actually INCREASES THE DEFICIT BY TRILLIONS because of tax cuts.
This is simply true, you morons. Your answer to our economic problems is...let's make it worse. Ryan's plan increases the deficit by trillions.
Is it really necessary for me, the mighty trog, to point out that if you decrease revenue, you increase the deficit? It happens the moment I walk into office and decrease taxes on rich people. Instant deficit. It's not complicated.
And if you try to make up for this deficit (caused by decreasing revenue) by taking away from public education, public safety, infrastructure...blah blah blah...then what's obviously happening is the vast majority of us are paying for the privileges of the rich. It seems impossible to come to any other understanding.
I dare any one of you brave patriots to prove me wrong.
Frightened by reality and fueled by hate, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - power-slammed his head repeatedly up his ass in a blind rage before emitting the following line of bullshit:
"Your answer to our economic problems is...let's make it worse. Ryan's plan increases the deficit by trillions."
No, that's the answer of the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats who currently run the Federal Government Guttersnipe...in other words people who think like you have as their pat answer to our economics problems "time to make it worse". The GOP has paid attention to the public, unlike your ilk, and have realized the nation can't continue it's current programs as is, while you and your ilk, Guttersnipe, howl like mad dogs that it HAS to continue and screw the consequences. Your side therefore has to be DESTROYED Guttersnipe, and God willing you will be.
And the only way Ryan's plan will drive up the deficit is if we continue this insane spending spree which you and your ilk advocate. Sorry, but that can't be allowed. You're a liar, as usual, Guttersnipe.
"The GOP has paid attention to the public, unlike your ilk..." jj
What? Have you paid any attention to how Americans feel about cutting Medicare? Social Security? Increasing taxes on the rich? Banking reform? Same-sex marriage?
Polling indicates people overwhelmingly want Medicare and want Social Security untouched. They overwhelmingly want to increase taxes on the rich.
So you're flat out wrong, jj, you stupid bunghole. The GOP don't represent shit other than their corporate lords.
Terrified by reality and fueled by HATE, TROGLAMAN - The Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - power-slammed his head repeatedly up his ass in a blind rage as he emitted the following piles of worthless mental excrement while howling like a mad dog:
"Polling indicates people overwhelmingly want Medicare and want Social Security untouched. " - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
And the GOP is trying to preserve both systems while the DSA is working to keep them from being reformed so they will both not only not be untouched they'll be destroyed and take our economy down the tubes with it. And which side do YOU back Guttersnipe? Like the good little brain-dead flaming jackass you are, you support the total destruction of both systems by opposing any reforms to preserve them.
Power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass with such force he richochets off the walls, TROGLAMAN THE HATE-MONGERING GUTTERSNIPE emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement:
"They overwhelmingly want to increase taxes on the rich."
Not when they understand that means either prices go up on items or businesses shut down as a result of those tax hikes. And unless they are brain-dead as you are, Guttersnipe, they do. Not to mention the fact that those polls are set to produce certain results, something that I know far more about than you could ever dream of comprehending.
Keep up your fantasies, Guttersnipe. And go screw yourself.
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