DUmmies Fear Obama Will Cave In to Republicans

Waxman to Obama: if you're going to cave, tell us right now
[If you're going to stab us in the back...do it now!]
this is about a meeting a few weeks ago with Obama and House democrats:
One Democrat who was there said Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) bluntly asked Obama whether he was willing to fight for Democratic priorities amid GOP calls for trillions of dollars in spending cuts.
[Only if it doesn't cut into his golf time.]
In asking the question, Waxman said he’d asked several Republicans about their White House meeting the day before and had been concerned by their response.
“To a person, they said the president’s going to cave,” Waxman told Obama, according to his colleague’s account.
[Because to extend the negotiations would cut into his golf time.]
“If you’re not going to cave, eliminating that misunderstanding is very, very important to the negotiations,” the lawmaker said, retelling Waxman’s message. “And if you’re going to cave, tell us right now.”
[Wow! This is actually some great info here I did not know about before. And upset Democrats make me HAPPY!]
Obama, however, “didn’t answer the question,” the Democrat added. “Obama got in a huff, and he said, ‘I’m the president of the United States, my words carry weight’ — which is not the answer,” the lawmaker said. “That’s not what anyone challenges. It’s whether he is doing this negotiation in the right way.”
[I am the PRESIDENT! I eat arugula! I play golf! I fly around in Air Force One! So SHUT UP!]
The White House declined to comment Monday. Waxman’s office did not dispute this account of the White House meeting, but said the lawmaker was traveling and could not be reached to comment on it.
[And now to the DUmmie reaction to Obama's impending cave...]
Is anyone surprised? Anymore?
[Nope. Budget negotiations are much too tedious for the community organizer who just wants to eat his shrimp and hit the links.]
I think we can all read Obama like a book. A very simple book. Like that "My Pet Goat" book. Even though it's still early, we can see who is going to be the goat in these negotiations.
Why should he change now? He's demonstrated under even....less demanding circumstances that he only knows how to negotiate away, (or cave); he's never shown a spine, never shown resolute unyielding stance based on principle; he has no principles, it's all the game. Why is anyone expecting anything else. I'm sick to have to say this - but we have to face the truth.
[GASP! You dare cast aspersions of the ability of the Blessed Lightworker to conjure up miracles?]
That is what is so depressing. He squandered a majority
when he held one. Then, he empowered the conservatives, while pissing on his base. We all have come to expect one thing from this president. Given a chance to find the muddle ground, he will cave in faster than a non-union construction ditch in an Alabama mud pile.
[Obama had a supermajority in the Senate and a huge majority in the House and all he has to show for it was the political poison pill known as ObamaCare which President Bachmann is sure to terminate in 2013.]
That statement from Obama felt like a sucker punch to me.
[Delivered to all the suckers who voted for him.]
Everyone .here if you go to the whitehouse website tell Obama don't cave. He needs to hear it.
if he does cave . . . i see a primary challenge in his future.
[Dennis Kookcinich...Tanned, rested, and READY!]
The Moonbats are incredibly delusional....how the hell do they expect someone with NO leadership skills to provide leadership? Yet they continue to look to The One to give them leadership, something he couldn't provide if his life depended upon it.
Heh, wonder what happened to the DU rule of never bashing Obama. I realize DU would have a total of 5 people if they enforced it.
Primary challenge? No way, the Democrat Party is far too invested in Teh One to allow that at this point. His re-election absolutely depends on a vast majority of Black voters turning out for him, a given iwth Obama, and a successful primary challenge within the Democrat ranks would ensure most of that demographic stays home, come the general election.
Anonymous said...
Primary challenge? No way, the Democrat Party is far too invested in Teh One to allow that at this point. His re-election absolutely depends on a vast majority of Black voters turning out for him, a given iwth Obama, and a successful primary challenge within the Democrat ranks would ensure most of that demographic stays home, come the general election.
I wouldn't be too sure about that...Edward Kennedy picked 1980 to finally run for President for a reason. Trouble was The Swimmer didn't really have an answer to why the public should elect him President and his last name (unlike his initial run for US Senate) was not enough to get him over an incumbent.
I think somewhere there may be a GENIUNE Democrat who, like Kennedy, will look at this failed President and decide to mount his white horse and ride to the rescue by running against The Obamassiah. The biggest barrier to that however isn't the black vote IMO it's the fact the party is now under the near absolute control of Moonbats. But there may still be a strong enough core of actual Democrats to give an opponent a fighting chance against the Moonbats and their Obamassiah.
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