"It's Over. Weiner Has Survived."

It must be tough to be a DUmmie. You're riding high on Monday. You're down in the DUmps by Thursday. It's the Freudenschade Express, and you're riding that roller coaster, round and round, up and down, up and down, week in and week out.
So it goes with Weinergate. On Monday the DUmmies were crowing. Now today they are eating crow. Witness this THREAD, "It's Over. Weiner Has Survived." It started on Manic Monday, but now it's Torpid Thursday, and the roller coaster is going DOWN, FAST!
So let us now hop on the Freudenschade Express--in the red car, please--while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, popping the popcorn not the champagne, is in the [brackets]:
It's Over. Weiner Has Survived.
[YES! What great news! What a RELIEF! Pop the champagne corks, everybody! Weiner has SURVIVED! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! THANK you for posting this, DUmmie SoDesuKa!]
This Weiner thing has been kicking around long enough that there aren't any more undecideds on the issue.
[They've been kicking that Weiner thing around till it's blue in the face. Let's move ON, people!]
The ones who've called for his resignation haven't closed the sale, and barring any more revelations, it doesn't look like they're going to.
[He's safe! He survived! Hooray!!]
The discussion now moves to academic considerations of why the people who wanted Weiner out couldn't close the sale.
["The people who wanted Weiner out"? I thought it was Weiner himself?]
I think they just didn't make their case that he was too reckless to continue. He simply made a mistake, that's all.
[A "mistake" would be dialing a wrong number. "More than a mistake" would be tweeting your congressional member.]
The Weiner matter is already starting to fade. . . .
[The Weiner matter is shrinkng before our eyes.]
I give the guy credit for hanging tough.
[So to speak.]
Bravo, Anthony. We need guys who don't back down.
[Way to go, Little Anthony! You did it! You didn't let them get to you! Right on! Power to the people! Now let's get some reactions from the reassured DUmmies . . .]
The Wife Isnt Home and It's Not Wednesday Yet.
[Manic Monday is not Wifey Wednesday. But surely Huma, being the prog protégée of Mrs. Clinton that she is--surely she wil stand by her man!]
If he does resign. . . .
["If"? "IF"?? Why, how can you say such a thing?? DUmmie SoDesuKa just ASSURED us, "It's OVER! Weiner SURVIVED! The bad guys FAILED!" Come on! Don't be such a DUmmie Downer!]
"Wednesday When the Wife Returns" sounds very ominous.
[Nonsense! Tony will make sure her undies are folded and back in the drawer nice and neat. She'll never notice!]
He reminds me of a squirrel with nuts in his cheeks. . . .
[Look, I know he goes to the gym and all, but I don't think he's THAT flexible!]
He'll be stripped of his committee positions. . . .
[At least!]
If you present the constituents of his district a new poll. . . .
[No, please! Not another!]
Weiner's opponents don't fear a backlash but perhaps they should.
[Weiner would probably enjoy a backlash.]
There are lots of people who think Weiner's being hounded. . . .
[That too??]
I'm not so sure he has the final say in this. The O man does not approve.
[Weiner IS the O man!]
the O man is not a dictator.
[He's a dictwitter.]
LOL! Yeah, it's starting to fade. Wishful thinking. Maybe if you clap your hands.
[Clap your hands for Tweety! C'mon, kids, clap your hands for Tweety! Keep clapping, that's it!]
Weiner will do the Letterman show and be all aw-shucks about it.
[Why, sure, this is just one big joke! Nothing to worry about! Tony will do the Top Ten Stupid Human Tricks, and that will be that. BTW, is Letterman still on the air? I hadn't noticed.]
There is absolutely no reason for Weiner to go, and dozens of reasons for him to stay.
[Yes, keep clapping! Tweet is getting stronger!]
I do not want to belong to the party of family values
[I believe you.]
Possible slap down tactics..
Yea, Anthony, don't get your boxer-briefs in a bunch.
Sure, ok, we will address that issue, just keep your pants on.
Wow, you sure are stressed, wanna borrow my cell phone?
[Weiner's been slapped long enough!]
24 business hours, man. 24 business hours.
[That's all! Then the TRUTH will finally come OUT: Weiner was HACKED! Bank it!]
No f***ing way Weiner should go anywhere. . . . I'm so f***ing sick and tired of all the sh*t that goes down under Repug rule, and enough is enough. Weiner should stand his ground and tell everyone "f*** you!" who tries to pull him down.
[A big "F*** you all!" press conference. Yeah, I'm sure that will help.]
I just hope there are no new photos. The drip, drip, drip is excruciating.
[Hope and clap! Hope and clap! Clap, clap, clap! (What is this, a Dr. Seuss book?)]
Whats the point of surviving when you've lost all credibility? Who's gonna sponsor a bill with Anthony Weiner?
[Barney Frank? The Weiner-Frank Act?]
Thank God Eric Holder is attorney general and not in congress
[Holder-Weiner? Hee! Hee!]
This too shall pass.
[Weiner-Frank or Holder-Weiner?]
I think you're being a bit harsh toward Weiner.
[Ward, aren't you being a little hard on the Weiner?]
The wife is to be home tonight, MONDAY. Trip changed
[Oopsie! Oh well, Huma will understand. No worries.]
we are not the party of family values
[We're perverted, and proud of it! Hang in there, Tony!]
If he hangs in there, he will survive.
{He WILL survive! He WILL survive! I know it, I know it, I know it! Keep clapping, people! . . . A final reassurance from DUmmie SoDesuKa . . .]
As a matter of current reality, this one's over. If the Republicans aren't bringing it up, the Democrats won't either.
[Yes, and Little Anthony is not bringing it up anymore, either. Oh, THANK you, DUmmie SoDesuKa for being such a voice of reason! Now we can rest easy, our Weiner is safe and secure!]
[That was then. But Manic Monday has now turned into Torpid Thursday. Elevator going DOWN . . .]
Now, it's almost over.
[Wait! I thought it already WAS over! DUmmie SoDesuKa ASSURED us! Weiner SURVIVED! Weiner LIVES! Speak truth to power, Tony! Don't let the bad guys get you down! What do you mean, "NOW, it's almost over"?]
It's a damn shame that a message so strong was carried in a vessel so weak, but make no mistake, Weiner did this to himself.
[Did what? WHAT did Weiner do to himself? I mean, other than the obvious, of course. . . .]
LOL, pretty bad call there chief..."It's Over. Weiner Has Survived." Wrong in spectacular fashion.
[What are you saying? Are you implying that . . . that . . . Weiner has NOT survived? How can that be??]
Confusing wishful thinking for reality has been a big part of this whole debacle.
[No no no! Keep clapping, people, keep clapping!! Tweety WILL survive! Tweety WILL survive! He HAS to! He just has to!!]
Appears this thread was premature
[Freudenschade: The premature elation of the DUmmies when they pop the champagne too soon, and then it turns to DUst in their mouth when things go south.]
Its official.
I now feel only pity for these poor simpletons. I feel sincerely sorry for liberals.
It's like watching a blind kid tripping over the curb over and over. It's not his fault. He's blind.
They're just ignorant. And foolish.
I can't imagine how they deal with being so spectacularly wrong so very often.
Keep us posted on what they think of the three studies released suggesting a coming Ice Age is more likely than Global Warming.
Their tears of disappointment on that one should also be FUnnie and pitiable.
"Now, it's almost over."
Yes, Weiner is gone while Karl Rove walks a free man. Suck on that Dummies!
It's like watching manic-depressives talk to each other. Every once in a while, a sane person interrupts the crazy talk. I love it!
"Bravo Anthony, we need guys who don't back down."
Okay, what have the Dummies learned from this (and other) sorry scandals involving prominent Democrat politiicans?
Not a thing, nothing, zip, nada, bupkis.
Weiner joins Elliot Spitzer, John Edwards and Charles Rangel in disgrace as the DUmmies go on denying everything while inventing ficticious Rove plots.
Sad, delusional people who provide us endless entertainment.
"Bravo Anthony, we need guys who don't back down."
Okay, what have the Dummies learned from this (and other) sorry scandals involving prominent Democrat politiicans?
Not a thing, nothing, zip, nada, bupkis.
Weiner joins Elliot Spitzer, John Edwards and Charles Rangel in disgrace as the DUmmies go on denying everything while inventing ficticious Rove plots.
Sad, delusional people who provide us endless entertainment.
JK said...
Its official.
I now feel only pity for these poor simpletons. I feel sincerely sorry for liberals.
It's like watching a blind kid tripping over the curb over and over. It's not his fault. He's blind.
They're just ignorant. And foolish.
I can't imagine how they deal with being so spectacularly wrong so very often.
Sorry...but the Troglaman Clones/Moonbat Community get no pity from me.
They are not ignorant simpletons. They are DELIBERATELY IGNORANT MORONS. They know better and would rather ram their heads up their ass than accept reality.
I for one hope there are more A. Weiner incidents coming forth from the DSA (Democratic Socialist Party of America aka "Democrats"). The public needs to be reminded from now to Election Day just how dangerous these moronic Moonbats that were put in power are and how desperately we need to destroy at the ballot box as many of the remaining DSA politicians as we possibly can.
The moral quotient on that website is incredibly low. It does astound me.
Can we agree to pity them as we destroy them with certitude?
Anon, 12:20AM
It's the incredibly low intelligence quotient of the DUmmies that is really astounding.
Poor, sad, myopic Libtards *pat pat*
Now run along and weave hemp necklaces and leave running the country to the grownups. There's a good Prog.
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