Pumped up: DUmmies gassing off on gas prices

The rising cost of gasoline is causing a dilemma in DUmmieland: Should they be FOR it or AGAINST it? Should they be blaming someone or thanking someone? The immediate reaction is to feel the pain at the pump. But then, doesn't the higher cost dissuade people from driving, and isn't that a good thing? What are the Unseen Corporate Powers trying to do, make us drive less? Shouldn't we thank them, then, instead of blaming them? What's a DUmmie to DU??
Of course, for those who don't like the higher price of gas, it must be the fault of those Unseen Corporate Powers. Don't bring up things like restrictions on the domestic drilling that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Don't mention all the tacked-on taxes, which causes the price per gallon to be much higher ten minutes away in Illinois than it is here in Missouri. Don't mention Obozo's inept handling of the crises in the Middle East. No, it's all an evil plot by the Unseen Corporate Powers!
Well, these are DUmmies we're talking about, so no matter what, you know they'll be gassing off. As they do here in this THREAD, "Gasoline hits a high for February," and this THREAD, "Fill up your tanks tonight," and this THREAD, "Got gas yesterday--$2.95 gallon. Gas today? $3.10."
So let us now step on the gas and drive over to DUmmieland, where the comments are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering if PJ's got coupons for free gas, is in the [brackets]:
Gasoline hits a high for February
[That's BAD! No wait! That's GOOD! Oh, I'm so confused!]
Pump shock is hitting much of the East and West Coasts, with New Yorkers paying as much as $3.79 a gallon, and parts of the Midwest, where some Chicagoans found prices as high as $3.69 a gallon.
[I don't suppose burdensome regulations or tacked-on taxes would have anything to do with the higher prices in those places, would they?]
just payed 3.67.. $45.00 to fill up my element.
[Donny, you're out of your element!]
Thank the heavens I have a prius!
[Prius praise to Gaia!]
You should be paying $6 per gallon. I don't see why you guys complain so much. Gasoline prices should be taxed to make it cost $6 per gallon. If it costs so much, you'll be driving small vehicles. . . . I'm for the high gasoline taxes.
[Yes, HOORAY for higher prices! Only, why stop at $6 a gallon? Piker! Jack it up to $7 or $8! Heck, $20 or $30 a gallon would pretty much stop all driving! Wouldn't that be loverly?]
Yea, it's kind of a blessing in disguise. But the extra cost isn't going to taxes, it's going to profits to keep small-minded, greedy people fat and happy. Let's hope this is the proverbial capitalist rope they bought to hang themselves with.
[D*MN those happy little capitalists! From the gallons to the gallows with them!]
Most of the money goes to crude oil producing countries. Actually, a lot of the money goes to oil producing countries, their state oil companies, and taxes.
Which why its $8 / US gallon in the UK. Taxes.
[OK, you and the previous guy share today's Kewpie Doll for a Brief Moment of Mental Clarity®.]
Yeah! That's the ticket! FORCE us to buy new cars and pay $6.00 a gallon for gas out of the money from the jobs WE DON'T HAVE! That'll learn us! . . . I'm so glad we have people like you here on DU to show us lost gas guzzlers the way, the truth and the light.
[You can always WALK to the work you don't have.]
if you don't have a job, then maybe you should consider using a very small car with a very tiny engine.
[That, or a skateboard.]
We can't manufacture a natural resource like oil, it comes out of rocks underground.
[Really?? I did not know that.]
I, for one, blame Bush.
[What a surprise!]
Fill up your tanks tonight
[Tanks a lot!]
I'm not going anywhere for at least two weeks
[I've got my Doritos, Domino's delivers--hey, I'm SET here in my basement Moonbat Cave!]
I put $30 in my tank at $3.33, the lowest price I could find. . . . But when I drove away, I discovered that it's only 3/4 full. *sigh*
[You're only $10 away from a full tank.]
Non-ethanol gas is $3.59 here in NY, but the closest station that sells it is too far away to make it worth it.
[Hey, I can get you $3.07 here in Missouri! Come on over!]
Crude goes up and down, gas prices only go up.
[But you can always count on the DUmmies to be crude!]
Got gas yesterday--$2.95 gallon. Gas today? $3.10. Driving is a luxury. Eating is a luxury. My health insurance just went up--although not nearly as badly as some people's. Texas just raised the legal limits on liability insurance--so my car insurance went up. Only thing that hasn't gone up is the wages.
[The Obama Recovery continues!]
Profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit. . . .
[Imagine, people going into business TO MAKE MONEY!]
Just wait. It will be $5.00 in a week or so.
[WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Less driving! Gaia will be so pleased!]
Well...sit down on Mama's lap and I will tell you a story. Once upon a time, in a great land that everyone loved, there lived two kinds of bears. Democrat-bears and Republican-bears. The republican-bears were a nasty sort. They would take your food right off your table, invade your home and steal it for themselves, and then after they pillaged everything and broke everything, would point to the Democrat-bears and say "they did it!". The Democrat-bears were such awesome bears. They tried to make sure that everyone had their share, or at least enough to survive. They tried to make sure everyone had their own treehouse. They were very caring and sharing. Unfortunately, the Democrat-bears were too kind, to a fault. They would open their homes to everyone...including the nasty-republican bears. The republican-bears took great advantage of their kindness. They would take everything the Democrat-bears gave them...but they would always want more. So they lied and did everything they could to get close to the Democrat-bears. And some Democrat-bears (believing the best of everyone), took these republican-bears as their mates. So now, the two different kinds of bears have become almost the same. There really isn't any difference--but every now and then you will see a Democrat-bear that wasn't implanted with the poison republican-bear seed, and who is willing to try to fight the fights that his ancestors fought so well. However, they are losing the battle. BUT, if those pure Democrat-bears ever step back up--there will be food and houses and jobs for everyone--we will live happily ever after. But if they don't, we are destined to live in a land that is pillaged and raped by the republican-bears--and the happily ever after will remain only in the fairy tales.
[BEWARE THE BEAR--the nasty, raping, pillaging, poison-seed-implanting republican-bear!]
Start crying when it goes over $5 gal. Americans are paying way to little for gas compared to Canada and Europe.
[Yeah, get with it, you backward redneck Muricans! You need to suffer more, like your enlightened neighbors!]
I hope to see $6.00 a gallon. People drive less.
[Let's just outlaw driving and be done with it.]
"We can't manufacture a natural resource like oil, it comes out of rocks underground."
Actually we can, through a process called "coal gasification". Last I heard of it, the Governor of Montana was claiming that his state has a coal supply sufficient for a 200 year liquid fuel supply at our current burn rate.
The process has never been fully pursued due to environmental overzealousness and the fact that the oil is "too expensive" at around $50/barrel. It's sure looking cheap about now...
"I, for one, blame Bush"-DUmmie
I didn't detect any irony here at all. Makes me think he/she isn't just a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL making a joke.
Especially the Mama Grizzlies.
I don't suppose any of the geniuses over at DU made the connection between oil going to $100/barrel and unrest in the oil producing and exporting nations. By the way, DUmmies, how much oil is coming out of the worker's paradise of Venezuela these days? Your buddy Hugo nationalized their oil industry and the oil companies are no longer making any of that evil profit from the oil now. So that brought the price of Venezuelan oil down right? Of course, with the government running things there, the equipment has not been maintained and Venezuela is not exporting nearly as much oil as they were, which makes the world price of the oil go up. It's called supply and demand you idiots.
BUT, if those pure Democrat-bears ever step back up--there will be food and houses and jobs for everyone--we will live happily ever after.
What's even funnier (or scarier), is that these douchetools actually believe that crap.
Heh,....Fractured DUmmie Tales.
There actually looked like more than a couple Lousy Freeper Trolls, on that thread. Heh, heh, heh.....
Delusional AND immature.
Does anybody know the average age for DUmmies?
The 'bears' story sounds just about right for their intellectual level if you ask me..
Dummie energy policy.
No new drilling. ever.
No new refineries, every.
No hydroelectric since the lily lipped libtard guppies may be harmed.
No wind energy as it makes getting the poultry McDonald's uses for nuggets all to easy to acquire.
No new nuclear plants, even though they produce not a drop of greenhouse gases nor has a single person died in the US from the nuclear industry, still no. Because we say so.
Drive up the price of gas making it impossible for people to even get to work, if they have a job while lining the pockets of terrorists and Huge Chavez (Dummie hero, I know) with each barrel we buy.
Make the cost of transportation so high for food, people will literally starve to death not being able to afford to buy groceries. But that would take care of overpopulation.
Those who are left can sit around soy based, earth friendly candles, writing collections of Erotic Progressive fairy tales where evil conservatives are destroyed and Obama's approval rating is actually 100%.
Do these guys even have any idea what $6 per gallon gas (diesel is even higher) will do to the cost of food? There is a reason why food cots have increased over 10% in the last 12 months. Just raise the price to $6 per gallon and watch everything you eat raising by another 15-25%. Even the DUs wouldn't be happy with those results.
Anonymous said...
Do these guys even have any idea what $6 per gallon gas (diesel is even higher) will do to the cost of food? There is a reason why food cots have increased over 10% in the last 12 months. Just raise the price to $6 per gallon and watch everything you eat raising by another 15-25%. Even the DUs wouldn't be happy with those results.
No they wouldn't...they'll scream liked raped apes. And then they will do what one would expect the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats on DU to do - blame the oil companies, food industry, grocers and farmers for price gouging and demand the government either slam them with "windfall profits" taxes or put on price controls.
Nice job, Tami. You're spot on, nice work.
Agree, Tami you are ON IT! :)
"Hey, I can get you $3.07 here in Missouri! Come on over!"
Attention any and all lurking Democrats, that was just a joke, gas here in Missouri is at least $10 a gallon and cash on the barrelhead at that (Maybe $15 by the time I finish typing this), and a $100 cash deposit just for stopping beside the pumps is absolutely required.
Well, let me rephrase that, it's not exactly a joke, it's a cruel, wicked trap to lure you here and then steal your hard-won if slightly fraudulent disability handout money. After you're broke we send you to the Soylent Green factory.
Please stay the Hell out of MO, for the love of Gaia!
The one particularly idiotic "Bear" story is a complete reversal of the truth. Last time I checked, the Democrats/ liberals are the ones who want to take food off your tables (i.e. Michelle Obama and other hypocritical health food Nazis seeking to ban Happy Meals, ban trans fats, ban salt, and force restaurants to greatly lower their portion sizes), steal the money you earned so it can be redistributed to greedy union thugs and illegal immigrants, then blame all the problems on EEEEEVIL Republicans.
I have an idea! Lets blame everything on "liberals" because they are clearly the driving force behind all the problems of the world. Not that humanity has always had these problems, lets blame it on people who didn't "vote" the same way we did and have a different viewpoint on the collection & usage of taxes. because they are sooo evil and sooo stupid because they don't want to eat dead animal flesh! omg what DUMMIES! organic food ha ha! what a bunch of liberal crap, they don't support dumping chemicals all over the environment, those dumb ole' liberals, always good for a laugh.
SERIOUSLY, get a new hobby. you're wasting your life away worrying about trivial differences between humans. Do something meaningful, which is not run a blog about how dumb "liberals" are.
Mini, a red herring? Come on now! I would think that whether this is your first time looking at this blog or if you've been lurking for a while that you'd be better than that.
Now try again. If you bring an actual argument instead of a logical fallacy next time then I'll respond to you.
I have an idea! Lets blame everything on "conservatives" because they are clearly the driving force behind all the problems of the world. Not that humanity has always had these problems, lets blame it on people who didn't "vote" the same way we did and have a different viewpoint on the collection & usage of taxes. because they are sooo evil and sooo stupid because they don't want to firce people not to eat what they personally choose to! omg what DUMMIES! regular food ha ha! what a bunch of teabagger crap, they don't support screwing over poor people to "save" the environment, which is perfectly fine BTW, those dumb ole' teabaggers, always good for a laugh.
SERIOUSLY, get a new hobby. you're wasting your life away worrying about trivial differences between humans. Do something meaningful, which is not run around posting whiny comments to other people's blogs about what meanie doody-heads they are for having a laugh at your expense.
plz 2 b learning the definition of SATIRE, cupcake. kthx.
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