DUmmies Believe Hillary Claim About Not Running For President Again

Hillary Clinton says she won't run for president again
[Lucy says she won't pull the football away.]
Again. She's always said that. She'll be too old. Biden will be too old.
[Except that Biden is so delusional that he actually stated he might run in 2016.]
Biden, though, has always been up front. When Maher asked him on his show about running Biden said, yeah, I decided I'm gonna run. Real low key. That was his announcement! And even know he was asked about Prez after O's two terms and Biden said "maybe -- it's too early to even think about it".
[Like I stated. Biden is DELUSIONAL.]
I agree....I believe her too
[Is that you, Charlie Brown?]
I've heard rumors about Hillary supossedly taking Biden's vp spot in 2012 so that she can segway into the WH in 2016. I think thats a good idea.
[Obama wants his enemies close but NOT that close.]
Of course, everyone in a TV interview tells the truth 100% of the time.
[Hmmm... Do I detect a note of sarcasm there?]
I'm sorry, but I do not see why Obama did not let Hillary win in 2008 and run in 2016. By then he would have had the experience he needs to be a truly great president. Now he is simply over his head.
["Simply over his head. Now there is a bigtime understatement.]
I think this thread should be locked.
[Just when we get an honest assessment of Obama?]
I take Hillary at her word & commend her for making a wise decision for the good of the country.
[Great. Now you can go ahead and kick that football she is holding.]
No sitting SOS is going to say after a mere 9 months of a new administration that he/she will be running for president in the future. She may honestly feel that way, but life has many twists & turns and no one knows where it'll take us.
[And this DUmmie WINS a Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment of mental clarity!]
No-one seriously believes Hillary wil run in 2016.
[You're right. I believe Hillary wil seriously run in 2012.]
I love Joe, but I think most people see him as a likable clown.
[Who had a few brewskis too many.]
If the opportunity arises, and Hillary feels she can and should win, she'll run and likely win. I hope that's in the cards!
[They are in the cards. And the cards say "2012."]
She's thinking more about her job she is doing now. And not about her political life.
[Kick hard at that football!]
I love the crazed chipmunk photo. It's soo her.
Obama's numbers will have to have tanked so badly that there is no hope of victory. Then, Hillary will be on him like a vulture on roadkill.
Will the American Public want more of the same, even in pantsuits? I don't think so. I'm so sick of Clintons in general...ick.
What eventually happens is going to depend largely on the state of the economy, and who holds the reins in Congress after the midterm massacre. I do believe it will be a massacre.
Two years of Republicans in the saddle with a tanked economy will help His Oneness. He'll have someone to blame his feckless dunderheadism on!
A Congress/White House bar fight with a solid Republican leadership turning this nightmare around will be all to the good...If they can do it in two years.
It's that "solid Republican leadership" thing that's going to be the problem.
I hope and pray that the general wants of the Tea Party are taken to heart, reviewed and (most importantly) that a figure who can clearly state "lower taxes, confirm the judges, secure the border, free trade, smaller government, etc.." will emerge and get the ball rolling.
I don't see that happening right now, and do not expect it from the likes of Huckabee, Romney, Pawlenty, or even Palin, much less from any surprise 'dark horse'.
It's a tough road ahead, and illuminating leadership is scarce.
Should be interesting, though.
A Congress/White House bar fight with a solid Republican leadership turning this nightmare around will be all to the good...If they can do it in two years.
I'm sure that's what Newt Gingrich thought in 1994. Then again, Obama is too far to the left to claim credit for anything we do.
Great post! Of course Hillary isn't going to run in 2012. She is very content at the moment looking like the only sane person left on the Obama cruise ship to Loonyland. The more this administration screws up, the better for her. All she has to do is travel around looking somewhat competant and she will shine in comparison. She knows that Obama has no chance (short of an ACORN resurgance) of being re-elected, and that there is no way that the Dems are going to hold Congress. Why not try and look like the statesman and try to run as a centrist in 2016. She can only hope that Biden is serious about his asperations.
"Hillary Clinton recently claimed that she won't ever run for president again and the DUmmies actually believe her. Of course, Hillary would never lie. Right?...Then, Hillary will be on him like a vulture on roadkill." PJinc
"Will the American Public want more of the same, even in pantsuits?...What eventually happens is going to depend largely on the state of the economy, and who holds the reins in Congress after the midterm (2010) massacre. I do believe it will be a massacre." dumbfuck anon
I'll bet you $5000 you're wrong about 2010. Why won't any of you pussies ever take me up on even ONE troglamatic bet? I'd be a fucking millionaire by now.
So let me get this straight. Hillary lies like a vulture ripping up roadkill and...even more importantly, "Does the American Pulic want more of the same, even in pantsuits?" anon
Now, as everyone knows, when anon refers to "pant suits" he is, ONCE AGAIN, appealing to EVERYONE'S inner homo. Let me, troglaman, put it this way: If you've ever had a conscious thought about pants-suits? You, dude, were in touch with your inner-homo. Scary.
I, troglaman, know your pain.
Poor Troggy.
First, no one said "lies" like a vulture on roadkill. As far as I know vultures have no habit, need or ability to present falsehoods.
The reference was: should Obama fail, Hillary will not hesitate to feast on his still-warm carcass in 2012.
Second, the pantsuits reference has to do with the fact that she (Hillary) first screwed up healthcare (as Obama is now), is extremely liberal (as is Obama), and their only real substantive difference is her choice of garments.
Will being a woman be enough difference to the American electorate? I don't think so.
Finally, you sad little clown, how a chubby, liberal woman in a pants suit has anything to do with homosexuality is something at which only your fevered brain might arrive.
Poor. Even for you.
As to why no one will accept your bets?
I doubt you've ever held a job, have any of the money you offer to wager, or have any sort of personal honor, dignity, or humanity that would require you to pay off when you lose.
You're a poor sort of person. Unlikeable, untrustworthy, rancid in spirit and foul in speech. A dirty sort of drunken ranter imagining some sort of personal grandness that just never come.
I refer you to William Rivers Pitt for a slightly more grown-up example.
Trog, the two biggest problems with taking any of your bets is that I don't think anybody really believes have anything of value to actually stake on one, and nobody believes you'd stand behind it if you did lose.
I'll bet you $5000 you're wrong about 2010.
Sorry, I won't bet against the Chicago machine in the White House or its taxpayer/Soros financed minions. Too many people are now dependent on federal largesse and will not vote for change, any change.
She looks like granny :)
troglaman said...
I'll bet you $5000 you're wrong about 2010. Why won't any of you pussies ever take me up on even ONE troglamatic bet?
I'll take you up on your bet, hell I'll even let you hold the money! Please post your account information and I'll transfer the funds to you asap. Paypal is fine with me.
"The reference was: should Obama fail, Hillary will not hesitate to feast on his still-warm carcass in 2012." dumbfuck anon
Well sure. That clears things up.
So you think Hillary will feed on The Great One's "still warm" carcass in 2012. And, of course, you rutabagas are always right about everything (not).
Anyone else find it interesting how this psychopath makes the statement that Hillary will run again? Let's review:
"Hillary will not hesitate to feast on his still-warm carcass in 2012."
Let's just skip the fact that there is not one shred of evidence Hillary wants to run again and move on to anon's imagery.
So anon...explain. Not that you're involved in or wish for some diabolical scheme to find Obama dead yet "warm" in 2012. God forbid. And yet that's you're metaphor. So confusing. You must be a complicated guy.
"I'll take you up on your bet, hell I'll even let you hold the money! Please post your account information and I'll transfer the funds to you asap. Paypal is fine with me." madcow
Yes. You wish to define massacre or are you willing leave the whole kit and kaboodle to me? Since you're gonna let me hold the money then why not let me decide how I'll keep it?
I'm game. If you have any suggestions regarding the rules, let me know. Otherwise, I'll set up the account and post instructions here.
Another example of conservative, fiscal responsibility.
I love the smell of Ramen Noodles in the morning. It smells like economic ruination.
Better get used to that smell DUmmies, it's going to be your cologne for the next 20 years.
"Better get used to that smell DUmmies, it's going to be your cologne for the next 20 years." kat
Along with the fact that you fuckers were driving the bus when it went over the cliff.
Your viewpoint, kat, and your credibility have been, without doubt, found to be flawed. Anyone with a walnut for a brain (like me, troglaman) gets that.
You fuck things up and then scream and yell that those who are frantically bailing water are REALLY the ones who knocked the holes in the boat in the first place. It's so fuckin pathetic. How old are you? Three maybe?
You people are a force of evil.
Speaking of forces of evil, I saw Paranormal Activity today and thought it was pretty good. Creepy. Blair Witch, Cloverfield, Quarantine...you get the idea.
Jesus troglaman, what are you smoking?
Does a $1.42 TRILLION deficit for 2009 mean anything to you? Does $9 TRILLION in additional debt (a lowball estimate) the next 10 years mean anything to you?
You're riding Obama's bus to Never Land.
"Does a $1.42 TRILLION deficit for 2009 mean anything to you? Does $9 TRILLION in additional debt (a lowball estimate) the next 10 years mean anything to you? You're riding Obama's bus to Never Land." elrond
No. Unfortunately I'm riding the result of Bush's Magical Mystery Tour.
You just don't seem to get the fact that your ideologues put us here.
Are you seriously suggesting that nearly 11 months of Obama has landed us where we are? If so, you're fucking nuts.
You're all so eager for this to be Obama's problem. But you fuckers put us here. Anyone blaming us libs is just wrong.
Stand outside, just for a moment. If you were being fucked up the ass and didn't like it...and whoever was fucking you up the ass said it was your fault you were being fucked up the ass and you should like it...would you have any trouble with that?
I, troglaman, do. But you homos don't. End of story.
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