"Anger - A Rant"

As a result we now have DUmmie Prophet 451 posting a primal scream THREAD, "Anger - A Rant." So let us now savor the exquisite humor of uncontrollable DUmmie anger in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting this is a just a small foretaste of what is to come when public option ObamaCare does NOT pass, is in the [barackets]:
Anger - A Rant (foul language warning)
[Warning not needed since we just assume that EVERY DUmmie thread has an automatic foul language warning.]
Dear Republicans,
F*ck you. No, I'm not joking. I'm sick of this bullshit.
[Oh, thank you for that clarification, DUmmie Prophet 451. We thought you might just be joking.]
I'm sick of the way you've corrupted the public discourse. The way you've made it acceptable to hurl any insult you like at public officials. The way you blame us for the current atmosphere of hatred by accusing us of starting it with hating Bush. Like Bush didn't come on the heels of eight years of your tireless efforts to destroy Clinton by any means necessary, like Bush didn't give us good reason to complain. A couple of posters on a website compared Bush to Hitler and you've used it as free license to compare Obama to Hitler 24/7 and I'm sick of your hypocrisy, where it's acceptable to say shit about Obama that you would have had an apopletic fit (and did) if anythign remotely similar had been said about your guys. Keith Olbermann calls Cheney a fascist when he was actually using fascist tactics and you think that gives you the freedom to call Obama a fascist, socialist, Marxist constantly for no reason at all. F*ck you and your bullshit false equivelancy.
[Oh, I see. It was perfectly okay for DUmmies to hurl insults at Bush but HOW DARE WE criticize the beloved Barack Obama! And only a COUPLE of DUmmies compared Bush to Hitler? Please! We've been chronicling that particular charge many times over here in the DUmmie FUnnies the past few years.]
I'm sick of the way you've made the populace stupid. Around a fifth of your populace thinks the sun orbits the earth, over half think evolution never happened. Your populace actually believe the media has a liberal bias. Not because it has, you have the most conservative media in the free world, but because you've shouted it so loud and so often that you've brainwashed the public into believing it, like the battered wife who parrots her husband's insults. You've got a whole segment of the populace shouting about socialism and fascism and none of them know what the f*cking words mean. You've convinced them that fascism is a left-wing thing. You've got them so turned around that some of them actually believe global warming isn't happening. F*ck you.
[And around 90% of the DUmmies think Uranus affects your destiny. Check out your own Astrology section. The DUFUs have since it provides such great mirth.]
I'm sick of the way you try to destroy the whole concept of government. You've tricked the people into believing that government can't do anything right, always being careful to exclude the army because you love your bullets and bombs but you've so destroyed the public's ability to reason that they don't even think of interstate highways, the space program, the national parks program, etc. Government is always great when it's doing what you tell it and inevitibly corrupt when it isn't. F*ck you.
[The way DUmmie Prophet 451 rants, you would have thought that the Republicans were in control of all three branches of the government.]
I'm sick of your dragging the centre ever further to the right. How many whackjob fringe ideas have you dragged into the mainstream? The aforementioned idea that tax cuts increase revenues, the Laffer Curve, the idea that Welfare harms the poor, the idea that there's rampant fraud in Welfare, the idea that whatever is good for corporations is good for the country. And you push these ideas through your corporate media and you do it so long and loud that they become part of the accepted political landscape and because it is easier to tell a lie than to debunk one, we never get away from this rancid shit. F*ck you.
[Fraud in government spending programs? GASP! Who could think such a thing?]
I'm sick of your casual criminality. Teddy Kennedy, a man who's boots you were not worthy to lick, was just buried and all I've heard from my rightist friends for days is Chappaquidick, Chappaquiddick, Chappaquidick. Your f*cking golden boy raped the Constitution, mainly because he wanted to; tortured random people (and waterboarding is torture, f*ck you too) essentially because he wanted to; spent like a drunken sailor, essentially because he wanted to; invaded a soverign nation, essentially for the loot and destroyed people's lives, essentially for the evilulz and you bastards are obsessed with a f*cking accident a Democrat had decades ago? You don't go on about Laura Bush killing some guy decades ago. F*ck you.
[Don't hurt your head too much while bashing it against the wall during this primal scream session.]
I'm sick of you praising pure evil. You're letting Dick Cheney be the standard-bearer for Republicanism. Dick Cheney, a man so nakedly evil that even his friends call him "Darth"; a man so callous that Lex Luthor would recoil in terror; a man who probably has dismembered hitchhikers in those man-sized safes and kills plants by his mere proximity. F*ck you.
[Stand by! The nurse will soon be arriving at your rubber room with an extra dose of lithium.]
I'm sick of your attempts to tilt the playing field permanently in your favour. Democrats filibustered a few of Bush's most hateful judicial picks and you pricks started screaming about doing away with the filibuster but now you're in the minority, you're filibustering absolutely everything you can and whining when you don't get the chance. You ignored everything the Democrats had to say when you had power and now that you don't, you scream that everyone must be bipartisan. You don't budge a f*cking inch on anything but you insist that everyone must compromise to meet you. That's your idea of politics: Don't move an inch, force the other guy to come to the right to meet you and call the result a "compromise". F*ck you.
[May I pour some garlic salt on that carpet you are chewing to make it a bit more palatable?]
I'm sick of your corporatism. You dress it up in false populism but anyone with half a brain can see that you're the brought and paid for subsidiary of big business. You keep pushing tax cuts as the answer for absolutely everything, you keep sabotaging every attempt to control the excesses of big business. You geuinely think the world would be a better place if it was a combination of Bill Gibson's dystopian vision of a corporate dominated world and Ayn Rand's bullshit Objectivism, yet another entry in mankind's endless attempts to find a moral justification for naked greed. You've taken the clinically insane spewings of a woman literally to the right of Hitler (pardon my Godwins) and the 1984-like vision of a dystopian author and convinced yourselves that would be a good place to live. Big business is the enemy of the people, always has been. The ideal for the corporate class is to have a small pool of people rich enough to buy their f*cking crap and a much larger pool of people so poor and with so few options that they can be used and abused at the corporation's whim. A corporation's objective is not to look after you, it is to make ever-larger profits by any means necessary. You bastards want to reinstate f*cking slavery to the corporate class and you've made the public so f*cking stupid that they actually swallow the bullshit you're serving up, they actually want to enslave themselves to the corporations that abuse them at every turn. They actually care more about the corporations right to make obscene profits than they care about their child's right to live on a habitable planet. F*ck you.
[As the shrink in the Gary Larson cartoon wrote in his notepad about the patient lying on the couch: "Just plain NUts!!!"]
F*ck you, you scumridden shitehawks, you make me sick. Just f*ck off and die.
[Please calm down just enough so we can make the proper straitjacket fittings. Okay, DUmmie Prophet 451 has just provided the bulk of the entertainment but there are still a few comedic tidbits left from the DUmmie peanut gallery...]
This is Rude Pundit-worthy and I don't say that to just anyone.
[The DUmmie version of high praise.]
I am weary of the hatred, and I have resolved to do what I can to starve that wolf.
[Posted the DUmmie without the sightest sense of self-irony.]
[Good. That means you won't mind sharing the rubber room with him.]
Pure f*cking poetry. Every repuke on the planet should be forced to read this.
[We are and thanx for the comedic entertainment!]
Your rant speaks for many of us who yearn for the truth, and despise the lies.
[A group primal scream therapy session?]
Republican is a euphemism For bigoted, hateful, authoritarian, totalitarian, Ku Klux Klan, skinhead, treasonous, dumb ass, knuckle dragger, mendacious, prevaricating, corrupt, chicken hawk, short peckered...... And yes, anti American.
[Don't hold back. Tell us what you REALLY think about Republicans.]
Therapeutic! I registered just to say "Excellent rant!" and "thank you!" No time now, but plan to return later. I really like the DU site.
[Yeah, DUmmieland is like the Safe House for the mentally unstable.]