Friday, December 07, 2012

DUmmies cry: "Tax the churches!"

The DUmmies LOVE taxes! They just love them! Tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, TAX!!! More taxes, higher taxes, more, more, more! As long as the DUmmies themselves don't have to pay them. But tax the other guy? Sure! Tax 'em out the wazoo!

Where to find more food to feed the federal Leviathan? Big Government has a Big Appetite. Sandra Fluke's pills don't come cheap, you know. So where to look? Corporations, of course. Rich people, of course. They're all evil. (Well, all of them except for the deep-pocket Democrat donors, I guess.)

Let's see, whom haven't we taxed yet? Hey, I've got it! Non-profit organizations! No, wait, not ALL non-profit organizations. Just . . . just the churches. Yeah, that's it! TAX THE F***ING CHURCHES!!!

You see, that would exempt the DUmmies, since they don't go to church. They HATE churches. They hate Christianity, above all things. The DUmmies are the advance guard of the Democrats' War on Religion. And so, displaying their unique sense of love and tolerance, the DUmmies turn their wrath once again toward Christian churches here in this THREAD, "Does anyone else think it's time to tax the churches?"

So let us now watch the paganized progs take aim at the church as a new target to tax, in Bolshevik Bullseye Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, one who would be added to the growing ranks of the Obama Unemployed if the government were to tax churches, is in the overtaxed [brackets]:

Does anyone else think it's time to tax the churches?

[Someone new to tax? And they're Christians? Sweet! The DUmmies will be all over this like vampires looking at fresh necks.]

Without a doubt. Absolutely!!

[No thinking required!! Automatic yes! You said "tax," which I love, and "churches," which I hate. No-brainer!]


[With even more exclamation marks!!!!]

Especially Christian churches.

[Yes! In fact, ONLY Christian churches! We hates them!!!]

Our government is going broke - it's way past time to end the free ride.

[Or--here's a novel thought--maybe the government could cut back on their spending a wee bit. WHOA! I know. Shocking.]

Long past time. Tax them like the businesses they are.

[Charge 'em back-taxes, too. Retroactive. 200+ years' worth. That'll show 'em.]

Do you want to tax all non-profit organizations, or just religious ones?

[Um, um . . . ooh, that's right. They're non-profit organizations, aren't they? And, and . . . to be fair. . . . Well, my answer is no, not all non-profits, just the religious ones. And really, just the Christian religious non-profit organizations. We hates them.]

I do not see churches as non-profit organizations. . . .

[Even though they ARE non-profit organizations, I don't SEE them as that, and my view is what counts.]

Why is your question even relevant to this debate? No one said tax non-profits.

[Just churches. Because churches are bad. The non-profits we LIKE--no, don't tax them. In fact, tax the churches, and give the money to the non-profits we like, like, the Sandra Fluke Planned Barrenhood Foundation (SFPBF).]

clearly, there are some non-profits that really ought to be taxed, like the Komen Foundation and some of the supposedly non-profits which were really superPACs.

[Oh oh! Did you just say something against the Komen Foundation?? That's SEXIST! Go put a pink ribbon on your head and sit in the corner! You're in time-out, mister!]

maybe exempt them up to a certain size. This might have the welcomed effect of dampening mega-churches.

[Considering how sappy most mega-churches are--they tend to be non-prophet organizations--you almost persuade me. Almost.]

They have a lot of input in politics influencing the voter to vote for certain candidates and pass laws that agree with their theology. This violates separation of church and state, so if they want to play, they need to pay.

if they want to be political they should lose their tax exempt status. Politics should not be spoken from the pulpit. . . .

[You mean like the black churches that have Democrat candidates speak from their pulpits? Like Jeremiah Wright's church? They don't preach religion, they preach politics. Tax them? Put them out of business? OK, I guess we'll have to specify: Only WHITE churches, only Christian churches, and only those where the majority of members are conservative.]

as it is, taxes fall most heavily on the poor and those with no voice.

[Really? REALLY?? Are you referring to the huge number of voters under a certain income who don't pay any taxes at all?? And yet they get to vote, and put an oaf like Obama back in office??]

Long overdue! I would love to tax them into oblivion.

[Diogenes, call off your search. I have found an honest DUmmie.]

You can't pick and choose among non-profits. They all have to be taxed or none of them. Taxing non-profits would destroy most of them. Some of the real big ones would survive but most wouldn't so that is why there would be no political will to do this. Also churches would argue (I think successfully) that it would be a violation of the First Amendment. The power to tax is the power to destroy and that would violate the free exercise clause of the First amendment.

[And WE can call off OUR search for a Kewpie Doll winner! It is none other than DUmmie former9thward, for this Brief Moment of Mental Clarity. Congratulations!]

What profit do churches have? Most churches I know use their entire budget towards salaries, building or charitable efforts.

[Well, yeah. But, but . . . TAX THEM ANYWAY! They're CHURCHES, for Gaia's sake, and we HATE churches!]

Their land and buildings should be taxed. And their businesses.

[And their photocopiers. And their pew cushions. Whatever we can find to tax. Oh, and their potluck dinners. Especially those jello salads with the carrots in them. Tax those into oblivion. Please.]

So the same should happen to all non-profits, right? Otherwise the churches are being specifically targeted, which kind of goes against that Constitution thingy.

[Sorry, only one Kewpie Doll per thread.]

Stop it!!! Facts are really annoying to someone on an illogical rant against their personal boogeyman!


What you are proposing is discrimination against, and in reality elimination of, small churches, synagogues, and mosques in favor of the mega-facility that you seem to think (wrongly) dominates the religious landscape in the US. I am surprised that anyone would favor a concentration of unfettered political power into a handful of super-sized churches.

[The LFTs are coming out of the woodwork.]

Since the republicans think that the churches/religion should take care of people instead of the government, then the churches should be required to serve the poor.

[Fine. We would love to do that. Charity SHOULD be done by private organizations, churches, family, friends, etc., and not by the government. However, first, you would have to stop the government spending on social programs and give the revenue back to the taxpayers, so we would have the money to give toward charitable works.]

Churches benefit from the community.

[Roads and bridges, right? Jesus: "I will build my church." Obama: "You didn't build that!"]

We should - especially now - when the churchs have gotten their foot in the door by bitching about contraception and women's healty rights.

[Correction: We are "bitching" (ironic use of the term) about the government forcing us to pay for things that go against our religious beliefs, like abortifacients for Sandra Fluke.]

Absolutely .. Yes, Yes..and yes!


[Sandra is getting excited!]

burn them down. . . .

[That's a STUPID idea! How could you tax them then?]

churches are sewers of hate.

[Feel the irony!]

Most preachers make little to no money. . . .

[Tell me about it.]

I know alot of priests who drive Beamers. . . .

[I know a lot of pastors who drive beat-up old used cars with lots of mileage on them. Indeed, I know one personally.]

Unite! and Join me a New Movement to Tax all religious church property! . . . churches, schools, diocesan offices, bishops residences, clergy residences, cemeteries, hospitals, universities, retreat facilities, youth camps, megachurches, store front churches, convents, seminaries and all the companies who supply products to those churches including wine, hosts and religious items.

[How about those little plastic individual cups? Most pastors I know wish we could get rid of them. Maybe I'd go along with taxing those.]

Yes Please.

F*** ya!

Time to start a movement.

[I see Sandra, and she has started a movement . . .]

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

[Calm down, Sandy!]


Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

The Troglaman Clones/Moonbats have been fighting to do this (tax churches and non-profits) for years.

Sad thing is they may now actually have the power to do it.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harvard, Stanford, and Yale together have $70 billion in tax-exempt endowments.

Confiscate it all - that would a tremendous amount of good for American society.

Listen to the liberals scream!

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unite! and Join me a New Movement to Tax all ...youth camps,..."-DUmmie

As someone who has been 'inside baseball' on the budgeting for youth camps, even very successful ones, allow me to let you in on a little secret. They're not there to make money, which is a good thing because they don't. Non-profit youth camps cost money.

I don't mean to go all "NIA Nadine" on you but T-shirt, craft, and snack sales in the camp trading post don't make up for the cost of food, trained medical personnel, rifle/shotgun instructors, lifeguards, and horse wranglers, and the rest of the poorly paid staff.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading this at DU earlier in the day. I searched in vain for a dummie to bring up all the churches, especially in the black community, that were campaign centers for obama. Did not see a one. LOL

6:36 PM  
Blogger Ogrrre said...

Simplify the tax code. Make it with only 2 brackets: 10% for conservatives, and 115% for liberals. After all, liberals do not pay their fair share.
Oh, and those are not marginal rates, that is the rate from dollar one. So, finally, the liberals, including the guilt-riddent super wealthy libs like Warren Buffet, can finally pay their fair share. Or, they can STFU about not paying enough.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax the churches, tax the synagogues, tax the mosques, just don't tax the Unitarians.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"tax the mosques,"


"Since the republicans think that the churches/religion should take care of people instead of the government, then the churches should be required to serve the poor."

Oh please, pretty please? As long as the government gets out of the "charity" business completely, even the poorest churches will be more than happy to take over the job.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Ogrrre said...

Here's an idea: force a change to the Constitution so that each time Congress raises taxes on any income group, the taxes on the wealth (not income) of Congresscritters that vote for such tax increase increases to double the top marginal income tax rate.
That should take care of any of those whiny commier rat bastards bitching about the rich not paying their fair sharel

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, churches are more than non-profits, because they have no IRS oversight and receive exemptions for their clergy and property, which normal non-profits don't receive. Secondly, we should just make churches charitable corporations. That way, churches that help the community would deduct their donations and wouldn't pay anything, while the churches that don't help would be taxed.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, churches are more than non-profits, because they have no IRS oversight and receive exemptions for their clergy and property, which normal non-profits don't receive. Secondly, we should just make churches charitable corporations. That way, churches that help the community would deduct their donations and wouldn't pay anything, while the churches that don't help would be taxed.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, churches are more than non-profits, because they have no IRS oversight and receive exemptions for their clergy and property, which normal non-profits don't receive. Secondly, we should just make churches charitable corporations. That way, churches that help the community would deduct their donations and wouldn't pay anything, while the churches that don't help would be taxed.

11:52 AM  

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