Wednesday, August 05, 2009

KOmmies Hail Linda Douglass...But Admit Obama Wants Single Payer

This has to be perhaps the most bizarre KOmmie THREAD I have ever DUFUed, "The White House Combats The Rightwing Crap." Yes, the KOmmies are jublilant that the White House is fighting back against the EVIL disinformation supposedly spread by the videos posted by the Drudge Report. After high fiving each other over the VIDEO response by Linda Douglass, they then let the dirty little not-so-secret out of the bag---That Barack Obama is really in favor of single payer just as the linked videos proved with his own words and that they support Obama because he favors single payer. Bizarre. First we shall look at the KOmmies cheering on Linda Douglass for fighting back against the "malicious smear" that Obama supports single payer followed by the KOmmie comments cheering on Obama for favoring single payer. Can we say schizo? So let us now enter the bizarro world of KOmmieland in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering how the DUFU resident troll troglaman will explain this away, is in the [barackets]:

The White House Combats The Rightwing Crap

[HOORAY for Linda Douglass for fighting back against the vicious rightwing lies that Obama supports single payer! And HOORAY for Barack Obama for supporting single payer which we all favor!]

The republicans are now identified with pure emotion.
You can't stop it. It's not about love of country, or genuine disagreements in policy. It all about the negative part of the human spirit - fear, hatred, envy, greed, selfishness. There's always a component of humanity that embraces these things, and that's why we will never have a peaceful world.

[You can't stop it. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. ]

I don't like the White House statement. I don't want just health insurance reform - I want health CARE reform. I don't like it when the WH plays with words like this statement, asking for our help.

[Psst! Not to worry. Barack is really our side. Pretending to be outraged over charges that he secretly supports single payer is just something we have to do for public consumption. Get it?]

I have yet to hear CNN call the townhall antics orchestrated.

[Good news! Since you have posted this, CNN has hopped aboard your loonie bandwagon.]

There's just way too much BS out there and something needs to be done about it.. Everything from 120 million people losing their insurance to pulling the plug on old people it needs to dealt with right away...

[You mean like the BS that Obama never said that he supported single payer which all you KOmmies support?]

Put the liars back on their heels. Responding tit for tat is not enough, then we are defensive. Put them on their heels and send out positive frames. They will just keep spewing the lies.

[Should we put Obama back on his heels? After all, he is the one in the videos claiming to support single payer.]

take the gloves off. call them what they are-liars and fearmongers who read whatever shit comes off the fax machine in the morning...

[Yeah, how dare they quote Obama accurately and show videos of him saying he supports single payer. This is an OUTRAGE!!!]

It would be nice if it had happened before the goon squads started shutting down the town hall meetings.

[The Thought Police were on recess but now they are back in action.]

They just spew garbage, garbage, garbage, and trust that the Democrats won't have time to combat all of it. I'm glad the White House isn't ducking it, though. They need to go toe-to-toe with these bastards and slug it out.

[Yeah! How dare they tell people what Obama said. Such dirty tactics!]

So glad they're doing this, and from what I hear it's just the beginning. Bravo, White House.

[Bravo, White House, for exposing how the evil rightwing stoops to quoting Obama accurately.]

it looks like we're picking up steam. Dems and Obama and grassroots are out there making the case. Knocking on doors, making calls, holding rallies and town halls.

[Yeah, go out there and make the case that Obama didn't say what he said.-]

the internet is only what you make of it. On balance, for every progressive accomplishment enabled by online organizing, some cheap right-wing attack is also better enabled.

[Posting videos of Obama saying he supported single payer (which you all favor) is a CHEAP RIGHT-WING ATTACK!!!

. . . there was a diary on the Rec List yesterday saying that defending and debunking = losing. So instead of debunking the disinformers and putting the truth out there, maybe we should just call them poopyheads.

[I think you've already initiated that plan.]

The reactionary forces in this country are powerful, but WE are more powerful IF WE ARE UNIFIED AND TOGETHER. Stay together, debunk them, fight back, and stay with your strength!

[How do you debunk videos showing Obama favoring single payer which you support? Weird.]

I saw the Drudge clip. Unfortunately, this video from Linda Douglass does not adequately answer the Drudge video. I wish she would have shown the broader context of the Drudge clips that she says were "taken out of context". Showing clips of President Obama in 2009 does not really counter the argument.

[You are just on the edge of having a brief moment of mental clarity. Close but not quite.]

I agree, the rebuttal was weak. the main thing about the Drudge Video is that they just blatantly lie.

[Of course. Obama didn't say what he said. He lied!]

Checked Drudge this morning and there is a new video that is uncut. It shows Obama saying he wants single payer but they need to get the White House, House of Representatives and The Senate first. If this is the real goal, I wish they would put this forward on its merit. If single payer is not the goal, they need to do a better job explaining why their system will not lead to single payer.

[Oops! You are getting way too close to the truth for comfort. The government-run health care plan that dares not speak its name...for now.]

Sorry, but this "taking action" is going to amount to a big fat nothing. It's a PR move at best. I wouldn't waste my time, quite frankly, unless there were some assurances that something would be DONE about the people behind the healthcare disinformation.

[Send them to The Hague for having the audacity to post videos showing Obama saying exactly what he said.]

The Comments on YouTube...for this video are beyond ignorant on the other side of this argument. It's really amazing.

[Damn those YouTubers for having common sense! How can they not buy the Linda Douglass argument that Obama didn't say what he said?]

This is a warning to anyone who claims to be a "conscientious objector" to health-care reform. You have been duly notified that we are watching you. If you think that being at a public forum excuses you from being civil, think again. We have you on video. Go to YouTube. Look at the videos there. If your face shows up in any of them, we can, and will, make sure that your place of work knows about it. If you apply for work anywhere in the country, and if someone recognizes you, you might be turned down for a job. It is that simple. Look -- we know that you aren't joking around. And neither are we.

[The KOmmie Thought Police have spoken! If you are guilty of a Thought Crime, we will hunt you down and send you directly to Room 101 for "re-eduation."]

I can't believe this crap the right is saying about Obama!

[But do you believe what Obama is saying about Obama? And now to the KOmmie references to the dirty little not-so-secret single payer which they support and are happy that Obama supports...but not in public.]

Thanks Matt Fudge for putting single-payer back into some discussion!

[Thanks Matt even though we have to publicly maintain the fiction that Obama does not support the same single payer that we support.]

Single Payer and WPA 2.0...NOW!!!

[Shhhh! Just don't include Obama in it although he is in it.]

The problem is that these words were spoken... Seems to me that the combo video of Obama/Frank does show that the real intent --be it future or otherwise-- of the public option is to usher in single payer. If they can't be honest about it (the administration), then stuff like this is going to continue to surface, casting clouds over the process. At that point, it doesn't matter whether one thinks single payer is a good idea or not. Trust is lost, and that really hurts the cause.

[GASP!!! You have dared to speak the truth and that is HERESY!!!]


Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

Linda Douglass is the reverse of the recent process of political hacks becoming "journalists" (George Stepanopolis is the prime example of that). Douglass is someone who was a "journalist" who is now a political hack.

But on second thought, considering how the "main stream media" have degenerated from being reporters of news to advocates of the policies of the Democratic Socialists of America and their leader, The Obamassiah, political hacks and "journalists" are pretty much interchangable these days.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Can we say schizo?" PJinc

Yes! (and why does jerome insist on the 'bold') (possibly because he's 'all that')

The Dems are schizo. Big wow. The side fact is that the RepubliDUms have dealt themselves out of the game. They don't matter anymore. We already know what they think - "Whatever Obama wants, we don't."

The fight is going on within the Dem factions. If you imagine this fact as some sort of victory for you dumbshits, you might also consider that your voice has become irrelevant and rethink the process by which you came to your victorious conclusions.

I like the fact the Dems are mixing it up. It's a refreshing change from the endless herds of migrating sheep we've all been observing for the last several years.

2:01 AM  
Blogger Mark Nielsen said...

Wow, Trog. What a lucid explanation. That clears it all up.

4:00 AM  
Anonymous DumbAss Tanker said...

"If you apply for work anywhere in the country, and if someone recognizes you, you might be turned down for a job."

Like any of them are in a position to make a decision like that. Outside of Democrat political staffing decisions, and parts of California and New York (Which would go a long way to explaining local economic conditions in those locales).

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The side fact is that the RepubliDUms have dealt themselves out of the game. They don't matter anymore."

So why are the reactionary leftists pissing their pants over real people showing THEIR Representatives and Senators that they oppose socialist "health care".

(Remind me to tell you the horror stories about my wife growing up under British socialist medicine in Scotland)

-N. O'Brain

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

The fight is going on within the Dem factions...I like the fact the Dems are mixing it up.

Oh, all wise and all knowing troglaman, master of the f-bomb; we beg you, tell us sheep which Dems are engaged in internecine strife.

Is it the Obamaites vs. the Pelosians? The Frankites vs.the
Reidians? The Blue Dogs vs. the Black Caucus? The Trotskyites vs. the Democratic Socialists? Moe vs. Larry?

Cast some pearls before us swine.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

I just about died laughing at that idiot threatening to come to my town and get me fired, or having any kind of an impact on my way of life. Can you imagine that nutcase leaving his Mom's basement for a second except to answer the door for the pizza delivery guy? Even if he would get off his fat ass and attempt it, what could he do? I live in the deep South; remember Dummies, we have the guns and Bibles. We don't cotton to intruders or busybodies in my neck of the woods. So, mr. bigshot, or bigshit, whoever you are, you need to stay in Mommie's basement where you'll be safe and sound.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

Troglaman - The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies blog site - almost had a clue when he issued the following:

The fight is going on within the Dem factions. If you imagine this fact as some sort of victory for you dumbshits, you might also consider that your voice has become irrelevant and rethink the process by which you came to your victorious conclusions.

I like the fact the Dems are mixing it up. It's a refreshing change from the endless herds of migrating sheep we've all been observing for the last several years.

Hate to disappoint you Guttersnipe, but what is really going on is the Democrats are finally waking up and realizing their party has been taken over by Moonbats, Guttersnipes, and Socialists. Democrats don't like the GroupThink that their party now demands of everyone since they transformed from the Democratic Party to the Democratic Socialist Party. It also explains why The Obamassiah has called on his worshippers to go beat up old women and others at these "town hall meetings" who don't blindly march to the GroupThink.

And despite your protestations to the contrary, it will be a victory for those who don't blindly follow the GroupThink as the DSA is finally showing they (like you, Guttersnipe) really do live in and believe in their own private fantasy world, completely denying the reality closing in on them.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have any of the DUmmies or KOmmies actually read the ObamaCare bill? All they need to do is go to the Heritage Foundation website. And, especially read pages 423 - 457 to see what this so-called health reform means for their parents, grandparents, the disabled, and babies. And, for themselves should they become ill.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Corona said...


7:59 AM  
Anonymous Jason Dobbs said...

Poorly written in poor taste. Authors and readers of this article could use an education!

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Poorly written in poor taste. Authors and readers of this article could use an education!"

He said after he "read" the article. So, what's your major?

3:04 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"So why are the reactionary leftists pissing their pants over real people showing THEIR Representatives and Senators that they oppose socialist "health care"." anon

Because they're not. Because you and the rest of you monkeys can't make a coherent argument other than shouting "socialist health care" which doesn't make sense to anyone other than you douche bags.

See, here's the thing: None of you dumbshits can put together anything that makes sense as an alternative. You can't do it. What you can do is show up in march-step and shout "socialist health care", "communist", "higher taxes", blah blah blah. None of which makes any sense. What you don't seem to get is that the rest of us know you donkey-fuck douche bags don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

The fact you don't get that is telling. It might help your cause if it made sense. Just a thought.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"I live in the deep South; remember Dummies, we have the guns and Bibles." susie

And you feel threatened enough to pull out your "guns and Bibles"? Why's that? Think we're about to invade? Tell me, troglaman, why you think so. And then I'll tell you why you're such a psychotic pussy-assed mother fucker. You make shit up just to be afraid. You like it. Us Dummies warrant your guns and Bibles just because you want us to. You need us to threaten you. You need us to be scary because you need to be afraid of something. It's not that us dumbshit libs are actually a threat. I wish we were. It's that you make shit up to make us threatening. You make shit up to be afraid of. TV ZAPPERS for example.

So bring out your guns and Bibles, susie. Sit on your front porch day after day, night after night, and imagine the inevitable invasion, you southern hickassed dumbfucking pussy. If we don't get you, the liberal alligators will.

1:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If you knew troglaman you would cry in the toilet. I never laughed so much as when I saw his video.

Red Commander

11:21 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"If you knew troglaman you would cry in the toilet. I never laughed so much as when I saw his video." Red Commander

There is no video. Anyone claiming a troglavideo is insane or an impostor. And since I already know the Red Commander is insane...well there ya go. There's some grainy footage out there supposedly showing me running around through the's horseshit.

Me and my band are on facebook if anyone would like to see the real troglaman. Not that I care. And I don't want to be your facebook friend. I hate you people. Stay away from me.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Troglaman is Blue Commander and has big guns. Be afraid, very afraid.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

Troggy has friends? Does he pay them? I wonder if I go to troggy's facebook page to see his face, if a picture similar to Linda Blair's from the Exorcist will jump out at me. I've always imagined troggy would resemble that.
Oh, and Sandra, nothing on troggy is big.

6:34 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Oh, and Sandra, nothing on troggy is big." susie

Sandra knows better than you, susie. In fact, since we're channeling here, you're loose. Flappy. You wouldn't know big or small because you just don't have the machinery to measure. You need tightness...squeeze ability...never a real strength of yours.

2:29 AM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

Oh, my aren't we petty tonight. lol lol lol Bless troggy's little heart. He's so pitiable. I am so sorry your life is such a bummer. It must be hard being you. lol lol Better you than me. I hate to break it to you, troggy. I have a wonderful life: lovely family, great friends who truly love me, beautiful house, wonderful job. I work with small children; I love them and they love me. Why do I give a hooey what you think of me. I am an extremely happy person. As I said before, it must suck to be you.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"As I said before, it must suck to be you." susie

Believe it or not, I'm glad you're happy. And it doesn't suck at all to be me. I don't quite understand being strapped to my porch, day and night, with my guns and Bibles but what the fuck. I've got what I've got, you've got what you got. The difference is you're a dumbshit. You're dumb and happy. I'm not. But we're both happy so what the hell difference does it make.

3:07 AM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

I don't believe can't possibly be happy. A happy person wouldn't spill your sort of bile. Calling people you don't even know names and saying filthy words. If doing that sort of things makes one happy, then you must be delirious. But, I just don't see it. You come across as very pathetic. I know all the filthy words you know, but I choose not to use them. Cause in my heart, I know I'm right, and I don't have to stoop that low. I can have peace in my heart. It must be sad to be you.

10:49 AM  

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