DUmmies mildly concerned, but help is on the way!
The DUmmies are starting to become--oh, how shall I put it?--mildly concerned about the upcoming election. I kind of picked that up here in this THREAD by DUmmie PCIntern, "This f***ing election best better f***ing work out in our favor."
Call me crazy, but it sounds like the DUmmies are not quite as confident as they once were that Our President will sweep to easy victory in November. A little anxiety seems to be creeping in. I know, I know, maybe I'm reading too much into things, but I do detect a note of angst.
But allay your fears! Come in off the ledge! Help is on the way! We'll tell you why, sampling several threads from the DUmp.
But first let us watch the DUmmies go into a free-flowing "F"-word frenzy, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, warming up relief asterisks in the bullpen, is in the [brackets]:
This f***ing election best better f***ing work out in our favor . . .
[Hey, relax, DUmmie PCIntern! I thought this thing was in the bag!]
or I am going to spend the next four f***ing years streaming Netflix movies and drinking heavily on weekends.
[OK, so, but what would be different?]
so I don't have to think about where the f***ing country is f***ing going.
[Not thinking should come easily to a DUmmie.]
I never thought. . . .
I never thought I could get this f***ing upset at my fellow f***ing Americans, but What The F*** is wrong with these f***ing morons?
[I sense a trend.]
These f***ing bastards led us into a ditch, pulled out the wires on the distributor cap, and left us for dead. And NOW these dumb-f***s are trying to put them back into the f***ing driver's seat?
[Leave the driving to us!]
[Thank you, DUmmie PCIntern, for that inspiring post. Now let us check in with your comrades . . .]it's truly bizarre and confounding.
[It's F***ING bizarre and confounding. You left out the "F"-word. C'mon, you know better than that.]
I don't drink, but I'm right with you. . . .
[It's not too late to start. Make it a November resolution.]
You can never f***ing have too many f***ing f***s in the f***ing subject line. Best f***in believe.
[I F***ING BELIEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
How anyone in their right mind could vote for the idiots that continue to f*** us over is beyond me.
[The Irony is strong with this one.]
If it doesn't f***ing work out in our favor, then maybe you should instead spend the next four f***ing years just f***ing. As in, as many orgasms as it's possible for one human to have in a four year period.
[In the event of an election lasting more than four years, seek a flight to France.]
F*** and yes. And f***.
[Will Pitt chimes in. He's all in favor of drinking heavily on weekends.]
we survived Bush... but I don't really know if we will survive Romney
We made it through Bushco by the thinnest of margins. . . . Another Bushco could very well bring the end of the USA as we know it if not the whole planet.
[Start stocking up on the Grey Goose NOW!]
[Well, enough of this DUmmie Downer doom and gloom. Let's look on the bright side! Help is on the way! To wit . . .]
With Biden Up Next to Debate, Obama’s Aides Plot Comeback

[Help is on the way!]
I think Biden will take it to Ryan. He isn't Obama.
[Joe, Joe, he's our man! If he can't do it . . . well, we're screwed.]
Can't wait to see that war horse destroy that punk ass whippersnapper.
[Joe is the Battalion Stallion!]
Joe is going to pants Ryan and take his lunch money.
[Shaming Ryan's Privates.]
gee DU said Obama would destory Romney. we all know how THAT turned out
[It seemed he was NOT able to "destory" him.]
Biden has to rip off the gloves and lay into Punk Boy right out of the shoot! And I know where I'll be. Sitting ring side, with popcorn and a good, cold drink.
[I think we ALL should have a drink handy! Yes, it's the Joe Biden Drinking Game! Every time Slo-Jo says "middle-class," we should all take a swig! Drunk within the first five minutes!]
I think we see Biden unleashed in debate.
I know biden is well known for his gaffes, but, honestly....he is a breath of fresh air to me. . . .
[He's like a cheerleader on hard wood--he blows my mind!]
Who else is REALLY looking forward to Biden/Ryan?
I am not a big fan of Biden. . . . I cringe every time he goes off script. I hope they have him properly briefed.
[I hope they have RYAN properly briefed, for when Joe pulls his pants down!]
a tendency to say off the wall stuff. I hope they put a shock collar on him in case he says something really weird.
Ryan sure had some "cocky" answers for reporters today. . . . I PRAY HIS COCKINESS comes thru on every debate. . . .
[Ryan is too Kochy.]
I just want to see how many off-the-cuff wisecracks Biden makes. He's actually a very funny man.
[We at DUmmie FUnnies agree! Plugs is VERY FUnnie! He's Comedy Gold!]
Have Faith in Biden.
[Hardscrabble Joe to the rescue! He will TURN IT AROUND for Obama! The Biden Surge begins TONIGHT!]
Biden has chunks of Ryan in his stool Friday morning. . . .
[He'll need the Biden Bidet.]
He's a Honey Badger.
[Ryan is a Wisconsin Badger. And this . . . is a Li'l Beaver . . .]
The DUmmies are starting to become--oh, how shall I put it?--mildly concerned about the upcoming election. PJinc
Anyone believing this to be true is a fucking moron. DUmmies are petrified that you stupid fuckers will win out. We're fucking astonished that it's even possible.
The fact that this is so close is mystifying to DUmmies. And rightfully so. Why should more of the same shit that blew up the economy be the answer?
There's not one of you idiots that can answer this question. Not fucking one.
That's a fact. Not an opinion.
Nice to hear Ryan act cool & collected while Biden guffawed after the moderators' first question on abortion. We'll put that under the "total class" category.
"Why should more of the same shit that blew up the economy be the answer?"
I agree with you troglaman, I don't want the Democrats anywhere near the budget either.
Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - howled like a mad dog while power-slamming his head up his ass at multiple-Mach speeds and whined...
The DUmmies are starting to become--oh, how shall I put it?--mildly concerned about the upcoming election. PJinc
Anyone believing this to be true is a fucking moron. DUmmies are petrified that you stupid fuckers will win out. We're fucking astonished that it's even possible.
The fact that this is so close is mystifying to DUmmies. And rightfully so. "
Naturally you'd think that, Guttersnipe, since you and rest of the Moonbat community have been living in a private fantasy world the last 4 years or so and are being dragged back in to the reality you're neither morally or intellectually capable of functioning in kicking and screaming like the cowards you are.
You're finally going to have to face reality or go completely insane, Guttersnipe. I'm betting you'll need a padded cell where you stay in a drug-induced zombie stupor since you've proven you can't handle reality nor will you deal with it.
Gotta love Slow-Joe's smirky grin.
He looked like a cracked out Ronald McDonald without the face paint.
"""Why should more of the same shit that blew up the economy be the answer?
There's not one of you idiots that can answer this question. Not fucking one."""
Thats because, once again, you have no substance to your comments or questions. That is not a legitimate question. That is your opinion in the form of a question. If someone answers that question "it shouldn't", that would be a good answer. It would also imply that the answerer is agreeing with your statement.
There is no way to answer that question for someone that disagrees with the message. They would have to say "first of all, the shit didn't blow up the economy". Then its not an answer but rather a statement disagreeing with your comment.
You yeah, you are right, you fucking idiot, not one of us can answer that stupidass question.
Why should more of the same shit that blew up the economy be the answer? There's not one of you idiots that can answer this question.
Hey, dumb bitch, here's another scenario...
Q- "Why would anyone vote for a nazi? I bet not one of you can answer that."
A- "There are no nazis running."
"See, I told you you couldn't answer my question. I win."
Troglesbian, when you reach for shit thats not there, you just make yourself look like the typical female, make-no-goddamn-sense, say-something-that-sounds-good-to-win-the-argument, overdramatic, psycho female that always leaves normal people scratching their heads wondering "what the fuck did we just talk about"
The fact that this is so close is mystifying to DUmmies. And rightfully so. Why should more of the same shit that blew up the economy be the answer?
We fixed part of the problem in 2010. We are going to attempt to fix the rest of the problem in a few weeks. Yet, I have to agree with you, Gwampa. How could sniveling takers elect such a disaster in 2008 after making such a mistake in 2006? Boggles the mind doesn't it? Those Democrats sure trashed the economy. Glad to see that you understand who really trashed this country.
The adults are back to clean up your (D)iarrhea.
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