"Breaking news. Obama caves."

LOL! DUmmie FEAR has now become DUmmie reality...at least in their own tiny minds. Yes, in that previous DUFU edition, the DUmmies highlighted how Nostrils Waxman demanded that Obama tell them in advance if he was going to cave in to the Wascally Wepublicans during the debt ceiling negotiations. Well, now the DUmmies are outraged because they believe that is exactly what happened in this self-explanatory THREAD, "Breaking news. Obama caves." The current status of the negotiations is of little importance. What really counts is that the DUmmies believe that The One has stabbed them in the back by caving which makes for some great comedy material as you shall see. So let us now watch the DUmmies work themselves into an angry lather over what they perceive as the Obama cave in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, who thinks betrayed DUmmies make for FUnnie DUmmies, is in the [barackets]:
Breaking news. Obama caves.
[Did he have the courtesy of giving advance notice to Nostrils?]
I listened this morning to my news radio. The White House confirmed that Social Security and Medicare are now on the chopping block.
[Bring me the head of Alfredo Melson.]
After reading so many f*cking apologists here, telling me that the rumors were false, that there would be no SS or Medicare cuts, I can tell you I was shocked, shocked I say.
[Where would you like us to shove the giant screw, DUmmie ChairmanAgnostic?]
So, I turn on Mourning Joe, and who is there, gloating like a pig who found a brand new sty in which to wallow? Eric F*cking Cantor, refusing to even allow for any tax increase, but smiling because Obama has just f*cked himself and his chances for a second term.
[So what's the downside here?]
SS cuts and Medicare will hurt the lower, middle class citizens, and even more so, hurt the elderly and the sick, the very same people who Democrats were supposed to protect. These cuts will not only damage the Obama Label, it will hurt millions. Now, and for the foreseeable future.
[Look for the Obama Label... I feel that has song parody possibilities.]
Go ahead, stay loyal to the president. Ignore WaPo, NYT, and others, simply because you don't want to believe the message. But the fact is, only Nixon could go to China; only Obama could destroy Social Security and Medicare, two of the most successful social programs ever devised in this country.
[OT but EVERY TIME I go to a Chinese restaurant with my father, he tells the waiter the same old STALE Nixon in China joke which goes: Why did Nixon take Kissinger to China? Answer: With six you get eggroll. The Chinese waiters NEVER understand that joke which is expressed in their confused but embarrassed smiles. I have BEGGED my father to never tell that joke again but he just can't help himself. ...And now to the HILARIOUS DUmmie over the perceived betrayal by the Bamster...]
Every poll was behind standing up to this. Every poll supported increasing taxes on the rich. So Obama caves, in a quixote-like quest for his Lady Dulcinia of Bipartisanshit?
[Let's tax the rich because they got the stuff. That is the whole philosophy here. You got stuff...we want it!]
The big picture. Obama caves, stabs the middle class and the elderly in the back, AND rewards billionaires and large corporations? What a pretty big f*cked up picture.
[Send your complaint to Obama buddy Jeffrey Immelt somewhere out in the tax-free zone.]
I would rather a leader who cheats on his wife than a leader who cheats on the people of America.
[Good news! Client #9 is now free to pursue political interests again.]
For two years, Obama apologists have been mocking everyone who observed that he seemed to be maneuvering himself into a position from which he could make cuts to Social Security and Medicare. They said it was all paranoia, that he'd never touch these programs, etc., etc.
[Just wondering here what happened to Skinner's rule about never criticizing the One? I guess that rule is now Gone With the Wind.]
I'm still worn out from the public option debacle. Turned out it wasn't even on the f*cking table to begin with. So I'm with you. Past performance IS a good indicator of future results.
[Zilch in the past. Nada in the future.]
Never mind that we "waited and saw" Obama backstabbing us on every other issue. We still need to wait and see some more.
[Backstabbed DUmmies are FUn to watch!]
Thus far Obama has not done a SINGLE F*CKING THING to make people who have removed their lips from his ass and opened their eyes believe that this will be anything other than yet another disappointing cave to the right. What a terrible presidency this has turned out to be.
[How much will you pay me to remove your Obama/Biden bumper sticker?]
We wuz had by this man.
[Is that you Ben Burch?]
There should be ZERO cuts and the rich should get taxed back into the stone age...Where the f*ck is Candidate Obama when you need him...
[DUmmie economics explained. Tax the producers back into the stone age so the entire economy shuts down.]
Basically, I said, if he breaths on, looks at, or even nudges SS and/or Medicare, he has lost my vote.
[You left out whizzes on.]
Everyone give the White House HELL. Call the lines. This is unacceptable.
[Yes. Tell them Operation Fast & Furious was an outrage.]
We need a major grassroots movement. And the tea party movement is NOT a grassroots movement. Being funded by big corporations and the wealthy and given media accessibility even when there's only less than a hundred people present is not a grass roots movement.
[Remember the Coffee Party?]
Yeah, I actually figured he was an agnostic during the campaign,
but now it seems like he actually might believe what he says. He seems visibly uncomfortable whenever he has to talk about gay rights or gay people. He acts... well ... like a conservative christian...
[There might be another reason for that discomfort.]
I think I finally figured out the Obama circle logo. I thought it was a wave, but no it is the entrance to a cave!
If this is true, it makes him the worst negotiator ever, but having seen some of his other "negotiations", I may not want to believe this, but I don't find it hard to believe it.
[It would be a pleasure to play poker with Obama.]
no one gives a f*ck what WE THE PEOPLE thing
[I thing therefore I am.]
I'm watching Van Jones and plan to go to the meet-up of his organization on July 17. Van Jones is a better speaker than Obama, and hopefully more honest.
[Yup! Van Jones was completely honest in where he was coming from when he joined the Communist Party.]
I am so not surprised - but I am sick of it and sick of Obama period. what a monumental liar.
[YOU LIE!!!]
he has "CAVED" on all Democratic issues. F*ck, I wish I never voted for that asshole.............I want a do over. Never again. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils!!!! Period!!! Call me Independent or Green. Sick of Corporate American politics!!!!!!!!! I am out!!!!
[May I now place your order for an Obama/Biden bumper sticker removal kit?]
F*ck you Mr. President. I will be cold and in my grave before you get my vote or money again.
[Is that you, Joe Biden?]
Uh oh... When you've lost the intellectually elite of DU, what's left?
Sad thing, I have a suspicion that despite the fact The Obamassiah doesn't have a leg to stand on politically, it will be the GOP that screws the public by caving.
There is no way that debt ceiling should be raised. If it is, it's time to vote out everyone who supports that action, party affliation be damned.
This is the mind of intellect you can expect from people who never spent a day in the Business of Economics department, but lived in the Sociology and Drama departments. Idiots, all.
PS...What will they propose when they run out of other people's money? Tax the poor? Tax the trees?
"The current status of the negotiations is of little importance." PJinc
Why? Because no one knows the current status of the negotiations, that's why.
Let me ask you stupid jerk-offs something...will you be happy if Obama gives away your social security and medicare? Because if he does, it's because your guys wanted it that way and he caved.
You dumbasses are all OK with that, I'm sure.
And I just want to reiterate something again...Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. You and I have paid into these two accounts ever since we got an honest paycheck.
What this will mean is that the account you've paid into all these years is about to be raided to pay for, among other things, tax cuts for the rich. Big boats get a write off. Private jets get a write off. Tobacco farms get a write off. Oil companies get a welfare check worth billions.
But fuck that. Let's take away school lunches. Let's take away pensions. Let's take away firefighters and police. State parks. Teachers.
And Social Security. And Medicare.
Happy now? I'm sure you're ALL drooling at the bit (that's a salivating horse reference just in case you didn't know) even thinking about your boss getting a new home in Palm Springs. How cool would THAT be?
You're all fucking idiots.
Fueled by HATE and scared shitless by reality, TROGLAMAN - The Official Certified Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - repeatedly power-slammed his head squarely up his ass and screamed the following worthless BS:
"And I just want to reiterate something again...Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. You and I have paid into these two accounts ever since we got an honest paycheck.
What this will mean is that the account you've paid into all these years is about to be raided to pay for, among other things, tax cuts for the rich. Big boats get a write off. Private jets get a write off. Tobacco farms get a write off. Oil companies get a welfare check worth billions.
But fuck that. Let's take away school lunches. Let's take away pensions. Let's take away firefighters and police. State parks. Teachers.
And Social Security. And Medicare."
With this latest stupid foul-mouthed rant, Guttersnipe, you have gotten dangerously close to having yourself classified as an inanimate object.
Let me help you make some things clear, Guttersnipe, you flaming jackass. Social Security and Medicare ARE entitlements and if they didn't start out that way, you and your ilk have made them that way.
Everyone's Social Security accounts have already been raided, Guttersnipe, you retarded marmoset, mostly by your ilk for spending sprees such as turning Medicare into an entitlement program.
As for the rest, it's not worth my time as it came from something that couldn't find its own ass with both hands and a road map.
"You're all fucking idiots." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe howling like a mad dog as he power-slammed his head up his ass.
You're not qualified to make that claim since you have the intellectual depth of a bratty child.
F*ck you Mr. President. I will be cold and in my grave before you get my vote or money again.
Then it's true. The dead did vote for Obama.
"Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements. You and I have paid into these two accounts ever since we got an honest paycheck."
Troggy, if you had just stopped after "entitlements" you would have been okay. But, while it is true that the workers have had money extorted from their paychecks for this government sanctioned Ponzi scheme, every bit of money you have paid in and the interest it accrued is paid back to you within two and a half years of when you start to collect. After that you are getting someone else's money.
"tax cuts for the rich." I am getting so tired of hearing that shit! Who the hell else pays income taxes in this country? The poor certainly don't. The top 50% of earners pay 95% of the taxes. The top 3% pays over 50% of the income taxes in this country. Look it up yourself, Troggy. It's on the IRS website.
"Big boats get a write off. Private jets get a write off. Tobacco farms get a write off." Source? The government raised taxes on yachts several years ago. The result? No yachts were sold or even built, no tax revenue came in from the tax, workers were laid off, unemployment benefits were paid to the laid off employees, resulting in a net reduction of revenues to the government. OOOPS! Now, if you want to argue in favor of ending subsidies to tobacco and other farms and for ethanol, I'll agree with you. As for the "corporate jets tax break", talk to Ear Leader about that. He had the tax break inserted into the stimulus bill. It's Obama's tax break, inserted to garner votes for a disasterous economic policy.
" Let's take away school lunches." Finally, you've made some sense! If a parent can't haul themselves out of bed in the morning to fix their kids a decent sack lunch from food bought with foodstamps financed with monies extorted from working people, then charge that parent with child neglect. The taxpayers didn't knock the welfare recipient up, so why should the taxpayer have to pay to raise the kid?
"Let's take away pensions. Let's take away firefighters and police. State parks." Now you're just being silly again. Taking away pensions and 401Ks and IRAs is something the Democrats are trying to do in order to redistribute wealth to parasites. Pensions, 401Ks and IRAs are something workers paid in to using their own money. When a 401K or IRA is used up, it's gone. So the recipient has to plan accordingly.
Firefighters and Police are local responsibilities. State Parks are state responsibilities. Teachers are state/local responsibilities, not Federal responsibilities.
I don't need your fucking social security or Medicare, troggie. I'll do just fine taking care of myself and being cognizant of my future as I get older and plane accordingly for it. Thats one reason why I work, besides not wanting to live in shit as it seems you do.
Can you take that responsibility before yourself, troggie. you got that level of guts to live outside the government system knowing you have to depend on yourself or worse, your neighbor, your family? Yeah people have bought the lie of the entitlement scam and the progressive democrats are pulling their leash in a desperate bid to stay in power and turn this country into a socialist (or worse) utopia. If they get what they want troggie, you won't like how that story ends. Because it never ends happily. Like at the USSR as an example.
"Liberalism has become a cargo cult to the New Deal"
-Jonah Goldberg
" You and I have paid into these two accounts ever since we got an honest paycheck.
What this will mean is that the account you've paid into all these years is about to be raided..."
I don't know wether to laugh or cry.
To laugh at troggyturd because he believes this.
Or to cry for troggyturd because he believes this.
"What this will mean is that the account you've paid into all these years is about to be raided to pay for, among other things, tax cuts for the rich."
Poor Troggy, once again does not know what he is talking about, but he is not alone. Most people think there is a pot of money into which your SS goes and builds interest until you need it. That is not the case at all. The SS Trust Fund currently has an unfunded obligation of over $15 TRILLION dollars... ie. not a pot of money but instead a huge deficit.
SS can't be "raided" because it has already been raided by the feds from day one. There is no pot of money at all. It is funded from the general fund every year by congress.
So, poor Troggy, it can't be raided by anyone for any reason because it isn't there. Never was...
This is also interesting because no private company can run a retirement system this way because it is illegal. Private companies DO have to have a pot of money.. but not the feds...
I don't see how they can do much to SS or Medicare right now. There are many people who depend on what they get right now. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to not give SS funds to people who make over a certain amount of money from all sources. But to just pull the rug out on people either in retirement or near it . . . well, I am not sure that is a good idea.
I would rather we quit funding some of the organizations we fund. Cut back in the waste. Fund only the important. Let's get out of Libya. There are plenty of places where we just need to cut.
'"Liberalism has become a cargo cult to the New Deal"
-Jonah Goldberg'
'Cargo cult' is an even more accurate analog of Keynesian economics.
I suspect most DUmmies are Cargo Cultists. Banging drums, chanting mantras ("Hope and change."), pulling the "D" lever in elections, hoping for yet more government subsidies, pensions, freebies and hand outs.
"I would rather we quit funding some of the organizations we fund. Cut back in the waste. Fund only the important. Let's get out of Libya. There are plenty of places where we just need to cut." troglanon
Yes. We seem to be looking at this as if we have no choice. But we do. Do the math...if we get out of our wars, let Bush's tax cuts expire, cut oil subsidies, and DO NOTHING ELSE, we'll be out of this in a decade or two pretty painlessly. That's all we have to do to turn it around. Everything else is bullshit.
It's not complicated until we contemplate getting off oil. Then it gets complicated. But that's another discussion.
Why can't we ask our politicians to do these things? They're clear priorities. They're not fuzzy. Why can't we elect people that would just do these few things? We can't seem to do it. That's probably our fault.
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