Even DUmmies Admit ObamaCare Mandate Unconstitutional

A "Public Option" Would Not Be Overthrown in the Courts Like Obama's Mandated Healthcare Has Been.
[LOL! All those liberal CongressCritters putting their political careers at risk to vote for ObamaCare and now it might prove to have been completely fruitless.]
Mandating Americans to purchase a service or a commodity, especially health-care, will never stand up and will lose at the Supreme Court of the United States, especially this Supreme Court
[From DUmmie lips to Anthony Kennedy's ears.]
Today's predicted defeat for President Obama's ill-conceived "deal" with insurance companies is the first nail in the coffin of the stupid concept. It's finished.
[Stupid is as Stupid does.]
President Obama pissed away a moment in history that will not come again for our generation to provide health care, Medicare for all, or even an incremental expansion of Medicare to children and those 55 and older (which would have passed the Senate and the House, along with provisions for pre-existing conditions).
[Obama has pissed away his presidency.]
President Obama wasted his first entire year of his Presidency on this doomed "mandated purchase" concept. And it cost us the House of Representatives and nearly the Senate.
[So what's the downside here?]
Instead of focusing on job creation and the housing disaster, the White House fiddled to this idiotic song that will now be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
[Almost an entire half of a presidential term WASTED on something that will be ruled unconstitutional. Hee! Hee!]
One year wasted for nothing.
[Flush it down the toilet.]
What an idiotic approach to solving the health-care crisis in this country. And, predictably, it failed.
[Failure IS an option.]
We are back to square one on health-care and there will still be over 30 million Americans without health-care.
It's simply appalling.
[But also HILARIOUS. And now on to the other DUmmies...]
I was thinking the exact same thing. With a public option the HCR law may have prevailed in court.
[Nancy Pelosi made the mistake of thinking the constitutionality of a law was completely irrelevant.]
Let It Go--Work for Single Payer, or Medicare for All. there's no need to obsess over this turkey of a plan. Let the GOP do the chopping, clear the way for a true reform.
[Yeah, lets go to work on passing a public option health care bill despite the fact that the chances of it passing in the next Congress is somewhere between nil and none.]
How could mandated insurance be constitutional?
[You should have asked Nancy Pelosi that question.]
I've been saying this since it was first proposed. It sets a terrible precedent. If you can be mandated to buy one private service, why not others? Where would it end?
[All citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check.]
We know that this health bill was built like a house of cards and it's sooo easy to blow it over.
[And soon it will be gone, Gone With The Wind.]
It will most likely be overthrown. Single Payer would not have.
[Too late now. Thank Obama for permanently POISONING the socialized medicine well.]
If this president had not been a law professor & self-proclaimed constitutional law scholar, I could understand him having the wool pulled over his eyes by some slick talking Big Insurance lobbyists. There is no excuse for this wasted effort and failure.
[You actually think Obama was awake during law school? Come to think of it, he never even attended law classes. All he had to do was prove he had warm blood flowing through his body and his professors would pass him on to the next level where those professors would do the same thing.]
Honestly, when you aim for mediocrity, complete failure is often what you get. Aim high, and sometimes you get something you can live with. But, too late for that. He's not going to spend another moment on health care reform.
[That is what he gets for farming out the health care bill to Nancy and Harry while he hit the golf links.]
That's a great line! I'm going to steal it.
[I'll repeat it for anybody who wants a new tagline: "When you aim for mediocrity, complete failure is often what you get."]
We actually deserve this: we elected a person instead of a leader of a movement with specific policy aims. We bought into fluffy vagueness and blithe homilies of a Pied Piper who we were enthusiastically swept into turning off our logic gateways to surf pure emotional frenzy.
[Bush's fault!!!]
The Health Care Debacle is a PRIME EXAMPLE of political expediency over true leadership.
[May I send you an Obama 2012 bumper sticker?]
Hey, didn't the Obama faithful promise to help us FIGHT for a Public Option If we supported their beloved's HCR plan? What ever happened to all of those who said "just pass the bill, THEN we'll GET TO WORK on pushing for a Public Option"!
[Yes but ONLY if it didn't cut into The Beloved's golf time.]
Is this an anomaly where the Freepers are running the entire thread?
"How could this be constitutional?"
What was that? I must have misunderstood? Isn't it your team that has been claiming that it is because of the interstate commerce clause. Don't get me wrong I'm glad you guys wasted all this time on pretend mandates but geesh. Oh yeah this is what we wanted to have happen.
What's awesome is the left is falling to pieces and they just can't come up with a good way to spin it to their benefit. Pretty soon they will all claim they were idiot liberals just so they could show America how dangerous their ideas are so everyone would get migrate back to the right side....of everything.....not that many every really left to begin with.
Johnny 5 is alive
Hey what ever happened to the Kewpie Doll award this thread is chalk full of Kewpie Awards so many that you might consider buying stock in Kewpie Inc.
WE TOLD YOU DUMMIES. Less talk more listening.
Side effects of Bush Derangement Syndrome:
Obama and having your entire reality and world view crushed on full display. Now quit talking about politics and go back to getting the lint out of your belly buttons that's more your guy's speed.
Cure: Quit listening to fellow DUmmies unless they are a known Freeper. In fact you should probably just quit going to that web site in general. Small doses of Rush and Levin will clear up your intellectual rash. Increase dosage once the simple concepts of liberty and freedom start to sink in.
Johnny 5 is alive
"All citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check."
Nice Bananas reference. :)
"All children under 16 years of age...are now...16!"
"""All he had to do was prove he had warm blood flowing through his body and his professors would pass him on to the next level""""
Oh we know why he passed... the same reason he was elected... the same reason minorities don't want to be denied advancement based on race, but will gladly accept advancement based on race... AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
LOL, it does look like DU has been invaded by Lousy Freeper Trolls!
I hope the courts continue to uphold the Constitution. I am worried, because I currently am forced to purchase four different insurance policies by state law, one to run a business, one to hire employees who might get hurt on the job, one to drive a car, and one to own a home. Obamacare basically mandates that I purchase a fifth insurance policy, which is difficult because after paying for the first four, I haven't got any money left over.
"The first thought that went through my mind when I heard a federal judge in Virginia ruled the ObamaCare mandate to be unconstitutional was...Anthony Kennedy. I knew the 4 completely rational judges would obviously rule it unconstitutional." PJinc
Have you factored in the fact that 13 or 14 other judges have all ready ruled otherwise? That it IS constitutional? Of course not. Since it would have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a future supreme court decision.
Douche nozzle.
I've been meaning to ask you asshats something...who's responsible for the 800 billion dollar hit to the deficit during the next 2 years or so? Think about it. Obama? He seems happy. The RepubliDUms? They seem happy too.
Hmmm. You happy? I, the mighty troglaman, think you are.
We're being fucked Over Under Sideways Down (great Yardbirds song...Jeff Beck, I think). And you like it. Creepy.
Bitching about the deficit has been taken off the table. Not one of you can defend it for years and years to come. You realize that?
Not me, troglaman. Oh no. I can continue to bitch about the deficit and point out just why you're all such dumbshit hypocrites. It'll be easy from here on in. I've earned it.
What PJinc has been pointing out and making fun of is the DUmmies dissatisfaction with Obama's decision.
What's glaringly obvious is also the fact that you're all fine with it. Another near-trillion dollar hit.
I promise you, whenever one of you starts bitching about 17 billion for the unemployed, or 25 billion for social security, or insurance for poor kids, I'll jump your ass with the trillion dollar gift to our super-rich elite.
Never the less, you fucking dumbshits, I hope you have a good holiday and eat and drink yourselves silly.
Let me know if you find something good, elrond. 'tis the season.
"Can you name one news report, one anecdotal instance, one article about gay daughters and foolish uncles? One? One article about Cowboy loving BFF's?"
"We're having a small Thanksgiving this year... My Gay Daughter, her Transgender BFF, my Sister, and my Nephew."
-Reactionary leftist dummie from the thread right above
"My only worry this year is that Chris, my Daughter's BFF, is a Cowboy fan."
-Reactionary leftist dummie from the thread right above
"you want I should kick some BFF Cowboy fan ass, cp? LEMME AT HIM/HER"
-Reactionary leftist dummie from the thread right above
"English, muthafukka. DO. YOU. SPEAK. IT."
"....who's responsible for the 800 billion dollar hit to the deficit during the next 2 years or so?"
O!bama and the Democrat controlled Congress.
They are also resposible for the current O!bama Depression.
"Let me know if you find something good, elrond."
We're flying to New York next Tuesday, I'm looking forward to my first airport x-ray and/or pat down.
See my comments below.
"We're flying to New York next Tuesday, I'm looking forward to my first airport x-ray and/or pat down. See my comments below." elrond
Can't wait to hear about your pat down. I mean it. But if I were you, I'd do the x-ray hoping that it would mutate my DNA...turning me into a ninja turtle or giant land-squid which would allow me, troglaman, to conquer the world.
Beer. I know you've done your homework and are going to seek it out, find it, and drink it.
I want a report, if it's not too much to ask.
Kay, are you off your meds again? All despots and all bad governments have been from the right? So right you are, Kay. Everyone knows all about those notorious right wingers like Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler (of National Socialist fame), Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung, Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro, and so on.
On your next lobotomy, ask them to turn up the voltage, because the last one didn't work. Fool.
KayinMain goes to prove my point that the DUmmies need to quit listening to each other.
What an incredible distortion of reality. The mental gymnastics necessary to come to that conclusion are well....standard DUmmie protocol.
Here's a little you're crazy exercise, what government on the right would you be referring to?
The Anonymous comment above me points out the dangers of your collectivist wet dream that always ends in oppression, suffering, starvation, torture and death.
The key to an "INLIGHINTED COLLECTIVE" is to first become enlightened about what you're talking about and probably less spitting too.
Practice what you screech and go join the collectivist society of China it'll be wonderful you said so.
Johnny 5 is alive
"...and probably less spitting too."
<< "All children under 16 years of age...are now...16!" >>
Pedobear... approves?
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