Thursday, October 07, 2010

DUmmies Screaming Over Obama Public Option Betrayal Revelation


The DUmmies are now screaming BETRAYAL over Obama dropping public option in ObamaCare due to new details revealed in Tom Daschle's soon to be published book. However, they really do need to be careful on how much they slam Obama because they can also get TOMBSTONED by Skinner over the current DUmmie GroupThink rules. You can see the upset DUmmies in this THREAD whose title also reveals the reason for their anger, "Daschle: Public Option ‘Taken Off The Table’ In July Due To ‘Understanding People Had w/ Hospitals'." That means July 2009 BEFORE the Town Hall protests even began. Just another example of DUmmie DEmoralization leading into the November election. So let us now watch the DUmmies rage over Obama's betrayal in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering how many on this thread will be tombstoned, is in the [barackets]:

Daschle: Public Option ‘Taken Off The Table’ In July Due To ‘Understanding People Had w/ Hospitals'

[Also note the ObamaCare WAIVERS Obama is currently performing for big companies. Enjoy the many betrayals, DUmmies.]

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD)’s new book Getting It Done: How Obama and Congress Finally Broke the Stalemate To Make Way for Health Care Reform comes out next week, but this morning he spoke to me about some of the concessions the administration made to pass reform and the shortcomings in the Affordable Care Act.

In his book, Daschle reveals that after the Senate Finance Committee and the White House convinced hospitals to to accept $155 billion in payment reductions over ten years on July 8, the hospitals and Democrats operated under two “working assumptions.” “One was that the Senate would aim for health coverage of at least 94 percent of Americans,” Daschle writes. “The other was that it would contain no public health plan,” which would have reimbursed hospitals at a lower rate than private insurers. I asked Daschle if the White House had taken the option off the table in July 2009 and if all future efforts to resuscitate the provision were destined to fail:

DASCHLE: I don’t think it was taken off the table completely. It was taken off the table as a result of the understanding that people had with the hospital association, with the insurance (AHIP), and others. I mean I think that part of the whole effort was based on a premise. That premise was, you had to have the stakeholders in the room and at the table. Lessons learned in past efforts is that without the stakeholders’ active support rather than active opposition, it’s almost impossible to get this job done. They wanted to keep those stakeholders in the room and this was the price some thought they had to pay. Now, it’s debatable about whether all of these assertions and promises are accurate, but that was the calculation. I think there is probably a good deal of truth to it. You look at past efforts and the doctors and the hospitals, and the insurance companies all opposed health care reform. This time, in various degrees of enthusiasm, they supported it. And if I had to point out some of the key differences between then and now, it would be the most important examples of the difference.

Despite being “taken off the table” as a result of the “understanding,” the White House continued to publicly deny claims that it was backing away from the provision even as it tried to focus on other aspects of the bill. “Nothing has changed,” said Linda Douglass, then communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform in August of 2009 and many times thereafter.

[What a surprise...NOT! Obama stabbed the leftwing NUtcases in the back by pretending to be solidly for the public option when he had already taken it off the table behind the scenes. And now to the outraged DUmmies...]

"We the People" were a one-night stand during November 2008. Used and dumped. Don't know about you, but I need a long, hot shower ...

[It will take more than a long, hot shower to wipe off your "SUCKER" tattoo.]

So, in other words... things like the PO and reimportation of drugs were put out there for an election win but with the full knowledge they were simply bargaining chiops to be used against the insurance industry when the time came.This is what we always "knew", but to have it in black and white....very very...what's the words I am looking for? Anger inducing and enthusiasm reducing. Fool me once.....

[...Fool you once again...and again...and again...]

Can it really be callled healthcare if people can't afford it? Why am I not surprised. Disgusting disgusting disgusting

[Just be sure you don't mention You Know Who by name or a tombstone ceremony will be in your near future.]

Lol -- like we didn't have a good guess. Fuckin pisses That all whores at the table and no People. Doesn't matter now I guess.

[Yes, it really doesn't matter that you DUmmies were SUCKERS yet again.]

what else do you expect from a freakin Goldman Sachs admin!

[Attention Head DUmmie Skinner: TOMBSTONE ALERT!!!]

I wonder when we'll finally have a Democrat in the Oval Office again. It has been a long time since Jimmy Carter.

[LOL! The DUmmies are actually nostalgic for the SECOND WORST President in history.]

The ultra-rich and the mega-corps have seized control. Nothing left but a long slow slide into 3rd world status. Game over, unless somehow a Constitutional Convention is called to add public election financing and non-corporate-personhood amendments. Then that would somehow have to be passed thru the states, most of which are just as bad as the feds, corruption-wise.

[Any DUmmie inpired Constitutional Convention would have to include nationalization of all private property like what Fidel did in Cuba.]

It shows why Obama would Never have had the skill or guts to enact the Clean Air Act. He is Far, Far to wholly owned and controlled by corporate lobbyists to ever do anything that serious and groundbreaking.

[Over here, Skinner! TOMBSTONE ALERT!!!]

Good to get confirmation though. Even with knowing this information still makes me sick. Our government is corrupted way beyond what anyone is willing to admit.

[So you're saying that Obama is CORRUPT? TOMBSTONE ALERT!!!]

Daschle retracts claim.

[Too late. The cat is out of the bag.]

Sorry, cat's out of the bag- and this simply corroborates the administration's actions down the line, which seemed inexplicable to many of us who'd been paying attention at the time. Obama wasn't just being timid in this case- he'd assented to a backroom deal with the hospital and insurance lobby early on in the process (rather than standing up and fighting them).

[Another one, Skinner. TOMBSTONE ALERT!!!]

Admissions like this tend to be credible- the backpeddling... not so much

[Daschle spoke the truth about Obama's betrayal...which is why he has to now perform a PHONY backtrack.]

Are you suggesting that Pres Obama wanted a public option? And that Daschle is lying because he wants to sell a book. Speak out and tell us what pres Obama wanted. We got shit. I am sure you have an excuse but we got shit.

[Once again, the DUmmies get the sh*t end of the stick.]

If this story had any basis, it would mean the entire Congress was complicit, including Harry Reid and the thirty Democrats who signed the letter in support of the public option.

[Yup, they were complicit all right. But not to fear, many of them will soon be OUT of Congress.]

A documentary on PBS confirmed the backroom deals Obama had with Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and the Senate Finance Committee, which my beloved Sen. Baucus chairs. I want to throw up on their foreheads.

[First you have to do what the new MSDNC slogan says: "Lean Forward."]

I'm sure he is now under pressure to alter his recollection, but his initial comments left no room for doubt.

[Such an alteration shouldn't be too difficult. Don't Democrats also lie to their own diaries?]

The scam has nothing to do with our being able to get care and everything to do with protecting the insurance industry's profits.

[Yet last March most DUmmies were JUBILANT over the passage of ObamaCare.]

And NOW the administration is attacking US...over an Enthusiasm Gap. Are we supposed to cheer at our own funeral? Is that what it means to be a Good Democrat?

[To be a good Democrat it means you need to put your brain into a permanent state of hibernation.]

This makes Obama's remarks at his $30,000 / plate dinner especially disgusting now that he's been caught in his lie.


I feel betrayed . . . to say the least.

[Aw! Do you want to wet your hankie at your tombstoning?]


Anonymous Marty Moonbat said...

These are just more fucking Rethug lies...President Obama fought to the end to get a Public Option!!! But he was stymied when Bush, Cheney, Rove, Palin & Beck tricked a few wavering Democratic Senators into dropping the Public Option in lieu of Goptard support for the overall bill. These gullible Senators convinced the President that he would get Repuke support for HCR if they dropped the Public Option. Obama and the Democratics made a good faith deal with the Pugs, but when it came time to vote, the Refucks stabbed Obama in the back, along with 75% of Americans who wanted a Public Option. Not one Refucklican voted for this, not one!!! Talk about tone deaf to the voice of the people. Good thing we could muster enough votes to pass HCR; despite pressure from epitaph hurling, goober spitting Teabaggers, and George Bush!! Well good luck next month GOPtards... You'll see what dancing for your Teabagging masters,and George Bush, will get you. You might as well call yourselves Whigthuglicans!! Later Bitches!!!


7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goody.
We have a troll that can out-troll troll-la-la-boy.
Hi, troll.
Watcha smokin' dude?

Love ya man.


11:19 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"But he was stymied when Bush, Cheney, Rove, Palin & Beck tricked a few wavering Democratic Senators into dropping the Public Option in lieu of Goptard support for the overall bill." Marty

Welcome to the fray, marty. Never make an argument you can't win (especially with me) and you'll have a lot of fun here.

However, I don't think Daschle is saying Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc., tricked Obama. He's saying Obama made a deal with United Health Care, Pfizer, Smith Kline, etc. before the health care debate became engaged. I, troglaman, have no trouble believing that. The power resides with our corporate masters. The Bushies were loyal soldiers.

Money is pulling the strings here.

Speaking of money...elrond and I had a brief discussion months ago about the Citizens United thing. I, the mighty trog, had said that it opened the door to foreign money buying influence in our elective process. elrond pretty much said I was a over-reactive pussy.

Not! (although, to be inner homo was looking forward to being an over-reactive pussy but then I, the manly trog, was finally able to whip that prissy queen's skinny ass)

Wrong again, elrond. Got a November forecast for me? I need a November forecast. And a bet for charity. PLEEEEEEEZZZZZ.

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Britt said...

Trog, can you answer a question for me? I mean actually answer it, not retreat behind a screen of lame sarcasm and ad hominem?

If you think you can, answer this:

Why is it ok for unions to fund PACs and donate to candidates, but not ok for corporations to do so?

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Marty Moonbat said...

I'm not trolling Pug...Just getting out the word the RW media won't.

Like this bull shit the Pubtards are ahead in the polls. Yeah right!! The only reason you pukes will win is because the fix is in and the election will be stolen.

I figured out something was up when my grand parents(both sets) were denied absentee ballots in our "Red" state. Seems kind of odd since all 4 of them always vote Democratic... well Grandpa Jim did vote Refucklican once back when he was alive, but has voted solid Democratic since. But the other 3 have always voted Democratic either alive or dead. So obviously(even to a Repuke) that these 4 are being targeted because of how they vote. And you can bet this is being coordinated across the country by Diebold, Rove, & Bush; to keep the Democratic turnout down. Then Rove & Bushco will engage in massive ballot stuffing, while the RW media will proclaim its a historic victory. While my grandparents are being disenfranchised again by Bushco and the Rethugs!! Well not this time we stood by in 2000 & 2004, we won't be idle again!!

By the way skul with one l; I'm smoking some kind crunchy bud I got at the One Nation Rally this past know the one that had like twice as many people than Beckstock did, but the Pug media under reported.

Oh..and I love you too man.


12:06 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Why is it ok for unions to fund PACs and donate to candidates, but not ok for corporations to do so?" britt

It IS ok for corporations to do so.

Do you actually think a trade union's money-power is equivalent to Dow Chemical? Exxon? Haliburton? G.E.? US Chamber of Commerce? Fox News? Monsanto?

The answer is 'no', unless you're an undefined root-crop species...hopefully not a pod.

2:08 AM  
Anonymous 98ZJUSMC said...

Do you actually think a trade union's money-power is equivalent to Dow Chemical? Exxon? Haliburton? G.E.? US Chamber of Commerce? Fox News? Monsanto?

Somebody hasn't been paying attention.


Now, just why did unions need a bailout? Why are their pensions underfunded?


Still waiting for that argument you're going to win.

4:14 AM  
Anonymous 98ZJUSMC said...

I figured out something was up when my grand parents(both sets) were denied absentee ballots in our "Red" state. Seems kind of odd since all 4 of them always vote Democratic... well Grandpa Jim did vote Refucklican once back when he was alive, but has voted solid Democratic since. But the other 3 have always voted Democratic either alive or dead. So obviously(even to a Repuke) that these 4 are being targeted because of how they vote. And you can bet this is being coordinated across the country by Diebold, Rove, & Bush; to keep the Democratic turnout down. Then Rove & Bushco will engage in massive ballot stuffing, while the RW media will proclaim its a historic victory. While my grandparents are being disenfranchised again by Bushco and the Rethugs!! Well not this time we stood by in 2000 & 2004, we won't be idle again!!

Heh....another mongoloid.

4:16 AM  
Anonymous 98ZJUSMC said...

Oh, gee....

Where did all this money come from?

4:49 AM  
Anonymous Foxx said...

Oh joy, another stupid person joins troggie in the who can scream the loudest.

And a liar too, nice. :D

9:48 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"I wonder when we'll finally have a Democrat in the Oval Office again. It has been a long time since Jimmy Carter.

[LOL! The DUmmies are actually nostalgic for the SECOND WORST President in history.]"


And the winner of the 2010 Cassandra Award For Telling The Future With Pinpoint Accuracy is.......LAZARUS LONG!!!!!!

Thank you, thank you very much, I accept this award in the name of all the little reactionary leftists who swallowed the Obama lies without so much as some mustard.


10:23 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"I, the mighty trog, had said that it opened the door to foreign money buying influence in our elective process."

And you, the pussy trogletroll, are wrong, once again.

You truly are a fucking moron, aren't you?


Calling you a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fuckin pisses That all whores at the table and no People."

Does anybody have a DUmmies to English dictionary handy?

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

"I wonder when we'll finally have a Democrat in the Oval Office agian. It has been a long time since Jimmy Carter."

Barack Obama and Bill Clinton get tossed under the DUmmie bus. Only a DUmmie could pine for the Presidency of the most feckless, self righteous, ineffective man to disgrace the White House.

It speaks volumes that Carter, an 85 old man, is still called "Jimmy".

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

1) Is "Marty Moonbat" troglaman's "inner homo" bursting out of his psyche, ala "Alien"?

2)Hey troggy, when did you and I ever discuss "the Citizens United thing."?

3) "Fuckin pisses That all whores at the table and no People."

This might be my all-time favorite DUmmies quote, all rage, incoherence and spittle on the screen.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Britt said...

Anonymous troglaman said...

"Why is it ok for unions to fund PACs and donate to candidates, but not ok for corporations to do so?" britt

It IS ok for corporations to do so.

Do you actually think a trade union's money-power is equivalent to Dow Chemical? Exxon? Haliburton? G.E.? US Chamber of Commerce? Fox News? Monsanto?

The answer is 'no', unless you're an undefined root-crop species...hopefully not a pod.


Oh look. Name calling. Surprise.

So your outrage is solely due to the fact that corporations supposedly have more money to give to politicians? You have no moral stance, no principle. Your ox is being gored, so you don't like it.

Freedom includes the right for anyone to give money to anyone else, for whatever reason. That doesn't change just because you don't like the people at either end of the transaction.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Marty Moonbat said...

Elrond Hubbard said...
1) Is "Marty Moonbat" troglaman's "inner homo" bursting out of his psyche, ala "Alien"?

Excuse me Elf Lord Hubbard, but what the fuck is a Troglaman??

From the rest of Lord Elrond's post I'm guessing it's some kind of Pug slang insulting GLBT migrant workers?? But since I don't speak Repuke could one of you wing nuts translate please??

No one seems to care that my grandparents can't vote next month and our being disenfranchised by the Pukes in our Red state??

This will be the first year since the 1930's that they haven't cast a ballot. Except in 2002 Grandma Molly skipped voting because she had a massive stroke and we couldn't get an absentee ballot for her.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"So your outrage is solely due to the fact that corporations supposedly have more money to give to politicians?" britt

When did I say I was outraged? And yes, corporations do have more money to give away than trade unions. You won't be able to prove me wrong about that. You're the one bitching, britt? Just what is it you're bitching about?

4:00 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"This will be the first year since the 1930's that they haven't cast a ballot. Except in 2002 Grandma Molly skipped voting because she had a massive stroke and we couldn't get an absentee ballot for her." smarty

OK...what kind of shit is this? Jesus.

Anyone taking smarty seriously needs a lobotomy. Seriously.

4:11 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Anyone taking smarty seriously needs a lobotomy. Seriously."

Yet you put up a comment on it.

What does that tell us?

7:45 AM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

Yeah, troggy's upset with Marty because Marty apparently isn't aware of the great one "troglaman"! Troggy's feelings have been hurt. lol

1:39 PM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

LL, troggy has already had a lobotomy, so he doesn't count. lol lol

Ya gotta love it. Someone has finally taken the trophy for the "most stupid poster" away from troggy. It's gotta hurt. lol

1:41 PM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

Ah, poor dummies; it's like watching Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown again.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Britt said...

When did I say I was outraged? And yes, corporations do have more money to give away than trade unions. You won't be able to prove me wrong about that. You're the one bitching, britt? Just what is it you're bitching about?


Oh troggy.....

OpenSecrets has the top donors in politics, the big PACs which funnel lots of money to campaigns. Looking at the top 20, they gave in total 625,710,896 dollars from 1989-1999. 486,393,451 of that went to Democrats. 11 of the top 20 are trade unions. ActBlue is on there too, ranked number 4 in the country. Not a single member of the top 20 gave more then 70% of their donations to Republicans. There are 13 PACs which gave over 70% of their donations to Democrats. In fact, every single one of those groups gave over 85% of their donations to Democrats. 5 groups on the list gave no money to Republicans. Every group on the list gave at least 30% of their donations to Democrats.

When it comes to big money donations, the Democrats have an overwhelming advantage. Again: the only reason you oppose the SCOTUS ruling is because now people will be able to fight back against the corrupt domination of the political process by mega unions and other Democratic allies.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...


Stop confusing troggy with facts. What are facts? You can prove anything remotely true with facts.

As usual, troggy will ignore the facts and attack you personally.

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Britt said...

I'm not trying to change his mind. Some day, a non political person might stumble across this site. I want them to see who's got the facts, and who's got the ad hominem attacks.

We don't debate to change our opponent's mind, we debate to change the mind of those in the audience who are undecided.

2:10 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"We don't debate to change our opponent's mind, we debate to change the mind of those in the audience who are undecided." britt

Indeed. You offer me a subject, britt. Give me something in the spirit of debate. I'll follow the rules. Let's go.

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Britt said...

We already have a subject. See above. However, I'll restate:

As you can see from my post above, the Democratic Party dominates big money fundraising in American politics. The Citizens United decision is welcome because it will rectify this unbalance, allowing a level playing field and restoring some of our free speech rights which have been degrading thanks to a variety of laws, regulations, policies, and precedents over the last few decades. A degradation which, I will add, is due to a careful bipartisan effort to make incumbents secure in their seats.

Oh, and for the record my position on campaign finance is that any individual or group should be able to give as much money as they want to any individual candidate or party organ, with the only caveat being that all such candidates and organs must maintain a website containing a database of all contributions made.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Still waiting for that argument you're going to win." jarhead

You mean this one?

"Do you actually think a trade union's money-power is equivalent to Dow Chemical? Exxon? Haliburton? G.E.? US Chamber of Commerce? Fox News? Monsanto?"

Let's go, dumbfuck. Let's hear how a trade union's assets compare to "Dow Chemical? Exxon? Haliburton..."

You can't make the argument. You simply can't. Once you get that, everything else you believe becomes a house of cards.

Like always, you present yourself as a moron, jarhead. A true-believer. You make it clear that you don't think at all. You just swallow.

2:58 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"As you can see from my post above, the Democratic Party dominates big money fundraising in American politics" britt


3:02 AM  
Anonymous DumbAss Tanker said...

It HAS been a long time since Jimmy Carter, but not long enough.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Britt said...

Anonymous troglaman said...

"As you can see from my post above, the Democratic Party dominates big money fundraising in American politics" britt



You forgot the part where you offer evidence to the contrary. I already knew what your opinion on the issue, now I'm waiting for the facts you have to back that opinion up. You know, because liberalism is so famously rational and pragmatic and not based on kneejerk emotion and Sorelian myth.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...


I told you troglaman would ignore the facts and resort to ad hominen attacks. He's desperate, like a cornered weasel.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"You forgot the part where you offer evidence to the contrary." britt

No. You forgot to offer evidence to support your position regarding "the Democratic Party dominates big money fundraising in American politics".

I'll say it again. You're wrong. You were the one who asserted it in the first place so prove yourself, lazy ass.

2:02 AM  
Anonymous Britt said...

From earlier in the thread:

OpenSecrets has the top donors in politics, the big PACs which funnel lots of money to campaigns. Looking at the top 20, they gave in total 625,710,896 dollars from 1989-1999. 486,393,451 of that went to Democrats. 11 of the top 20 are trade unions. ActBlue is on there too, ranked number 4 in the country. Not a single member of the top 20 gave more then 70% of their donations to Republicans. There are 13 PACs which gave over 70% of their donations to Democrats. In fact, every single one of those groups gave over 85% of their donations to Democrats. 5 groups on the list gave no money to Republicans. Every group on the list gave at least 30% of their donations to Democrats.

Sources and tools:

10:42 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Michele Bachmann shatters fundraising record"

"Republican Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter has regained the fundraising advantage in his bid for a second term by more than doubling the total raised by his Democratic challenger in the last three months."

"If money is any indication, the hottest Republican House candidate in the country is Kristi Noem. The 38-year-old rancher has raised more campaign cash than any Republican house challenger in the country."

"Nevada Republican Sharron Angle's Senate campaign announced a massive third quarter fundraising haul on Tuesday, potentially positioning the Tea Party candidate for an ad-heavy push weeks ahead of the midterm elections."

You're either a dumbass or you think I am.

I'm not. That means you are.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Britt said...

Look, you're redefining the topic. The question is not "Which party is raising more money this cycle?" it's "Which party benefits, in the long run, the most from organized political money machines?"

Nice try at redirecting. You sure did burn that strawman down. You still have yet to refute the actual argument I made.

1:25 AM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...

"You still have yet to refute the actual arguement I made."

He won't, he can't.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Look, you're redefining the topic. The question is not "Which party is raising more money this cycle?" it's "Which party benefits, in the long run, the most from organized political money machines?" britt

Look at what you're saying - "Which party is raising more money" vs "Which party benefits from organized political money machines?"

Besides being redundant, you're redundant.

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Britt said...

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you're not understanding. The alternative is that you're being deliberately obtuse.

My point remains: The Democratic Party gets more money from big PACs then the Republican Party. Furthermore, said big PACs are dominated by trade unions, with over half of the top 20 being unions. So when you talk about the corrupting influence of big money in politics, you might want to look closer at the party you support.

Just as an example, look at school reform. The Democratic Party receives millions of dollars a year from the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association. In return, they crush any kind of effort to reform our nation's horrible public schools. Look at the recent ousting of Adrian Peterson and Michelle Rhee in Washington DC. Look at the way Cory Booker in Newark, NJ has to fight against his own party to make schools better. All because the teacher's unions own the Democratic Party. So lousy teachers keep their jobs, good ones get forced out, and our kids suffer.

It's a strange fucked up psychosis you have that frets endlessly about theoretical corruption and rent seeking politicians while ignoring the actual corruption and actual harm being done right here and now thanks to your party.

11:57 PM  

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