DUmmies Consider Alvin Greene Election the No. 1 Issue

Forget the failing economy, the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, or terrorism. According to the DUmmies, the top issue of our time should be Alvin Greene winning the Democrat nomination for senator in South Carolina. Think I'm kidding? Then just take a look at the title of this THREAD, "Alvin Greene getting 'elected' shows us what are no 1 issue should be." As we saw in the previous DUFU EDITION, the DUmmies definitely have Alvin on their mind and just can't quit thinking about him. So let us now watch the DUmmies obsess over Alvin Greene to the exclusion of anything based in reality in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, who forgot all about Alvin until seeing this thread, is in the [brackets].
Alvin Greene getting "elected" shows us what are no 1 issue should be.
[An aware Left finally gets Alvinized.]
Election reform. Alvin Greene somehow "won" the election when he lost the absentee vote by 84 to 16. Absentee voting has a paper trail, while the electronic machines don't. There is no logical way Greene legitimately won this election. This would be like the constitution party winning the presidency.
[Your voting machines have been Alvinized.]
This election shows that these machines are simply unreliable. Therefore election reform needs to be our number one issue. If we don't have election reform, none of the other issues matter, because these machines can be manipulated to make any result the powers that be wan
[The economy is falling apart all around us but let's obsess over Alvin.]
K & R this thread if you think election reform should be our number one issue. Unrecommend it if you think it shouldn't.
[Strictly for the comedy material it provides, I am recommending that Alvin remain your no. 1 issue.]
If this isn't fixed.. We will be able to fix NOTHING!! We are disenfranchised, all of us. The contract we have with our own government is broken and thus invalid. If there was ever an invitation to anarchy it is this.
[Could you relay your woe over this to the oil cleanup crews in the Gulf
As it should have been our priority after 2000 and 2004
[Alvin will be THE issue in 2012.]
Just because Obama won, does NOT mean our elections are OK.
[Obama won in a landslide and you're still whining about voting machines?]
To add to the conspiracy theorizing if the machine people are manipulating elections I posit that they will test what the limits of manipulation that can the public and the media will accept before they call foul. If so they would try it out in smaller races first before attempting it in more important races. Maybe in this case it was bad programmer or the machines weren't set up right but an 86 point swing definitely calls for an investigation.
[Today Alvin; tomorrow the Chipmunks!]
Who is more likely to be black, Rawl or Greene?
[Greene is the new Black.]
Now the Democrats HAVE to run him against Demint...
[A Greene/DeMint debate somehow sounds like a sweet mixed drink.]
Trial run for nation wide in November???
[Alvin 2012!!! Hey, he already has the Chipmunk vote.]
This really smells as bad as the oil in the Gulf.
[Worse...according to the DUmmies.]
Each state needs to elect a Secretary of State who cares about this issue.
[Alvin Greene for Secretary of State!]
So the DUmmies #1 issue is to keep black people from winning Democrat primary elections? What a bunch of racists!
Actually, it appears their first concern should be learning the difference between "are" and "our."
Elections are not important to conservatives anymore, huh?
So, let's see here... You want a giant war machine, a police state, a completely unregulated corporate sector, an immigration policy that basically makes 12 million Americans the closest thing to slaves we've seen in the Western world since the Third Reich, no social state of any kind, and now you want laizzez faire elections without any investigation into civil malfeasance.
I can't help but think there are probably Islamic terrorists out there who are more "American" than you guys.
So, election reform should be the number one issue? If it is so important to the left, why have they blocked every meaningful election reform to come down the pike? Check voter ID at each election? Oh, hell no! Make a prospective voter show up at the county registrar's office and show proof of eligibility? Oh, Hell no! Make certain that illegal aliens, necro-Americans, and felons aren't allowed to vote? OH, HELL NO! Why, that would disenfranchise three of the main Democrat Constituencies. The only "reform" that would satisfy the DUmmies is if only leftists were allowed to run for office.
If we're going to live in a functioning republic, then yes, we better damned well have a functioning election system! I mean, that's square one, isn't it???
And just what kind of moron would think that an undocumented alien would take a chance on voting? Of all the crimes, why the heck would they choose that one??? Are you for real??? Sure, I suppose everything happens once in a while. But illegals voting? Really?
Stealing a whole election, that's really bad. You just don't have your priorities - or your grip on reality - straight.
"According to the DUmmies, the top issue of our time should be Alvin Greene winning the Democrat nomination for senator in South Carolina." PJinc
This is horseshit on a number of levels. First of all, the DUmmies are concerned about the BP fuck-up in the Gulf. You fuckers aren't.
In South Carolina, RepbuliDUms are allowed to vote in any primary they want to, including the DUmmie one.
If anybody out there is willing to believe an African American felon in South Carolina, who didn't spend a dime (other than filing fees) on his campaign might be somehow legitimate, then you're an idiot. You might also be so stupid as to believe that his constituency has even heard of him.
They have not heard of him, by the way.
What's it take? This is why normal people think you're all nutcakes. You simply can't face the fact that you are being fucked over under sidewise down. You stupid dumbasses actually support every single wrong-headed pillar of the ideology that has brought us here...and you unabashedly support it still without one offer...not one single alternative.
Things went to shit under your watch, in case you didn't notice. An unprecedented terror attack and a catastrophic economical collapse happened under your watch.
It's easy for the casual observer, which many of us are, to conclude you all fucked up. You.
And unbelievably...you still don't get it.
Keep on truckin you dumbshits. It's all good.
"And just what kind of moron would think that an undocumented alien would take a chance on voting?"
A Democrat.
"First of all, the DUmmies are concerned about the BP fuck-up in the Gulf. You fuckers aren't."
That's becasue of the secret Rethuglican stash of fresh air, fresh water, and nubile young girls, right, sweetie?
You are truly, deeply, profoundly stupid.
"In South Carolina, RepbuliDUms are allowed to vote in any primary they want to, including the DUmmie one."
Wow, just like the Democrats just imposed on California!
Quelle suprise!!!!
"If anybody out there is willing to believe an African American felon in South Carolina, who didn't spend a dime (other than filing fees) on his campaign might be somehow legitimate, then you're an idiot"
But....but.....but....I thought he was innocent!
He said so!
Besides, felons are a favorite constituancy of the Democrats, are they not?
"What's it take?"
Fraud by the Democrat party.
"You simply can't face the fact that you are being fucked over under sidewise down."
Thank you Mr Obama, and thank you, sweetie, for admitting it.
"Things went to shit under your watch"
Yeah the oil leak under President Bush......
Yeah the quadrupling of the national debt under Presicent Bush.....
Yeah the way wway President Bush went around bowing to foreign potentates and dictators.....
"It's easy for the casual observer, which many of us are, to conclude you all fucked up. You."
Even the casual observer has some sort of loose connection to reality, sweetie.
You, not so much.
And add an top of that, the amount of hate you display here, and you have all the appeal of an intestinal parasite.
"Jersey McJones" power-slammed his head up his ass and emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement:
"And just what kind of moron would think that an undocumented alien would take a chance on voting? Of all the crimes, why the heck would they choose that one??? Are you for real??? Sure, I suppose everything happens once in a while. But illegals voting? Really?"
Actually no one who's a moron thinks that happens...a lot of people who have clue KNOW that happens. And why do they choose that crime? Because they can get away with it over and over again.
If you were truly interested in stopping election fraud McJones, that is where you take the first action, insuring illegal aliens are not allowed to cast ballots. The second action is to outlaw any election system that doesn't include use of a paper ballot.
Lazarus Long, kudos on an excellent post. I was wondering if I was the only person who understood exactly what Guttersnipe is.
Your comments are so profoundly stupid no reply is needed.
Same old same old from the troglaman. Keep chanting that Bush mantra if it'll make you feel better. Or take a valium.
This entire Alvin Greene situation is making the Donks look ridiculous and more than a little racist.
Too, a Democrat accused of sexual escapades is nothing new (e.g. Bill Clinton, John Edwards).
At least Alvin Green doesn't assault college students who ask him questions (Bob Etheridge, D-NC).
Hey Jersey Jackass...if you knew one thing about South Carolina, which obviously you nor the rest of the Dummies do, which type of South Carolinians are more likely to vote absentee...white ones or black ones? There's your 84% for the white guy. When it comes to regular old fashioned voting, who are the black South Carolinians going to vote for? Duh, the black guy...reference Obambi getting 95% of the black vote. You guys have some very serious problems you are ignoring and wailing about Diebold or rogue CIA hackers is not making you look any better. Not that I really care, I am employed and pay taxes, therefore I am not a leftist douchtard with my hand permanently out.
And don't even get me started on immigration. Which side is for open borders to allow the free flow of brown slaves (and potentially voters) into this country? Who is crying like little baby girls about Arizona not allowing illegals in their state anymore? Is it Sarah Palin or Obambi? The Democrats need Mexican slaves in the hopes that they will vote 'D' one day. A little slavery, kidnapping, rape, and murder is the price they are willing to pay for a favorable demographic. Exactly.
I've seen no proof of "illegal immigrants" voting on any significant scale or ever once tipping an election. I haven't even seen proof of any such a thing. But you cons believe whatever you want, even if it is so counterintuitive as to make you look insane.
As for the aboce racist's comment, all the difference between the absentees and regulars voting proves is that some kind of shenanigans were going on with the Greene election. But you guys don't care about elections either. If you had it your way, we'd have a generalissimo running the show.
"Troggy...same old same old from the troglaman. Keep chanting that Bush mantra if it'll make you feel better. Or take a valium." elrond
You're right, elrond. I've become redundant. I need to spice things up. I start out OK but always conclude the same old shit - you fuckers are dumber than rocks. I need a better punch line.
"Yeah the quadrupling of the national debt under Presicent Bush....."
"Besides, felons are a favorite constituancy of the Democrats, are they not?"
Are you kidding? Projection.
"Wow, just like the Democrats just imposed on California!"
Never the less, Lazarus (who continues to tempt my inner homo), is full of shit and is applauded by the likes of Jerome. Lazarus evidently, 'smacked me down'. Jerome loves that.
It boils down to this: What possible advantage do the DUmmies gain by running this guy against DeMint? Why would they do it? On the other hand, what possible advantage does DeMint gain by running against this guy?
It's the obvious question, don't you think? Who gains? The answer's equally obvious.
So if we all agree there's some shady goin' ons down in South Carolina...
(was that better, elrond?)
And besides, you fuckers are dumber than rocks.
"So if we all agree there's some shady goin' ons down in South Carolina..."
I bet you're a Truther, too, ain't you, sweetie?
Typical paranoid, conspiratard talking points, same avidence of reality, the same moronic ad hom attacks.....
""Yeah the quadrupling of the national debt under Presicent Bush....."
The humorless response to satire....
Ok, ok, I admit it, the national debt has quadrupled under Oilbama.
Happy now, sweetie?
(was that better elrond?)
Sadly, no.
If there is one element of your character that has been thoroughly established by this time in your blogging career, it is the vast superiority of your powers of belief and bald assertion over your powers of observation and reasoning.
Which is just a long winded way of saying you're a putz.
"I bet you're a Truther, too, ain't you, sweetie?" laz
Yeah, I'm a truther, honeybuns. And you're full of shit which I find strangely attractive. Maybe I could help you tap the well and we could have our own private gusher.
"Which is just a long winded way of saying you're a putz." elrond
That's not very nice, elrond. How about this? Pick the topic. Right now. Do it. Step up. Pick the friggin topic. I'll kick your ass.
That's the one element of my character you should be concerned about, elrond. I'm entirely confident about the fact that you're a bullshitter. I can prove it again and again.
So pick something, you weenie. Oil spill. Afghanistan. Iraq. Regulation. Corporatism. Citizen United. Immigration. Acorn. Whatever you want.
And after getting your ass kicked, you can go after my character.
You're about to tell me I'm not worth your time at which point I'll claim you're a pussy. This is a familiar dance. We do it all the time.
You want to argue issues, then argue issues. I'll smoke you. Simple as that.
"You want to argue issues, then argue issues. I'll smoke you. Simple as that."
An Obama-ass-kissing reactionary leftist wants to argue......issues??????
And claiming it'll win?
Even funnier.
Oh, sweetie, you are such a card.
"I'll smoke you. Simple as that."
Threatening, yet subtlely titillating. You are a card.
"You are a card."
"Threatening, yet subtlely titillating. You are a card." elrond
You're learning. And yet you didn't pick a subject. I, troglaman, gave you a myriad of topics, elrond. And yet you continue to shrink away.
By the way, Greene's campaign has been linked to Jim ("You lie") Wilson's campaign staff.
You're all going to be wrong about this just like you're always wrong about everything.
Drill baby drill. Mission accomplished. They'll greet us as liberators.
One more log on the fire.
"They'll greet us as liberators."
Um, moron, we ARE liberators.
Or our brave armed forces are.
Unlike your cowardly ass.
The South Carolina Electoral Commission has certified Mr. Greene as the Democrat candidate for the Senate.
Only a Democrat would crap his own pants and then blame a Republican for sneaking it in. Over a 100,000 Democrats voted for Mr Greene, were they bamboozled by Karl Rove or are they just stupid? How could the Democrats allow a candidate to run under their banner and not know a thing about him? If Alvin Greene is a Republican plant, it only shows that SC Donks are asleep at the wheel.
Consider making a contribution to Greene's campaign. I understand he's looking for cash, possibly bail money.
Yeah, troggy, go ahead and make fun of our "logs on the fire". We were told if we elected Obambi the world would love us again. He's pissing off most of our "former" allies; and the muslim nations perceive him as weak and continously make fun of him. Don't worry about our log fires, your whole forest is ablaze!
"Yeah, troggy, go ahead and make fun of our "logs on the fire"." susie
"Consider making a contribution to Greene's campaign. I understand he's looking for cash, possibly bail money." elrond
"Um, moron, we ARE liberators...unlike your cowardly ass." laz
Fuck. What a bunch of cry-baby asshole dumbfucks. Is it remotely possible that you had anything to do with this cluster-fuck? ANYTHING? According to you, if we'd let things go on like they were going, we'd be just fine. That's the jist of every argument I've ever had with you pussies. You never ever ever ever propose a solution to the very catastrophic events you caused. You simply can't. You won't.
It's not a question anymore about you having an answer. Moving on means ignoring you. Moving on means doing just the opposite of what you want us all to do.
What you don't get, never have and never will, is that you failed. In fucking spades. You failed.
(and your recent bowing to the liberal gods of 'antiwar' and 'environment' are pathetic acts of desperation you stupid friggin asshat hypocrites)
The only good thing to come out of all this bullshit is the dirty fucking hippies were right all along. And that you are ALL, indeed, dumber than rocks.
(sorry elrond...I couldn't help myself...being the MASTER OF UNASSERTED ARGUMENT and all...you should just bow down and accept it...my unasserted argument, that is)
By the way, I got, as a father's day present, an 8 week old English black lab. Gus. Both his parents were over 90 pounds. He's a riot. Chewing on my shoe-laces as we speak.
Dogs are good.
Do you kiss your puppy with that mouth?
With that mouth we're lucky troglaman didn't get a parrot for Father's Day.
"Do you kiss your puppy with that mouth?" susie
What are you? The Church Lady? So instead of wondering if your stupid ideology has brought the entire world closer and closer to the brink of...well...extinction, you would rather discuss my dirty mouth.
It doesn't matter if I clean up my language. I've tried that. It doesn't fucking matter. You still whine. If it's not one thing then it's another. So fuck it.
You'd be better served by proving yourself something other than a tumbleweed.
So far, your brilliant solution is to clean up my language and understand your all's complicated 'sarcasm' (which is about as complicated as a mole hill).
How's this? Go f**k yourself. Was that better? A lesser affront to your sensibilities? A concession to your moral superiority?
Bottom line is that I don't care if you're offended. You've stored up your 'offendedness' to the point where you've become *gasp* offensive. Your cup runneth over. I can take it. You can't. You whine. You're a wimp. I'm not.
Your assumed moral high-ground is so absurd, so hollow...it invites Satan into the conversation.
There are bigger and better issues than my potty-mouth, dumbshit. I'm entirely willing to discuss them. You're obviously not.
"Over a 100,000 Democrats voted for Mr Greene, were they bamboozled by Karl Rove or are they just stupid?"
My vote is for "stupid".
I mean just look at troglemoron's posts.
"How's this? Go f**k yourself."
See what I mean?
Yes, I think troggy's actually losing his mind. Is he making any sense? But, I understand why he's going over the edge. Just imagine...he thought he and his ilk had it made. They (I'm talking libs, here) thought they owned the world, they had won the presidency and congress. But, America has seen the mess they are making, and the tide is turning. Obambi is a paper tiger, laughed at by the world. This wasn't supposed to happen. I would be upset, too, if my little world was crumbling around me (I wouldn't stoop to the level of cussing, though). But, I know what's really bothering him....his puppy realized what a jerk he is, and probably has already pissed on him.
"Your assumed moral high-ground is so absurd, so hollow...it invites Satan into the conversation."
Old Scratch himself, huh? You been drinking?
"So instead of wondering if your stupid ideology has brought the entire world to the brink of...well...extinction, you would rather discuss my dirty mouth."
Absolutly man, conservatives have always been about destroying the planet. Global extinction, that's their end game. Blow up the planet for Jesus. Slim Pickens riding an H-Bomb to hee-haw glory.
Not to worry, the election of Obama presaged an end to the rising of the Seas and the healing of the Earth.
...as soon as he plugs that damn hole.
"I would be upset, too, if my little world was crumbling around me"
Ever see any of those "Hitler In The Bunker" Youtube videos?
LL, how appropo!
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