DUmmies Enraged That Obama Talks Hoops While Oil Leak Continues

Mr. President now is not the time to be talking basketball.
[But didn't FDR talk hoops to a joint session of Congress the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?]
The Gulf of Mexico is dying and you are talking basketball? WTF were you thinking?
[Big Four Tournament.]
Obama explores LeBron's options
[Option A: Do Nothing in the Gulf.
Option B: Do nothing in the Gulf.]
If LeBron James isn't sure he can win in Cleveland, President Barack Obama thinks there's an opportunity with his hometown Chicago Bulls.
[Quiet! The B.S. Artist is in session.]
"You know, like I said, I don't want to meddle," Obama told TNT. "I will say this: Rose, Joakim Noah it's a pretty good core. You know, you could see LeBron fitting in pretty well there."
[Talk Hoops. Do Nothing. Talk Hoops. Do Nothing. Talk Hoops. Do Nothing...]
Obama was interviewed about a number of basketball subjects by broadcaster Marv Albert on the White House basketball court. The interview will be shown Tuesday night at 8 p.m. ET.
[Will it pre-empt the news about the oil leak?]
BTW what a bone headed thing to say too ..... Mr. President you already have the Illinois vote sewn up but Ohio is the important vote.
[Don't be so sure about the Illinois vote. And now more from the DUmmies on the B.S. Artist...]
It showed a tin ear to both the gravity of the situation in the Gulf and .... could lose Obama @ least 50,000 votes in Ohio in 2012. It is fine for him to watch, play, and talk basketball ..... I am all for that and I am sure it helps him deal w/ the stress of being President but to go on the record at this time was not a smart thing to do.
[The B.S. Artist freezes at the prospect of actually DOING something. So much easier to just talk hoops with Marv.]
It's not the time for any of the business-as-usual stuff he's been doing... It's astounding how clueless the prez is about this.
[Not so much clueless as frozen by fear of taking action.]
This is very odd.
Not that L'il Barry is all gas and not go, but that the cutthroat "Chicago Mafia" that runs the show isn't taking better care of his image and gravitas.
They're gonna need all they can get in the next 6 months, and gabbing about kiddie games isn't inspiring.
"Here is a guy who barely, if ever, even attended a class at Columbia University. What did he DO at Harvard?" PJ
What does fucking up the oil catastrophe in the gulf have to do with Columbia and Harvard?
This is what drives me nuts about you jackasses. I'm all about there being a huge corporate and governmental fuck-up in the gulf, but to switch channels to Columbia and Harvard in the blink of an eye and somehow make it a meaningful part of the equation? What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm telling you...this fucking oil eruption is going to take it's toll in spades. And you're all about to become environmentalists. Praise Jesus.
"I'm telling you...this fucking oil eruption is going to take it's toll in spades." troglaman
But there is a connection (as you well know). The Obama who cruised insouciantly through college and law school is now cruising insouciantly through the Presidency. It's the same Obama: casual, indifferent to details, fond of vacations and state dinners, content to let others make policy and decisions. His sole guiding principal appears to be a free floating dislike of America and Americans, the legacy of his upbringing, education, friends and mentors.
Meanwhile, the wheels are coming off the economy.
(But there is a connection (as you well know). elrond
Is there? Why don't you spell that out. W was educated...where? Scalia was educated...where? Kerry was educated...where? Obama was educated...where? If your saying the Ivy league turns out elitist liberal zombies, then you'd be an idiot. If you're saying they all have a single mind-set, a single approach to solving problems, a single, flawed approach to governing, then spell it out. You can't and you won't.
The fact that you equate Ivy league schooling with a certain ideological purity is blatantly the musings of a mindless sphincter...a soul sphincter (sung to the tune of "Soul Sister" by Train). You're just making shit up.
Your platitudes are tiresome.
Let me ask you something, dumbass.
What you think about regulating banks? What do you think about regulating oil drillers? How about Health Insurers?
Why don't you tell me these fuckers should have free reign? Why don't you tell me the market decides? Because then I'll reveal you to be the absolutely empty vessel you are, that's why.
Nothing you're saying, elrond, is true. Not one thing.
Your problem is that you never, ever offer a solution. You just bitch...which I, troglaman, find strangely attractive.
Except the beer!!! You're right about the beer, elrond. I'll give you that. I'm sorry I left that out.
Other than that, you're wrong about everything else.
Just wanted to clear that up.
Trog, you with the personality of a waterlogged fig, the point wasn't where Obama went to school, but what he did (or, more precisely, didn't) do while there.
Are you really that dense?
"the point wasn't where Obama went to school, but what he did" Becca
Wrong. I didn't bring up where he went to school, PJinc did. I, troglaman, had a problem with it. He said "Columbia". He said "Harvard". Elrond, lemming that he is, agreed.
I said "What does fucking up the oil catastrophe in the gulf have to do with Columbia and Harvard?"
I agree with you. Where he went to school has nothing to do with it.
So fucking with me, Becca, is pointless.
Instead, fuck with PJinc and elrond. They're the ones you disagree with. They're the one's who're dense. They're the waterlogged figs (nice metaphor).
I wasn't talking about Columbia, Harvard or the oil spill, I was talking about Obama's detachment, indifference and lack of involvment.
I was clear on that issue but you have this magic ability to read things that aren't there; waterlogged figments of your imagination, so to speak.
(But there is a connection (as you well know). elrond
The "connection" you were talking about was with the schools.
So when you say "I wasn't talking about Columbia, Harvard or the oil spill, I was talking about Obama's detachment, indifference and lack of involvment", you're lying. Simple as that. And you know it.
You're at your best when your honest, elrond. Cut the shit.
I'm not lying. I'm truthing; speaking truth to silliness.
Any "connection" exists only in your febrile mind. You have a knack for reading what you want to read rather than what is actually written.
"Any "connection" exists only in your febrile mind." elrond
"But there is a connection (as you well know). The Obama who cruised insouciantly through college and law school is now cruising insouciantly through the Presidency." elrond
I didn't bring up a "connection", elrond. You did. If it's not about colleges and schooling, then explain what you mean. I have a feeling you can't. Or, more likely, won't.
Let's get something straight - I, troglaman, didn't suggest a connection. You and PJinc did. And you meant schooling.
Trying to put that on me, the mighty trog, simply proves yourselves to be the chicken-shit, turd-assed cowards you are. Why? Because I didn't say it. You did.
So you can explain the "connection" or not. It's up to you. You have the guts to do it or not. If not, then you might want to just shut the fuck up.
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