"REC if you think that dirtbag Limbaugh should be JAILED or FINED for inciting riots in Denver"

The garden of liberal hate and paranoia is a lush one when left on its own, but sprinkle that with a little Operation Chaos® plant food and it becomes a Rush garden.
As you know, for months now, Rush Limbaugh has been encouraging his listeners to prolong the Democrat primary by crossing over and voting for Hillary to keep her in the race. Whether this is actually happening is difficlt to say, but one thing is for sure: Hillary's campaign has experienced a resurgence, and it is becoming more and more apparent that the Clinton campaign intends to take this all the way to Denver.
Once there, she and hubby Bill will make sure that the delegates from Florida and Michigan are seated, in spite of the fact that all the candidates agreed that they wouldn't count.
Concurrent with this, she will try to convince many of Obama's pledged super-delegates that he is unelectable in the General Election. Not a terribly difficult thing to do, what with Obama's relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, and several lapses in judgement by Barack and Michelle Obama in which they reveal their true feelings about the United States.
In the midst of this subterfuge it won't even matter what the final vote is. Obama supporters in and outside the convention will be convinced that the nomination is going to be stolen, that their votes don't matter, that the Democrat party is anything but democratic. You don't have to be a magnificently rich magnificent bastard to predict what will happen. There will be riots in Denver that will make the '68 Chicago convention look like a schoolyard brawl.
Rush knows this, and when a caller recently accused him of inciting a riot, Rush responded "I am not inspiring or inciting a riot..." followed by (in classic Rush fashion), "I'm dreaming of them." He then proceeds to sing "I'm dreaming of riots in Denver" to the tune of "White Christmas."
That is hardly what a reasonable person would call "incitement," but as you can see from this DUmmie THREAD entitled "REC if you think that dirtbag Limbaugh should be JAILED or FINED for inciting riots in Denver" it was just the right touch of high phosphorous paranoia food. Now on to watch the DUmmies' garden of hatred and paranoia bloom in a radiant Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Paul Heinzman, is in the [brackets]:
REC if you think that dirtbag Limbaugh should be JAILED or FINED for inciting riots in Denver.
[There WILL be riots when Hillary steals the nomination. Stating that fact can hardly be called "inciting."]
That disgusting sack of shit has gone TOO FAR this time.
[Manure sometimes burns pansies.]
How can that piece of human waste, this toxic sludge dripping down the ass crack of humanity, still be allowed to broadcast hate and invitations to violence?
[While prepping your flower bed, don't forget some chelated irony.]
I think that these latest, disgusting, loathsome comments of his show his complete moral bankruptcy and his willingness to see innocent people hurt as long as it helps his cause.
[If anyone gets hurt, beyond their feelings, it will be on Hillary, not Rush.]
REC THIS THREAD if you think he should be jailed or fined by the FCC, if not removed from the air, for his disgustingly inhuman behavior.
[Stating that disenfranchised voters will riot when the nomination is stolen from them.]
And let's talk about what we can do, as activists.
[Well, it wouldn't kill you to get off the computer for an hour and clean that damn basement.]
If this is a dupe, I'm sorry!
[You're being duped, all right.]
I filed a complaint with the FCC last night.
[Yeah? Did you get that basement cleaned up yet?]
I only live a few miles from him, any ideas???? Huh? I'm originally from Jersey and I DO know people...lol.
Make sure this gets national media attention...
[He's the number one rated radio host in the country; more people heard what he really said than will ever hear your misinterpretation.]
Egg his house for starters. Or, light a bag of dogshit on fire, place on his porch and ring his doorbell!!
[You might want to think twice about that--I reckon he's got security, and they ain't packin' eggs.]
He lives over the bridge from me, house is pretty well guarded...lol.
[And this DUmmie WINS a Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment of nervous mental clarity.]
Filing a complaint to the FCC is a good place to start, I hear.
[It would be...if he'd actually broken a rule.]
They want a lot of information I'm no clear about . . .
[Such as what rule was violated.]
Hell, if possible, find a charge that carries the death penalty and give him a date with the f***ing needle.
[Five will get you ten that DUmmie backscatter712 thinks that Mumia Abu-Jamal should be pardoned, though.]
... do you really think anyone will riot because he says so?
[Sorry, only one Kewpie Doll per thread.]
'Fire in a crowded theater'
[The theme of the 2008 Democratic National Convention: "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!"]
CIA's 'domestic ops' just relocated to Denver. Agents provacateurs here they come !
CIA Plans to Shift Work to Denver
Domestic Division Would Be Moved
By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 6, 2005; Page A21
Operation Mockingbird mouthpiece Limbaugh may be giving away the rightwingnut gameplan...but that doesn't seem to matter to these twits in the 'intelligence' community. Can't even police themselves how they gonna police anyone else ?
[Ever stop to think maybe they're there to protect your sorry asses from yourselves?]
People can be seriously hurt if his supporters start a riot thinking it is good
[Disenfranchised Obama voters are NOT Rush supporters.]
Not a joke at all!
[So why can't I stop laughing.]
Maybe he can be cellies with Wesley Snipes.
[Rush may complain about high taxes, but he does pay them.]
I called the Denver PD yesterday and reported what he said
[I'm sure they had a good laugh over it at the morning briefing.]
Almost everyone sounds nuts on this thread
The FCC isnt gonna take him off the air, hes not getting arrested, and hes gonna use all these quotes to show how progressives love free speech as long as you agree with them. Did anyone want Bill Maher arrested for wishing someone would kill Dick Cheney?
If you dont like what Rush says, do what I do, TURN HIM OFF.
[You are taking your DU account for granite.]
we need the fairness doctrine restored.
[One hundred and fifteen posts about Rush Limbaugh before the fairness doctrine is mentioned. The DUmmies are slipping.]
Yes, there is a difference and there's a difference between saying "I dream of riots" and standing in front of a mob and yelling "Grab your pitchforks, people! Let's go get 'em!"
[Wow, DUmmie MonkeyFunk, those therapy sessions really are working out.]
Umm...right wing Rush Limbaugh is inciting left wing Democrats to riot in Denver? Something doesn't compute here, but then they don't call them DUmmies for nothing.
Hey Elrond---Was that YOU stirring up the DUmmie ant farm? Hee! Hee!
Now let's have Reid censure him in session, and have Rush auction it off (again) on e-bay!... I loved that one. :)
"They want a lot of information I'm no clear about . . .
Someone who is familiar with the show might look at the forms?"
Idiot wants to file a complaint for something he apparently didn't even hear. That takes a special kind of stupid.
Swiftboating is when you irk Democrats by telling the truth about them, (or better yet, by quoting them verbatim), to their hysterical, sputtering anger and hysterical wailing.
I propose that what Limbaugh has done... that is, make a canny prediction of disaster, embarassment, and humiliation, (to the exquisite consternation of the DUmmies), should henceforth be called "Rushboating"
He's earned it.
Besides, it will further immortalize him, along with other notable buzzwords such as "Rovian"-tactics, "a Dukakis Moment" (doofus in the tank), "Kerryesque" (boring, elitist, flipfloppery), etc.
I troll at the DU under a different nic. As the DUmmies become more and more paranoid and deranged (something I hadn't thought possible) stirring them up gets easier.
Operation Chaos is an insignificant exercise in anarchy. It's aptly named. And you're all proud of it. Good for you.
Rush wants riots in Denver (Denver? Like that's going to happen). He wants the blacks and the leftists to rise up, invade Denver and get clubbed around by the police...like Chicago in '68. And Denver, 40 years later, is JUST like Chicago in '68, right? You people are so frickin stupid sometimes I don't know whether to shit or go blind.
Think blacks are listening to Rush? Nope. Think progressives are listening to Rush. Nope. Well then, I guess that leaves it to you lazy-assed bastards to invade Denver and incite everybody to riot in the streets.
I can't wait. Go for it you bunch of Einsteins.
That is the most ill-informed, stupid post I have seen anywhere on the net. Make sure the Denver cops don't search your fanny pack or fag bag for numchucks. Kind of a new meaning to "Mile High City."
Monday you will be back studying for your sociology degree in prep for the Postal Service exam and you will be ok.
Anon 12:17, are you retarded or what? None of that idiocy you posted is what the VRWC is actually doing, or Limbaugh is saying, it is all taken from the distorted version DUers are spinning on about it. Get a grip on something besides your naughty bits.
If you don't know whether to shit or go blind, I recommend that you try shitting first.
So dreaming of riots is the same thing as incinting them. And the veiled threats of rioting by racist Al Sharpton, if Moonbat Jesus dosen't get the nod are not incitment. Oh that's right AL's black, so anything he says is just "empowerment", whatever that means. Of course those smelly hippies, recreate 68' or whatever the fuck their called. PLAN on rioting in Denver, but that's OK that's just Progressive nostalgia. What did these scumbags actually accomplish in the 60's?? Besides wasting good weed and driving down the price of soap?? I hope there's riots, Uh-OH will the Moonbat police come get me for "incitement"?? I can just see all the scum of the dem party getting tasered and clubbed like baby seals in the streets of Denver... I can dream can't I?? Operation Chaos rocks!!
"Think progressives are listening to Rush."
Well, considering all the people calling for Rush's incarceration for "rigging" the primary votes with Operation Chaos operatives and for inciting a riot that hasn't even happened yet, calls that are made by several left wing blogs and even "progressive" members of the MSM, I'd say the answer to that is YES!
It's apparent that Rush has a bigger "progressive" audience than Air America! That's got to hurt! Ha Ha!
who's promoting riots in Denver?
That site at http://www.recreate68.org/ is both scary and funny. Scary in that these morons actually take themselves seriously. The funny part is their scheduled protest at the US Mint. They actully think they can raise the building in the air and shake money out if if they get enough support.
Bunch of fucking morons on the loose.
Raising the mint 2008...
Levitating the Pentagon 1967...
same old shit from a bunch of losers
Ass Limbo, and all the facists here, will be sent to Gitmo as Hate Criminals under my President Obama!!!!!!
For a party who declares themselves nuanced, they sure make it a habit to miss the point.
Kay...no problem for me in Gitmo! I love the Caribbean and I heard the food was fantastic!
We benighted righties won't have to riot in Denver or elsewhere. Your moonbat allies are already planning all the trouble and mayhem. Just go to recreate68.org and see what I mean.
"recreate68" Right on! Speak truth to power! What a bunch of pathetic losers. "Rage against the machine", "In the belly of the beast" even their inane slogans are forty year old re-treads.
obamma will be assaniated before he is inaugrated
"assaniated"? Now that's just pathetic; it's not even bad spelling, it's incoherent spelling.
"That is the most ill-informed, stupid post I have seen anywhere on the net." anon
Better than UFOs and Chupacabras? Show me where I'm so woefully ill-informed Mister Smarty Pants.
"Better than UFOs and Chupacabras? "
Heh heh heh.
TMan is pretty funny
"So dreaming of riots is the same thing as incinting them." skully
You are such a squid. Are we going down the path of dreaming, broadcasting it, then claiming its all a dream? Is that where we're going? It's all a dream?
You assholes get up off your fat butts and come to Denver. Come on. Or at least get your angry black recruits to come to Denver. Or your angry hippies. I'm sure your legions of the disenfranchised are on the bus and ready to head for the big smackdown.
What a fickin joke. Talk about delusions of grandeur you batshit psychotics.
Unless every one of you lazy assholes shows up in Denver, you'll be deemed lazy buttwipes foreever. Step up for once. Go to Denver and show America how you really feel. Tell us all about your dreams and your convictions, you sorry assed losers.
But no. You pussies won't show up. You'll be waiting for Denver's huge population of angry blacks and hippies to make your point for you. It's a brilliant strategy since there aren't a whole lot of angry hippies and blacks in Denver. Who cares? I know you'll come through and step up to the plate.
"You assholes get up off your fat butts and come to Denver."
T-man,an, are you reduced to issuing meaningless threats now? No substance, just bluster. Sounds just like a liberal.
"It's a brilliant strategy since there aren't a whole lot of angry hippies and blacks in Denver."
You're really not that bright. What makes you thing that the riots will take place in just Denver? People can riot in their own home towns of LA, New York, Chicago, or anywhere else for that matter. If some people really want to start a riot after Hillary wins the nomination, their geographic location will be irrelevant.
LOL... Watching the DUmmies implode is priceless, but being witness to PJ's resident trolls throwing a hissy is the tops.
Gutless, spineless wimps who feel compelled to defend DUmmie points of view on a site that skewers them daily.
All we can do is thank them for the comic relief within the comic relief!
Let's hope the tasers are all charged up in Denver... There's not much else to watch on TV. :)
What a fickin joke. Talk about delusions of grandeur you batshit psychotics.
Colorado isnt California. The last time there were riots, it was in downtown Denver. If these had spilled over into residential areas, there would have been many gunshot deaths.
Let's hope the tasers are all charged up in Denver... There's not much else to watch on TV. :)
CO is a Dem state, but with a Western twist. I go shooting with a couple of other guys with AKs, and we see AR-15s, SKSs, and other AKs out there. Somehow, I doubt anyone will take the rioter's side.
"It's a brilliant strategy since there aren't a whole lot of angry hippies and blacks in Denver."
Wanna bet?
Crips, Bloods, etc... we have them.
Ever hear of the Peoples Republic of Boulder? Crazy ass Hippies trying to out-Berkeley Berkeley.
I always was amused that the archetypal "operator," Mr Bo Gritz made his home in The Peoples' Republic of Boulder. :)
Poor Rush can't win for nothing.
He gets criticized when he works against the far left loonies, and he gets criticized when he offers them his support for their national "efforts."
You're more incoherent than usual. No right-winger needs to show up in Denver (or anywhere else for tha tmatter). The moonbat Left is perfectly capable of self-destructing without our help. In fact, it appears getting fired up to do just that.
So we'll just park our fat butts in front of our TVs, pop a cold one, and watch the politcal kamikazes.
Anon said: "Think blacks are listening to Rush? Nope. Think progressives are listening to Rush. Nope."
Uh...that's pretty obvious to most of us, dude. Their hysterical accusations have no basis in Rush's actual words. All their foaming dementia is in response to something someone said someone said someone said Rush said.
And lodging FCC complaints based on such compelling "evidence" is even funnier than their spitting outrage and pathetic Moonbattery.
"You're really not that bright. What makes you thing that the riots will take place in just Denver? People can riot in their own home towns of LA, New York, Chicago, or anywhere else for that matter. If some people really want to start a riot after Hillary wins the nomination, their geographic location will be irrelevant." ray
Now I get it. Diabolical and yet so very brilliant. Operation Chaos is going to spark riots in every major city in the country. Hell, they'll be fightin in the cornfields before this is all over. Operation Chaos will spawn a revolution unlike any other in the history of mankind.
Does anyone know if Rush has any plans for the bringing on the Rapture? Armageddon? I'd kinda like to sign up.
Tell you what, ray. Let's see if rioting breaks out. Let's remember this conversation and determine 'brightness' and 'dimness' the day after Denver. If there be riots, you're bright, I'm dim. If there not be riots, you're dumbass dim. Deal?
"So we'll just park our fat butts in front of our TVs, pop a cold one, and watch the politcal kamikazes." elrond
Of course you will. It's what you do. And I'm with you, bro. Anybody order the pizza yet? Speaking of political kamikazes...never mind.
"Wanna bet?
Crips, Bloods, etc... we have them. Ever hear of the Peoples Republic of Boulder? Crazy ass Hippies trying to out-Berkeley Berkeley." sham
Super scary, sham. It must be a living hell for you with the Peoples Republic of Boulder lurking in every crook and cranny.
"Wow. Let me get this straight. A bunch of lefties in Denver promote violence in Denver ala the 1968 Convention (this started about a month or so ago, right?). Rush mentions it. Left blames Rush for inciting riots. Yeah, Rush tells the left to riot and they do it. Uh huh." corona
No, he "dreams" it then mentions it, corona. Get your time-line straight.
"You assholes get up off your fat butts and come to Denver." troglaman
"T-man, are you reduced to issuing meaningless threats now? No substance, just bluster. Sounds just like a liberal." ray
(You guys got me going tonight, I'll give you that.)
Where's the threat, ray? Is there an "or else" hidden in there somewhere? No, there isn't. You're imagining it like you always do. Threat. Scary. Booga booga. Who's slinging bluster and a lack of substance? That'd be you.
TMan youre priceless.
It wouldnt be DF without you.
Youre kinda nuts, but thats part of your "charm"
"Youre kinda nuts, but thats part of your "charm". sham
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