The Wright Stuff: Obama and His Hate-Mongering Pastor

Wow! The Obama-Rev. Wright story accelerated at warp speed on Friday, so fast that I figured I better get what I've got up now. If I wait till I have time to catch up with all the latest developments, we'll fall behind the news cycle.
A quick recap. For 20 years Barack Obama has been a member of a church with a racist, hate-mongering pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Here's a quick sampling of the Wright Stuff:
"The government," Obama's pastor says, "wants us to sing God Bless America? No, no, no! Not God bless America. God damn America!"
Obama's pastor doesn't think we should be indignant over the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on 9-11: "America's chickens are coming home to roost."
Obama's pastor calls America "the U.S. of KKKA."
VIDEO report of Wright saying these things
When asked about Wright's preachings in the past, Obama has said he doesn't think this is any big deal: "I don't think my church is particularly controversial."
Obama has brushed it off by saying his pastor "is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with."
Then there is this Wright beauty about Jesus, Obama, and Hillary, as heard in this VIDEO:
"Jesus was a poor black man who lived in a culture that was controlled by rich, white people. The Romans were rich, the Romans were Italian, which means they were European, which means they were white."
". . . why so many folk are hating on Barack Obama. He doesn’t fit the mold: he ain’t white, he ain’t rich, and he ain’t privileged."
"Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single parent home. Barack was."
"Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich, white people."
And most ironically:
"Jesus taught me how to love the hell out of my enemies and not to be reduced to their level of hatred, bigotry, and small-mindedness."
Now apparently on Friday, Obama claims to have not heard this garbage preached by the Spewer from the Sewer, Rev. Wright. But this calls into question several things about Obama: 1) Is he stupid, incompetent, or what, that he was not familiar with Wright's foamings? 2) Why has Obama not denounced the Rev. Wrong more strongly, or done so in the past? 3) Why does Obama continue to remain a member of this America-hating church? Why doesn't he leave? 4) Is Obama the guy who can unite America, when he belongs to a church that divides blacks against whites? And if Obama cannot even unite the Democrat Party, how can he unite America?
So now on the Ides of March, we present an ode to Obama and his spiritual mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as written by your truly, Charles Henrickson, the wag tailoring the doggerel. Click and sing along!
Tune: "(If Lovin' You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right" Original
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
If joinin' his church means hearin' his hatred
I'd up and change belongin' tonight
Obama, your pastor says it's a shame
It's a downright disgrace
America's problems, all the blame
Is the fault of the white man's race
Barack, you say it's the future
And healing is in your plan
But if you can't leave this kind of hate
Believe me, yes we can
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
Am I wrong to smell
The sewage he loves to spew?
Knowin' you wanna lead, then why do you waffle
Defendin' you know who?
And am I wrong to question
Your ability to unite,
Knowin' you got someone there at church
Dividin' black and white?
And are you wrong to give your tithe
To a racist man?
And is he wrong for tryin' to get God
Not to bless but instead to damn?
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright . . .
Are you wrong to give your tithe
To a racist man?
And is he wrong for tryin' to get God
Not to bless but instead to damn?
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
If lovin' the U.S. is wrong
I don't want to hear Wright
I don't want to hear Wright
If it means hearin' his hatred
I don't want to hear Wright
If it means black against white . . .
There are DVD's of Wright's harangues available (or were). Watch for more gems hitting the news in the future.
Obama is not going to survive this. Even if Her Thighness doesn't go for the jugular, the MSM will. It's too juicy.
His wishy-washy "I didn't hear that", isn't going to be good enough. He claimed this bigoted piece of filth as a mentor and spiritual leader, was married in this church and baptized his daughters there.
To say that Trinity is the black version of the Klan is not going too far, and Obamassiah is up to his neck in it.
You should see what the poor sods over at dKos are doing to try to spin this into harmlessness. They are desperate to the point of insanity. It's actually pathetic.
And just how many whites got upset with Jesse Helm's ad?
Yeah, I just know you were heartbroken!
Oh yeah, let's throw in Trent Lott for good measure.
Hummmm, it appears that he was hobnobbing with a bunch of "racialists" who wasn't too fond of Negroes!
Did you defend this "great" person back then?
Seriously, I have my doubts.
Need a ceying towel?
I've seen software updates funnier than this.
"Jesus taught me how to love the hell out of my enemies and not to be reduced to their level of hatred, bigotry, and small-mindedness." Wright
If you're scared of this then you're scared of Jesus. Simple as that. But then you jackasses are afraid of everything. Including Pastors. Pussies.
The subtext here is Obama should be a pod person like most of you who blindly swallow any juice coming from the pulpit. He, like you, should bow to the authority of whoever's lurking around proclaiming the authority of God.
This is bullshit and you all fucking know it. Do you assholes bow down to your local Pastor? Believe every word? Sit there and soak it up like sheep? I sure as hell hope not.
The notion that Obama has been brainwashed by his Pastor can only be advanced by those who've been brainwashed by their Pastors, you dipwads. Blind Faith is not a thinking person's problem. However, I have to admit they were a pretty damned good band.
Hatemongering, Racist Minister Resigns From Obama Campaign
"Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of “guilt by association.”
Obama’s campaign announced that the minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., had left its spiritual advisory committee after videotapes of his sermons again ignited fierce debate in news accounts and political blogs."
When the "association" lasts twenty years, including marrying you and your wife and baptizing your kids, supplying the title for your book, and being your "spiritual advisor," the "guilt" is yours as much as his, Barack.
There's also little doubt that this creature would still be a part of the Obama campaign if those pesky videos of him spewing his bile hadn't hit the internet. A decent man would have told this hatemonger off and left his church, oh, about twenty years ago.
Nice try, though.
h/t Jawa Report
"Nice try, though."
No it wasnt. Wasnt even close. Unlike Obama-Osama, Helms and Lott arent running for president.
As ususal, dumbass lefties just JUMP to the defense of "racialists", as long as they believe in redistribution of wealth.
Anonymous said...I've seen software updates funnier than this.
And I’ve read the back of cereal boxes that were more intelligent than your post.
Anonymous 3:07AM
Sorry DUmmy, you don't attend a church for 20 years, get married and have your children baptized in that church, contribute $20,000 to that chuch, and have the pastor featured on your campaign website*
because you don't like what he's spewing.
*News flash! The Reverend Wright is no longer featured on Obama's campaign web site, he mysteriously vanished,like a Stalinist commissar, shortly after the scandal erupted.
Now that's something a DUmmy like you would understand.
Wright is bad enough for Obamassiah, as is Michelle Obama's spewing the same Hate America shit, but I'm more concerned about his financial "mentors" like "Tony" Rezko and Nadhmi Auchi.
It would seem his opposition to Saddam's overthrow and the invasion of Iraq was bought and paid for by Syrian and Iraqi Baathists!
It would also seem Michelle owes her job to Nadhmi Auchi... follow the money!
"When the "association" lasts twenty years, including marrying you and your wife and baptizing your kids, supplying the title for your book, and being your "spiritual advisor," the "guilt" is yours as much as his, Barack." Anon
So the hell what. Why does it freak you all out that Obama heard these words? I'll bet you've heard them before and weren't magically brainwashed and transported to San Francisco.
You dimwits betray yourselves. You claim to know anyone going to the same church for 20 years has become automatically brainwashed and is a tool of their evil Pastor. How would you know that? I think we all know the answer to that question. It's because most of you have experienced "lemmingness" or "sheepness" or whatever and know what it's like.
Are you afraid of the Christian Church Obama attended, anon? Of course you are. Even fellow Christians have become scary. Really, really scary.
You've got Hagee, Iraq and a failed economy chained around your neck. Going after Obama's pastor could actually help in exposing how insane Hagee really is. Go for it.
People in glass houses...
Some "Christian" this guy Wright is... what happened to "Love thy neighbor?" Instead he preaches "Hate the Whitey and blame Whitey for all your problems."
Both his "spiritual mentor" Wright and his wife Michelle spew this trash. Is there any wonder that people now question Barak Hussein Obama?
Here we go...
"Instead he preaches "Hate the Whitey and blame Whitey for all your problems." anon
Where do you live? No doubt in a protected Compound. And you believe the "Hate the Whitey" thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'd give this guy about a 9.3 on the DUmbass scale. The "Whitey" thing did it for me.
t-man go back and read the transcripts of Wright's oral feces... better yet, here's something for you to chew on from Taranto's Best of the Web today...
In a set of "talking points" on the church's Web site, Wright proclaims himself an exponent of "black liberation theology." He cites James Cone, a distinguished professor at New York's Union Theological Seminary, whom he credits for having "systematized" this strain of Christianity.
Here is a quote from Cone, explaining black liberation theology (hat tip: Spengler, a pseudonymous columnist for the Asia Times):
Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community. . . . Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.
Could Obama really have been unaware for all these years that his spiritual mentor follows a racially adversarial theology, one that demands of God that he be "for us and against white people" and that he participate "in the destruction of the white enemy"? It doesn't exactly sound like the sort of change we can believe in.
Also, t-man, before you go saying "... he repudiated all that stuff..." read this analysis of Obama's "repudiation"...
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