"Oops, she did it again: Michelle runs down America" [Mrs. Obama Alert!]

For the second time in her adult life--heck, for the second time in the last TWO WEEKS--Michelle Obama has inserted her sizeable foot into her sizeable mouth. Two weeks ago we chronicled her comment, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country"--which means, of course, that she was NOT proud of her country beforehand. Well, ONCE AGAIN Madame O has opened her yap and out comes the crap. In a new interview in The New Yorker, "The Other Obama" rips into the country that made her and her husband rich, famous, and powerful.
This latest Michelle yap-crap flap has caught our DUmmies in a trap: On the one hand, they AGREE with Madame O that America is a bad, bad place. On the other hand, the Obamabots just don't want her to SAY it, because they know it will turn off normal Americans. On the other other hand, the Hillaryans are using these Michelle gaffes to show that the Obamas are not ready for prime time. Round and round it goes! This round is found in the THREAD, "Oops, she did it again: Michelle runs down America, Americans... and the Clinton era."
The Obamabots and the Hillaryans were already on edge and at each other's throats, as we saw in PJ's DUFU yesterday, "The Race Goes On -- And Gets Uglier". This only adds DUFUel to the fire! So pull up a chair and gaze into our DUmmie Ant Farm--it's hours of entertainment!--and we'll sing some parodies along the way (including a new one). The DUmmie back-and-forth is in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering if a certain conservative talk show host(ess) could use a parodist, is in the [Barackets]:
Oops, she did it again. . . .
[Another anti-American tirade by Michelle! Let's recall the last one . . .]
Tune: "Michelle"
Michelle, dumbbell
You say words that call our country hell
Mad Michelle
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
"I wasn't too proud of my country"
That's what you had to say
Why don't you go away
You can stay in lovely lands like France or Afghanistan
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
I need to proceed to secede you
I need to make you leave
This place that makes you grieve
Until I do I'm hoping you will please shut your trap
I mean you . . .
I want ya to move to Botswana
Or maybe Mozambique
I'm sure it's very chic
And run don't walk, go get Barack and take him along
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
And you can stay in lovely lands like France or Afghanistan
Mad Michelle . . .
[Now back to DUmmie bidenista. . . .]
Michelle runs down America, Americans... and the Clinton era
[Run down America? Fine. Run down Americans? Check. Run down the years of a Democrat President? HERESY!]
When your husband is running for President of the United States, it's generally wise not to insult the electorate and make them feel bad about their country.
[If your husband ISN'T running for President, then it's perfectly OK to insult the electorate and make them feel bad about their country. . . . Then DUmmie bidenista starts quoting the New Yorker article. . . .]
Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents.
[Divided, "just downright mean," "guided by fear," cynics, sloths, and complacents? Michelle, you've just described DUmmieland!]
“We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. . . .”
[Yeah, I know it's rough, Mich. The Ivy League education, the seven-figure income. . . .]
“And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”
[Middle-aged is young? I like it! 'Cause, doggone it, I'm young too! Fifty-four! (at least until tomorrow < /shamelessfishingforbirthdaywishes>)]
“You’re looking at a young couple that’s just a few years out of debt,” Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools, and we didn’t have trust funds. I’m still waiting for Barack’s trust fund. Especially after I heard that Dick Cheney was s’posed to be a relative or something. . . .”
[Barack Halliburton Obama.]
“Give us something here!”
“For me,” she said, “you can talk about policies and plans and experience and all that. We usually get bogged down in that in a Presidential campaign, over the stuff that I think doesn’t matter. . . . I mean, I guess I could go into Barack’s policies and rattle them off. But that’s what he’s for.”
[Well, not really. He doesn't get bogged down in that policies and plans and experience stuff either. Barack is just an empty "can."]
“The life that I’m talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl. . . . So if you want to pretend like there was some point over the last couple of decades when your lives were easy, I want to meet you!”
[Reliving the horrors of the Clinton Years. Thanx, Michelle. Now let's hear what the DUmmies have to say. . . .]
Just hand the GOP the I hate America hammer and be done with it.
["If I had a hammer, I'd hammer on the mourning . . ."]
Can you imagine in twenty years... someone picking at the scab... the "good intentions" the "lambs" of the newest debacle to enshrine themselves with good intentions (vulnerably to deflect the blade) bleating "victim", enshrined in purity, at cross-purpose with facts but persevering, nonetheless, stalwart and unblinking... maybe a serious farce, a misgiving by the majority... a fractal farce ...ever...repeating.../ (somewhere there is a pig squealing)
That woman is just awful. She should never be allowed to speak in public. She will certainly bring down our party if she continues her tirade against fellow Dems. I wish she would STFU and GO AWAY.
[Are you talking about Michelle? Or Hillary?]
Michelle spews vile hatred toward America on what seems to be a daily basis.
[You got a problem with that? Oh yeah--that she SAYS it.]
Clinton's Penis Problem and Hillary's failed Health Care plan, did more to damage the democratic party than this wife of a candidate ever will.
[Hillary's Health Care Plan failed to cover Bill's Penis Problem.]
The Clinton's Rovian style campaign knows these tactics all too well. The truth does not matter. What matters to them most is that the trash gets put out there and the majority of the dumbass American public sucks it up and digests it.
[You know, I can't imagine Michelle or an Obamabot insulting the
You think this is some type of dumbsh*t game show. . . ?
[Are You Smarter Than a Moonbat?]
I hate this B*tch almost as much as I hate Cheney and Bush, but I'm getting there.
One d*mn thing is perfectly clear, it won't make any difference if it were Clinton or McCain. I refuse to be forced to vote for either one of these pieces of dog sh*t.
[Feel the love. Somehow we have veered off into I Hate Hillary. Weren't we supposed to be talking about Michelle's interview? Let's do. . . .]
She does leave out how the American dream has been just fine for HER, corporate lawyer, house that cost nearly two million. . . .
[Michelle is being oppressed by THE MAN!]
With her Princeton education and her lovely family and that million dollar house, you'd think she could find something to be grateful for. . . .
[But, but . . . THE STRUGGLE!]
I have NO problem with a potential First Lady who is willing to let loose.
[Michelle's mouth is a loose canyon.]
God forbid our nominee have a spouse with baggage. Oh wait a minute. . . .
[Are you saying that Mr. Hillary has some junk in the trunk?]
I like the fact that she isn't muzzled.
[But is it a fact that he isn't muzzlim?]
Ms Obama's speech is not a downer. . . .
[No, it's a bitter, fact-free, anti-American screed by a loudmouth harridan.]
She could, however, try to be a little more diplomatic.
[Yes, next time leave out the "just" in "just downright mean."]
So I guess Hillary supporters have their own Hillary now, right? A woman you can just unload all your hate and derision upon.
[Michelle is the new Hillary.]
Yin and Yang. She points out a gulf, he offers a solution, or at the very least, inspiration to find one.
[Yin and Yang. Spin the Harangue.]
Clinton just got lucky that our economy was cycling through a good period in time due to the rise of the internet. . . . Clinton did nothing to help the economy or change the way of life in America. Well except cause the rise of the repubs and give the white house to Bush. Thank you Clinton.
[DUmmie WDIM, your Kewpie Doll is on the way!]
for me, the Democrats could put up a dog and I'd vote for it.
[But is their Barack worse than their B*tch?]
This just goes to show that Barack and Michele are not ready or polished enough to be our candidate or in the White House...YET! Another 8 years and they will have matured and grown into that position and I will gladly vote for them. . . .
[And, doggone it, Michelle will still be young. Fifty-two!]
Michele reminds me of Biden. . . .
[Is it the plugs or the plagiarizing?]
I'm not comfortable with the prospect or reliving Bill Clinton's cheating problem in a GE either. Hillary and her supporters really should keep their mouths closed. . . .
[If Bill's intern had kept her mouth closed, he wouldn't have had a Penis Problem.]
I thought Hillary was "Debbie Downer"!
[Michelle is "DUmmie Downer"!]
Michelle is exactly what America needs right now, an angry and bitter woman with a sense of self~entitlement.
[Change of Life We Can Believe In!]
maybe negative, but sounded right to me. i see so much, downright mean all over the place. hey.... right here in this thread. she isnt off.
[All this mean-spirited mud-slinging, pitting women against blacks, blacks against women, Hillaryans vs. Obamabots--it's all the fault of Hillary's gutter tactics! So let's close by singing . . .]
Tune: "Ebony and Ivory" Original
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
We all know
That liberals are the same whatever their name
There's a Socialist
In every one
But they sling the mud
When they have to face each other
When they need to attack
They lay down the smack
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Ebony, Ovary, fighting in every primary
Ebony, Ovary . . .
We all know
That liberals are the same whatever their name
There's a Socialist
In every one
But they sling the mud
When they have to face each other
When they need to attack
They lay down the smack
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Ebony, Ovary, fighting in every primary . . .
Charles (and PJ), slightly off subject here but, could you do a few riffs on DUmmie plans to "1968" the 2008 Dem Convention?
There's got to be some serious Million Muttonhead March jabber out there.
Happy Birthday!
"Million Muttonhead March"
Ooooo! I like.
Oh, and I **STILL** think PJ should have a yearly Blutarsky Prize for Creative History
/Germans bombing Pearl Harbor
You are a helluva guy, and you make the world a better place to live in!
Many, many happy returns PJ!
Why is it that the dems alway seem to trot out a Theresa Heinz Kerry to drop in the electoral punchbowl?
Does no one vet these, ah, nitwits before they speak?
Geez! I still cringe at Elizabeth Edwards (not too crazy about her wife, John, either).
Theresa Hienz Kerry just trashed/bitch slapped her hubby -- Ms. O trashes the whole friggin' country!
This just gets better and better!
Oh, yeah Happy B-Day Charles!
I think I heard Rush request a parody of "Ebony and Ivory." Move over, Paul Shanklin!
And yeah, I'm TOTALLY expecting another 1968. This is gonna be soooooo cool. Too bad Dan Rather won't be on the floor to get decked again.
"Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents."
Why is she attacking the Democrat base??
Happy Birthday, Charles! I'm young too. Only 46, until Sunday anyways.
< /shamelessfishingforbirthdaywishes> as well
You know, I really should feel sorry for Michelle. I mean, after all, she COULD be living in a 20 million dollar home and make 3 or 4 million a year if it wasn't for the fact that whitey be keepen' her down.
Happy birthday, Charles
"On the one hand, they AGREE with Madame O that America is a bad, bad place" Charles
Do they really? You wouldn't happen to have any proof of that, would you? That "they" agree with Madame O that America is a bad, bad, place. Any polls, data, research...anything? Didn't think so. Because most the data seems to indicate...oh, fuck it.
Who am I to deny the vast herds of domesticated cattle their fodder?
Kool Aid flavored cud. Bovines.
A Bovine We Can Believe In!
Happy Birthday Charles! Your site is THE funny pages of the internet. And this Anon guy is pretty funny too. Did you make him up? He's so 'in character'.
Follow the money -- Michelle O owes her 7-figure salary to an Iraqi Baathist who loaned a Syrian Baathist (then forgave the loan) $3.5M which he used to help Obamassiah buy their $2M house...
That Michelle Obama... one cunning stunt after another...
(happy birthday, old man!)
Blogger Son Of The Godfather said...That Michelle Obama...one cunning stunt after another...(happy birthday, old man!)
There you go. Deep shit if you ask me.
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