DUmmie Praises DUmmie FUnnies For Exposing William Rivers Pitt!!!

First, let's establish one thing right off the bat: William Rivers Pitt is a Poseur. He is The Pittseur, in fact. Nor, am I alone in this sentiment, apparently.
(Of especially belly-holding, laugh-out-loud worth, as bitingly brilliant satire goes: check out the author of DummieFunnies, who has Pitt almost perfectly pegged. Whoever that blog's author is, s/he is no Poseur.)
I agree with much of what has been written at DummieFunnies and elsewhere about William Rivers Pitt: Yes, Pitt is the perennial, over-indulged, spoiled manchild. Yes, Pitt is the time-and-again tantrum thrower. Yes, Pitt is (on and on and on we could go).
Okay, CorpGovActivist, I think you have easily earned your Kewpie Doll for your astute observations!
It took me 24 business minutes to read the blog. I think I'll go back and do it again.
The truth, it buuuuuurrrrrnnnnsss!
I should burn a mole and post this at the DUmp, but I'm sure someone else will. Besides I'm down to 4 good ones. Pitt has plenty of detractors on his own.
Hey! A point of personal privilege, if I may, O Wise and Benevolent One.
Having been "tombstoned" at DU for having had the audacity to dare to bring up the secret Clinton Library donor lists (not to mention the tenacity to keep bringing it up, as well as the brains to realize that these donors will be an issue in the General Election if - Heaven Forfend - she is the nom), am I really still a DUmmie (if ever I was)?
Come on! I even drew the Blue Ghost himself into the open as a Shillary. Skinner wrote:
I am locking this thread.
You have been permitted to post daily threads on this topic for nearly a month now. But it has so far been no more than baseless innuendo. Until/unless you can provide some hard evidence to support your claims, please refrain from posting on this topic anymore.
Please check your inbox.
Thank you for your understanding.
DU Admin
The Hereditary Grand DUke of the DUmmies Himself showed his true colors: Censors for Hillary.
If John McCain can get a power-up from the Keating Five, surely I can get a power-up from being a DUmmie?
; )
Regardless, glad to see you found the entry.
- Dave
Oh come on CorpGovActivist, Dummie is a term of endearment. I've seen you at the PImp lately though and if you think Skinner is ham handed wait till you cross Tinore. She has already killed 3 or 4 of my moles over there, (of course with only a dozen or so active followers she does have more time). That little anti-Semitic, conspiracy site is a hoot though. How crazy are they? Even Joe for Clark/Joe for Gore sounded sane until he dropped out or was banned.
Ya gotta love how Seems Like posts her nonsense at the DUmp and then goes running to the PImp to complain when she gets hammered.
Oh come on CorpGovActivist, Dummie is a term of endearment.
Fair enough. I shall wear it as a badge, with pride, in the playful spirit in which it was awarded!
; )
I've seen you at the PImp lately though and if you think Skinner is ham handed wait till you cross Tinore. She has already killed 3 or 4 of my moles over there, (of course with only a dozen or so active followers she does have more time). That little anti-Semitic, conspiracy site is a hoot though. How crazy are they? Even Joe for Clark/Joe for Gore sounded sane until he dropped out or was banned.
As I do when sizing up any group, I turn on my freethink, as well as my anti-groupthink.
In college, I got involved with the Harvard Republican Club, but didn't buy into all they espoused at the time. When I joined DU, I certainly didn't buy into the orthodoxies there. When I supported McCain in the 2000 primaries, then voted Gore in the General, and subsequently shed my support of McCain for all the water he's carried for an unworthy Administration, I had my freethink and anti-groupthink working just fine.
I guess you could say that I think Teddy Roosevelt was onto something in how he employed his own freethink/anti-groupthink.
In every sense, I am no Dittohead.
- Dave
FYI, Part IV is up.
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