Charles Henrickson vs Paul Shanklin: Battle of the Parodists

Just to flag you Charles, if you hadn’t heard it just MINUTES AGO Rush said he had to get his “white parodist(?)” Paul Shanklin to do a variation on “Ebony and Ivory”...
‘Hate to see you get passed over by the “Pro” again...
The battle is ON! Obviously the lesser known Charles won't be plagiarizing the much more famous (for now) Paul Shanklin since his Ebony and Ovary parody was posted just as Rush was making his request. Therefore, this week we may have a unique chance to compare the lyrics of the two parodists on the same song. Therefore I am asking that anyone who hears Shanklin's Ebony and Ivory parody to post the lyrics here so that we may compare them in detail. Yes, this will definitely be a battle of the David vs Goliath song parodists. Of course, both of these gentlemen deserve to have their incredible song parodies heard on national radio. Paul Shanklin already does but perhaps a certain conservative female national talk show host will also give Charles Henrickson the same outlet.
In case you missed it, here is Charles Henrickson's Ebony and Ovary sung to the tune of Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder:
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
We all know
That liberals are the same whatever their name
There's a Socialist
In everyone
But they sling the mud
When they have to face each other
When they need to attack
They lay down the smack
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Ebony, Ovary, fighting in every primary
Ebony, Ovary . . .
We all know
That liberals are the same whatever their name
There's a Socialist
In everyone
But they sling the mud
When they have to face each other
When they need to attack
They lay down the smack
Ebony and Ovary
In the gutter in every primary
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Suicide when we hit November
D*mn her, Hillary!
Ebony, Ovary, fighting in every primary . . .
You should do a photo caption competition. Obama looks friendly, and she looks like the fustrated grumpy old woman that she is....
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