"I completely understand what Michelle Obama was saying"

"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." So said Michelle Obama the other day (although, who knows, she may have plagiarized it from somebody). "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." The implication, of course, is that Michelle was NOT proud of her country BEFORE. Most right-thinking Americans would take that as offensive. But not the DUmmies. They AGREE with Madame O that America has been a pretty shameful place. Oh, but don't question their patriotism! as they are wont to remind us.
That they agree with Michelle in their distaste for America is a given. The only thing some of the DUmmies criticize Michelle for is THAT SHE SAID IT. She's giving the wingnuts ammo, you see. She needs to learn to HIDE her anti-Americanism better.
There are a host of DUmmieland threads on this subject, e.g.: I completely understand what Michelle Obama was saying; Ever since 2000, I have been ASHAMED of my country!; Michelle Obama Made A Huge Error In Saying What She Did; Thanks to Michelle, Obama's Campaign Got Bitten in the Ass; This is why they hate us. Really.; ". . .Proud of my country. . ." yeah sure. The comments below are taken from several of these. But before we get to the DUmmies' comments, I want to pay a little musical tribute to Michelle Obama:
Tune: "Michelle"
Michelle, dumbbell
You say words that call our country hell
Mad Michelle
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
"I wasn't too proud of my country"
That's what you had to say
Why don't you go away
You can stay in lovely lands like France or Afghanistan
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
I need to proceed to secede you
I need to make you leave
This place that makes you grieve
Until I do I'm hoping you will please shut your trap
I mean you . . .
I want ya to move to Botswana
Or maybe Mozambique
I'm sure it's very chic
And run don't walk, go get Barack and take him along
Michelle, dumbbell
Now we know you're just traitorous scum
Traitorous scum
And you can stay in lovely lands like France or Afghanistan
Mad Michelle . . .
Alright, now let's see the DUmmies' thoughts on this latest flap from Camp Obama, in Bolshevik Red, while the humble commentary of your guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, questioning the DUmmies' sanity as well as their patriotism, is in the [brackets]:
I completely understand what Michelle Obama was saying. . . .
[So do I. She was saying she was NOT proud of her country before this.]
Don't people realize how much we WANT to be proud of our country, how wonderful it would be for us, too, to get all misty-eyed and shivery at the sight of the flag or the sound of the National Anthem?
[Try Cuba. I know a Barack supporter in Houston who really likes their flag. And I hear they have a nifty anthem. "Worka's Paradise," or something like that.]
It's hard to feel proud of a country that I'm consistently told "isn't ready to elect a black president."
[I thought we already did: Bill. Besides, Barry is only half-black, so some people might be voting for him as a white man.]
So when I see Barack Obama win primary after primary after primary, I DO feel proud of the people. . . .
[Maybe they just don't like Hillary.]
that's the difference b/t not-ready-for-primetime Obamanation and any other seasoned political team. . . . it'll just be a RW talking point and smear opportunity. . . . She should've never said that. . . . More proof that the Dems are "america-haters". . . .
[Note: DUmmie is NOT criticizing Michelle's hatred of America, just that she was stupid enough TO SAY IT.]
And poor little hilary..all she does is cause distractions because that's all she has. Low class clintons are made of straw and red herrings who have become the political campaign of Hansel and Gretel who are rabidly searching the ground for crumbs. Good luck with your crumbs.
[Mmmm. . . . herring. . . .]
Sounds like RW Wacko talking points to me. Part of that fake patriotism BS. . . .
[Being proud of America = RW Wacko stuff. . . . Can we question your fake patriotism?]
i can't speak to the issue of being a black american because i'm not black. . . .
[And you're not all that American, either.]
if she's just now been proud of america well she's not trying very hard. . . .
Your attitude is EXACTLY the kind of narrow-minded, jingoistic, George W. Bush swaggering, flag lapel pin wearing, yellow ribbon magnet approach that makes Americans look ridiculous.
[Jingo lapels, jingo lapels, jingo all the way. . . .]
another white guy....who presumes to speak for....black people....
[Who? Obama?]
America has been great for her
--Princeton University
--Harvard Law
--Wife of U.S. Senator
--Works as an executive
--Family made $2.6 million in two years
--Husband a pop culture icon and now the front runner for the Democratic nomination
[Michelle is being oppressed by THE MAN!]
If the Obamas want to run against patriotism then I say go for it!
[I detect a note of sarcasm from this DUmmie with the Hillary avatar.]
I loved that speech of Sharptons. I liked it better than Barack's speech.
[Don't worry, Barack will be using it next week.]
Michelle Obama was just keeping it real. . . .
[Real stupid.]
Screw America.
[NOW can we question your patriotism?]
I don't get misty-eyed at the flag or at the National Anthem. . . . No flag-waving crap for me. We are decidedly NOT the best country EVER or whatever it is these idiots say. I am not proud of this country. . . .
[OK, I'm afraid I'm going to HAVE to question your patriotism. . . .]
I'd leave in a heartbeat, given the right opportunity.
[How far are you from an international airport? I'll call a cab.]
Ever since 2000, I have been ASHAMED of my country!
[The feeling is mutual.]
You can parse Michelle Obama's words all you want, but I have to agree with her.
[That America STINKS!]
Go Michelle! Go Barack!
[Go away!]
Michelle Obama Made A Huge Error In Saying What She Did
[Keep your anti-Americanism UNDER WRAPS, Michelle! At least until after the election.]
Patrotism is the last refuge of &^%$#!!!!!!!
[Can we question your &^%$#!!!!!!! ?]
Like her husband, she's a little too full of herself.
[A bit uppity, I'd say.]
She almost singlehandedly offed Stevie Wonder, dragging him onstage. Fortunately, there were strong men around to pick him up. She moved to the middle of the stage with her thumbs up and a big smile (while they were still engaged removing him from the floor).
[Isn't she lovely. . . .]
It never ceases to amaze me how Democrats continue to make such idiotic mistakes.
[We here at DUmmie FUnnies are very grateful.]
ugh, these rovian games are confusing me. . . .
[Let the games begin!]
it was a gift on a silver platter to the GOP.
[Bring Me the Head of Barack Obama!]
telling the american people the truth is stupid?
[Speak truth to power!]
Perhaps you can forward the meme that she's a communist mole for Castro?
[That's Maria, not Michelle. You're getting your Obama "M" gals mixed up.]
I like her, but admit she's a bit of a loose cannon... remember when she informed us that Barack had "stinky feet"?
[Is that from the holes in his soles?]
First Lady Michelle Obama!!1111 President Barack Hussein Obama!!!!1111
[Kyrie eleison!]
Mrs. Obama suffers from bouts of diarrhea of the mouth.
[Si se mierda!]
F*ck Nationalism.
[New Obama campaign slogan! Change is good.]
So everyone pretends to be happy about everything American, and VIOLA! We win elections?
[String Theory.]
All this footage from Serbia today brought back my joy and immense pride from Bill's era. I was overjoyed day in and day out that the American war machine wasnt killing brown people!
True patriot,
How true, when we were killing Europeans everyone was proud to be an American, even lefties. Besides, killing Europeans is good for Gaia.
The Obama "no-flag-lapel-pin" is a small thing. Stupid of him, but still... small.
Add that to the "no hand on your heart for the anthem", and then, top it off with Michelle's whiny gaffe, (which, by the way was no accident, she repeated that exact speech), and you have a couple whom many Americans will find unacceptable as leaders.
I, for one would not entrust such a person with the title "Commander-in Chief of the Armed Forces".
I want an American who is unreservedly proud of this country to lead our troops, and not some half-assed liberal and his vindictive ingrate wife.
Small things, small things... but they add up to much. And not much good for the Cult of Odumbo
There's a great commercial there. Pics of Obama w/o a flag pin in a bunch of others who do, Obama w/o his hand over his heart among those who do, Michelle ranting about her lack of pride. A steady drumbeat of those and there goes a stampede of Reagan Democrats to McCain.
I don't particularly like McCain (especially after McCain-Feingold) but I'm steadily moving into the Anybody But Obama camp.
These Leftie morons evidently aren't old enough to remember that one big reason Reagan Democrats even exist is that he allowed them to feel okay with being patriotic and proud of their country, as opposed to Jimmy Carter, who was just Obama with a frowny face.
"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."
Of course she's proud. Thanks to her husband and American politics, she's on national TV and is now a celebrity. It's all about Michelle.
If Barak doesn't get the nomination or is defeated in the Presidential election, will Michelle revert to not being proud of America?
will Michelle revert to not being proud of America?
Will anyone give a shit?
I will. I would hate for the poor woman to have to move to someplace she can be proud of, like Venezuela maybe, or Zimbabwe, or North Korea. I'm sure she'd get treated properly in any of those places, and she could be incredibly proud of their commitment to, well . . . whatever.
"Small things, small things... but they add up to much. And not much good for the Cult of Odumbo". anon
"The Cult of Odumbo".
One of the defining characteristics of a 'cult' is that reality is replaced with belief.
WMD's vs no WMD's. Mushroom clouds vs no possibility of Mushroom clouds. 'Islam can take over the whole friggin world' vs 'no they can't you bunch of trembling pussies'.
Present something, anon, that makes you something other than a true believer and Kool Aid drinker.
Just because there are two opposing sides does not mean that both are true-believing Kool Aid drinkers. That only applies to the side that believes what ain't so.
People "believed" in WMDs because there was credible evidence that they existed.
People believe that Islam wants to take over the world because Islam has said it wants to take over the world.
"True Believing" has nothing to do with it.
Believing that the Moslems don't mean what they say; that they are "freedom fighters" while murdering women and children in order to enslave the surviving women and children; believing that poverty and hopelessness in the ignorant young is the "root cause" of terrorism when it has been proved that well-heeled, educated, adult men are the most common suicide terrorists...is a good example of a True Believer/Kook Aid drinker.
"One of the defining characteristics of a 'cult' is that reality is replaced with belief."
Your wrong, the defining characteristic of a personality cult is that individual identity is replaced with the identity the cult and it's leader.
It's not a belief in any ideal or concept that defines a personality cult, but a belief in the absolute superiority of the group and it's leader. Individual will is replaced by the will of the leader and all members serve the needs and demands of that leader.
The cult may USE someone's beliefs as a means of recruitment (like, say, Global Warming), but the goal is always the same: Total surrender of individual will to the cult and it's leader.
"People "believed" in WMDs because there was credible evidence that they existed." gun
But it turned out they were wrong. They. Were. Wrong. The people you elected were wrong at every turn. That doesn't matter for anything? We should just ignore that come next election? Sure. Whatever you say.
"People believe that Islam wants to take over the world because Islam has said it wants to take over the world." gun
So what? Here's a little known fact: They can't take over the world. They can say it. They can threaten it. But, when all is said and done, they can't do it. Not even close. But just keep being afraid, gun. It suits you.
"One of the defining characteristics of a 'cult' is that reality is replaced with belief." Trog
"Your wrong, the defining characteristic of a personality cult is that individual identity is replaced with the identity the cult and it's leader." ray
That's right. And none of that blind belief in a glorious leader has been operating at all for the last 7 years, right ray? Are you really that blind and stupid? Apparently so. Dumbass lemming. Sheep.
There's a difference between rhetoric that's based what one senses to be lies and rhetoric based on one senses to be true. We'll all make that choice when and if we vote.
In my mind there is no doubt we've been lied to. We've been mislead. There is nothing anyone can say that will change my mind about that. And I'll keep pitching all you dumbasses shit about it until the cows come home or until I'm banned. I admit it. Anyone, anywhere, that thinks this country is just fine is an idiot. Suicidal. Afraid.
And you know what really chaps my hide? You warmongering cowards can't come up with one fuckin penny to pay for it. You bravely surrender our freedoms over and over again while proclaiming empty courage. You want it all. You want to fight a really, really costly war and then pretend to reduce taxes. You don't want to sacrifice a thing. You don't want to pay a penny for what will cost everyone, including you, about a trillion. No. You want to reduce taxes.
Is there one Islamic country that could invade us? Is there one Islamic country that has the military power to take us over? Is Islam a brain worm infecting all of America? No. And yet you think this an epic battle worthy of our entire military resource and you jackasses complain about every dime and actually want to lessen your sacrifice. You're all full of shit.
There is nothing anyone can say that will change my mind about that.
Translation: My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts!
If ever there was a true slogan for moonbattery and BDS, here it is.
Is there one Islamic country that could invade us? Is there one Islamic country that has the military power to take us over? Is Islam a brain worm infecting all of America?
It doesn't take a single country, Short Bus. Fundamentalist Muslims don't consider themselves the citizens of any particular country, i.e., Al-Qaeda is made up of psychos from all over the world. Sounds like your concept of what war involves is stuck somewhere in the 19th Century.
And newsflash: they did invade. Short-term memory disorder, much?
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