"Clinton threatening lawsuit over TX caucuses?"

DEVELOPING: Clinton threatening lawsuit over TX caucuses?
[Enjoy the taste of your own medicine!]
McClatchy Newspapers' Jay Root is reporting in the Kansas City Star that the Clinton campaign may have threatened to pursue legal action against the Texas Democratic Party to block or dispute the results of the Texas caucus.
[I am smelling the hidden hand of Icky Harold Ickes in this. He is the type to WIN at all costs.]
The threats are apparently serious enough that the state Party issued a sharply-worded letter to both campaigns to dissuade any legal action:
[Legal actions can only be pursued against the EVIL Republicans. Never against fellow Democrats...until now. Let us now join the KOmmies in mid-outrage...]
Too many super delegates defecting! Only wat to win is in the courts!
[Wat, Me Worry?]
Desperation - a campaign gasping for air
[FUn to watch!]
I hear they've started polling dead people there.
[Including Landslide Lyndon's 202 out of 203 votes in Box 13.]
All Hillary's Lawyers Guns and Money won't steal this primary process from us!
[Wanna bet? Hee! Hee!]
Aren't lawsuits how Republicans get into office?
[Like into the gubernatorial office of Washington State?]
If you can't win by preparation and hard work then I guess HRC's team thinks it's okay go to court and say the rules are wrong. Sucks.
[Hillary is plagiarizing Algore.]
Man, not a day goes by when the Clinton campaign doesn't do its level best to sound exactly like the Republicans.
[The Hillary campaign is sounding exactly like the Algore campaign in Florida.]
Now That THUNDER ROAD Runs The Hillary Campaign Expect all those Outside-The-Party long knives that have been bashing the Republicans for 7 years to be turned on US...
[I thought THUNDER BUNS runs the Hillary Campaign.]
It's more likely that HRC will get dragged out of the Pepsi Center by her ankles than concede defeat to Barack Obama.
[Getting one's hand around those ample ankles would be quite a feat.]
the ugly part will be after she loses and her hacks work volunteer for the other side, leaking bitter background oppo tidbits, out of spite.
[Hee! HEE! Republicans can relax this election season. Hillary will be doing their work for them.]
Funny, Many Thought These Tactics Were REPUBLICAN
[Hmmm... Democrats are the ones who constantly try to litigate the election results in court and these tactics are somehow REPUBLICAN?]
Clinton's Brownshirts Bluffing Blackmail... scenario. Threatening the Texas political process is certainly a really great way to show Texas and the world what an excellent diplomat and peace maker Hilary will be...way to go team Clinton, you've done it again. Here's a hint Hilary. Of all the people in the United States, you do not, repeat do not pull this on Texas people. Texans will chew you up, spit you out and you won't ever be welcome again in their state. As usual HRC must be getting all that excellent advise from her people who are suffering from a really bad case of the "stupids".
[I'm wif stoopid!]
Obama better have f*cking good lawyers...
[Yeah, forget about election results. What really counts in determining the victor is which team has better lawyers.]
I wonder if a certain ultrasuccessful trial lawyer from North Carolina might be willing to give him a hand.
[The Breck Girl will channel the spirit of young LBJ in court.]
Lawyers As Far As The Eye Can See, Shooting ItOut. WE created these monsters, even helped to finance them. So why are we surprised when they turn thier guns ON US???
[Is that you, Al Gore?]
She hates participatory democracy, unless she wins. That makes her Not a Democrat.
[How about a Democrat-ICkes?]
Take her authoritarian, Democrat-crushing, racist, criminal Cheney-lite ass to the f*cking cleaners Poblano. It's way past f*cking time.
[Right now I am picturing the rail riding scene in O Brother, Where Art Thou?. Only instead of Homer Stokes being carried out atop a rail, it is Hillary.]
She's going to lose Texas by 10+ and she knows it. Rasmussen shows Obama ahead by 7 in the early voting. What this is about now is making a gigantic mess and undermining Obama's candidacy--in the delusional world of the Clitnons a run in 2012 is possible. It's why she played the gender card, and suggested Obama had unfair advantages tonight. It's why there's this lawsuit. The goal: get 3-5% of the party to stay home in November and hand the presidency to John McCain.
[Hee! Hee!]
Hillary is so blinded by her desperation to be co-president with Bill again that she will do anything, no matter how sleazy or how much long-term damage it does to the party. She is determined that she will either win the nomination this time around, or poison the well so badly that Obama loses and she can run again in 2012.
[Hillary will be the GOP's secret weapon this November in defeating Obama. GO HILLARY!!!]
It's high time for Clinton to exit this race. I just hope that the voters of Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island send her a clear message by voting for Obama and hastening her departare. How much more damage is she going to do to our party?
[Plenty I hope.]
These fools just never seem to remember that it was Al Gore who went to court in 2000 to try to get the recount laws changed. The Bush campaign APPEALED, but Gore's campaign FILED. Just an inconvenient fact, I guess.
(FROM THE ARTICLE)"...But Adrienne Elrod, Clinton's top Texas spokeswoman, said campaign and party officials had merely discussed election night procedures and that the campaign was merely seeking a written agreement in advance. She could not elaborate on the details of the agreement the Clinton campaign is seeking.
"It is our campaign's standard operating procedure that we need to see what we are agreeing to in writing before we agree to it,'' Elrod said."
What the hell is she talking about? "Agreeing to...?"
The Texas Primary is the Texas Primary. You're here. He's here. That's it.
You don't like the rules, Cankles? You shoulda thought of that MONTHS ago.
As for "agreeing" with the Texas rulebook... Ummm. They really don't care. It's there casino and the house rules apply.
You don't like it? I'm sure they'll take your name off the ballot and kick you out of the state.
From what I've heard, Rush is actually encouraging Republicans to cross over and vote for Hillary. Don't know how that will pan out, but the numbers could be interesting.
Rush is an idiot. Coulter's a skank. Shit, even Damon at daybyday is over the top with idiocy!
"You don't like it? I'm sure they'll take your name off the ballot and kick you out of the state."
With that attitude, the ballot is going to be short.
From the same article:
"Democratic sources said both campaigns have made it clear that they might consider legal options over the complicated delegate selection process, which includes both a popular vote and evening caucuses."
That would "make it clear" why the letter was sent to both Hillary's and Obama's campaigns, something that hasn't been noticed much by the Obama supporters. Why are the DUmmies hiding the fact that Obama's team is also questing the Texas process? Why blame only Hillary?
Oh, that's right, Obama is one of the new Untouchables.
The DUmmies' enemies list grows longer every day as more and more Democrats are added. Hitlery has now joined Bushler as DUmmie objects of hatred, rage and scorn. I'm awaiting the for first DUmmie thread calling for Senator Clinton's impeachment. Should be fun.
"Yeah, if you can't win at the ballot box, then overturn the results in the courtroom." PJ
When was the last time this happened? Do you actually pay attention to what you're saying? I honestly don't think so. Christ.
Keep on keepin' on, PJ.
"Hitlery has now joined Bushler as DUmmie objects of hatred, rage and scorn." elrond
Hatred, rage and scorn. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you.
You give yourself and all your buddies away, elrond. You let us peek beneath the covers.
Carry on, my friend. Make us proud.
"Hatred, rage and scorn. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you."
He does if he reads the Dummie Funnies, where hate and rage by liberals is exposed.
Indeed I know all about hatred rage and scorn. I've been reading it for years at the DU, Kos and in the writings of imbeciles like you.
When I peek beneath the covers anonymous people slither out.
Man, the "stolen election" meme will never die. They counted the votes, then counted them again, then again. Gore was short every time. Sometimes you come real close, and then you get screwed just short of the finish line. How a man handles defeat says a whole lot about his character.
Democrats: The courage to fight losing elections, the courage to surrender actual wars.
When was the last presidential election decided in court, you bunch of cabbage heads?
PJ said "Yeah, if you can't win at the ballot box, then overturn the results in the courtroom."
Anyone out there but me see any problem with this? Anyone? Bush/Gore was decided "in the courtroom" by none other than the Supreme Court. Bush. Won. In. Court.
But PJ's upset. Obviously an emotional adjustment to a short-term memory problem.
"When I peek beneath the covers anonymous people slither out." elrond.
Really? Holy shit. Slither? Pretty damn scary.
"Man, the "stolen election" meme will never die." britt
Who brought it up? PJ suggested that elections can be won in a courtroom by Democrats. I'm suggesting he's a hypocrite.
"Democrats: The courage to fight losing elections, the courage to surrender actual wars." britt
What? OK. I can play this game, Mister. Republicans: They shave like Muslims and flush their American whiskers down the drain. Wait...this just in: Republicans put on clothes this morning after viewing videos of a well dressed Osama IN CLOTHES WITHOUT A LAPEL PIN! Scary, scary Republicans.
"From what I've heard, Rush is actually encouraging Republicans to cross over and vote for Hillary."
I heard he was backing Obama.
I heard all of it on Air America, so it MUST be true!
Bush won in the election and the court refused to review Goracle's claim that the recounts were wrong. Goracle is the one who took it to court, not Bush... and HillBilly and Obama will be the next to do the same.
"Goracle is the one who took it to court, not Bush... and HillBilly and Obama will be the next to do the same" dubya
Gore wouldn't have done it if he didn't think he had a case. Bush won. In court.
The 2000 presidential election was decided in court. Right or wrong? Just say it. You can do it. Bush won an election decided by the courts. PJ's vexation is contrived. Believe it. Or not.
Given that, his phony disgust about the notion that "Yeah, if you can't win at the ballot box, then overturn the results in the courtroom," rings untrue.
You folks are way too afraid. You're afraid of courtrooms. You're afraid of the law. You're afraid of the terrorists (they have you just where they want you). You're all, quite frankly, afraid of everything. You don't stand for shit.
Get out of the friggin way.
"Gore wouldn't have done it if he didn't think he had a case. Bush won. In court."
He didn't, but lack of a real case never stopped a self-important Donk before. Of course, as you've already demonstrated, facts (such as what the laws actually have written in them vice what you silly children WANT them to say) never stop a Donk, either.
"The 2000 presidential election was decided in court. Right or wrong? Just say it. You can do it. Bush won an election decided by the courts. PJ's vexation is contrived. Believe it. Or not."
Santa Claus. Believe it. Or not.
Get out of the friggin way, indeed. Move to Cuba, already. I'm sure mommy and daddy will even give you the MasterCard.
"Santa Claus. Believe it. Or not." anon
Did the 2000 presidential election go to the Supreme Court or not? Given the fact that Gore won the popular vote, Bush won the election. Are you saying the Courts were irrelevant in deciding this? IT WENT TO THE SUPREME COURT.
Why is this so hard for you? It happened and you persist in calling it Santa Claus. You're a fraud. Gore-Bush was decided in court. Prove me wrong.
Did the 2000 presidential election go to the Supreme Court or not? Given the fact that Gore won the popular vote, Bush won the election. Are you saying the Courts were irrelevant in deciding this? IT WENT TO THE SUPREME COURT.
Yeah, it went to the Supreme Court. It went to the Supreme Court because the way the recounts were being conducted in Flori-DUH violated the Equal Protection part of the Constitution (you ARE familiar with that, right?). The vote on that part was 7-2 in favor of Bush (with only Stevens and Ginsburg dissenting).
The vote on the REMEDY was 5-4. The Supreme Court did NOT vote to put Bush in office. They did NOT vote to "stop" the recount. It's just that the court case had dragged on for so long that it bumped up against a date that was set by the Florida legislature. THAT is what stopped the recount.
So Bush. Did. Not. Win. The. Election. In. Court.
He just won the friggin' election. Period.
"Yeah, it went to the Supreme Court"..."So Bush. Did. Not. Win. The. Election. In. Court." anon
Yeah. Dumbass.
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