Monday, February 04, 2008

"Who Is On the Short Lists For Veep? Bobby Kennedy Jr. Anyone?"

Isn't it strange how the media is now highlighting how Barack Obama is closing in or passing Hillary Clinton in the various state polls for Super Tuesday yet are completely IGNORING the astounding surge by Mitt Romney in the primary states. Oh, so Obama has passed Hillary in California? Well, Romney has done the same thing by surging past McCain in that state but you wouldn't know it unless you searched hard for that fact in the MSM. Meanwhile on the leftwing blogs virtually all attention is focused on the Democrat race while my own interest in the moment is on the Republican race. However, there was one DUmmie thread that just leapt out at me in turns of hilarity. It is titled, Who Is On the Short Lists For Veep? Bobby Kennedy Jr. Anyone? That proposition made me laugh out loud so even though it is a short thread, it is well worth DUFUing in terms of comedy value. So let us now get our bellylaughs from this dopey DUmmie idea in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if Hannibal Lecter is also on the Veep short list, is in the [brackets]:

Who Is On the Short Lists For Veep? Bobby Kennedy Jr. Anyone?

[And best of all, there are no skeletons in his closet.]

that would really help me decide who to vote for in the primary

[You must like torturing your eardrums with Bobby's incredibly painful voice.]

Are you serious? Please explain to me why someone on the leadership team of the DLC would choose Bobby Kennedy for their VP.


well--he's endorsing clinton--so i was just hoping... you know...

[Heroin also got a big endorsement from Bobby.]

I'm trying to understand your thinking process. Are you seriously believing there's a real possibility of that?

[Perhaps DUmmie orleans shares Bobby's needle.]

What qualifications does he have?

[Bobby is definitely an expert on drugs.]

environmentalist, kennedy name recognition, humanitarian

[...heroin addict. Quite an impressive list of qualifications there.]

And more skeletons in his closet than Dahmer

[At least he didn't strap a pet carrier to the roof of his station wagon to transport his dog.]

name 30

[You make it too easy, DUmmie orleans. How about challenging us to name 100 skeletons in Bobby's closet?]

He was a heroin addict. I don't know that he has any other skeletons, but there's definitely that.


"In 1983, he was arrested in a Rapid City South Dakota Airport for heroin possession. A search of his carry-on bag uncovered 183 milligrams of the drug. Upon entering a plea of guilty, Kennedy, then 30 years old, was sentenced to two years probation, periodic tests for drug use, treatment by joining Narcotics Anonymous, and 1,500 hours of community service by Presiding Judge Marshall P. Young."

[The Kennedy Chronicles.]

He wants Hillary's seat. That's why he endorsed her.

[Quite a big seat to fill.]

Is he in New York? Because, if he is, he cannot be HRC's VP. You can't have a Veep from the same state.

[That's only according to the old fashioned constitution. This detail can be re-interpreted via the Living Constitution.]

no one will ever choose Bobby for VP. Heroin addict and crippled his Brother David's girlfriend in a 1973 car accident.

[I thought brother Joe was the driver. And didn't David die from a drug OD in Palm Beach? Of course, it is easy to get all these Kennedy scandals mixed up.]

He did have the issues with the "Irish Flu." But I think you may be thinking of another brother per the accident.

[Thank you for absolving Bobby and shifting the blame to Joe.]

Much as I admire RFK Jr's work in the environmental sphere, his baggage is just too much for anyone to pick him as VP. Besides, I'd much prefer to see him heading the EPA.

[Or heading the Federal Reserve.]

Addiction issues are still a strange topic in American life. Virtually every extended family in the country deals with it, but there is a lot of denial and shame still. One of my best friend's daughter worked with RFK Jr shortly after he began to practice law. My friend felt that Robert's addiction issues would keep him from ever becoming a US Senator.

[Take a snort between every tort.]

My brother went to Pomfret with him and then later I knew Robert's brother David well. He was, when I knew him, not in good shape. Unless you compared him to David.

[How about compared to Patrick?]

RFK Jr. endorsed Hillary.

[Because he can hide his stash in her pants.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Talk about a 'slow news day'...

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd much prefer to see him heading the EPA."

"[Or heading the Federal Reserve.]"

Or even the DEA.

"Addiction issues are still a strange topic in American life."

They sure are for the DUmmies. Just look at how they treat drug addition in Politics:

If your a Kennedy (or any other Liberal): Poor Bobby! His past addiction and related conviction should not be used against him and keep him from public office. He admits he has and addiction and he has received treatment. Can't we just forgive and forget? America Sucks!

If you're Rush Limbaugh (or any other Conservative): God Damn that Rush! He's a pill popping fascist right wing talk radio host who broke the law! He should be kicked off the air and frogmarched to the Hague! We will never forgive! We will never forget! America Sucks!

DUmmies: Stuck On Stupid.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a snort between every tort.

That was so wrong, PJ. Yes, I laughed, but it was still so wrong.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He loves windpower unless it's just over the horizon from uncle teddy's beachhouse.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[Because he can hide his stash in her pants.]

... and the size of HER stash is bigger than HIS.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the Constitution doesn't require that the two candidates be from different states. What it does state is that no elector can vote for two home-state candidates, so the New York electors would have to vote for someone else on one side of the ticket or the other.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Isn't it strange how the media is now highlighting how Barack Obama is closing in or passing Hillary Clinton in the various state polls for Super Tuesday yet are completely IGNORING the astounding surge by Mitt Romney in the primary states." PJ

Maybe because it wasn't "astounding"? You guys are so unbelievably wrong every time you open your mouths...that's what's astounding.

4:57 AM  

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