"Fidel Castro Resigns As President"

Fidel Castro Resigns As President
[Were his elections as president done with verifiable paper ballots?]
I hope this doesn't cause to much trouble. Bushie will try to claim credit.
[If Bushie and Fidel were both on the same ballot, we know who would receive the majority of the DUmmie votes.]
Already, in some dank little basement office at the Heritage Foundation, some little unsung author of the conservative ascendancy is squinting at his monitor as he types, "George W. Bush's greatest achievement came in his final year in office, when he singlehandedly forced Castro from power, much as his predecessor Reagan had torn down the Berlin Wall with his teeth."
[Typed the DUmmie squingting at his monitor between the empty pizza cartons in his dank little basement.]
Given that the right has rewritten history to credit Reagan with the collapse of the USSR (something he was only nominally involved in), expect this to be rewritten as a great triumph for Chimpy.
[Wasn't it Jimmy Carter who brought about the collapse of the USSR?]
The real danger is that once the death notice is posted, some hot heads in little Havana might try a Bay of Pigs - rematch.
[Danger for a DUmmie means opportunity for others. Hee! Hee!]
That's going to be the real danger: The US, goaded by those idiots in Miami has been running interference against Castro for fifty years, Lord knows what's going to happen now. Of course, if Raul's smart, he'll only take power as an interim measure in preparation for full elections.
[As open and honest as the elections in Cuba for the past 50 years?]
I don't think the Cuban populace is ready to revolt however. There are a number of good things happening to Cuba these days. However, it the idiots in Florida that have me worried. I just know that there will be some attempt to return to Cuba.
[Worried the DUmmie.]
Even if you love US imperialism and regard the mass slaughter of Iraqis as a good thing, you can at least see that Castro did nothing remotely similar. Or are you so truly deluded that you cannot admit to even that simple fact. Comparing a true monster like Chimpy to Castro is simply an admission of blind ignorance.
[But who is leaving power voluntarily after his 8 years is up?]
Probably every sitting president we have ever had... has had more people killed then Castro-maybe just maybe- Carter is an exception
[Posted the DUmmie from the Alternate Reality.]
May the liberalization of Cuba begin, and may the oppressive communist regime crumble and freedom flourish on that wonderful island.
[May we prepare for your tombstoning ceremony.]
Hopefully the U.S. will stay out of Cuba's business. Long live the Revolution! Capitalism will hurt the environment and the people of Cuba.
[Yes, the people of Cuba definitely want to keep things as they are...NOT!]
A shame. Hasta la victoria siempre, Fidel!
[Socialismo o Muerte!]
Notice how the first thoughts aren't for the well being of Cubans, but a tie-in about how this may affect the Bush legacy?
My friends, BDS is a terrible affliction. Won't you give 40 cents a day to help rid society of this disease? Your 40 cents a day will allow the Wal-Mart detention centers to purchase new re-education tools for those suffering the worst.
Please,I urge you, pick up those phones and make BDS a thing of the past.
I don't believe these DUmmies even know who Fidel is... I suspect they get their information from the same places that taught them "Che" was a charismatic Robin Hood.
Wasn't it Fidel's wish to hold onto power until after Bush left office? How'd that work out?
HA! DUmmies lose.
PS: Added extra bonus that they still suffer the triumphs of the Reagan Administration.
"Given that the right has rewritten history to credit Reagan with the collapse of the USSR (something he was only nominally involved in)"
Just who's rewriting history here? When Reagan came into office, the Soviets were very powerful and they were attempting to advance worldwide. As Reagan left office, the Soviets were already collapsing internally and were on the brink of total disintegration.
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's true: President Reagan, with the help of our allies, really DID bring down the Soviet Union! You see, as a Cold War Veteran, I WATCHED Reagan outmaneuver and outwit the Soviets. I was stationed in Germany just prior to when Reagan gave his famous "Tear down this wall!" speech. I saw the Soviets trying to match our massive increase in military spending and how it negatively affected their economy. I took part in the REFORGER (Return of Forces to Europe ) military exercises that were a part of Reagan's policies and I saw firsthand how the Soviets would spent massive amounts of money they couldn't afford trying to run matching exercises. Every time we shifted troops in Europe, the Soviets would shift THEIR troops in response. Every time our Navy ran an exercise, the Soviets would move THEIR fleets to match. The same was true of the two Air Forces. When Reagan announced the creation of SDI, also known as Star Wars, the Soviets went crazy and spent BILLIONS trying to counter a threat that never even existed! That was a brilliant ploy as we never really did anything with SDI other than make announcements about what it will be comprised of. That didn't prevent the Soviets from wasting billions trying to counter it though, the threat alone was enough.
The Soviets destroyed their own economy and their own government trying to match the military "threat" of NATO while the US and the rest of Europe continued with the longest and largest economical expansion in history. Who, other than President Reagan, can be given credit for that?
"My friends, BDS is a terrible affliction. Won't you give 40 cents a day to help rid society of this disease? Your 40 cents a day will allow the Wal-Mart detention centers to purchase new re-education tools for those suffering the worst."
LOL Good one!
"REFORGER (Return of Forces to Europe )"
Opps, That should read: (Return of Forces to Germany). The memory of Staff Sargent Bass is beating the inside of my skull and screaming "Germany, you idiot, not Europe! Now drop and give me 40!"
"Even if you love US imperialism and regard the mass slaughter of Iraqis as a good thing, you can at least see that Castro did nothing remotely similar. Or are you so truly deluded that you cannot admit to even that simple fact. Comparing a true monster like Chimpy to Castro is simply an admission of blind ignorance."
LOL, here's that U.S. Imperialism meme yet again coupled WITH the 'mass slaughter of Iraqis' lie. Gotta love it.
And of COURSE, Castro is a completely communist innocent.
Has this idiot ever heard of Angola? Ah yes, the peace loving Cubanos at work rebuilding nations.
Suffering from BDS is one thing but these people are completely deranged in their world view.
Fidel resigns, handing the reins of the Cuban dictatorship to his brother Raul. Meanwhile, dozens of Dummies mourn the tossing of this communist thug onto the ash heap of history where he joins scumbags like Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Walter Ulbrich, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, et al.
Could Robert Mugabe or El Presidente Loco in Venezuela be next?
I have the feeling that once Fidel is confirmed dead anothjer revolution will take place in Cuba, but this time for freedom. Thetre are too many fresh connections of people and families who have prospered there. Raul will give up power and retire somewhere else (to avoid the noose), amnesty with retirement will be given to regime officials who fear reprisals, and we will see how much the Cuban people enjoy freedom.
john f not kerry
So, in the middle of the night, Black Ops, Blackwater and Halliburton killed more of the tiny amount of freedom and inlightenment left on Mother Giai? Sure my wonderful Fidel "resigned" *spit*
I see the reich wing troll posing as me is here again.
Got a life, moron? Nope!
As a fascist, do you eat aborted babies like George Bush & Dick Cheney do as you spew that you're completely against abortion? I bet you do! Bah hahahahahahahaha!
And how do I know you're using my name/blog as your own? Because every time you do, I get a ping back to my blog's dashboard alerting it!
Ha ha.
I've got quite a collection by the way. This could come in handy at some point.
Hi My name is Marty Moonbat and I onced suffered the horrible affliction known as Bush Derangement Syndrome or BDS. But thanks to people like Son of God Father, I am now cured..Well almost..I still live with mommy, but not in the basement anymore.
Do you believe Bushco with the help of Blackwater rigged the 2000 election in Fla. by stealing Gore votes and replacing them with Nader votes??
Do you believe * brought down the twin towers, by starting fires in the basements with the missing Gore votes and those fake but accurate documents Rather is always carping about??
Do you believe Chimpy did this to start a blood for oil/profit war to benefit Haliburton, and Dick Cheney's isatiable appitite for eating dead Iraqi children??
Do you beleive Impeachment is a way of life??
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have BDS!! There are more symptoms, but if you answered yes to the above you'e pretty muched fucked anyway. SO Please!!! Call for help right away...Because its too late to abort you.
"Ever notice how in hard core commie countries that succession is by blood as in feudal times?" PJ
Hmmmmmm. Let's just ignore the fact that two families have owned this country for decades. Guess that makes us all a bunch of pinkos. PJ has spoken.
"Let's just ignore the fact that two families have owned this country for decades."
Let me guess: The Rockefeller's and the Carnegie's? Or maybe The Dells and the Gates? Or is it the Mammas and the Pappas? It's so hard to follow moonbat logic that I forget who's on the top of the hit list toady.
(LOL @ Skully)
As you can see, we've helped Marty overcome his affliction.
Please, won't you pick up that phone and pledge?
"I've got quite a collection by the way. This could come in handy at some point."
It looks like KayInMaine has started her own Committee for the Defense of the Revolution. Castro would be proud!
"Because its too late to abort you."
Okay, skully, I don't get that one. *Why* is it too late to abort them? I think a swift jab in the head with a pair of scissors followed by suctioning out the (smallish, probably) brain with a Hoover would probably do the job. I don't see how it's too late.
Maybe you could explain it to me. (Or alternatively try to demonstrate with KayInMaine? Nobody would miss her, and if the attempted abortion failed, who'd notice the difference?)
Quit making fun of me, reicht wingers! Having a sense of humor is facist! You should have an inflated sense of undeserved self-importance if you really want to be enlightened and tolerant and special.
And stop making fun of how fugly I am. Mommy said I'm beautiful and special, so there.
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