Live, From New York, It's Occupy Day of Action!

November 17, 2011. Mark it well. This, THIS is The Day When Everything Finally Changed! This is the National Day of ACTION for the Occupy Movement! The 99% are on the march! Now, finally, the nation will rally round Our Cause and bring down the crooked banksters and shut down all the corporations, and then there will be economic justice for ALL!
Kicked out of Zucchini Park, the OWSies are now marching on Wall Street, even as we speak. SHUT IT DOWN! Shut DOWN Wall Street! Shut the whole d*mn thing down! We're so angry! Watch the pigs come out and try to stop us! They shall not prevail! We shall not fail!
Live, From New York, It's Occupy Day of Action! DUmmieland is full of it. Live reports are streaming in, despite the d*mned facists trying to keeps this news from the nation. So many threads to choose from, too many to link to. We'll give you one link, to the first THREAD from this historic morning, "PHOTOS - 1000s Of OWS Protesters Gather To Literally Occupy Wall Street This Morning MARCH STARTING," and you can take it from there. But we'll be jumping from thread to thread here, doing our best to keep you informed.
So the valiant OWSies are on the march. But there's one man missing. Where is he? Why isn't he here?? And so we sing:
Tune: "Car 54, Where Are You?"
They're evicting us from camp
They don't like we are in tents
They're compacting all our clothing
They don't like we're making scents
Cops are moving in so soon
Here come Toody and Muldoon . . .
Wee Willie Pitt, where are you?
We've been kicked out of the park
Now we're marching down Wall Street
Shouting slogans, blocking traffic
Making friends of all we meet
What's that strangely missing sound?
There's no Piper to be found . . .
Wee Willie Pitt, where are you?
Up in Boston in his room
Sits the Pittster deep in thought:
"This is now the time for action
There's a battle to be fought
Soon the Bruins take the ice
Get remote control device . . .
Channel 54, where are you?"
And now to an anxious DUmmieland, monitoring the unfolding events in New York, their remarx in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, a mere scribe awed to be relaying history as it unfolds before our eyes, is in the [brackets]:
1000s Of OWS Protesters Gather To Literally Occupy Wall Street This Morning MARCH STARTING
[And so it begins.]
The world is watching
[Except for Pitt. SportsCenter, you know.]
Since this movement began to grow, it's the first time I've felt hopeful in years.
[This will turn the tide! This is the Day!]
Trying to get ready for work while watching livestream/global revolution... Yelling "THIS IS A NON-VIOLENT PROTEST." Wierd, some lady's contribution is operatic trills. Awesome!
[The Occupy ain't over till the fat lady sings.]
this is INSANE - history live
[Agree with the INSANE part.]
The wheel is turning!
They're pulling out the plastic handcuffs and there are protestors on the ground
[Land of Linkin'.]
PIGS. the motherf***ing PIGS are at it again. . . .
[Perils before swine.]
[Stock and Awe!]
my god! traffic's been stopped!
[This will bring the masses to our side!]
8:53 am: protestors taking police barricades, barricading Police vehicle
[8:54 am: products taking price barcodes, life goes on as normal]
9:00 am: NYPD confused, overwhelmed
[9:01 am: DU confused, overwhelmed, situation normal]
9:04 am: police arrest woman in wheelchair
[The wheel is turning!]
Wow, they delayed the opening bell??
[Can it be?? Will OWS get the No Bell Prize?]
#OWS organizer Patrick Bruner announces via Peoples Mic, "The bell has been delayed." Massive cheers, music and dancing erupt. #N17
Really? It doesn't start until 9:30 ET. It still has 20 minutes before it normally rings.
[Huh? Wha?]
Bell ringing on time.
Not a thing on t.v. about the march in New York..nothing.
[Look, Will, ESPN is just not going to have much on this. You've got to change channels.]
10:14 am: report of sanitation worker blocking Beaver with truck . . .
[If you've ever had your Beaver blocked, you know how painful that can be.]
. . . sanitation worker blocking Beaver with truck in solidarity with OWS
[Li'l Beaver smoking cigar with smoke rings in solidarity with fellow Beaver:]

At 5PM, protesters plan to meet at Foley Square to march to "take over the bridges"
[We have not BEGUN to annoy people!]
CBS breathlessly announces that "hundreds" of OWSies are milling about.
75 arrested.
NYSE not delayed, workers getting to work.
Yep! That's gonna take some serious spinnin' to make into a success.
The circus is a flop.
What's that smell...?
It smells sort of
Yeah, occupying the bridges and subways of New York City will definitely win the hearts and minds of New York commuters.
Hey Troggy, have you heard? OWS San Diego has announced its solidarity with the OWS Washington loon who took pot shots at the White House with an AK-47.
Hmmm. I wonder if he picked up the assault rifle from the Mexican drug cartel via Fast and Furious.
Another 4 posts about OWS.
And OWS has allied themselves with a crazy assassin who got his rifle from the Mexicans. Who knew?
Has it not yet dawned on you that you're talking about it? PJ's friggin obsessed. It's like he's having a goddamn postergasm or something.
Strangely, I find myself looking away.
I (the mighty and thoughtful troglaman - a believer in small victories), am inspired by the notion that, in order to discuss this issue, you have to get the 99% vs 1% thing...on some level...lizard brained level or...
Never mind.
The discipline displayed by the one called impressive indeed. I, for one, do not possess the zen-like ability to focus on the horizon when there is a car wreck, nay, a train wreck called OWS on display ten feet in front of me. How many sharks have been jumped thus far? How many times has it been proclaimed by the scabies-ridden that "this" is the moment the tide turns? I am in awe of the level of self-delusion that would cause a bunch of dirty ass hippies that most people would cross the street to avoid actually believing "the people" are with them. And when polls start to show the inevitable trend away for said support, claim a conspiracy of poll manipulation by "TPTB". Damn those Diebold pollsters!! But yes, I remain mezmerized by public lunacy. Now go occupy some soap.
"Occupy some soap"
"And when polls start to show the inevitable trend away for said support, claim a conspiracy of poll manipulation by "TPTB""
Yup. I read DU daily and the level of denial and crazy is epic.
I'm constantly calling my boyfriend over to read some particularly moonbat-ish comment.
Thanks, DU, for all the laughs!
C'mon, Trog, admit it. You're a embarrassed by OWS, aren't you?
We won't tell anyone. Just 'fess up. You're cringing, right?
I wish they would shut it down. Then millions would be without a job. Millions that these EVIL corporations have employed.
Yeah, let millions get laid off because of a bunch of democrat hippies and see what happens.
Who do these cretins think people work for?
God they are stupid. To think that any of their whiney showboating would work... but what if it did? What do they think people will do if everything was "shut down"? (whatever the hell that means)
I still think its kinda funny watching them embarass themselves and watching NBC lick their feet.
"Strangly, I find myself looking away."
Come on troggy, take a good look they're your people. It's sort of mesmerizing, like a carnival geek show, only with dirty, drug sodden hippies.
"What do they think people will do if everything was "shut down"? envisio (named after a TV made in Soviet Russia during the 70's)
But then he goes on to clarify..."whatever the hell that means".
Maybe what it means is that you ran into the dawning realization known as 'This Doesn't Make Any Sense and I Know It'.
Shut down everything? Who said that? Is there someone you could quote or associate with OWS or the 99er's or whoever that said they want to shut down everything? No. You're making shit up.
As a matter of fact, the last time I, troglaman, heard someone actually say something like this was when Rick Perry proposed a moratorium on all means go and shit like that.
Fox News sheep.
FOAD Troglafuck, you racist fuckwad.
"You're making shit up."
Project much, troglaman?
Here you go...
Google will turn up about 400 more pictures of basement dwelling upper-middle class revolutionaries holding signs proclaiming "Occupy Everything". But you knew that, didn't you? Liar.
Now who's making shit up? (Hint: Look in the mirror). Though I don't blame you one bit. If I were a sniveling, limp wristed, mad at daddy leftist, I would be in full-on psychological defense mechanism mode as well. Rape, drug overdose, child molestation, STDs, violence, and lice epidemics tend to make a "movement" look bad. Of course, we remember all the rapes and drug use at the Tea Party marches. Unless you are now claiming that 99% of the nation are unaware of the most basic hygiene methods, 99% of what? And don't blame it on "camping out" over long periods of time. These dirt bags showed up reaking of B.O. and feces. They sat in the quads of their expensive private universities growing mold while daddy paid the bills. Now the prospect of their bills not being paid anymore by someone other than them has forced them to get off the couch, though they still can't seem to let go of the bong. Way to gain support!
Target rich environment
Well said, Anonymous 7:28 AM...too bad Troglaman The Guttersnipe is intellectually incapable of giving you a coherent response. You can expect, however, his usual response of angrily power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass while making some mindless rant that sounds a lot like the howlings of a mad dog.
Anonymous said...
Target rich environment
I have an easy answer for the guy who started that thread, Anon...if it bothers him that much, he should stop being a Moonbat.
Anon 11:42...funny. Yet another DUmmie admitting to living in mom and dad's basement. At age 29. How unexpected.
"At age 29" troglANON
This troglANON is a fucking Kreskin.
Though it may surprise you, the mighty trog IS ONLY 29 YEARS OLD!
I've been pretending I'm old, you clueless dumbshits.
I'm actually bursting with 29 year-old vim and vigor.
WTF are you babbling about? Though it may surprise you, what you view as a witty retort at 0430 in the AM after last not. You're like the guy who wrote a term paper after getting really high, thinking it was Nobel Prize material only to have to do a re-write.
"WTF are you babbling about?" troglANON
0130 here...though hard to conceive, there are these things called "Time Zones". Late still, but not 4 fucking thirty. Anyway, I'm glad you asked about my babbling.
Throughout this whole conversation about OWS, which started weeks and weeks ago, there has been a number of absurd definitions of who and what the protesters are. At first, it was rich trust fund kids with nothing better to do. Then it was the lazy unemployed fuck-offs looking for a hand-out. Then it was the violent anarchists just looking for something to burn down.
You stupid fuckers don't know shit.
And, despite what troglANON says, I AM TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD. He got it right...OK? Give the guy his psychic props.
"And, despite what troglANON says, I AM TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD. He got it right...OK? Give the guy his psychic props." - Troglafuck
If you ain't fucking lying as usual fuckwad, that shows why you're such a worthless fucking fuckwad.
FOAD Troglafuck.
I know about time zones, sitting in the middle east right now. Almost 2pm my time. BLUF, you're spitting on your keyboard in the very early AM. Which means one of two things: you have NOTHING to do on a Saturday night, or after closing out the bar you go straight home to your Internet. Dude, you're 29, get a frickin' girlfriend already. Or boyfriend, whatever.
Maybe someone can point out to these hygiene-impared hipsters that vevery single person in this country is the 1% when compared to the rest of the world. Even the most flea-ridden homeless person is 1% when compared to the rest of the world.
There are billions of people who watch their entire villages starve to death. If you own a pair of shoes, you are the one percent. Some people's problems consist of finding a spoonfull of rice so that their baby won't starve to death, while these OWS biggest problem is not getting a signal on their IPhone.
"...the mighty trog IS ONLY TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD."
Okay troggy, whatever you say; you're twenty-nine years old...and I'm a eight year old Hindu boy.
"Dude, you're 29, get a frickin' girlfriend already. Or boyfriend, whatever." troglANON
You volunteering?
"Okay troggy, whatever you say; you're twenty-nine years old...and I'm a eight year old Hindu boy." kat
I've ALWAYS seen you as an eight year old Kali, kat. Something to do with the multiple arms. It's sexy.
Hey. If I'm an OWS supporter, I MUST BE a 29 year old degenerate.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'M TWENTY-NINE FUCKING YEARS OLD. Full of vim and vigor. And I'm rich...because I'm a trust fund kid. The fact that you're experiencing some cognitive dissonance isn't because of who I am, it's because of who you THINK I am.
That's your problem, not mine.
""""Hey. If I'm an OWS supporter, I MUST BE a 29 year old degenerate.""""
I think you are early twenties and rather porky. I dont think you've been layed since... ever. I don't think you really have a political preference. I believe you just like to argue with people on the internet since its something that you would never ever do face to face.
In fact, I think you avoid people face to face as much as possible but transform into mighty trog the super hero with you shut the door to your computer dungeon.
You don't care about OWS. You don't care about liberal views or conservative views. I can imagine between World of Warcraft and porn you have a dozen or so different forums that you go to just to pound your internet chest. You just like to make up for your lack of a social life by arguing with people on the net that you would otherwise avoid completely in real life.
Go outside and take care of that vitamin d deficiency. Get a girlfriend. Hire a hooker, anything. You are going to die in front of that monitor, Trog.
envisio said... You are going to die in front of that monitor, Trog.
Let that stupid fucking fuckwad die, it will do the world a favor.
"Hey. If I'm an OWS supporter, I MUST BE a 29 year old degenerate." - Troglafuck
Makes sense, Troglafuck, you worthless fucking jackass.
FOAD Troglafuck you racist twit.
"I MUST BE a 29 year old degenerate...That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
You wish. I think you're a 60 year old grandpa.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I think he's a 70 year old degenerate Elrond...but that's just me.
This explains everything...
"...people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government" compared to those who watch no news."
...compared to those who watch no news at all...too funny (in a dunk-tank sort of way).
"You wish. I think you're a 60 year old grandpa." elrond
No no no. I am a young an virile 29 year old ready to blast an entire city block away with my mighty ejactulatory power.
The ULTIMATE Man has nothing on me.
Happy Thanksgiving, you turkeys. Keep your head down. Tomorrow's a dangerous day.
""...people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government" compared to those who watch no news.""
"Lie" TANSTAAFL (Joe Wilson wannabe)
Nope. Not a lie. Actual study.
"...according to a new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University...The poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources."
You may disagree about the findings, but you can't say the study didn't take place...that it never happened. It did.
Therefore YOU'RE the one who is actually lying, you stupid shit.
It's an astonishing logic you all shit. Incomprehensible.
Typical of you, Guttersnipe, to use a poll about New Jersey residents and then only put up the part of the poll you like. Of course New Jersey residents are going to say that, that state has been hard-core DSA for decades and until they finally threw out them out of power was one of the most corrupt states in the Union and still has a lot of corruption to clear out yet. That state will be decades becoming something other than a corrupt hell hole. Yet here you are, Guttersnipe, proudly proclaiming that the DSA individuals of New Jersey speak for the entire nation and then howl about other people's logic.
Go pound sand if you can find room around your head, Guttersnipe.
"Yet here you are, Guttersnipe, proudly proclaiming that the DSA individuals of New Jersey speak for the entire nation and then howl about other people's logic." Mr. Stinkwagon
I took a quote from the study, thought it was funny, and when told I was lying, offered up the source.
That's what I did.
Do you find my howling statement that someone who accuses me of lying (when I'm not) uses an incomprehensible logic? Is that the problem, Mr. Stinkwagon? Do you find such a thing incomprehensible?
Of course you do! Such irony, don't you think?
You're one crazy mother fucker. No really. You are. But you've heard that before (and before I came along). It's old news to you.
Know what? Keep it coming.
So what's the OWS post-count up to now? Including the ones up top, 13 or 14 PJinc's last posts have been about OWS (or so). A bunch of stupid worthless ragtag rich-kid blah blah blah. The definition changes day by day.
Know what? Keep it coming. If it's important to you, PJinc, it's important to the rest of us like that.
(If you must know, I'm leaning 'PJumpers')
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me gulp down gallon of Everclear and pound head up me ass so me am brilliant.
Me just spout stuff and it am brilliant since you am all stupid because me am brilliant.
Me always win because me am brilliant which means you am not.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
FOAD Troglafuck, you racist liar.
Pounding your head up your ass is all you ever do, Guttersnipe. Being snide and trying to bullshit your way through things won't cut it either.
You did exactly what I said and you know it. That's why you're so desperately power-slamming your head up your ass...out of fear as usual.
You won't escape reality, Guttersnipe...your day of reckoning is less than a year away.
"Me gulp down gallon of Everclear and pound head up me ass so me am brilliant." Clone of Troglaman
Everclear and pounding my head up my ass. Hmmm. Where have I heard that before?
It pains me to be the one who told you this, but the clone experiment was only a partial success. You, Mr. Stinky Clone, only got the leaky bunghole DNA (sequence # 04436789). A bad anal sphincter. Loose. That's it. Nothing more.
I'm sorry, my son.
"You won't escape reality, Guttersnipe...your day of reckoning is less than a year away." Stinkwagon
Don't think so.
And what will you reckon with if you loose? Because if the election were held today, your clown posse, despite the fact Obama is wounded, would loose.
The Cream of the RepubliDUm crop is a bunch of crap artists. Every. Single. One.
Everyone knows this except you. How surprising.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me think no way personal god Obama lose. Since me think that me am brilliant. Since me am brilliant you am stupid so me know Obama win.
I are Troglaman. Me nothing else. I are Troglaman. Me not son of anyone. I are Troglaman.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
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